Elite maker unveils WiiWare title

Frontier Developments, founded by Elite co-writer David Braben, is developing a brand new game for WiiWare called Lost Winds. Check out the first screens%26Acirc;here.

Using in-house technology, Lost Winds tells the story of a young boy who must use the powers of Enril the wind spirit to rescue the world of Mistralis from the evil Balasar.

Details are sparse on how the controls actually work and how the game actually plays. Based on the screenshots though, it does appear to be an ambitious WiiWare%26Acirc;title at least in terms of its graphical capabilities.

WiiWare is coming to the US May 12, so hopefully we'll get some more information on this soon. (We do know that when it finally reaches the UK, it'll be called WiiSoftware.)

Courtesy of CVG.

Feb 20, 2008