Gears of War 2 Cheats

Gears of War 2 FAQs

Gears of War 2 Easter Eggs

  • Xbox 360 | Submitted by Dan Prestidge#1

    Secret Video

    At the start screen don't press start just wait until you see the video. It will take a few minutes.

  • Xbox 360 | Submitted by INshane

    Mexican Firefighter

    Any time on Mission 1

    While fighting the Guards, one of them drops a flamthrower. Use the flamethrower to complete the whole level and you unlock a Easter Egg.

  • Xbox 360 | Submitted by dave

    Cowboy Hats

    Start at the beginning of Act 1 Chapter 3 "Rolling Thunder" on Insane difficulty. Before the first cutscene you’ll see three cowboy hats. Take out your pistol and shoot them. Remember to press BACK to skip the dialog.
    Assuming you are facing the direction the rig will be moving, the first is on the side of the building behind and to the right of the rig.
    The second is between the front wheel and back wheel of a tank sitting to the left of the rig.
    The third is behind the second large gas tank next to the tank with the previous cowboy hat.
    Shooting all 3 will give you the following effects:
    Everyone on the rig will put on a cowboy hat.
    In the next chapter, if you fail kill the driver of the hijacked rig in time, when you see the cutscene of your rig falling into the ravine, you will see a cowboy hat floating down to earth.
    If you succeed to kill the driver of the hijacked rig, he will be wearing a cowboy hat when he hangs out the window before the cutscene.
    During the cutscene where the hijacked rig falls into the ravine, you will see a cowboy hat falling down to earth.
    A corpser that emerges from the ground later in the chapter will be wearing a cowboy hat and scream "YEE HAW!"

  • Xbox 360 | Submitted by Tyrannical T

    Secret Message after Credits

    After the credits are finished a message from Adam Fenix is played, "This is Adam Fenix....Can anyone hear me...Is anyone out there? This is Adam Fenix....Can anyone hear me...What have you done?"

Gears of War 2 Unlockables

  • Xbox 360 | Submitted by Sanderson

    Map Pack Achievements

    Annex: Now With Execution Rules75G - Win an Annex match on each Flashback and Combustible Map Pack map (public matches only)
    Bound by a Shared Past 15G - Win a Wingman match on each of the 5 Flashback Map Pack maps
    Forged in the Fire 15G - Win a Wingman match on each of the 3 Combustible Map Pack maps
    More Mystery, Less History 15G - Win a multiplayer match on each of the 5 Flashback Map Pack maps (any mode except Wingman)
    Skeletons in your Closet 20G - Complete waves 1 through 10 on all Flashback Map Pack maps in Horde (any difficulty)
    The Roof! The Roof! The Roof… 15G - Win a multiplayer match on each of the 3 Combustible Map Pack maps (any mode except Wingman)
    Trial by, and on, Fire 20G - Survive first 10 Horde waves on Combustible Map Pack maps as a team

  • Xbox 360 | Submitted by Zoid

    Golden Weapons

    Golden Gnasher (Shotgun) - Earn the highest rank possible in an online multiplayer match
    Golden Snub pistol - Earn 1000 Achievement points and get to rank 5 in online multiplayer

  • Xbox 360 | Submitted by Fargotten Farce

    Secret Gamerpics

    Secret Gamerpic - Beat the game on Insane difficulty.
    Secret Gamerpic 2 - Complete the game on any difficulty in co-op mode.

  • Xbox 360 | Submitted by Fargotten Farce, Josh C. Burt

    Unlockable Multiplayer Skins

    Anthony Carmine - Successfully complete Act 1 in the original Gears Of War.
    Dizzy Wallin - Successfully complete Act 1 in Single Player mode.
    Flame Grenadier - Successfully complete Act 4 in Single Player mode.
    Kantus - Successfully complete Act 2 in Single Player mode.
    Lt. Minh Young Kim - Find 10 COG tags in the original Gears Of War.
    RAAM - Defeat RAAM in the original Gears Of War.
    Skorge - Successfully complete Act 5 in Single Player mode.
    Tai Kaliso - Successfully complete Act 3 in Single Player mode.

  • Xbox 360 | Submitted by BUSHRAN NAZRI


    Green as Grass (10) - Train the rook (any difficulty).
    It's a Trap! (10) - Story progression in Act 1, Chapter 2.
    Escort Service (10) - Story progression in Act 1, Chapter 4.
    Girl About Town (10) - Story progression in Act 1, Chapter 6.
    That Sinking Feeling (10) - Story progression in Act 2, Chapter 4.
    Freebaird! (10) - Story progression in Act 2, Chapter 5.
    Heartbroken (10) - Story progression in Act 2, Chapter 6.
    Longitude and Attitude (10) - Story progression in Act 3, Chapter 3.
    Tanks for the Memories (10) - Story progression in Act 3, Chapter 4.
    Water Sports (10) - Story progression in Act 3, Chapter 6.
    There's a Time for Us (10) - Story progression in Act 4, Chapter 2.
    Better Wrapped in Beacon (10) - Story progression in Act 4, Chapter 3.
    Have Fun Storming the Castle (10) - Story progression in Act 4, Chapter 6.
    And the Horse You Rode in On (10) - Story progression in Act 5, Chapter 1.
    You Are the Support, Son (10) - Story progression in Act 5, Chapter 2.
    Brumak Rodeo (10) - Story progression in Act 5, Chapter 4.
    Does This Look Infected to You? (10) - Story progression in Act 5, Chapter 5.
    Tourist of Duty (25) - Complete all campaign acts on Casual Difficulty.
    Guerilla Tactician (50) - Complete all campaign acts on Normal Difficulty.
    Artist of War (75) - Complete all campaign acts on Hardcore Difficulty.
    Suicide Missionary (150) - Complete all campaign acts on Insane Difficulty.
    Collector (5) - Recover 5 collectibles (any difficulty).
    Pack Rat (15) - Recover 20 collectibles (any difficulty).
    Completionist (30) - Recover all 41 collectibles (any difficulty).
    One-Night Stand (10) - Complete 1 chapter in co-op on any difficulty (Marcus or Dom).
    Open Relationship (30) - Complete 10 chapters in co-op on any difficulty (Marcus or Dom).
    Friends with Benefits (50) - Complete all acts in co-op on any difficulty (Marcus or Dom).
    Once More, With Feeling (10) - Perform 30 perfect active reloads (any mode).
    Takes a Licking (30) - Melee 30 Tickers (any mode).
    Organ Grinder (10) - Kill 30 enemies with a cover mounted Mulcher (any mode).
    Shock and Awe (10) - Kill 30 enemies with the heavy Mortar (any mode).
    Said the Spider to the Fly (10) - Kill 10 enemies with a planted grenade (any mode).
    Crowd Control (10) - Melee 10 enemies down with the Boomshield equipped (any mode).
    Smells Like Victory (10) - Kill 30 enemies with the Scorcher Flamethrower (any mode).
    Variety Is the Spice of Death (30) - Kill an enemy with every weapon in the game (any mode).
    Seriously 2.0 (50) - Kill 100,000 enemies (any mode).
    Standing Here, Beside Myself (10) - Win 3 matches of Wingman (public).
    Beat the Meatflag (10) - Capture 10 meatflags in Submission (public).
    It's Good to be the King (10) - Win 10 rounds of Guardian as the leader (public).
    You Go Ahead, I'll Be Fine (10) - Win three matches of King of the Hill (public).
    Back to Basic (10) - Successfully complete the 5 lessons of multiplayer Training Grounds.
    Party Like It's 1999 (30) - Play 1999 rounds of multiplayer (any mode).
    Around the World, Again (30) - Win a multiplayer match on each map (any mode).
    Dirty, Dirty Horde (20) - Survive the first 10 waves of Horde (any difficulty, any map).
    Hoard the Horde (30) - Survive all 50 waves of Horde (any difficulty, any map).
    Crossed Swords (10) - Win 10 chainsaw duels (any mode).
    A Parting Gift (20) - Kill 10 enemies with a grenade while down but not out (any mode).
    Pound of Flesh (10) - Use a meatshield to save your life 10 times (any mode).
    Photojournalist (10) - Submit a spectator photo.
    Kick 'Em When They're Down (10) - Perform all 11 unique executions on a downed enemy.

Gears of War 2 Cheats

  • Xbox 360 | Submitted by Chaz Barratt

    War Journal Walkthrough

    Pick up every war journal with our exclusive War Journal Video Guide, and get the real story on the Locusts.

  • Xbox 360 | Submitted by Gears of War 2 Cheats

    Downloadable Maps

    Learn all the weapon locations with Gears of War 2 Printable Maps. Or just use them to learn your way around.

  • Xbox 360 | Submitted by Daniel Acaba

    Gears Of War Printable FAQ/Walkthrough

    Our Gears of War 2 Guide will spoil the whole game. Defeat every Locust and master every weapon by downloading our Exclusive Printable Gears of War 2 FAQ/Walkthrough.

    You can post a copy next to your TV and refer to it only when nobody's looking.

Gears of War 2 Hints

  • Xbox 360 | Submitted by The .44 Mag. Z-Man

    Chainsaw Sires

    Gathering Storm (Rude Awakening)

    First, make sure you have the lancer equipped on your character. Second, make your way as quickly as possible through the Sires jumping out of their holding tanks to the dual-valve gate. Once you get there, wait for each of the Sires to come at you and simply use the chainsaw to kill them. They only have a melee attack so they almost have no chance of causing the chainsaw to drop. There are only about 25 enemies to kill but by doing this you will save a lot of ammo and keep from being slain from behind while opening the gate.

  • Xbox 360 | Submitted by mo$e$

    11 Unique Executions

    Lancer+B (don't hold B, only tap it)
    Boltok Pistol+Y
    Torque Bow+B
    Torque Bow+Y
    (When enemy is down)+X
    (When enemy is down)+Y
    (When enemy is down)+A+X

  • Xbox 360 | Submitted by ThatDarnAsian

    Defeating the Leviathan (Giant Fish)

    After you and Dom fall down a large waterfall you should begin the boss fight against Leviathan. Her tentacles will rise from the water and slam down on the boat. Use your chainsaw to slice through them and anger her. Leviathan will rise from the water and bite down on the boat. Shoot her in one of the eyes and she should back away and roar. After doing this a second time, dive forward when she roars. You will be inside of her mouth. There will be strange blue tentacles inside of her mouth, when they glow shoot them. After a while Leviathan's windpipe will open, throw a grenade inside and watch it explode. If done correctly her windpipe should cough up flames. Do the same thing about two more times (depending on difficulty). Once defeated Leviathan will roar and cough up blood, then die in the water. Happy Fishing!

  • Xbox 360 | Submitted by Guinee Kidd

    Easy "Pound of Flesh" Achievement

    I found that the easiest way to get this achievement is to set up a local match against bots. When the match starts, grab grenades and then lancer down your opponents. After they are down, Tag them with a grenade and then quickly pick them up and use them as a meat shield. Each kill that you get by doing this counts as a "Pound of Flesh" achievement point.

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