GamesRadar T-shirt store now open for business!

Over the years we've had various GamesRadar tees printed for events and competitions, but never a proper bespoke collection of cotton vests with our very own words and pictures printed on the front. Now we have.

The US and UK shop can be found here:

T-shirts can be designed to your own personal requirements to match skin-tone, hair colour and belly size and you can even choose which design to use.

Above: Cundyadvertiseshis shirt on the Internet

More designs will be added in the coming weeks and we'll keep you updated when they come into stock.

We will also be setting up a thread in the forums for readers to submit their own suggestions for T-shirt designs - just remember not to use anything which is likely to infringe copyrights. Ie. A picture of Mario with a huge phallus protuding from his head. (We've already tried, the lawyers said no).

We look forward to hearing what you think of them - and seeing photos of you wearing them in inopportune locations around the world...

June 25, 10