Fable 4 - What we want to see from Lionhead's sequel
We're not done with Albion just yet

Fable 4 is (likely) coming
While Fable 3 was different from Fable 2, there wasnt the drastic change that the series needed. We hope that Fable 4 will bring that change, and weve put together a list of exactly what we want to see...

More weapons and better combat
There isnt anything wrong with putting some emphasis on ranged combat, but itd be really nice to change the combat to make melee more rewarding in Fable 4. We want more weapons; something new, like staffs or spears. That would change things up pretty dramatically and, besides, who doesnt want to fight bad guys with a staff?

Give the dog purpose or get rid of it
And then Fable 3 came along, and there wasnt really a reason for him to be there. He was just sort of there. He did even less than he did in Fable 2, and it felt extremely shallow (especially when there are collars available as downloadable content). For Fable 4, we want the dog to either have a real gameplay or narrative benefit. If that isnt the case, just get rid of him. He wont be missed if its for the best.

Take away all the decisions or make them more interesting
This idea would have been much more interesting if it had been mixed into the gameplay throughout the game, not just crammed in at the end. In the same vein of the dog, either give it a reason to be there or just get rid of it. Though, wed hope that they could find a more interesting way to implement it, rather than just dumping it entirely.

More character customization
There is some character customization, through it is largely through the use of costume changes and other items found in shops, but that doesnt change anything about the characters physical attributes. The decisions between good or evil modified the characters appearance, but even that is in a different matter, that could be accomplished no matter how the character looked.

Give us some big battles
The story should be written around a few large setpieces that give players a legitimate reason for a giant battle early on. That way, we can see the consequences later in the game. Making choices out of battle is one thing but being forced to spare or slay someone in the heat of the battle? Thatd be something else entirely.

Make it actually an open world
Wed like to see a true, Skyrim-style open world. Heck, wed settle for an Amalur-style open world. Running through the outskirts of Albion would give it the sense of scale it never really had, making it feel like an actual cohesive land instead of a series of isolated pockets.

Add gameplay elements, dont take them away
Lionhead has had their taking elements out of the game to streamline it license revoked. Replacing old things with new things is fine, but taking things out just to take them out is wrong (Fable 3s stripped-down socialization system, were looking at you).

Make combat more personal
How do they make combat more important? Put more emphasis on each individual enemy, rather than just juggling between a half dozen enemies at once, sort of how Assassins Creed has done it in the past. Slow things down and make each one matter. That doesnt mean that battles cant be big, but each enemy should just require more care. If you dont keep track of one, they could be the reason for your demise. That makes the combat much more interesting, and keeps fights from becoming increasingly mundane.

Enhance the co-op opportunities
Let our friends buy a house in our world, and let us marry someone in theirs. Work it into the plot in such a way where it makes sense, and really have it be a major element of the sequel. Weve already had a few traditional Fable games its time to experiment.

Keep it silly
Theres a delicate balance between being too far over-the-top and boring, obviously, but within that area is the perfect spot for Fable. There are tons of ways to accomplish this too let characters be dressed up in the most outlandish ways, create more comic relief through NPCs, or add in random gameplay quirks. As long as Lionhead really embraces the humor, the series can find new fans while maintaining the old ones.

What do you want from Albion?
What do you think? Do you want the series to turn into an MMO? Do you want it to switch to a turn-based combat system? Leave your wishes in the comments below!
And if you want to see more speculatory wish lists check out What we want from The Elder Scrolls Online and What we want from Dead Space 3.

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