The best Concord characters to have in your Crew

Concord characters
(Image credit: Firewalk Studios)

Choosing the best Concord characters during a match can really help in certain fights, but there are a lot to choose from. With 16 characters available to pick, knowing which ones are best is a bit more complicated than just getting in some practice thanks to Freerunner roles, Crew Bonuses, and a range of unusual abilities. Without obvious classes and immediately recognisable skills, it can be tricky to understand what role your character is meant to play and what their abilities allows you to do. Fortunately I've tested them all to create this Concord character tier list according to how I feel about them all.  

Concord Freegunner roles

Concord Freegunner roles

(Image credit: Firewalk Studios)

There are six freegunner roles in Concord that function a little like classes. However, rather than giving you specific skills in play, they have various effects on your 'crew', or the characters you play as in a match.

  • Anchor: Increased healing received - 1-OFF, Emari
  • Breacher: Faster Dodge cooldown - Davers, Star Child
  • Haunt: Improved mobility - Bazz, It-Z, Roka
  • Ranger: Improved weapon recoil - Duchess, Jebali, Teo
  • Tactician: Faster reload speed - Daw, Kyps, Lark
  • Warden: Longer weapon range - Haymar, Lennox, Vale

Each role effect remains applied when you change characters, and they all stack over a match, so changing between roles gradually adds more buffs to whatever characters you're playing as. It means it's a very good idea to move between a few different characters to get some useful buffs applied over the course of a match. 

In round-based modes, characters are generally only allowed to be picked once, so considering the crew benefit that each Freegunner gives you, as well as the order in you gain these benefits can also be important.  

Concord S tier characters

Jabali (ranger)

Concord Jabali

(Image credit: Firewalk Studios)

Jabali is basically Moira from Overwatch, with a magic light ball that heals his team and a magic light ball that hurts the enemy. His healing ability is inflicted on a single team mate but creates an aura that affects anyone in it. So fire it at someone rushing ahead and you've got a mobile healing pool heading into battle. His LMG like Pulse Guided Seeker Rifle is also a great main weapon. 

Teo (ranger)

Concord Teo

(Image credit: Firewalk Studios)

Teo is your absolute basic soldier with an AR rifle and a cluster grenade to focus on straight-on damage. The genius combination here is that he has a sight that can see though the smoke grenade he can also throw. So, yeet that at the enemy the moment you encounter them and you've got a very one wait fight as they fire blindly through the cloud and you can see them clearly.

Kyps (tactician)

Concord Kyps

(Image credit: Firewalk Studios)

Kyps is a great character if you want something trickster-y. Her dodge activates a brief moment of cloaking meaning you pop out of any corner with an instant advantage, or get an upper hand in a straight one on one. Damaging anyone in this state then reveals them to the team. She also has a Surveillance Trap that reveals enemies in a set area, and a Disruption Grenade which affects enemy shields and weapons, giving her significant power over chokeholds on the map.   

Concord A tier characters

Duchess (ranger)

Concord Duchess

(Image credit: Firewalk Studios)

Duchess is a good, simple offensive character with some strong options. Her basic submachine gun is useful, while her Ruinous Blast explosive ability is as good for simply scattering enemies as it is for damaging and weakening them. Her Construct Wall ability only blocks things visually (people and bullets can still pass through it)  but used well it can hide you and your team and obstruct enemy aim. 

It-Z (haunt)

Concord It-Z

(Image credit: Firewalk Studios)

It-Z is chaos to use but if you go with it she can run rings around the enemy. Her Cosmic Slip ability fires out a ricocheting sphere she can swap places with, letting her get behind opponents, reposition if she's pinned down and just generally be unpredictable. She also leaves behind a decoy when she uses that, or her dodge, making her a real trickster characters to play. Her Scramble Rebound lets her disrupt an enemy weapon to supercharge her own as well. 

Haymar (warden)

Concord Haymar

(Image credit: Firewalk Studios)

Haymar is powerful but tricky to master thanks to her slow firing Flameshot Bow, which can be charged for even more damage by aiming down the sights. She also has a Wall of Fire projectile that, as the name suggests, makes a wall of fire. While her Blinding Flash is like a remote detonated Flash Bang. 

Concord B tier characters

Roka (haunt)

Concord Roka

(Image credit: Firewalk Studios)

Roka can be tricky to use well but has a range of abilities worth mastering. For starters aiming down the sights will target lock her missile launcher on an enemy. Her triple jump and Hover Thrusters also give her a good aerial advantage. Her Explosive Jump and Blast Dive also give her some good crowd control options.  

Daveers (breacher)

Concord Daveers

(Image credit: Firewalk Studios)

Daveers is a useful crowd control character with her Burnite Canisters splashing flammable liquid everywhere, and her Ignition Darts to set it all off. Used well she can set areas ablaze and cause problems for the enemy advance. Her grenade launcher primary is also a good, if occasionally indiscriminate, weapon. 

Lennox (warden)

Concord Lennox

(Image credit: Firewalk Studios)

Lennox can lay down almost constant fire thanks to his Gunslinger Passive that reloads an emptied weapon if you quick swap. He can also reload a weapon on a dodge, so as long as you're happy with a pistol, you can keep spamming gunfire endlessly. He also has a healing ability and an explosive knife he can throw. 

Vale (warden)

Concord Vale

(Image credit: Firewalk Studios)

Vale is a decent enough sniper character although I've yet to really feel a huge need, or place, for one in Concord's maps. Her sniper rifle is good to use and her Critical Eye ability to see low health enemies through walls, and enhanced damage resistance while aiming, are both great touches. Her Trip mine is also useful and her enhanced jump can help you useful vantage points. 

Concord C tier characters

Lark (tactician)

Concord Lark

(Image credit: Firewalk Studios)

Lark just doesn't feel good to play. Their RazorPod launcher weapons fires out little seed pods that can either hit enemies directly, or float where they stop to act like landmines. So it should be easy to do damage but it never feels rewarding or direct. Their Transport Pod can be dropped to act like a teleporter you can return to at will, while their Spore Seed creates an area that buffs your teams speed and damage resistance. These also buff your damage resistance the more you have in play. 

Daw (tactician)

Concord Daw

(Image credit: Firewalk Studios)

Daw feels like they should be useful but it just doesn't click in play. They're slow to get around and their Healing Pad is too stationary for a game where mobility can be so important. The Safety Dome is also a bit mixed as it stops all bullets, leaving you as out of the fight as the enemy. The dodge heal is nice, but not enough to justify any of the shortcomings. 

Star Child (breacher)

Concord Star Child

(Image credit: Firewalk Studios)

'We have Drax at home' feels like he should be a useful tanky character but he's a bit meh, overall. His Skullbreaker shotgun doesn't seem to have much range and his Rage Rush and Power Slam can be hard to land, and often just put you in trouble more than anything else.  

Concord D tier characters

1-OFF (anchor)

Concord 1-OFF

(Image credit: Firewalk Studios)

1-OFF is a tanky characters but lacks any real focused damage output. His trash bombs are basically big grenades and, while his pressure blaster secondary can hurt, his primary weapon, the vacuum, just sucks up projectiles and scrap to power his bombs and an air barrier he can drop to deflect bullets. 

Emari (anchor)

Concord characters

(Image credit: Firewalk Studios)

Emari is a character that needs team play to work. Her key abilities include a shield that stops all bullets but prevents her firing back - so useful to protect others but leaves her unable to do anything else - and an armor generator that gives nearby teammates a stacking armor bonus. So useful if you team up with others but limited solo. 

Bazz (haunt)

Concord characters

(Image credit: Firewalk Studios)

It's hard to find any positives to Bazz in a game as focused on aggressively attacking as Concord. She can track enemies through walls while crouching, and has increased mobility, but her throwing knife main weapon is slow and not deadly enough. The additional tracking they add on a hit isn't that useful either. Her most significant ability is her Scourge Star, a throwable that makes whoever it hits more vulnerable to damage but, again, not all that useful in the grand scheme of things. 

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Leon Hurley
Managing editor for guides

I'm GamesRadar's Managing Editor for guides, which means I run GamesRadar's guides and tips content. I also write reviews, previews and features, largely about horror, action adventure, FPS and open world games. I previously worked on Kotaku, and the Official PlayStation Magazine and website.