How to watch the Fortnite World Cup: Stream, schedule, players and more

We're down to the final day so if you're wondering how to watch the Fortnite World Cup, we've got it covered for you. The Fortnite World Cup Duos Winners were crowned yesterday, with the Fortnite World Cup Pro-Am taking place the day before, and it's all come down to this. Whoever wins will instantly become one of the top 10 esports earners of all time, so there's a lot at stake in the biggest Fortnite event of all time. Read on for everything you need to know on how to watch the Fortnite World Cup: stream, schedule, players, and more, and check out our live updates of the Fortnite World Cup Solos winners here.

Fortnite World Cup schedule

Fortnite World Cup schedule

(Image credit: Epic Games)

The Fortnite World Cup schedule is taking place across three days: Friday 26 July until Sunday 28 July, but each day has a different competition taking place. Here's the complete Fortnite World Cup schedule for those watching at home (all times are in ET):

Friday, 26 July

  • 12:30pm: Creative Finals pre-show
  • 1:00pm: Creative Finals games start
  • 4:00pm: Celebrity Pro-Am

Saturday, 27 July

  • 12:30pm: Duos Finals pre-show
  • 1:00pm: Duos Finals games start
  • 4:45pm: Duos Finals winners ceremony

Sunday, 28 July

  • 12:30pm: Solos Finals pre-show
  • 1:00pm: Solos Finals games start
  • 4:45pm: Solos Finals winners ceremony

If you're attending the Fortnite World Cup in person, you can find the complete schedule including the fan festival and stadium opening/closing times on the official site.

Fortnite World Cup stream

You can watch the Fortnite World Cup on either the Twitch stream embedded above, or the YouTube stream below. Note that if you want to obtain the exclusive in-game items from the Fortnite World Cup, you'll need to follow our guide on how to link your Epic and YouTube accounts and make sure you're watching on YouTube! You can also catch all of the previous qualifying events over on the Fortnite Twitch channel VODs.

Fortnite World Cup players

Here are all of the qualified players for the Fortnite World Cup, for all four of the events taking place:

Swipe to scroll horizontally
SolosDuosCreativeCelebrity Pro-Am
slayaWarriors CoverH + Warriors TwizzhiimtylerhNinja + Marshmello
Faze FaxFoxCR.bell btw + Scarletzand ッAirwaks + RL Grime
E11 StompyNRG benjyfishy + NRG MrSavageMSuezhooDenkops + Xavier Woods
TQ Prisi0n3roFaZe Mongraal + mitr0msyb-DrLupo + Sigala
NRG benjyfishyE11 Tschiiinken + E11 StompyClytaxOne_Shot_Gurl + Chandler Riggs
hREDS BELAEULootboy Mexe + Lootboy SkramxSaandiLachlan + Liam McIntyre
Gambit.letw1k3Lazarus Crimz + SpadesTwitch TalDak723Tfue + Nav
LeStream NaytouMSF Clix + MSF ScepticFaZe KazMoyorz87 + RJ Mitte
DiegoGB uwuEnvy LeNain + LG Tyler15TacoSinooh + Oh.King
DRGC9 pfzin + C9 NicksSAMSUNG art1erAlexia Raye + Jordyn Jones
CODE leleo100T Arkhram1x + Bloom FalconerCode MagMaGhost Sean + Nick Shanholtz
SEN BughaGambit.fwexY + Gambit.letw1k3ChappyCloakzy + Witt Lowry
FaZe Dubs.COOLER Nyhrox + COOLER aquaMrKeroro10 L2R2CourageJD + Sean O'Malley
Ghost BizzleVHV Crue + VHV ChapixRyanFrantaSolary Yoshi + Freddie Stroma
TSM_ComadonGO Deadra + GO M11Zbentz0rChigua + Robleis
Liquid VividNRG Zayt + Ghost SafSvennossImMarksman + JT Brown
100T CeiceTempo Brush + Tempo CizLuckyRogue AlexJJTimTheTatMan + Dante Basco
C9 Snow.Nate Hill + FaZe FunkSAMSUNG carnifexNICKMERCS + Mario Hezonja
Liquid RiversanKNG Leno + KNG BarlDraceus_Calango + Caue Moura
KNG Catvoix + parpyHuizhiPai Tambem Joga + Detonator
ymqB_P0tNewbeeXXM-CN + Newbee_xMende.cnKoutoxActionJaxon + Sarunas Jackson
CR RuriSolary Airwaks + Solary Nikof4TurtleEwok + Jordan Fisher
DV1 luKISolary Hunter + Solary KinstaarCode 0000Nick Eh 30 + Max Carver
RBK LeftEyeLnuef + QuintenRow 23 - Cell 2 Jacob + Clare Grant
FledermoysVP 7ssk7 + VP JAMSIDERow 24 - Cell 2 Loserfruit + Alison Wonderland
BL Tchub100T Ceice + 100T ElevateRow 25 - Cell 2 Muselk + Wax Motif
KNG CoreGamingg.coL Lanjok + coL PunisherRow 26 - Cell 2 Doigby + Cody Walker
Eon wakieFaZe Megga. + FaZe Dubs.Row 27 - Cell 2 Ghost Aydan + Robert Abisi
lolb0omwisheydp + GusTavox8Row 28 - Cell 2 Jelty + Gaborever
Secret_DomentosKNG little + KNG Jay.Row 29 - Cell 2 FearItself + Mackenzie Bourg
SNG LasersE11 Itemm + Derox.Row 30 - Cell 2 Wildcat + David Williams
kurtzOslo. + Not BadSniperRow 31 - Cell 2 Wade.CN + Jawn Ha
TfueCOOLER 4zr + COOLER NowardRow 32 - Cell 2 TheSlayer360 + Greer Grammer
MSF ClixEon RedRush + Eon znappyRow 33 - Cell 2 Exile + Ashley Rickards
KNG UnknownTetchra + EclipsaeRow 34 - Cell 2 Symfuhny + Vinnie Pergola
FaZe FunkRoAtDW + E11 BlooTeaRow 35 - Cell 2 FaZe Kay + Kyle Kaplan
Nittlecode ronaldo + XXIFRow 36 - Cell 2 Sev7n + PC Siqueira
CLG psalmGhost Sean + Ghost AydanRow 37 - Cell 2 Frapzz + Edwin Hodge
EpikWhalefrom the village + hype lwnlRow 38 - Cell 2 Neckokun + Elly
karhuTriggerQQ Flame + TriggerQQ UniqRow 39 - Cell 2 XpertThief + Joey Fatone
LinkLZR Wolflez + LZR RojoRow 40 - Cell 2 Ali-A + Aaron Gordon
Meta PeterpanLeStream Skite + LeStream VatoRow 41 - Cell 2 Slogoman + Jeremy Ray Taylor
Atlantis LetsheFaZe Vorwenn + Atlantis TuckzRow 42 - Cell 2 Flakes Power + Edukof
x-komAGO JARKOSE11 Klusia + SNG Th0masHDRow 43 - Cell 2 Zorman + Jared Abrahamson
E11 KlusiaSlackes + KeysFNRow 44 - Cell 2 Oscurlod + Dedreviil
NRG MrSavageMTSM_Zexrow + TSM.Vinny1xRow 45 - Cell 2 MrFreshAsian + Desmond Chiam
Ghost Issayung calculator + coL MackWoodRow 46 - Cell 2 Vodka + Alexander
Snayzy9z xown + 9z kingRow 47 - Cell 2 Myth + Michael Drayer
Fnatic smeefEpikWhale + 4DRStormRow 48 - Cell 2 IFaris + DJ Van
TrainH BlastR.Row 49 - Cell 1 Row 49 - Cell 2 Friz + Bizness Boi
NRG ZaytRow 50 - Cell 1 Row 50 - Cell 2 Row 50 - Cell 3
RogueShark_Row 51 - Cell 1 Row 51 - Cell 2 Row 51 - Cell 3
RIOT kolorfulRow 52 - Cell 1 Row 52 - Cell 2 Row 52 - Cell 3
FaZe Megga.Row 53 - Cell 1 Row 53 - Cell 2 Row 53 - Cell 3
Envy BuckeRow 54 - Cell 1 Row 54 - Cell 2 Row 54 - Cell 3
100T KlassRow 55 - Cell 1 Row 55 - Cell 2 Row 55 - Cell 3
C9 DKRow 56 - Cell 1 Row 56 - Cell 2 Row 56 - Cell 3
1400 Rhux UwURow 57 - Cell 1 Row 57 - Cell 2 Row 57 - Cell 3
USE CODE PZUHSRow 58 - Cell 1 Row 58 - Cell 2 Row 58 - Cell 3
twins lwnlRow 59 - Cell 1 Row 59 - Cell 2 Row 59 - Cell 3
Code Meta-Hood-JRow 60 - Cell 1 Row 60 - Cell 2 Row 60 - Cell 3
T1 Ar1usRow 61 - Cell 1 Row 61 - Cell 2 Row 61 - Cell 3
COOLER aquaRow 62 - Cell 1 Row 62 - Cell 2 Row 62 - Cell 3
marteeneuRow 63 - Cell 1 Row 63 - Cell 2 Row 63 - Cell 3
ErouceRow 64 - Cell 1 Row 64 - Cell 2 Row 64 - Cell 3
TrainH RobabzRow 65 - Cell 1 Row 65 - Cell 2 Row 65 - Cell 3
SkallereuRow 66 - Cell 1 Row 66 - Cell 2 Row 66 - Cell 3
Solary KinstaarRow 67 - Cell 1 Row 67 - Cell 2 Row 67 - Cell 3
Atlantis K1nzellRow 68 - Cell 1 Row 68 - Cell 2 Row 68 - Cell 3
Gambit.fwexYRow 69 - Cell 1 Row 69 - Cell 2 Row 69 - Cell 3
RS ClarityRow 70 - Cell 1 Row 70 - Cell 2 Row 70 - Cell 3
Reverse2kRow 71 - Cell 1 Row 71 - Cell 2 Row 71 - Cell 3
AstonishRow 72 - Cell 1 Row 72 - Cell 2 Row 72 - Cell 3
Thiccboy LunezeRow 73 - Cell 1 Row 73 - Cell 2 Row 73 - Cell 3
KNG ChenkinzRow 74 - Cell 1 Row 74 - Cell 2 Row 74 - Cell 3
KNG Fatch.Row 75 - Cell 1 Row 75 - Cell 2 Row 75 - Cell 3
C9 NicksRow 76 - Cell 1 Row 76 - Cell 2 Row 76 - Cell 3
9z kingRow 77 - Cell 1 Row 77 - Cell 2 Row 77 - Cell 3
1400 PikaRow 78 - Cell 1 Row 78 - Cell 2 Row 78 - Cell 3
4DRStormRow 79 - Cell 1 Row 79 - Cell 2 Row 79 - Cell 3
sozman lwnlRow 80 - Cell 1 Row 80 - Cell 2 Row 80 - Cell 3
nifuaMRow 81 - Cell 1 Row 81 - Cell 2 Row 81 - Cell 3
MSF EndrettaRow 82 - Cell 1 Row 82 - Cell 2 Row 82 - Cell 3
VHV CrueRow 83 - Cell 1 Row 83 - Cell 2 Row 83 - Cell 3
LeStream SkiteRow 84 - Cell 1 Row 84 - Cell 2 Row 84 - Cell 3
GL_LYGHTRow 85 - Cell 1 Row 85 - Cell 2 Row 85 - Cell 3
FaZe MongraalRow 86 - Cell 1 Row 86 - Cell 2 Row 86 - Cell 3
EmquRow 87 - Cell 1 Row 87 - Cell 2 Row 87 - Cell 3
dMIND.teeqRow 88 - Cell 1 Row 88 - Cell 2 Row 88 - Cell 3
LeStream BlaxouRow 89 - Cell 1 Row 89 - Cell 2 Row 89 - Cell 3
MRKN KawzmikRow 90 - Cell 1 Row 90 - Cell 2 Row 90 - Cell 3
TouzliRow 91 - Cell 1 Row 91 - Cell 2 Row 91 - Cell 3
LZR LegedienRow 92 - Cell 1 Row 92 - Cell 2 Row 92 - Cell 3
CODE SEN-AspectRow 93 - Cell 1 Row 93 - Cell 2 Row 93 - Cell 3
LZR HornetRow 94 - Cell 1 Row 94 - Cell 2 Row 94 - Cell 3
LZR KreoRow 95 - Cell 1 Row 95 - Cell 2 Row 95 - Cell 3
ClipnodeRow 96 - Cell 1 Row 96 - Cell 2 Row 96 - Cell 3
100T Arkhram1xRow 97 - Cell 1 Row 97 - Cell 2 Row 97 - Cell 3
snoirreHRow 98 - Cell 1 Row 98 - Cell 2 Row 98 - Cell 3

For everything else on the event, head to the official Fortnite World Cup page which includes a long FAQ and more details.

Ford James

Give me a game and I will write every "how to" I possibly can or die trying. When I'm not knee-deep in a game to write guides on, you'll find me hurtling round the track in F1, flinging balls on my phone in Pokemon Go, pretending to know what I'm doing in Football Manager, or clicking on heads in Valorant.

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