Europa Universalis IV Cheats
Europa Universalis IV Cheats
PC | Submitted by tasdim20Europa Universalis IV Command Codes
By pressin the "~" (the key above TAB) key when you are in carrer map.
Console Cheats List
Press ~ (the key above TAB) to bring up the console. From there, you can enter cheat codes or type help to get a list of commands, including the following:
add_core [province tag] - Additional core
add_natives [province tag] [amount] - Additional natives in specified province
add_opinion [country tag] - Additional opinion to/from tag
add_pi [country tag] - Additional papal influence in specified country
add_pa [country tag] - Additional patriach authority in specified country
add_reformlevel [amount] - Additional reform level
add_interest [country tag] - Add specified country tag to your interest
stability - Additional stability
add_colonist [country tag] - Additional colonist in country
add_heir [country tag] - Additional heir of specified country
add_missionary [country tag] - Additional missionary in specified country
add_diplo - Additional diplomatic entroute
morehumans [number] - Additional humans
piety - Additional piety
population [province tag] [amount] - Additional population in specified province
prestige - Additional prestige
power [idea group tag] - Additional power to the specified idea group
add_idea_group [idea group tag] - Add the specified idea group
add_cb [belli tag] [country tag] - Casus belli against target country
annex [country tag] - Begin annex/annexes the specified country
integrate [country tag] - Begin integrate/integrates the specified country
control [province tag] - Update controller
mapmode [Mapmode type #] - Update mapmode
own [province tag] - Update ownership of specified province
nextsong - Skip to next background song
clear - Clear the cheat console
savegame - Creates a save file
discover [country tag] - Determine capital of specified country
helphelp - Double Rainbow
selflearningai - Enables/Disable smarter AI
event [event tag] [country tag] - Execute an event in specified country
manpower [#] - Additional manpower
Cash [#] - Additional funds
fow off - Disable fog of war
fow on - Enable fog of war
poll - Poll
adm [# OPTIONAL] - Add administrative power
dip [# OPTIONAL] - Add diplomatic power
mil [# OPTIONAL] - Add military power
powerpoints [# OPTIONAL] - Add power in all categories
winwars - Receive maximum war score in all wars for the country
nudge - Snap to nudge tool
combatsound [#] - Determine frequency of combat sounds in combat view (from 00 low to 50 high)
imperial_authority [amount] - Additional imperial authority
kill_cardinal - Kills top cardinal on the list
kill_heir [country tag] - Kills the heir of specified country
die(kill) [country tag] - Kills the monarch of specified country
oos - Cause the game client to go oos
prices - Record price in gamelog
help [command name] - Print out all console commands of a type
memory - Prints out memory used
balance - Provides region balance output
reloadinterface - Reloads client interface
remove_cb [casus belli tag] [country tag] - Remove casus belli from specified country
remove_core [province tag] - Remove core from specified providence
remove_interest [country tag] - Removes specified country from your interest
remove_defender_faith - Removes the Defender of the Faith for the player's religion
requestgamestate - Request gamestate from host
score - Prints score
legitimacy [amount] - Set legitimacy of the ruler as specified
spritelevel [level] - Set forced sprite level (resets if none specified)
setmissionaryprogress [province tag] [amount] - Updates the missionary progress for a province
papvotes - Shows votes for a cardinal in his tooltip field
IP - Shows your IP
pirate [province tag] - Triggers a pirate in specified province
revolt [province tag] - Triggers a revolt in specified province
tag [country tag] - Switch tag to a different country
observe(spectator) - Observe as spectator
testmission [mission tag] - Tests specified mission but doesn't trigger
testevent [event tag] [character tag] - Tests specified event but doesn't trigger it
aiview - Provide additional AI info
yesman - Toggle AI responses for everything to affirmative
msg - Toggles all popup messages
collision(debug_collision) - Toggles debug display of collision info
fullscreen - Toggles fullscreen on/off
ti(debug_ti) - Toggles Terra Incognita on/off
nopausetext - Toggles the pause banner on/off
validateevents - Validate all events without triggering them
vassalize [country tag] - Vassalize country specified
time - Print time
siege [province tag] - Instantly wins the active siege in province specified
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