Final Fantasy IV DS Bestiary

Guide Type     - Final Fantasy IV DS Bestiary

Game Title     - Final Fantasy IV DS

Platform       - Nintendo DS

Date submitted - 7-29-08

Version        - 1.5

By             - obishawn


Table of Contents


I    - Introduction

II   - Tips for finding enemies in the game

III  - Enemy List

IV   - Missable Enemies

V    - Items of Interest

VI   - Credits and Thanks

VII  - Version History

VIII - Contact Info


I - Introduction


This Bestiary is based on the US version of the game.

The most up to date version of this guide can always be

found at

This guide is about 95 percent complete.  The complete

bestiary is here and ready to use as a reference.  The 

nly thing lacking is the section detailed the enemies that

are easily missed. 

Be sure to check out the Items of Interest section to

see how to obtain some really rare and valuable items.

Are you looking for a particular enemy?  Maybe you are

trying to find an item that an enemy drops. You could be

a completionist just trying to get every entry filled in

your in-game bestiary.  Or maybe you are trying to unlock

the special suit for Whyt.

Whatever reason you are looking at this guide, my goal is

to assist you as much as possible.  If you find this guide 

lacking and think certain information should be added to

it, then please let me know.

This guide is very basic.  Here I have listed every enemy

in numerical order, the order they appear in the Bestiary.

If you are looking for a specific enemy, you can perform a

search (ctrl-F) and enter either the name or the number of

the enemy you are looking for (as found in the in-game


You first get an opportunity to see the Bestiary in Kaipo.

Namingway (Livingway) is waiting in the house in the

northeast.  After you talk with him, he will eventually 


Later, you will find him in the inn in Fabul.  He will

tell you that a friend in the Chocobo Forest now holds

the Bestiary - Fat Chocobo.  You will need Gysahl Greens

to make Fat Chocobo appear.  Or, you can always return to

Kaipo where Fat Chocobo will be sitting in the open for

you to approach.

Now, about the list.  Each enemy is detailed after this


000    - Number/Enemy Name

Area   - Location the enemy can be found

HP     - The max Hit Points of the enemy

EXP    - Experience Points received after battle

Gil    - Gil received after battle

Drop   - Treasures dropped after battle

Steal  - Treasures stolen during battle

Weak   - Displays enemy's weakness

Resist - Displays least effective attacks against the enemy

Absorb - Absorbs element, giving HP to the enemy

For the items listed for "Drop," the more common items are

listed first and the rarest items last. 


II - Tips for finding enemies in the game


 - Under each enemy name entry is listed the location

   the enemy can be found in.

 - If you see the name of a town, that means the area

   around the town.

 - Sirens are an item that can either be stolen, appear

   as a dropped item after a battle and much later in the

   game, they can be bought.  You use the sirens out of

   battle in the dungeon map.  It will call enemies

   to you, usually the hard to find enemies.

 - To find which enemies you can get sirens from, look in

   Section V of this guide.

 - There are some enemies that are missable. I will add a

   section to this guide listing each and when the best

   time to find them is.


III - Enemy List


001    - Floating Eye

Area   - Baron

HP     - 40

EXP    - 150

Gil    - 7

Drop   - Eye Drops, Phoenix Down, Alarm Clock, Gold Needle

Steal  - Eye Drops

Weak   - Wind

Resist - Earth

Absorb - N/A


002    - Goblin

Area   - Baron, Mist Cave, Antlion's Den

HP     - 30

EXP    - 90

Gil    - 5

Drop   - Potion, Tent, Bronze Hourglass, Goblin Summon

Steal  - Potion

Weak   - N/A

Resist - N/A


003    - Sword Rat

Area   - Baron, Mist Cave

HP     - 31

EXP    - 93

Gil    - 5

Drop   - Potion

Steal  - Hi-Potion

Weak   - N/A

Resist - N/A

Absorb - N/A


004    - Helldiver

Area   - Baron, South West in Kaipo Desert

HP     - 28

EXP    - 56

Gil    - 4

Drop   - Gold Needle, Phoenix Down, Cockatrice Summon

Steal  - Phoenix Down

Weak   - Wind

Resist - Earth

Absorb - N/A


005    - Eyewing Moth

Area   - Mist Cave

HP     - 39

EXP    - 78

Gil    - 5

Drop   - Eye Drops, Phoenix Down, Alarm Clock, Gold Needle

Steal  - Eye Drops

Weak   - Wind

Resist - Earth

Absorb - N/A


006    - Larva

Area   - Mist Cave

HP     - 25

EXP    - 50

Gil    - 4

Drop   - Potion, Hi-Potion

Steal  - Potion

Weak   - Blizzard

Resist - N/A

Absorb - N/A


007    - Sand Worm

Area   - Antlion's Den

HP     - 500

EXP    - 1750

Gil    - 54

Drop   - Potion, hi-potion, Remedy, Silver Apple

Steal  - Potion

Weak   - Blizzard

Resist - Fire

Absorb - Earth


008    - Desert Sahagin

Area   - Kaipo Desert

HP     - 40

EXP    - 100

Gil    - 6

Drop   - Antidote, Echo Herbs, Cross, Tent

Steal  - Antidote

Weak   - Blizzard

Resist - Fire

Absorb - Water


009    - Hundlegs

Area   - Kaipo Desert

HP     - 46

EXP    - 115

Gil    - 7

Drop   - Antidote, Potion

Steal  - Antidote

Weak   - Blizzard

Resist - Fire

Absorb - N/A


010    - Tiny Mage

Area   - Underground Waterway, Mysidia

HP     - 50

EXP    - 224

Gil    - 16

Drop   - Rod, Silver Armlet, Ether, Dry Ether

Steal  - Rod

Weak   - N/A

Resist - N/A

Absorb - N/A


011    - Red Mousse

Area   - Underground Waterway

HP     - 35

EXP    - 201

Gil    - 15

Drop   - Potion, Hi-Potion, Rainbow Pudding

Steal  - Potion

Weak   - Fire

Resist - Thunder

Absorb - N/A


012    - Zombie

Area   - Underground Waterway, Mt. Ordeals

HP     - 87

EXP    - 130

Gil    - 10

Drop   - N/A

Steal  - Potion

Weak   - Fire, Holy

Resist - Blizzard, Thunder, Dark

Absorb - N/A


013    - Alligator

Area   - Underground Waterway, Ancient Waterway

HP     - 175

EXP    - 438

Gil    - 20

Drop   - Leather Cap, Leather Clothing, Hi-Potion,

         Silver Apple

Steal  - Leather Cap

Weak   - Blizzard

Resist - Fire

Absorb - Water


014    - Toadgre

Area   - Underground Waterway

HP     - 66

EXP    - 165

Gil    - 9

Drop   - Maiden's Kiss

Steal  - Maiden's Kiss

Weak   - Blizzard

Resist - Fire

Absorb - Water


015    - Gigantoad

Area   - Underground Waterway

HP     - 94

EXP    - 235

Gil    - 12

Drop   - Maiden's Kiss

Steal  - Maiden's Kiss

Weak   - Blizzard

Resist - Fire

Absorb - Water


016    - Sahagin

Area   - Underground Waterway

HP     - 110

EXP    - 275

Gil    - 14

Drop   - N/A

Steal  - Potion

Weak   - Thunder

Resist - Fire

Absorb - Water


017    - Amoeba

Area   - underground Waterway

HP     - 125

EXP    - 188

Gil    - 14

Drop   - Antidote, Echo Herbs, Cross, Tent

Steal  - Antidote

Weak   - Thunder

Resist - Fire

Absorb - Water


018    - Fangshell

Area   - Underground Waterway

HP     - 55

EXP    - 82

Gil    - 7

Drop   - Diet Ration, Mallet, Maiden's Kiss, Remedy

Steal  - Diet Ration

Weak   - Thunder

Resist - Fire

Absorb - Water


019    - Killer Fish

Area   - Underground Waterway, Ancient Waterway

HP     - 60

EXP    - 90

Gil    - 8

Drop   - Potion, Hi-Potion

Steal  - Potion

Weak   - Thunder

Resist - Fire

Absorb - Water


020    - Adamantoise

Area   - Antlion's Den

HP     - 190

EXP    - 665

Gil    - 24

Drop   - Antidote, Echo herbs, Cross, Tent

Steal  - Antidote

Weak   - Blizzard

Resist - Thunder

Absorb - N/A


021    - Yellow Jelly

Area   - Antlion's Den

HP     - 60

EXP    - 238

Gil    - 18

Drop   - potion, Hi-Potion, Rainbow Pudding

Steal  - Potion

Weak   - Thunder

Resist - Fire

Absorb - N/A


022    - Domovoi

Area   - Antlion's Den, Mt. Hobs, Mysidia

HP     - 100

EXP    - 300

Gil    - 14

Drop   - Potion, Tent

Steal  - Potion

Weak   - N/A

Resist - N/A

Absorb - N/A


023    - Basilisk

Area   - Antlion's Den

HP     - 140

EXP    - 420

Gil    - 9

Drop   - Golden Needle

Steal  - Golden Needle

Weak   - Blizzard

Resist - N/A

Absorb - N/A


024    - Leshy

Area   - Antlion's Den

HP     - 130

EXP    - 480

Gil    - 10

Drop   - Potion

Steal  - Potion

Weak   - Fire

Resist - Blizzard

Absorb - N/A


025    - Gargoyle

Area   - Mt. Hobs, Fabul

HP     - 240

EXP    - 810

Gil    - 15

Drop   - Potion

Steal  - Potion

Weak   - Holy

Resist - Earth

Absorb - N/A


026    - Cockatrice

Area   - Mt. Hobs, Mysidia

HP     - 241

EXP    - 723

Gil    - 14

Drop   - Gold Needle, Phoenix Down, Cockatrice Summon

Steal  - Phoenix Down

Weak   - Wind

Resist - N/A

Absorb - N/A


027    - Skeleton

Area   - Mt. Hobs, Mt. Ordeals

HP     - 135

EXP    - 270

Gil    - 8

Drop   - N/A

Steal  - Leather Clothing

Weak   - Fire, Holy

Resist - Blizzard, Thunder, Dark

Absorb - N/A


028    - Spirit

Area   - Mt. Hobs, Mt. Ordeals

HP     - 86

EXP    - 172

Gil    - 5

Drop   - Potion, Cursed Ring

Steal  - Potion

Weak   - Holy

Resist - Blizzard, Thunder, Earth, Dark

Absorb - Fire


029    - Bomb

Area   - Mt. Hobs, Fabul

HP     - 55

EXP    - 150

Gil    - 5

Drop   - Bomb Fragment

Steal  - Bomb Fragment

Weak   - Blizzard

Resist - N/A

Absorb - Fire


030    - Gray Bomb

Area   - Mt. Hobs, Fabul

HP     - 222

EXP    - 484

Gil    - 13

Drop   - Bomb Fragment

Steal  - Bomb Fragment

Weak   - Blizzard

Resist - N/A

Absorb - Fire


031    - Gatlinghog

Area   - Fabul

HP     - 215

EXP    - 430

Gil    - 12

Drop   - Gold Needle

Steal  - Gold Needle

Weak   - N/A

Resist - N/A

Absorb - N/A


032    - Baron Marine

Area   - Fabul

HP     - 210

EXP    - 663

Gil    - 13

Drop   - Hi-Potion

Steal  - hi-Potion

Weak   - Thunder

Resist - Holy, Dark

Absorb - N/A


033    - Captain

Area   - Fabul

HP     - 320

EXP    - 999

Gil    - 19

Drop   - Hi-Potion

Steal  - Hi-Potion

Weak   - Thunder

Resist - N/A

Absorb - N/A


034    - Zu

Area   - Mysidia

HP     - 941

EXP    - 3764

Gil    - 51

Drop   - Feathered Cap, Hi-Potion, Cottage, Silver Apple

Steal  - Feathered Cap

Weak   - Thunder, Wind

Resist - Fire, Blizzard, Earth

Absorb - N/A


035    - Bloodbones

Area   - Mt. Ordeals

HP     - 210

EXP    - 420

Gil    - 12

Drop   - N/A

Steal  - Leather Clothing

Weak   - Fire, Holy

Resist - Blizzard, Thunder, Dark

Absorb - N/A


036    - Ghoul

Area   - Mt. Ordeals

HP     - 444

EXP    - 888

Gil    - 23

Drop   - N/A

Steal  - Leather Clothing

Weak   - Fire, Holy

Resist - Dark

Absorb - N/A


037    - Soul

Area   - Mt. Ordeals

HP     - 250

EXP    - 500

Gil    - 14

Drop   - Potion, Cursed Ring

Steal  - Potion

Weak   - Holy

Resist - Blizzard

Absorb - Fire


038    - Lilith

Area   - Mt. Ordeals

HP     - 732

EXP    - 3048

Gil    - 42

Drop   - Lilith's Kiss, Silver Apple, Lilith Rod

Steal  - Lilith's Kiss

Weak   - Fire

Resist - N/A

Absorb - N/A


039    - Revenant

Area   - Mt. Ordeals

HP     - 530

EXP    - 1060

Gil    - 28

Drop   - N/A

Steal  - Leather Clothing

Weak   - Fire, holy

Resist - Dark

Absorb - N/A


040    - Gigas Gator

Area   - Ancient Waterway

HP     - 584

EXP    - 1168

Gil    - 30

Drop   - Leather Cap, Leather Clothing, Hi-Potion,

         Silver Apple

Steal  - Leather Cap

Weak   - Blizzard

Resist - N/A

Absorb - Water


041    - Splasher

Area   - Ancient Waterway

HP     - 360

EXP    - 720

Gil    - 19

Drop   - Potion, Hi-Potion

Steal  - Potion

Weak   - Thunder

Resist - N/A

Absorb - Water


042    - Devil's Castanet

Area   - Ancient Waterway

HP     - 760

EXP    - 1520

Gil    - 39

Drop   - Diet Ration, Mallet, Maiden's Kiss, Remedy

Steal  - Diet Ration

Weak   - Thunder

Resist - N/A

Absorb - Water


043    - Baron Guardsman

Area   - Ancient Waterway, Baron Inn

HP     - 560

EXP    - 1710

Gil    - 31

Drop   - Potion, Hi-Potion

Steal  - Potion

Weak   - N/A

Resist - N/A

Absorb - N/A


044    - Hydra

Area   - Ancient Waterway

HP     - 514

EXP    - 1542

Gil    - 28

Drop   - Antidote, Unicorn Horn, Poison Arrows

Steal  - Antidote

Weak   - Thunder

Resist - N/A

Absorb - N/A


045    - Flood Worm

Area   - Ancient Waterway

HP     - 1914

EXP    - 7656

Gil    - 100

Drop   - Potion, Hi-potion, Remedy, Silver Apple

Steal  - Potion

Weak   - Thunder

Resist - N/A

Absorb - Earth


046    - Electrofish

Area   - Ancient Waterway

HP     - 284

EXP    - 568

Gil    - 16

Drop   - Diet ration, Mallet, Maiden's Kiss, Remedy

Steal  - Diet Ration

Weak   - N/A

Resist - N/A

Absorb - Thunder, Water


047    - Treant

Area   - Troia

HP     - 335

EXP    - 1005

Gil    - 18

Drop   - Diet ration, Mallet, Maiden's Kiss, Remedy

Steal  - Diet Ration

Weak   - Fire

Resist - N/A

Absorb - N/A


048    - Mortblossom

Area   - Troia

HP     - 440

EXP    - 1320

Gil    - 23

Drop   - Diet Ration, Maiden's Kiss, Remedy

Steal  - Diet Ration

Weak   - Fire

Resist - N/A

Absorb - N/A


049    - Cait Sith

Area   - Loadstone Cavern

HP     - 632

EXP    - 2528

Gil    - 34

Drop   - Unicorn Horn, Coeurl Whisker, Cat Claws

Steal  - Unicorn horn

Weak   - N/A

Resist - N/A

Absorb - N/A


050    - Ettin Snake

Area   - Loadstone Cavern

HP     - 316

EXP    - 1264

Gil    - 19

Drop   - Antidote, Unicorn horn, Poison Arrows

Steal  - Antidote

Weak   - Blizzard

Resist - N/A

Absorb - N/A


051    - Needlehog

Area   - Loadstone Cavern

HP     - 398

EXP    - 1194

Gil    - 21

Drop   - Gold Needle

Steal  - Gold Needle

Weak   - N/A

Resist - N/A

Absorb - N/A


052    - Cave Naga

Area   - Loadstone Cavern

HP     - 428

EXP    - 1284

Gil    - 23

Drop   - Antidote, unicorn Horn, Poison Arrows

Steal  - Antidote

Weak   - Holy

Resist - N/A

Absorb - N/A


053    - Ogre

Area   - Loadstone Cavern

HP     - 1065

EXP    - 4260

Gil    - 56

Drop   - Bacchus's Wine, Headband, Power Armlet,

         Giant's Gloves

Steal  - Bacchus's Wine

Weak   - Holy

Resist - N/A

Absorb - N/A


054    - Succubus

Area   - Loadstone Cavern

HP     - 621

EXP    - 1863

Gil    - 33

Drop   - Vampire Fang, Lilith's Kiss

Steal  - Vampire Fang

Weak   - Fire, Holy

Resist - N/A

Absorb - Thunder


055    - Cave Bat

Area   - Loadstone Cavern, Cave of Eblan

HP     - 334

EXP    - 1002

Gil    - 18

Drop   - Potion, Hi-Potion

Steal  - Potion

Weak   - Holy

Resist - Earth

Absorb - Thunder


056    - Mindflayer

Area   - Loadstone Cavern

HP     - 600

EXP    - 2400

Gil    - 33

Drop   - Hi-Potion, unicorn Horn, Gold Hourglass,

         Mindflayer Summon

Steal  - Hi-Potion

Weak   - N/A

Resist - N/A

Absorb - N/A


057    - Centaur Knight

Area   - Tower of Zot

HP     - 1292

EXP    - 3876

Gil    - 68

Drop   - Tent, Cottage

Steal  - Tent

Weak   - N/A

Resist - N/A

Absorb - N/A


058    - Sorceress

Area   - Tower of Zot

HP     - 893

EXP    - 1786

Gil    - 68

Drop   - Rod, Silver Armlet, Ether, Dry Ether

Steal  - Rod

Weak   - N/A

Resist - N/A

Absorb - N/A


059    - Purple Bavarois

Area   - Tower of Zot, Lunar Surface, Lunar Tunnel

HP     - 519

EXP    - 1236

Gil    - 32

Drop   - Potion, Hi-Potion, Rainbow Pudding

Steal  - Potion

Weak   - Fire

Resist - N/A

Absorb - N/A


060    - Gremlin

Area   - Tower of Zot

HP     - 697

EXP    - 1394

Gil    - 36

Drop   - Silent Bell, Unicorn Horn, Bronze Houglass, Ether

Steal  - Silent Bell

Weak   - Fire

Resist - N/A

Absorb - N/A


061    - Black Knight

Area   - Tower of Zot

HP     - 1224

EXP    - 3672

Gil    - 64

Drop   - Tent, Cottage

Steal  - Tent

Weak   - Fire, Holy

Resist - Dark

Absorb - N/A


062    - Frostbeast

Area   - Tower of Zot

HP     - 1768

EXP    - 5304

Gil    - 92

Drop   - ice Arrows, Antartic Wind, Artic Wind, White Fang

Steal  - Ice Arrows

Weak   - Fire

Resist - N/A

Absorb - Blizzard


063    - Ice Lizard

Area   - Tower of Zot

HP     - 1224

EXP    - 2448

Gil    - 63

Drop   - Ice Arrows, Antartic Wind, Artic Wind, White Fang

Steal  - Ice Arrows

Weak   - Fire

Resist - N/A

Absorb - Blizzard


064    - Fell Turtle

Area   - Toewr of Zot

HP     - 3570

EXP    - 14280

Gil    - 184

Drop   - Mythril Shield, Mythril Hammer, Hi-Potion,


Steal  - Mythril Shield

Weak   - Blizzard

Resist - N/A

Absorb - Fire


065    - Marionetteer

Area   - Tower of Zot, Tower of Babil

HP     - 804

EXP    - 1668

Gil    - 43

Drop   - Healing Staff, Rune Armlet, Rune Staff

Steal  - Healing Staff

Weak   - N/A

Resist - N/A

Absorb - N/A


066    - Marionette

Area   - Tower of Zot

HP     - 654

EXP    - 1388

Gil    - 36

Drop   - Potion, Ether, Decoy

Steal  - Potion

Weak   - N/A

Resist - N/A

Absorb - N/A


067    - Soldieress

Area   - Tower of Zot

HP     - 1085

EXP    - 2170

Gil    - 56

Drop   - Tent, Cottage

Steal  - Tent

Weak   - N/A

Resist - N/A

Absorb - N/A


068    - Mors

Area   - Eblan Castle

HP     - 1182

EXP    - 2363

Gil    - 61

Drop   - Potion, Hi-potion

Steal  - Potion

Weak   - N/A

Resist - N/A

Absorb - N/A


069    - Rukh

Area   - Eblan Castle

HP     - 2550

EXP    - 10200

Gil    - 132

Drop   - Feathered Cap, Hi-Potion, Cottage, Silver Apple

Steal  - Feathered Cap

Weak   - N/A

Resist - Earth

Absorb - N/A


070    - Fledgling Rukh

Area   - Eblan Castle

HP     - 567

EXP    - 1701

Gil    - 31

Drop   - Gold Needle, Phoenix Down, Cockatrice Summon

Steal  - Phoenix Down

Weak   - N/A

Resist - Earth

Absorb - N/A


071    - Ironback

Area   - Tower of Babil, Cave of Eblan

HP     - 2166

EXP    - 6498

Gil    - 112

Drop   - Mythril Shield, Mythril Hammer, Hi-Potion,


Steal  - Mythril Shield

Weak   - N/A

Resist - N/A

Absorb - N/A


072    - Hornworm

Area   - Underworld

HP     - 3151

EXP    - 6500

Gil    - 165

Drop   - Potion, Hi-Potion

Steal  - potion

Weak   - N/A

Resist - N/A

Absorb - N/A


073    - Blood Flower

Area   - Underworld

HP     - 629

EXP    - 1258

Gil    - 33

Drop   - Diet Ration, Mallet, Maiden's Kiss, Remedy

Steal  - Diet Ration

Weak   - Fire

Resist - N/A

Absorb - N/A


074    - Armadillo

Area   - Underworld, Tower of babil, Cave of Eblan

HP     - 1146

EXP    - 3438

Gil    - 60

Drop   - Mythril Shield, Mythril Hammer, Hi-Potion,


Steal  - Mythril Shield

Weak   - N/A

Resist - N/A

Absorb - N/A


075    - Tunneler

Area   - Underworld, Sylph cave

HP     - 1114

EXP    - 2228

Gil    - 58

Drop   - Spider Silk, Gaia Drum, Siren

Steal  - Spider Silk

Weak   - N/A

Resist - Earth

Absorb - N/A


076    - Caterpillar

Area   - Underworld

HP     - 1711

EXP    - 3422

Gil    - 88

Drop   - Potion, Hi-Potion

Steal  - Potion

Weak   - N/A

Resist - N/A

Absorb - N/A


077    - Gloomwing

Area   - Underworld

HP     - 2684

EXP    - 5368

Gil    - 136

Drop   - Ether, Stardust, Lunar Curtain, Artemis Arrows

Steal  - Ether

Weak   - N/A

Resist - Earth

Absorb - N/A


078    - Goblin Captain

Area   - Underworld, Tower of Babil

HP     - 1127

EXP    - 3381

Gil    - 59

Drop   - Potion, Hi-potion, X-Potion

Steal  - Potion

Weak   - N/A

Resist - N/A

Absorb - N/A


079    - Gorgon

Area   - Underworld

HP     - 4335

EXP    - 8790

Gil    - 222

Drop   - Gold Needle, medusa Arrows, Stoneblade

Steal  - Gold Needle

Weak   - N/A

Resist - N/A

Absorb - N/A


080    - Hellflapper

Area   - Underworld

HP     - 2295

EXP    - 4590

Gil    - 117

Drop   - Eye Drops, Phoenix Down, Alarm Clock, Gold Needle

Steal  - Eye Drops

Weak   - N/A

Resist - Earth

Absorb - N/A


081    - Magma Tortoise

Area   - Underworld, Tower of babil

HP     - 3777

EXP    - 15108

Gil    - 194

Drop   - Mythril Shield, Mythril Hammer, Hi-Potion,


Steal  - Mythril Shield

Weak   - Blizzard

Resist - N/A

Absorb - N/A


082    - Alraune

Area   - Underworld

HP     - 3930

EXP    - 7860

Gil    - 199

Drop   - Spider Silk, Gaia Drum, Siren

Steal  - Spider Silk

Weak   - N/A

Resist - N/A

Absorb - N/A


083    - Security Eye

Area   - Tower of Babil

HP     - 2432

EXP    - 4864

Gil    - 124

Drop   - Siren

Steal  - Siren

Weak   - Thunder

Resist - Earth

Absorb - N/A


084    - Chimera

Area   - Tower of Babil

HP     - 2389

EXP    - 7167

Gil    - 123

Drop   - Fire Arrows, Bomb Fragment, Bomb Crank, Red Fang

Steal  - Fire Arrows

Weak   - N/A

Resist - N/A

Absorb - Fire, Blizzard, Thunder


085    - Black Lizard

Area   - Underworld, Tower of Babil

HP     - 2692

EXP    - 5384

Gil    - 137

Drop   - Gold Needle, Medusa Arrows, Stoneblade

Steal  - Gold Needle

Weak   - N/A

Resist - N/A

Absorb - N/A


086    - Stone Golem

Area   - Underworld, Tower of Babil

HP     - 8721

EXP    - 26163

Gil    - 440

Drop   - Hi-potion, X-Potion, Medusa Arrows

Steal  - Hi-Potion

Weak   - N/A

Resist - N/A

Absorb - Earth


087    - Naga

Area   - Underworld, Tower of babil

HP     - 2161

EXP    - 4322

Gil    - 110

Drop   - Antidote, Unicorn Horn, Poison Arrows

Steal  - Antidote

Weak   - N/A

Resist - N/A

Absorb - N/A


088    - Evil Doll

Area   - Tower of Zot, Tower of Babil

HP     - 1319

EXP    - 2836

Gil    - 73

Drop   - Decoy

Steal  - Decoy

Weak   - N/A

Resist - N/A

Absorb - N/A


089    - Flamehound

Area   - Tower of Zot, Tower of Babil

HP     - 4151

EXP    - 12453

Gil    - 212

Drop   - Fire Arrows, Bomb Fragment, Bomb Crank, Red Fang

Steal  - Fire Arrows

Weak   - Blizzard, Water

Resist - N/A

Absorb - Fire


090    - Flame Knight

Area   - Tower of Babil

HP     - 2851

EXP    - 8553

Gil    - 147

Drop   - Flame Lance, Flame Sword, Flame Shield,

         Flame Armor

Steal  - Flame Lance

Weak   - Blizzard, Water

Resist - N/A

Absorb - Fire


091    - White Mousse

Area   - Tower of Babil, Lunar Surface, Lunar Tunnel

HP     - 1012

EXP    - 2222

Gil    - 58

Drop   - Potion, Hi-Potion, X-Potion

Steal  - Potion

Weak   - Blizzard

Resist - N/A

Absorb - N/A


092    - Medusa

Area   - Underworld, Tower of Babil

HP     - 2612

EXP    - 5284

Gil    - 134

Drop   - Gold Needle, Medusa Arrow, Stoneblade

Steal  - Gold Needle

Weak   - N/A

Resist - N/A

Absorb - N/A


093    - Mystery Egg

Area   - Tower of Babil, Cave of Eblan

HP     - 10000

EXP    - 1

Gil    - 1

Drop   - N/A

Steal  - N/A

Weak   - N/A

Resist - N/A

Absorb - Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, Water Earth, Wind,

         Holy, Dark


094    - Skuldier

Area   - Eblan Castle, Tower of Babil, Cave of Eblan

HP     - 2512

EXP    - 5024

Gil    - 128

Drop   - N/A

Steal  - Iron Gloves

Weak   - Fire, holy

Resist - N/A

Absorb - N/A


095    - Blood Bat

Area   - Tower of Babil, Cave of Eblan

HP     - 1491

EXP    - 2982

Gil    - 77

Drop   - Potion, Hi-Potion

Steal  - Potion

Weak   - Fire

Resist - Earth

Absorb - Thunder


096    - Steel Golem

Area   - Eblan Castle, Tower of Babil, Cave of Eblan

HP     - 6630

EXP    - 19890

Gil    - 336

Drop   - Gaia Hammer, Giant's Gloves

Steal  - Gaia Hammer

Weak   - Blizzard

Resist - Earth

Absorb - N/A


097    - Coeurl

Area   - Eblan Castle, Underworld, Tower of Babil

HP     - 2015

EXP    - 6165

Gil    - 107

Drop   - Unicorn Horn, Coeurl Whisker, Cat Claws

Steal  - Unicorn Horn

Weak   - N/A

Resist - N/A

Absorb - N/A


098    - Sorcerer

Area   - Tower of Babil

HP     - 1700

EXP    - 3598

Gil    - 92

Drop   - Healing Staff, Rune Armlet, Rune Staff

Steal  - Healing Staff

Weak   - N/A

Resist - N/A

Absorb - N/A


099    - Mad Ogre

Area   - Eblan Castle, Tower of Babil

HP     - 6812

EXP    - 20436

Gil    - 345

Drop   - Bacchus's Wine, Headband, Power Armlet,

         Giant's Gloves

Steal  - Bacchus's Wine

Weak   - N/A

Resist - N/A

Absorb - N/A


100    - Lamia Matriarch

Area   - Tower of Babil

HP     - 9869

EXP    - 29607

Gil    - 195

Drop   - Lamia Harp, Ruby Ring, Holy Curtain, Angel Arrows

Steal  - Lamia Harp

Weak   - N/A

Resist - N/A

Absorb - N/A


Iain Wilson
Guides Editor

Iain originally joined Future in 2012 to write guides for CVG, PSM3, and Xbox World, before moving on to join GamesRadar in 2013 as Guides Editor. His words have also appeared in OPM, OXM, PC Gamer, GamesMaster, and SFX. He is better known to many as ‘Mr Trophy’, due to his slightly unhealthy obsession with amassing intangible PlayStation silverware, and he now has over 750 Platinum pots weighing down the shelves of his virtual award cabinet. He does not care for Xbox Achievements.

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