Fallout 2 expansion resurrected

Jan 9, 2008

Expansion content for Fallout 2 apparently originally planned for release by Interplay and Black Isle Studios has debuted via a fan project.

"You will find about six new locations (some quite large, other smaller) as well as a few new areas to old locations. In addition, almost every town in the game has new content whether it is new characters, quests, or items. Playing this will definitely be a new experience," the author of the content resurrection explains.

It's taken around two years for the project to come to fruition, and the fan behind it says that there will be a second release of content that will include further material.

So if you fancy dusting off your copy of Fallout 2 to check this new content out, you can download ithereand find the full details atNo Mutants Allowed.

Courtesy of CVG.