Fallout 4 Legendary and Unique Weapons and Armor guide

Fallout 4 legendary unique weapons
(Image credit: Bethesda)

Fallout 4 legendary and unique weapons or armor are the best gear in the game. They're often hidden, or locked behind certain quests, though so finding them can be tricky. However, there's bound to be something here you'll love with damage buffs, stat boosts and other effects that change up how you play. But, as I mentioned, between some out of the way places and multi-step quests in the way you could miss some of these completly, so this guide will help you find all the best armor and weapons in Fallout 4. 

You wont' find any Fallout 4 Power Armor here though, so check that guide out for all that info. Be warned as well: some items listed below are mission rewards, so there's some spoilers for side missions.

Agatha's Dress / Reginald's Suit

fallout 4 weapons and armor

(Image credit: Bethesda)

You'll receive this dress after completing the quest Curtain Call you can get from the top of Trinity Tower. You can also pick up the melee Fallout 4 bobblehead while you're there. The outfit will give you +3 Charisma.

Fallout 4 Agatha's Dress Reginald's Suit

Alien Blaster Pistol

Fallout 4 alien blaster

(Image credit: Bethesda)

The Alien Blaster  can be found east of Oberland Station, where you'll find a UFO crash site. Follow the trail of green blood to the north where you'll find a cave (you can also follow a garbled radio signal). In side the cave you'll find an alien you can kill to get the blaster and ammo.  Once you've used up all the AB rounds it comes with, you can mod it to take fusion cells.


Fallout 4 ashmaker

The Ashmaker is a minigun that has the chance to set targets alight. You'll get it as a reward for siding with Fahrenheit during the climax of The Big Dig quest in Goodneighbor. If you choose to side with Bobby, you'll get 200 caps and some loot instead.

Fallout 4 ashmaker location

Big Boy

Fallout 4 Big Boy

Big Boy is a Fat Man that shoots an additional projectile, so it's great if you want to rain down fiery wrath upon your enemies. You can just buy this from Arturo in the Diamond City Market.

Fallout 4 Big Boy location

Big Jim

Big Jim is a pipe wrench that has a 20% chance to cripple the target's leg. You'll find Big Jim at Walden Pond to the south of Sanctuary. Enter the area through the pipe and follow the path to the room where you'll fight Walter and Whiplash. Big Jim is on a table in here.

Black Ops Armour

Fallout 4 Black Ops Armour chest piece

The Black Ops Chestpiece offers +1 Strength and +1 Endurance, while the Black Ops Right Shinguard increases movement speed by 10%. You can buy both of these pieces from Deb in Bunker Hill.

Fallout 4 Black Ops Armour location


Fallout 4 Broadsider

The Broadsider is a nifty looking portable cannon. After completing The Last Voyage of the USS Constitution quest, visit the ship at the new location to get this weapon.

Fallout 4 Broadsider location

Captain Ironsides' Hat / Lieutenant's Hat

Captain Ironsides' Hat / Lieutenant's Hat

Depending on who you side with in the Last Voyage of the USS Constitution quest, you'll receive either Captain Ironsides' Hat or the Lieutenant's Hat after completion. The Captain's hat will give you +1 Charisma and +1 Perception, while the Lieutenant's Hat will grant +1 Charisma. You can also get the hats from the USS Constitution when you kill the crew in cold blood...

Captain Ironsides' Hat / Lieutenant's Hat location

Champion Armour

Fallout 4 Champion Armour

The Champion Chestpiece reduces damage from robots by 15%, while the Champion Right Arm will give you +1 Agility and Perception. You can buy both from Becky Fallon in Diamond City.

Fallout 4 Champion Armour location


fallout 4 Cryolator

The Fallout 4 Cryolator is a rifle that freezes enemies you can find in a locked case in Vault 111 that requires Master Lockpicking to get into.

Deathclaw Gauntlet

Fallout 4 Deathclaw Gauntlet

Deathclaw Gauntlets are actually quite plentiful in the wasteland, and if you're lucky you might find a truly unique one. Specifically, go to the Museum of Witchcraft where investigating the bodies outside will start The Devil's Due quest. Return the egg to the Deathcaw and loot the gauntlet from the nest while you're there.

Fallout 4 Deathclaw Gauntlet location


Fallout 4 Deliverer

The Deliverer offers improved VATS hit chance and a 25% less AP cost. Once you find the Railroad HQ beneath the Old North Church, complete the quest Tradecraft and loot the body to find the pistol.

Fallout 4 Deliverer location

Destroyer's Armour

Fallout 4 Destroyer's Armour

You can buy Destroyer's armor pieces from from Deb in Bunker Hill and Daisy in Goodneighbor. 

Deb has the Destroyer's Left Arm, which reduces damage while blocking or sprinting by 15%. 

Fallout 4 Destroyer's Armour location

Whiule Daisy has the Destroyer's Chestpiece, which reduces damage from humans by 15%, and the Destroyer's Left Leg which increases your movement speed by 10%.

Experiment 18-A

Fallout 4 Experiment 18-A

Experiment 18-A is a plasma rifle with a 25% faster fire rate, and 15% faster reload. which you can buy in the Institute. 

Furious Power Fist

Fallout 4 Furious Power Fist

The Furious Power Fist increases damage with each consecutive hit on same target and can be found at Swan's Pond in the Boston area. You'll need to kill Swan first though - a super mutant behemoth, to get the Furious Power Fist from his body.

Fallout 4 Furious Power Fist location

General Chao's Revenge

Fallout 4 General Chao's Revenge

General Chao's Revenge is a sword that does 50% more damage against robots. You can buy it from Trudy at the Drumlin Diner.

Fallout 4 General Chao's Revenge location

Grognak's Axe and Costume

Fallout 4 Grognak's Axe and Costume

Grognak's Axe causes more stagger, and targets take bleed damage while the Costume increases Strength and melee damage. Both can be found in Hubris Comics - the axe is in a display case behind the counter on the ground floor and the costume is in a locker on the top floor.

Fallout 4 Grognak's Axe and Costume location

Junk Jet

Fallout 4 Junk Jet

The Junk Jet uses junk as ammo, and shots can be charged for extra damage. You can find this in ArcJet Systems, in the engine core chamber.

Fallout 4 Junk Jet location

Kellogg's Pistol

Fallout 4 Kellogg's Pistol

Kellogg's Pistol refills your AP on critical hits and you can get it during the main quest Reunions at Fort Hagen. It will be on Kellogg's body after you kill him.

Fallout 4 Kellogg's Pistol location

Kremvh's Tooth

Fallout 4 Kremvh's Tooth

Kremvh's Tooth causes bleed and poison to targets. To find the knife go to Dunwich Borers and head down to the lowest level. Follow the tunnel that leads down from Station 4 to a pool of water then swim down and through to a room with the altar - the knife is there.

Fallout 4 Kremvh's Tooth location

Le Fusil Terribles

Fallout 4 Le Fusil Terribles

Le Fusil Terribles is a solid shotgun that does +25% damage and limb damage, at the cost of a higher recoil. The gun is in the captain's cabin on the Libertalia.

Fallout 4 Le Fusil Terribles location

Lorenzo's Artifact Gun / Zeta Gun

Fallout 4 Lorenzo's Artifact Gun Zeta Gun

The Lorenzo's Artifact Gun does both physical and radiation damage.

You'll one or the other as a reward during The Secret of Cabot House quest depending on if you kill Lorenzo in the Parsons State Insane Asylum or not.

If you choose to kill Lorenzo, head to Cabot House and the gun is on Jack Cabot's desk.

The Zeta Gun can be obtained during The Secret of Cabot House quest if you free Lorenzo and kill Jack Cabot, you can take it off his body. The gun is inferior to Lorenzo's Artifact and you can still get it if you kill Lorenzo.

Minutemen General's Uniform

Fallout 4 Minutemen General's Uniform

The Minutemen General's Hat will give you +1 Charisma while the Minutemen General's Uniform will also give you +1 Charisma. Take the uniform and hat from McGann's body during the Old Guns quest at The Castle.

Fallout 4 Minutemen General's Uniform location

Old Faithful

fallout 4 Old Faithful

Old Faithful is a laser rifle that does double damage if the target is at full health which you can buy from Arturo in Diamond City.

Overseer's Guardian

Fallout 4 Overseer's Guardian

Overseer's Guardian is a rifle that shoots an additional projectile. Get it from Alexis Combes in the Depo at Vault 81.

Fallout 4 Overseer's Guardian locations


Fallout 4 Partystarter

Partystarter is a missile launcher that does 50% more damage against humans. KL-E-O sells this in Goodneighbor in her shop Guns Guns Guns.

Fallout 4 Partystarter location

Pickman's Blade

Fallout 4 Pickman's Blade

Pickman's Blade will make the target bleed for an extra 25 points of damage. If you side with Pickman against the raiders beneath the gallery, he'll reward you with the key to his safe, which is hidden behind one of the paintings in the gallery.

Fallout 4 Pickman's Blade location

Prototype UP77 "Limitless Potential"

Fallout 4 Prototype UP77 Limitless Potential

Prototype UP77 "Limitless Potential" is a laser pistol with unlimited ammo capacity but you'll need Master Lockpicking to get it. 

You'll find it inside the bank at University Point so head inside the side entrance and use the terminal on the right to open the door to the bank. Go downstairs and through the security door, use the terminal to open the door to the vault and then use Master Lockpicking to open the safe in here. Now you can push the button to reveal the entrance to a secret room where the pistol is on the table.

Fallout 4 Prototype UP77 Limitless Potential location

Railway Rifle

Fallout 4 Railway Rifle

The Railway Rifle uses railway spikes for some pretty devastating attacks. To get it head to Big John's Salvage which is home to some high level Super Mutants. You'll need to flip the circuit breaker down at the side of the main building then follow the wire to the blue upturned train carriage. You can get on top by climbing the broken fridges and then head into the shelter now the door isn't sealed anymore - if you haven't flipped the circuit breaker, the door will be sealed. The Railway Rifle is on the table next to the broken fridge.

Fallout 4 Railway Rifle location


Fallout 4 REBA II

REBA II is a reward from Barney Rook for completing his quest and does 50% more damage against Mirelurks and bugs. 

Fallout 4 REBA II location

Righteous Authority

Fallout 4 Righteous Authority

Critical shots do double damage with this laser rifle and the critical meter fills 15% faster. This is a reward for completing the Brotherhood of Steel quest Call to Arms. You can find them at the Cambridge Police Station.

Fallout 4 Righteous Authority location

Rockville Slugger

Fallout 4 Rockville Slugger

The Rockville Slugger is a nasty looking baseball bat that costs 40% less AP when you use it. Moe in Diamond City has this for sale.

Fallut 4 Rockville Slugger location

Spray N' Pray

Fallout 4 Spray N' Pray

Bullets from this submachine gun explode on impact for 15 points AOE damage. You can buy it from a Cricket, a travelling merchant you can often find outside Vault 81.

Fallout 4 Spray N' Pray location


Fallout 4 Shishkebab

Shishkebab is a sword modded for an additional +13 energy damage and is It's carried by the miniboss Slag at Saugus Ironworks.

Fallout 4 Shishkebab location

Silver Shroud Costume

Fallout 4 Silver Shroud Costume

The Silver Shroud hat offers +1 Perception while the Silver Shroud armour offers +1 Agility and Perception. The stats relate to your level and you can have them increased in Goodneighbor.

Fallout 4 Silver Shroud Costume location

The costume is on a mannequin at the top floor of Hubris Comics. Complete the Silver Shroud quest line in Goodneighbor and it will be modded into armour.

Tessa's Fist

Fallout 4 Tessa's Fist

Tessa'a Fist is a piece of raider power armor with the "almost unbreakable" Legendary effect. It means it has four times the armor health and is almost lliterally unbreakable. It also comes with the Hydraulic Bracers mod for a 15 point increase in Unarmed Damage.

Fallout 4 Tessa's Fist location

The Gainer

Fallout 4 Gainer

The Gainer is a .44 pistol that sets targets on fire for an extra 15 points of damage. You'll find it at the Vitale Pumphouse - an unmarked bunker to the east of Finch Farm.

When you find the bunker head inside and follow the path until you reach a locked door. It'll open once you pop the correct numbers into the adjacent machine - the combination is scrawled on the wall nearby. As there's no zero, you can use 10 for the first number: 10-4-5-1. The pistol is on the floor next to the red skeleton inside.

Fallout 4 Gainer location

Tinker Tom Special

Fallout 4 Tinker Tom Special

The Tinker Tom Special increases VATS accuracy if you're not yet in combat, but costs more AP. Tinker Tom is selling this gun at the Railroad HQ beneath the Old North Church.

Fallout 4 Tinker Tom Special location

Wastelander's Friend

Fallout 4 Wastelander's Friend

The Wastelander's Friend is a 10mm pistol that does 50% more limb damage. You can buy it from Deb at Bunker Hill.

Fallout 4 Wastelander's Friend location

Zeke's Jacket and Jeans

FAllout 4 Zeke's Jacket and Jeans

This outfit offers +1 Charisma. Complete the quest line for the Atom Cats to be welcomed into their bosom and gifted this outfit.

Shabana Arif
Shabana was born looking like a girl wearing a Pikachu hoodie, so when such things became popular, she fitted right in. She writes guides, reviews and features for GR+ when she isn't screaming at Dark Souls 2 on YouTube.
With contributions from
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