Fury - updated impressions

The combat is hectic - all abilities have a one second cooldown, with no “mana” cost. Hilliam says, “If you’re not hitting a key every second, then you’re not maximizing your output.” You base tactical decisions on immediate gain versus delayed power. Some abilities are weaker, yet produce charges needed to execute “finishing” abilities. Also, accumulating a certain type of charge makes abilities of different schools less powerful. For example, if you build up offensive charges, then your healing abilities won’t be as strong. Using healing will also reduce your offensive charges, delaying the use of your ultra-offensive abilities.

Matthew Keast
My new approach to play all games on Hard mode straight off the bat has proven satisfying. Sure there is some frustration, but I've decided it's the lesser of two evils when weighed against the boredom of easiness that Normal difficulty has become in the era of casual gaming.