GamesRadar Photoshop Mash-up #1 - Games meet... Food [UPDATED]
Great gaming puns made real. Ish

Games vs Food
Hello and welcome to a new feature we like to call GamesRadar Photoshop Mash-up. Over the next few pages we've taken a bunch of game-based puns -- in this instance, they're all about food -- and used our crazy Photoshop skills to tinker with existing box art and make them a reality. We've even included a few words on our creative process too.
Sadly, some didn't make the cut. We didn't think the likes of Destroy All Hummus, Aliens: Colonial Meringues or Super Meat Fighter were quite as strong. However, if you like what we've done here, please let us know in the comments and we'll make more. For now, though, enjoy -- and if you want to get a closer look at what we've done, just click on the top right of the images to enlarge them.
Now updated with some top-class reader entries!

Bread Space
Inspired by Dead Space. Here we imagine what Isaac Clark might think about eating in between savage dismemberments of an unrelenting alien threat.

Cod of War
Inspired by God of War. We imagine that Kratos -- if he were an Atlantic cod -- would prefer his enemies battered, rather than his body. We also took the massive chip on his shoulder and recreated it as a portion of real, delicious, chips.

Toastbusters: The Game
Inspired by Ghostbusters: The Game. We stopped short of adding spooky jam to the toast ghost, because it looked weird, but did insert a cheeky toaster in place of the infamous ghost trap.

Salami of Two
Inspired by Army of Two. These two bros -- Alpha and Bravo -- are real men, who love meat so much they've adopted cured sausages as their primary weapons.

Elite Beef Agents
Inspired by Elite Beat Agents. Three characters, three different cuts of beef -- one tasty team of Agents.

Heavenly Swordfish
Inspired by Heavenly Sword. Nariko serves up a delightful grilled swordfish steak, with a delicate cress topping. And pain. Lots of pain.

Metroid Prime Rib
Inspired by Metroid Prime. Tired of getting peckish inside that massive suit, Samus now carries around a rack of prime ribs to nibble at between platforms.

Mirror's Veg
Inspired by Mirror's Edge. The moral message in Mirror's Edge is that total state control is a bad thing. And that you should definitely eat your 5-a-day.

Rainbow Twix: Vegas
Inspired by Rainbow Six. Cleaning up terrorism is a tough business, so the team top up their blood-sugar levels in the afternoon with a tasty chocolate snack. Other snacks are available, but they don't make for as good a pun...

Naughty Pear
Inspired by Naughty Bear. When pears go bad, it's best to pop them in a sealed bin or feed them down the waste disposal. Or they might come back and exact a terrible revenge on all your other fruit.

Little Fig Planet
Reader entry by: Martyn Bowell

Buncharted: Drake's Cholesterol
Reader entry: Martyn Bowell

Deus Eggs: Human Ovulation
Reader entry: Martyn Bowell

Your turn
So, you've seen what we've created. You've likely sighed at the awful puns, and thought you could do much better. Well, we'd love you to get involved. Why not create your own food-based gaming puns and show them to us via Twitter. If you're not familiar with Photoshop, just let us know your Games vs Food puns in the comments below.
Hungry for more? Of course you are. Why not check out previous food-based features like If Video Games Were Candy Bars or our terrifying examination of What Would The Original 151 Pokemon Taste Like?

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