7 video game heroes who are basically Star Wars characters in disguise

Star power
Just what is it about the Star Wars saga that makes these movies so darned relatable? I can tell you - it isn't merely a fluke. If anything, such widespread appeal was coded in from the get-go. You see, as a student of Joseph Campbell, Lucas was well aware of the underlying archetypes linking mankind's greatest fables. He simply transplanted them out onto the stars. The callow youth, the wise master and the cocky brigand - all present and correct, all connecting with audiences just as they have for thousand, thousand years. It's a smart place to start, and you can bet ol' Georgy wasn't the only one taking notes from these ancient fables.
That's why when it comes to choosing video game characters to supplant the Star Wars roster the options are practically infinite. Just as every adventurous teen -from Tidus to Sora - has a little bit of Luke Skywalker about them, so too will every smooth-talking scoundrel invite comparson to the great Han Solo. With that being said, I've made a go of selecting the most fitting character switches for every job role in the galaxy. Alright, maybe just seven of them Enjoy!

Ryu would be a Jedi Knight!
Star Wars name = Master Sho-Ryuke Enn
Qualifications = A master of close combat technique, Ryu reflects the Jedi's stoic and self-disciplined character - practising non-lethal methods wherever possible. Like the Jedi, Ryu belongs to an ancient and mystical tradition, trained from young boyhood to harness vast supernatural energies - as instructed by a wise and elderly master. As with the force, followers of this ki-powered style are liable to be tempted down a dark path, eschewing greater wisdom for incalculable power. The character of 'Dark Ryu' represents this possibility. And no, Ken probably wouldn't make the cut
Inevitable on-the-job screw up = Ill-considered shoryuken leads to numerous painful amputations.

Geralt would be a Bounty Hunter!
Star Wars name = Axii-Aard Quen
Qualifications = Regardless of the many dialogue choices made on his behalf (i.e. to be good or evil) Geralt still maintains an underlying personality. Cold, calculating and ostensibly dispassionate, Rivia's own 'white wolf' witcher is a plain-talking man of action - provided the money's right, of course. Like the Bounty Hunter's Guild, Geralt's order has also fallen into disarray, leading to a similar spate of in-fighting forcing both groups to go solo. As with Jango and son, Geralt certainly isn't above hiring out his services to all manner of clientele - tracking beasts, guarding cargo and assassinating highly placed individuals along the way. He may not stoop to outright scum and villainy, though he remains mired in it all the same. Remind you of anyone?
Inevitable on-the-job screw up = Settles in for a nice long chat - bounty scarpers out the back door.

Shang Tsung would be a Sith Lord!
Star Wars name = Darth Shan T'sun
Qualifications = How is Shang Tsung like a Sith? Oh, let me count the ways Well, for a start, both parties are motivated by hatred, rage and an unquenchable thirst for power. Much like his counterparts in the Sith, Tsung is also a schemer, forced to exert his wicked influence in secret, lest he undermine his latest elaborate plan. Like the Jedi, Tsung also wields tremendous mystical energy, though his powers are actually closer to Star Wars' sorceress Mother Talzin than the more conventional 'lightning and gurn' tactics employed by Palpatine. His taste in dark and gaudy costumes doesn't hurt the comparison either.
Inevitable on-the-job screw up = Discovers too late that his awesome new cloak is actually flammable.

Edward Kenway would be a Smuggler!
Star Wars name = Pyrat Li-Fomy
Qualifications = You can't spell smuggler without 'smug'. Equal parts arrogance and street smarts, this charismatic criminal delights in dice, daring do and dive bars. And so does Edward Kenway. Like Han and Lando, our Eddie is all about that cash, until a chance encounter convinces him to change his selfish ways. Prior to that point however, both parties had been engaged in moving stolen goods, though in Eddie's case he actually stole the stuff first. Add to that the fact that both groups rock cool clothes and even cooler ships, and you have a pretty striking likeness. These chaps couldn't be any closer together if they were tethered up by a tractor beam.
Inevitable on-the-job screw up = Attempts to board and take the Death Star, immediately regrets this decision.

Otacon would be a Protocol Droid!
Star Wars name = Pish Mi-Pants
Qualifications = A vastly intelligent, if occasionally pompous assistant, Metal Gear's Otacon would probably find a lot to like in Star Wars' C3-PO. Its fair to say that though both characters only survive by virtue of their powerful friends, it's typically these allies placing them in peril to begin with. Whiny, spineless, and likely to interrupt at a moment's notice, it's small wonder anyone puts up with these two at all. Oh, and let's not forget - they both excel in letting their little robotic buddies do all of the hard work for them. For shame
Inevitable on-the-job screw up = Vents personal coolant supply at the first sign of danger, causing a far more interesting character to slip and fall.

Slippy Toad would be a Rebel Pilot!
Star Wars name = Bar-El Rol
Qualifications = Idealistic, optimistic, and massively likely to die, Slippy Toad is every bit the model Rebellion pilot. And just like any good rebel soldier he's remembered more for a few snappy one-liners than any of his 'actual' dialogue. 'Do a barrel roll' certainly sounds like the kind of thing you'd hear a struggling rebel bleat mere seconds from winding up on some star destroyer's windscreen.
Inevitable on-the-job screw up = Barrel rolls right into his commanding officer, ala that one jumpy TIE pilot in A New Hope.

Agent 47 would be a Clone Trooper!
Star Wars name = CT-4747 'Slaphead'
Qualifications = An army of clones, created in secret and charged with protecting both a corrupt organisation and its power-mad leader. Sound familiar? Like the clone troopers of the Star Wars saga, Agent 47 was also designed to be an obedient and ruthless combatant, but would eventually develop a few new quirks of his own. Equally, 47 would also be responsible for purging his master's old 'allies', just as Palpatine did with Order 66. Of course, the eponymous Hitman would also go on rise up against this creator, echoing Captain Rex's actions in the Star Wars Rebels TV series.
Inevitable on-the-job screw up = Pretends to shoot Padme in the shower, is promptly force-whacked by Anakin.

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Getting Assassin's Creed Shadows on PS5 and Xbox Series X was all about adding "dynamism" to the open world, but the devs seem most proud about the trees