GamesRadar's E3 2012 Important Stuff Awards
Honoring the best, worst, and most important E3 stuff

Just look at this stuff - seriously, just look at it
And with that, we've created a follow-up award: GamesRadar's E3 2012 Important Stuff Awards. Here, we give out awards not for being the best, but for being the most important. Take a look...

Best Jam Session: Rayman Legends Surf Rock stage
Runner-up: Rock Band Blitz

Best Ellen Page: Jodie from Beyond
15 years in character Jodies life
Runner-up: Girl from The Last of Us

Best Place to Stab Someone in an E3 2012 Demo: Neck
Runner up: Anywhere with an arrow. Seriously, it happened like 20 times. Check out this video as proof:

Best Hitman Game: Dishonored
Runner up: Assassins Creed III
Honorable mention: Hitman: Ascension

Best Non-Sequel: Watch Dogs
A seedy cyberpunk tale set in a grounded-in-reality near future
Runner-up: Beyond

Biggest Wince: Brick as face-smashing weapon in The Last of Us
Runner-up: Lara Croft stepping into a bear trap

Biggest Obvious Trend in Sports Games: Momentum/dynamic gameplay
Runner-up: RPG elements becoming more pronounced

Best Trailer that Didnt Actually Show the Game: ZombiU
Runner-up: Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2

Best use of Time Travel as a Plot Device: Dance Central 3
Dance crimes? No, seriously, can you come up with a better idea? We dont wanna hear it.
Runner-up: Assassin's Creed III

Best "Real" Trailer: Assassins Creed III
Runner up: South Park: Stick of Truth

Strangest Animal Abuse: Killing tigers in Far Cry 3
Runner up: Killing deer with bows in Tomb Raider

Biggest Announcement to get Swept Under the Rug: Mass Effect 3 coming to Wii U
Runner-up: EA's UFC partnership

Biggest Letdown: Nintendo Land
Runner-up: The lack of Vita news during Sony presser

Most Interminable Press Conference Demo: Wonderbook
Runner-up: Nintendo Land

Best Burnout Paradise Sequel not Actually Called Burnout Paradise 2: Need for Speed: Most Wanted
Enter Need for Speed: Most Wanted. It handles like Burnout Paradise, it takes place in an open world full of challenges like Burnout Paradise, and indeed, you can slap on the booster and take down opponents - just like Burnout Paradise. Yet, even as Paradise integrated a certain degree of social engagement, Most Wanted feels like a perfect wedding of Autolog and Facebook-level connectedness. It is, in short, the sequel to Paradise that weve wanted for years.
Runner up: Nothing. Seriously, the next Need for Speed is essentially Burnout Paradise 2 - how awesome is that?

Best taste of Next-Gen: Unreal Engine 4
Runner-up: Watch Dogs

Best month to release a game shown at E3: March
Runner-up: February

Best ...well, Yeah, that's Exactly what we Expected: Pikmin 3
Runner up: Gears of War, Call of Duty, God of War, and Halo

Best Game of the Show: Watch Dogs
And thats before the amazing and immersive look into this hackable Chicago. Its got elements that remind us of Assassins Creed. Its got a level of technological Superman thats appealing. And, apparently, theres going to be much more to it, from a social standpoint, than weve been shown?
Runner-up: Assassins Creed III

E3 2013 is only a year away
What do you think should have made the list? Are there are categories you would have added? If so, let us know in the comments below.
And if you want more E3 reactions, check out the top 7 E3 2012 no-shows and our Most Valuable Games of E3 2012.
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