Genshin Impact Hydroculus locations

Genshin Impact Hydroculus
(Image credit: HoYoverse)

Genshin Impact Hydroculus locations can be quite well hidden, and you've absolutely got your work cut out for you if you want to find them all as there's 271 Hydroculi in total to collect. However, it's worth the effort as if you get them all then you can use them to upgrade the Fontaine region’s Statues of the Seven, in return for rewards including Primogems, Hydro Sigils, Fontaine Shrine of Depths Keys, and more. To help you find every Hydroculus location in Genshin Impact, we've provided a selection of annotated location maps below laying out the best Hydroculus farm routes to follow, including those based in the Sea of Bygone Eras which was added in Genshin Impact 4.6.

How to find Genshin Impact Hydroculi

Genshin Impact Hydroculus

(Image credit: HoYoverse)

There are 271 Genshin Impact Hydroculus locations in Fontaine , the northwestern region of Teyvat. A Hydroculus (plural Hydroculi) looks like a little floating orb. It has a bright blue glow, but it can still be rather difficult to spot. While many are found on top of buildings and mountains, beware that some Hydroculi are located underwater.

Once you’ve found a Hydroculus location, all you need to do is touch it, and it will go straight to your inventory. You’ll need a stack of twenty Hydroculi to unlock the first Fontaine Statue of the Seven upgrade.

Genshin Impact Beryl and Belleau Hydroculus

(click map to expand) (Image credit: HoYoverse)

Here’s every Dendroculus location in Fontaine’s Beryl and Belleau regions, the southern part of the map. Beware that some locations are underwater (either in the water itself or in caves), so you’ll have to do some swimming. For locations 41 to 43, do the World Quest called “A Brush of Seafoam and Crimson”. 

  1. Floating above one of the ships.
  2. At the top of the Romaritime Harbor building, just above the water.
  3. On top of the mountain.
  4. On the grassy hill, above the empty canvas.
  5. The Hydroculus is on the ship. It looks a bit like a lantern from afar.
  6. On the tiny island.
  7. Dive into the water and swim through the tunnel (the same tunnel that leads to the nearby Emperor of Fire and Iron Domain). This will lead you to the Hydroculus location.
  8. At the top of the large pointy rock.
  9. Floating in the air. To easily reach this Hydroculus, use the portal on top of the house a few paces south of this location.
  10. This Hydroculus location is inside the aquabus tunnel. The easiest way to get it is by taking the aquabus.
  11. High above the mountains. Climb to the top of the mountain, then use the windmill mechanism to create an Anemo current. Fly up and grab the Hydroculus.
  12. On top of the massive shipwreck. It’s above ground, next to the gorge.
  13. It’s inside a large cave. Starting from the previous Hydroculus location or nearest Teleport Waypoint, glide down towards the northeast. You’ll see a large room with a shipwreck and a deep pool right in front of you. Dive down this pool to grab the Hydroculus.
  14. This Hydroculus is inside the same cave as number 13. It’s on top of the large shipwreck, on the left side.
  15. Floating above the building with the pointy roof.
  16. Go to the beach. The Hydroculus is on top of the house.
  17. Underwater, on a ledge near some coral.
  18. Swim down to the deep trench or use the nearby Teleport. There’s a porous rock just north of the Teleport location, with some explosives right next to it. Hit the explosives to destroy the rock and reveal the Hydroculus.
  19. Starting from the nearby underwater Teleport Waypoint, swim south. The Hydroculus location is further above you, on a large green leaf.
  20. Underwater, inside the sealed ruin. To unlock it, you have to balance the two “pneumousia relays”, the two glowing pillars, in front of the door. To balance the purple pneumousia relay, collect the yellow orb left of the building and use it on the pillar. To balance the yellow pneumousia relay, collect the purple orb on the large green leaf right of the building.
  21. Very close to the Teleport Waypoint, just below the waterline.
  22. Underwater, quite far below the surface. Starting from the nearby Teleport Waypoint, swim down the trench. The Hydroculus is inside the large tunnel leading even further down.
  23. Keep following the underwater tunnel mentioned in the previous location. You will enter a cave with a shipwreck; the Hydroculus is on top of the wreck.
  24. Start from the nearby underwater Teleport Waypoint, then swim south until you see a tunnel on your right hand, leading down. At the bottom of the tunnel, hit the blue crab, then use your Skill on the glowing breakable rock. This will reveal the Hydroculus.
  25. Above water, on a boat.
  26. See the ruin enemies? There’s a tunnel hidden behind them; drop down to find the Hydroculus.
  27. On top of the high cliff, next to the building with the pointed roof.
  28. This one’s a bit tricky; start by defeating the large ruin enemy – he’s guarding a precious treasure chest surrounded by three Seelie pillars. There’s one Seelie hidden inside each of the surrounding ruins: one to the east (solve the pneumousia relay puzzle), one to the west (go through the roof), and one to the southeast (collect the three tiny blue orbs, then stand in the middle of the three purple mechanisms and use an attack). Open the precious treasure chest, and you’ll automatically be transported upwards, where you’ll find the Hydroculus.
  29. The Hydroculus is in the water, but be careful; the lake is boiling hot. To safely reach the Hydroculus, you’ll have to complete the boiling lake puzzle first. In short, you need to release the three purple Hydro mechanisms surrounding the lake, then glide to the middle of the lake and activate the three purple devices to unlock a new portal, which will take you to an underwater area. Solve the Hydro puzzles in this location to stop the lake from boiling. Return to the lake to collect the Hydroculus.
  30. See the house? Jump down the well in front of this building and turn left to find the Hydroculus. Beware that you first need to complete the same boiling lake puzzle required for Hydroculus number 29.
  31. On top of the rock.
  32. At the top of the pointy rock.
  33. On a pointy ledge, at the top of the high cliff.
  34. On the rock.
  35. Go to the Teleport Waypoint, the highest point of the mountain. The Hydroculus is floating next to the airship. Defeat the strange-looking creature underneath the airship to unlock a portal that will take you to the ship.
  36. Above ground, floating in the doorway of an old ruin.
  37. On top of the mountain.
  38. Floating high above the stone circle. You can use the teleport on the nearby cliff to get it easily.
  39. In the water, just below the surface.
  40. Dive down the lake and destroy the breakable rock to obtain the Hydroculus. It’s not far below the surface.
  41. Underground, in Merusea Village. You can dive down the same lake as mentioned in Hydroculus location 40, then follow the path south until you reach the village. This is part of the “A Brush of Seafoam and Crimson” World Quest. The Hydroculus is on the path leading to Mamere’s house, on a tiny pile of rocks.
  42. In front of a house in Merusea Village. You need to complete the World Quest “A Brush of Seafoam and Crimson” first, then you can dive down the pool in the middle of Merusea Village (same level as Mamere’s house). This will lead you to a deeper part of the village, where you’ll find the Hydroculus.
  43. In an underground cave. Starting from the Merusea Village Teleport Waypoint (see Hydroculus location 40), follow the path to the northwest until you see a shipwreck; the Hydroculus is on that wreck.

Genshin Impact Court of Fontaine Hydroculus

(click map to expand) (Image credit: HoYoverse)

Here’s every Hydroculus location in Fontaine, the northern part of the map. Beware that Hydroculus locations 11 to 14 are locked behind the Aqueous Tidemarks World Quest, and Hydroculi 40 to 42 are locked behind the Narzissenkreuz Adventure World Quest.

  1. Above the beach, on the large fossil-like overhanging rock.
  2. Underwater, inside a turret. Hit a glowing blue crab, then use your Skill on the turret to destroy it and get the Hydroculus.
  3. Floating above the water. Use the nearby portal to grab it.
  4. Above water, you can easily grab it from a waverider boat.
  5. In the water, not far down. The Hydroculus is floating inside a stone archway.
  6. In a small underwater ruin, just north of the Teleport Waypoint.
  7. Just below the water, next to the stone pillar. Watch out for the two stingrays guarding this Hydroculus.
  8. On the island.
  9. Underwater, inside a cave. Starting from the nearby island, swim to the northwest until you see a deep gorge below you. Swim down, turn back (facing south), and you’ll see a blocked tunnel entrance. Hit a nearby blue glowing crab, then use your Skill on the glowing stones blocking this tunnel to gain access. The Hydroculus is a bit further down the tunnel to the left.
  10. High above the water, but you’ll have to solve an underwater Seelie puzzle to get there. Dive down to the area just northwest of the island to find the puzzle (inside a bubble, surrounding an Echoing Conch). All three Seelies are near the surrounding shipwrecks, with one inside a breakable rock and one behind a pneumousia puzzle. Once the bubble is broken, interact with the Echoing Conch to spawn a group of fish above you. Interact with the fish to fly upwards and land on the platform with the Hydroculus.
  11. This Hydroculus location is inside the Institute of Natural Philosophy, which is located underwater and can only be reached by doing the Aqueous Tidemarks World Quest. Starting from the southern Teleport Waypoint in this location (there are two in total), swim to the northwest. Pass through the stone archway, then destroy the turret on your right (hit a nearby blue crab and use your Skill on the turret). This will give you the Hydroculus.
  12. Starting from the southern Teleport Waypoint inside the Institute of Natural Philosophy again, take the road to the northeast. The Hydroculus is in front of the staircase.
  13. Starting from the northern Teleport Waypoint inside the Institute of Natural Philosophy, take the path to the north and open the door, which will reveal the Hydroculus. Watch out for the two rifthounds.
  14. Starting from the northern Teleport Waypoint inside the Institute of Natural Philosophy, take the path to the south. The Hydroculus is on the other side of the large room, on the staircase.
  15. The Hydroculus is floating above the boat. While standing on the boat, catch one of the nearby fish, which will spawn a portal. Use it to fly up and grab the Hydroculus.
  16. In a small tunnel, a bit lower than the underwater Teleport Waypoint.
  17. Underwater, on one of the big green leaves close to the Teleport.
  18. Starting from the nearby Teleport Waypoint, swim southeast. You’ll see the Hydroculus in front of an old ruin.
  19. The Hydroculus is in a sealed area. Collect the three nearby Seelies to unlock it: one is surrounded by stingrays (the ones circling a chest), another is trapped in some vines (use the blue crab ability to remove them), and the third one is next to a red time trial which you need to complete.
  20. You need to use the airship to reach this Hydroculus. Dive underwater and cut the vines below the ship, then board the ship and activate the pneumousia mechanism to fly up.
  21. On a tree. Use the portal just south of the Teleport Waypoint to fly up.
  22. In the fountain.
  23. Underneath the large stone bridge.
  24. Underwater, inside the sealed building. To unlock it, interact with the blue gem on the left side of the building (it will turn yellow). Hit the nearby blue crab, then hit the glowing stone with your Skill (also left side of the building). Go to the ball and stream in front of the building and use your shield while blocking the stream (also a blue crab ability), thus allowing the ball to float upwards. You can now interact with the two pillars in front of the building and unlock the door.
  25. It’s on top of the massive structure, but you can use the portal unlocked at Hydroculus location 24 to fly up. It’s just above the building with the Hydroculus inside.
  26. On top of the building, you can use the portal on the west side to fly up.
  27. On one of the lower aquabus rails.
  28. On top of the round building.
  29. Floating on top of the massive archway. If you don’t want to climb,. You can use the time trial next to the previous Hydroculus location.
  30. Just above the small pond.
  31. On the roof of the large building.
  32. On top of the mountain.
  33. At the end of the aquabus rails.
  34. Above the Hilichurl camp.
  35. The Hydroculus is floating in the sky. To reach it, activate the windmill mechanism below with an Anemo attack.
  36. Go to the farm. The Hydroculus is on the wooden storage facility.
  37. On top of the building.
  38. Just off-coast, floating high above ground. You can use a wind current to reach it, but first, you have to solve the Seelie puzzle below: one Seelie is behind a breakable wall, one is a bit further south, hidden beneath the sand (use the ‘dig’ interaction), and one is also floating in the sky. Interact with the Echoing Conch next to the treasure chest to create a portal towards the third Seelie.
  39. Underwater, on an old ruin not far above the bottom of the sea. If you start from the nearby Teleport Waypoint, you’ll have to follow the path south and then swim up a bit.
  40. Underwater, on a ruin very close to the Teleport Waypoint. You can only grab it after completing the World Quest called “The Narzissenkreuz Adventure”.
  41. Floating in the underwater cave, use the nearby bubble to reach it. You will come across this Hydroculus during the The Narzissenkreuz Adventure quest.
  42. Floating inside the large underwater cave. This Hydroculus location is also locked by The Narzissenkreuz Adventure. Once you’ve completed this quest, approach the large building and hit the glowing blue lamp in front of it; this will create a staircase, allowing you to walk up to the Hydroculus.

Genshin Impact Liffey Hydroculus

Genshin Impact Hydroculus locations

(Image credit: HoYoverse)

 The following Hydroculus locations are found in the northeastern part of Fontaine, the Research Institute of Kinetic Energy Engineering Region. Beware that you need to complete the Road to the Singularity world quest to reach locations 40 and 41. Furthermore, location 7 requires a special material, Arkhium Lumenite, and Hydroculus locations 17 to 19 are at the top of the floating Hydro cubes. It’s highly recommended to unlock the Teleport Waypoint above the floating Hydro cubes before you try to collect the Hydroculi. The Hydroculus locations shown on this map are found in the northwestern corner of Fontaine, The Liffey Region. Some Hydroculi are hidden in underwater caves, but you can collect all of them without doing any world quests, except Hydroculus location 23, which requires the Unfinished Comedy quest. 

  1. Floating on the grassy slope.
  2. On top of the mountain.
  3. On an old pillar, right next to the Statue of the Seven.
  4. The Hydroculus is underwater, hidden between the green, mushroom-like plants growing on the rocks. Glide down from the nearby Statue of the Seven (not the Teleport Waypoints) to reach it.
  5. It’s just above the water level, floating on top of a buoy. You can swim over from the nearby Teleport Waypoint and climb up.
  6. Floating above the grassy slope. Simply walk a bit further up the hill and glide down to grab it.
  7. Floating high above the shallow water. Glide down from the cliffs in the northwest to reach it.
  8. Floating high above the beach. Glide down from the cliffs in the west (or Hydroculus location 7) to grab it.
  9. Dive down and you’ll see a large cave entrance below you. The Hydroculus is floating a bit further down the tunnel. Continue swimming down this tunnel to reach Hydroculus location 10.
  10. It’s in an underwater cave, which you can enter through the tunnel mentioned in Hydroculus location 9. Beware that this area drains your HP, so swim fast and take some HP-recovering food with you.
  11. Follow the path north from the Teleport Waypoint and you can’t miss it. The Hydroculus is floating on a wooden crate next to the road.
  12. See the massive tower? The Hydroculus location is on top of it. There’s a portal on the cliffs just north of the tower; you can use it to float up and grab the Hydroculus with ease.
  13. On top of the small island, the highest point.
  14. Floating underwater, not far from the surface. It’s near an old stone pillar.
  15. It’s underwater. Follow the deep gorge towards the north, where you’ll find a tunnel entrance. The Hydroculus is in the tunnel entrance. Keep following the tunnel to reach Hydroculus location 16.
  16. Once you’ve reached the boss arena (by entering the tunnel mentioned in location number 15), walk to the southeastern corner, where you’ll see a deep pool leading into an underwater tunnel. The Hydroculus is inside. Keep following the tunnel to reach Hydroculus locations 17, 18, and 19.
  17. Next to a hidden Teleport Waypoint. If you haven’t unlocked it yet, keep following the tunnel mentioned in Hydroculus location 16 and you’ll get there. Continue through the tunnels to reach Hydroculus locations 18 and 19 too.
  18. If you follow the path mentioned in Hydroculus location 16, starting from the boss arena, it will lead you to a large circular room with the Hydroculus floating in the middle. Keep going south to reach Hydroculus location 19.
  19. Starting from location 18, you’ll find that the door to the south is locked. Just defeat the large ruin guard, and you’ll be able to use the door mechanism to open it. Glide down to your left (bottom of the pit) to find the Hydroculus.
  20. It’s underwater, on an old pillar, not far below the surface.
  21. There’s a tunnel opening next to the old pillars. The Hydroculus is next to that opening.
  22. On top of the large underwater structure, just below the surface.
  23. To reach this Hydroculus location, you’ll have to finish the Unfinished Comedy world quest. Go to the same tunnel where you found Hydroculus location 16, and swim through the hole in the ground, leading to a deeper area.

Genshin Impact Fontaine Research Institute Hydroculus locations

Genshin Impact Hydroculus locations

(Image credit: HoYoverse)

The following Hydroculus locations are found in the northeastern part of Fontaine, the Research Institute of Kinetic Energy Engineering Region. Beware that you need to complete the Road to the Singularity world quest to reach locations 40 and 41. Furthermore, location 7 requires a special material, Arkhium Lumenite, and Hydroculus locations 17 to 19 are at the top of the floating Hydro cubes. It’s highly recommended to unlock the Teleport Waypoint above the floating Hydro cubes before you try to collect the Hydroculi. 

  1. On top of the mountain.
  2. Approach the ruins from the west, and you’ll see a tilted stone slate on your right (top of the staircase, outside). The Hydroculus is hidden behind it.
  3. It’s on top of the mountain.
  4. Floating on the old stone wall surrounding the boss arena, south side.
  5. On top of the tower. Glide down from the nearby cliffs to reach it.
  6. Next to the Teleport Waypoint, inside the translucent barrier. You need to find the two nearby Seelies to break it: one is next to a Hydro mechanism (activate it) and the other is inside the Hydro flower (destroy the flower).
  7. Starting from the nearby Teleport Waypoint, glide towards the west until you see a cave entrance in the ground (behind a bunch of enemies). The Hydroculus is inside the cave, but beware that you need to use “Arkhium Lumenite” to open the door. You can forge this material in one of the underground areas in the Liffey Region, in the same room as Hydroculus location 19. Once you’ve completed the forging process and grabbed the Arkhium Lumenite, return to this location and you’ll find the Hydroculus floating near the ceiling (climb up to grab it).
  8. On top of the large, round building. Glide down from the south to grab it.
  9. It’s on an old stone wall, situated on the green slope.
  10. On top of the house.
  11. Starting from the Teleport Waypoint, dive down into the water and look for the tunnel below you. The tunnel is blocked, but you can blow up the rocks using the nearby glowing crab’s ability: hit the crab, then press the Skill button while aiming at the rocks. The Hydroculus is a bit further below.
  12. Keep following the tunnel you discovered while searching for Hydroculus location 11. When you reach the large open cave, you’ll see the Hydroculus floating on the right.
  13. Floating on the shore, very close to the water. Watch out for the nearby enemies.
  14. It’s inside the Hilichurl camp, floating underneath a claw-like structure. Follow the path to this Hydroculus location and look for the largest building - you can’t miss it.
  15. See the broken aquabus line (the large stone bridge with the floating stones), north of the Statue of the Seven? There’s a Hydroculus floating beneath one of its pillars, just above ground.
  16. Starting from the Statue of the Seven, walk across the old aquabus line (towards the north) and it will lead you to the Hydroculus.
  17. On top of a floating rock, very high up. The only way to reach this Hydroculus is by moving through the Hydro cubes, thereby working your way up to the highest Teleport Waypoint in the area. This route starts north of the Central Laboratory Ruins and takes you through the floating Hydro cubes using portals hidden inside bubbles. Once you’ve unlocked the highest Teleport Waypoint, simply glide down to reach this Hydroculus location.
  18. Start from the nearby Teleport Waypoint (on top of the floating Hydro cubes) and walk east. See the ruins of the stone tower? The Hydroculus is on one of the floating rocks above it. The only way to get there is by climbing and gliding, but it’s not too difficult if you start by walking up the tilted pillar on the right side of the path.
  19. Inside the massive floating Hydro cube, just east of the Teleport Waypoint (the one in the sky). Dive down a bit and swim to the ruin in the northeastern corner of the cub, just below the top. You can see the Hydroculus through a small window.
  20. It’s underwater, below a stone ruin. The ruin has a locked gate, but you can open it by using the seal’s ability: use your attack on the nearby glowing seal, then use your Skill while aiming at the locked door. Enter the ruin, swim through the hole in the floor, and you’ll find the Hydroculus.
  21. Underwater, on an old doorway. It’s not far below the surface.
  22. Underwater, not far below surface again. You’ll find the Hydroculus floating between two halves of a broken pillar.
  23. The Hydroculus is underwater, inside the large ruin. First, defeat the submarine-like ruin enemy outside. This will unlock the ruin’s door mechanism. Use a crab ability (there’s a glowing crab swimming nearby) and drop a bomb near the mechanism, then swim to the door and trigger the bomb to open it. Once inside, you can see the Hydroculus floating above you.
  24. On top of a broken pillar, just above water.
  25. Floating on a high pillar, next to the beach. You can easily grab it if you float down from the Teleport Waypoint southwest of this Hydroculus location.
  26. At the end of the old stone floating bridge. You can simply follow the bridge from the south to reach this Hydroculus, but watch your step!
  27. Underneath the old stone bridge, floating between two halves of a broken pillar.
  28. On top of the high rock. Interact with the time trial just north of this rock to create a portal.
  29. Climb to the top of the building and you’ll see the Hydroculus floating below you, on the lamp post in the center.
  30. Floating in the middle of the broken bridge, just above the road.
  31. Underneath the old building. Use the staircase on the south side and you’ll spot the Hydroculus.
  32. It’s floating underneath an old stone ruin. Approach from the south, and you can’t miss it.
  33. There’s a Hydro stone directly below this Hydroculus. Use a Hydro attack to break it and create a portal; this will take you to the Hydroculus.
  34. On the remains of an old aquabus line, high up in the sky. Once you’ve unlocked the highest Teleport Waypoint, you can simply glide north from there.
  35. Inside the building, behind a locked door. Defeat the enemies, then walk down to the basement. Pick up the purple orb and hit the nearby door mechanism, then pick up the battery (the red portable energy thing) in the room behind it. Place it in such a way that you can hit it through the cameras (the other glowing mechanism, still in the basement). This will turn the battery from red to blue. When it’s blue, pick it up and carry it back to the Hydroculus upstairs. Place the battery next to the door mechanism, unlock the door, and grab the Hydroculus.
  36. On top of the building. You can glide from the mountain ridge in the north to grab it.
  37. On top of the mountain. Although you can climb, it’s easier to solve the Hydro puzzle next to the Teleport Waypoint in the northwest, then follow the Seelie and interact with the Anemo pillar to create a wind current. This will take you to the top of the mountain.
  38. Floating above the grassy slope. Either glide down from a higher part of the mountain, or use the Anemo current mentioned in Hydroculus location 37.
  39. On top of the large building. Instead of climbing, you might want to use the wind current from Hydroculus location 37 (or glide down from the top of the mountain).
  40. You need to finish the Road to Singularity world quest first, then you can enter the cave northwest of this Hydroculus location. Take the elevator down, then go left until you see the large room with the fan: the Hydroculus is floating above that fan. You can also reach the next Hydroculus location from this spot.
  41. Starting from Hydroculus location 40 (still inside the tunnels), take the path to the south, then use the elevator to go down. See the small tunnel with the pool, on your left side after leaving the elevator? Swim down to find the Hydroculus.
  42. On top of the building. Use the wooden platform next to the largest pipe, then climb the rest of the way.

Genshin Impact Erinnyes Forest Hydroculus

Genshin Impact Hydroculus

(Image credit: HoYoverse)

The following Hydroculus locations are found in the eastern part of Fontaine, Erinnyes Forest, which was added in Version 4.2. It’s recommended to complete The Wild Fairy of Erinnyes world quest first, as Hydroculi numbers 9, 11, and 12 are locked behind this quest.

  1. Next to the Statue of the Seven, on top of the tree. Climb up to grab it.
  2. Inside the large pink shell. Hit it twice to open it and collect the Hydroculus.
  3. On top of the mountain.
  4. Floating high up in the air between the two mountain peaks. You can glide down and grab it from either.
  5. You can easily collect this Hydroculus if you walk over the grassy patch between two mountain peaks, where you’ll find it on a small tree trunk. No need to climb to the top of the mountain!
  6. You must use the nearby puzzle mechanism to reach this Hydroculus. First, interact with the small pillar with the blue orb, a bit further south. This will grant you a special ability to use on the purple jellyfish nearby; by pressing your skill button, push the jellyfish further up the slope until it’s below the Hydroculus. Next, touch the jellyfish and it will launch you upwards.
  7. Look for the tiny pond with the large pink shell. First, catch the mysterious creature in the pond, which turns out to be a Seelie, and follow it to its pillar. Open the pink shell and grab the yellow orb, then hit the mechanism that has now appeared at the bottom of the pond. This will reveal the Hydroculus.
  8. You have to solve a puzzle to reach the Hydroculus in this location. First, activate the two Anemo pillars, then light up the two torches. Next, shoot the floating orbs above the third Anemo pillar, then activate this one as well and light the third torch. An Eye of the Storm mini boss will spawn; defeat it to create a wind current that will take you to the Hydroculus.
  9. It’s floating high above Loch Urania, on top of the big Hydro orb. Beware that you need to get rid of the wind barrier first; to do so, follow the Wild Fairy of Erinnyes world quest until the “Furious Mouth of Spring” part, then use the same wind current as described in Hydroculus location 8 to fly over the lake and get the Hydroculus.
  10. Above the mountain peak. You’ll need to defeat the Hilichurl on top to create a wind current and reach this Hydroculus. Alternatively, you can use a wind catcher gadget or a character’s ability, such as Zhongli’s skill, to reach it.
  11. You need to complete The Wild Fairy of Erinnyes world quest to unlock this Hydroculus location. You can then teleport to the underground Waypoint and swim to the west; the Hydroculus will be on a nearby rock.
  12. Starting from the same underground Teleport Waypoint mentioned in Hydroculus location 11, swim to the northeast and go through the hole in the ceiling. Follow the tunnel until you see a sharp ledge below you; look underneath this ledge to find the Hydroculus.
  13. Starting from Hydroculus location 12, keep swimming towards the larger room and then go inside the tunnel on your left.
  14. In the middle of the small island, beneath the roots of the Weeping Willow.
  15. Inside the small hut.
  16. On top of the ruins.
  17. The Hydroculus is inside the well. To reach it, go to the small lake east of this location, and pick up the blue orb from the small pillar. Next, use your skill on the two green floating enemies above the lake. Defeating them will cleanse the water and allow you to dive down, enter a tunnel, and reach the Hydroculus.
  18. It’s in an underground tunnel. There’s a cave entrance east of the Weeping Willow; enter the cave, use the cannon to smash the wall blocking your way, and grab the Hydroculus. If you want to save some time, continue swimming east to reach Hydroculus location 19 as well.
  19. On the highest point of the island.
  20. On a high rock next to the road.
  21. Inside the small pond. Defeat the treasure hunters, then pick up the blue orb from the nearby pillar to gain a special ability. Use this ability on the large glowing ball so it rolls down the pond and clears the way to the Hydroculus underwater.
  22. You need to solve a puzzle in order to use the three purple jellyfish and reach the Hydroculus. Activate the Hydro pillars around the first jellyfish, turn off the Pyro torches around the second one (hydro attacks), and defeat the Pyro Slimes surrounding the third one.
  23. In the shipwreck, behind a cage door. You’ll need to find three nearby keys to open it: one is inside the bird’s nest on top of the wreck, another is near some shells in a smaller part of the wreck (opposite the cage door), and the third is inside the common chest on top of the wreck (defeat the treasure hoarders to break the seal).
  24. On top of the mountain.
  25. Floating high above the mountain. Use the red time trial mechanism west of this location to spawn a purple jellyfish, which you can use to float upwards.
  26. Next to the road.
  27. Swim down the small pond and hit the pink shell; the Hydroculus is inside.
  28. Teleport to the Waypoint west of this location. See the nearby airship? Pick up the purple “ousia” orb next to it, then hit the yellow mechanism to make the ship fly upwards. After it takes you to the sky platform, use the purple jellyfish to reach the roof of the airship and shoot down the floating slimes. When the airship makes its second stop, shoot the floating slimes again, then use the platforms and purple jellyfish to reach the Hydroculus after its third stop.
  29. Inside the yellow mechanism. Find the tiny purple ousia orb behind a rock nearby, then use an attack on the yellow box to reveal the Hydroculus.
  30. It’s floating high in the air; activate the special ability by interacting with the nearby pillar (with the blue orb on top), then use the ability to push the purple jellyfish below the Hydroculus. Touch the jellyfish to fly upwards.
  31. It’s inside a hidden cave. Go to the large shipwreck southwest of this location and use the cannon on top of the wreck to shoot down the blocked cave entrance. When the shipmate Permingeat asks you to answer three questions, the answers are “three”, “three”, and “romaritime flower”. Once inside the cave, the Hydroculus is along the path on your left. Stay inside this tunnel to grab the next Hydroculus as well.
  32. It’s very close to the previous Hydroculus location: starting from there, climb the rocks on the left side of the path, just a little bit further down the cave. The Hydroculus is inside a tiny pool on the highest part of the rock.
  33. Use the nearby blue orb’s special ability to defeat the three floating green creatures (keep aiming at them while holding the skill button). Once the purple jellyfish are lined up, touch the lowest one to fly towards the Hydroculus.
  34. Beneath the small wooden bridge.
  35. Floating high above the tiny island. To reach it, grab the blue orb northwest of this location, then use the special ability to push the purple jellyfish underneath the Hydroculus. Touch the jellyfish to fly up.
  36. Floating above the water. Dive down and touch the purple jellyfish below the surface to fly up towards the Hydroculus.
  37. Near the water, on the crane.
  38. Walk to the balcony in the east, same floor level as the Teleport Waypoint, and interact with the blue orb. Use its special ability on the purple plant-like thing next to it, and then walk across the moving platforms that have appeared, leading you to the Hydroculus. Beware that the platforms will become invisible after a bit, so try to remember their location!

Genshin Impact Morte Hydroculus

Genshin Impact Hydroculus

(Image credit: HoYoverse)

This map shows every Hydroculus location in the Morte Region, found in the southeastern corner of Fontaine. To reach Hydroculi 3, 10, 14, and 27, you need to have completed the first part of the Search in the Algae Sea world quest.

  1. On the ruins, close to the Statue of the Seven.
  2. Starting from the Teleport Waypoint in the south, swim inside the stone ruins. The path will lead you to the Hydroculus. Continue swimming to find the next two Hydroculi as well.
  3. To reach this Hydroculus, do the world quest called Search in the Algae Sea (the “Muse’s Mother” part). Starting from the previous Hydroculus location, you’ll be able to reach the large room now. The Hydroculus is on the other end, in a small room hidden behind a pillar.
  4. After entering the large underwater room as described in the previous Hydroculus location, swim upwards to your left and you’ll see it floating behind a barrier. To pass the barrier, interact with the mirror on the other side of the room, which works as a portal. After teleporting, run past the rifthounds towards the next mirror, right in front of you, and use it to reach the Hydroculus.
  5. Underneath the broken stone bridge, next to the Teleport Waypoint.
  6. Up in the sky. Climb the stone ruins and jump on the floating purple jellyfish to launch yourself upwards.
  7. Inside the large stone ruin. It’s underwater but not far below the surface. To reach the Hydroculus, you need to solve the puzzle: grab the yellow pneuma block, hit the purple mechanism, pick up the two blue triangles, and touch the nearby floating device. See the little octopus swimming around here? Use its ability on the floating device to raise the water level and grab the Hydroculus.
  8. Underwater, hidden underneath a breakable rock (look for the blue glowing veins). You can break this rock using a jellyfish ability; there’s one further west, on the other side of the trench.
  9. Floating in the cave entrance, just above the water. You can glide down or use a waverider to collect it.
  10. There are two Hydroculi in this location, both inside the cave. You’ll unlock this area during the Search in the Algae Sea world quest, specifically the “Meteoric Lance” part. Once that’s done, go north from the nearby (underground) Teleport Waypoint and take the elevator on your left, to the large open room. The first Hydroculus is on the gear wheels in the middle (climb the walls to reach it) and the second one is the water below.
  11. It’s floating high above the island. Complete the red time trial and open the chest below the Hydroculus to spawn a portal.
  12. On the ruins, but you’ll need to solve a puzzle first: defeat the enemies, pick up the two triangular orbs behind them, and touch the blue telescope-like mechanism outside. Pick up the octopus ability nearby, then use it on the telescope to turn it 90 degrees to the right. Next, clear the obstacles blocking the blue laser light: blow up the explosive barrel and pick up the Mora chest on top of the ruins, and the puzzle will be complete. You can use the wind current to fly up and grab the Hydroculus.
  13. Swim down the trench; the Hydroculus is inside the shipwreck.
  14. On top of the massive tower. You can use the portal next to the Teleport Waypoint to fly up. However, after doing the local world quests, the tower will sink and so does the portal. If that happened before you grabbed the Hydroculus, use the airship next to the Teleport Waypoint to fly up instead. You’ll have to walk over an invisible path to reach the Hydroculus, but if you go in a straight line you won’t fall down.
  15. Next to a stone ruin, not far above the ocean floor.
  16. Underwater, beneath an overhanging rock.
  17. Just below the surface, very close to the shore.
  18. On the broken stone bridge, use the jellyfish to reach it. You can see this Hydroculus from the nearby Teleport Waypoint.
  19. In the cave entrance.
  20. On top of the island.
  21. Floating high above the small island. Defeat the Hilichurls and use the purple jellyfish to fly up.
  22. Inside the underwater ruins, very close to the Teleport Waypoint.
  23. Underwater, between the rocks. It’s quite close to the ocean floor, near the large pink shells.
  24. Underwater, below the stone bridge (close to the surface).
  25. On top of the cliffs.
  26. Floating in the cave entrance.
  27. You’ll unlock this Hydroculus location during the Search in the Algae Sea quest, the “Cupid’s Lover” part. Go to the underwater Teleport Waypoint, then swim inside the ruins on your right. Stick to your left and use the elevator to reach the Hydroculus.

Genshin Impact Nostoi Hydroculus

Genshin Impact Nostoi Hydroculus

(Image credit: HoYoverse)

The next batch of Hydroculus locations is found on Petrichor island, in the southern region of Fontaine (the Nostoi region), a new map area that was added in Genshin Impact version 4.6. Although you can grab Hydroculus locations 1 to 3 without doing any quests or puzzles, locations 4 to 9 are in the hidden caves underneath Petrichor island. Follow the world quest called “The Shadow Over Petrichor” to access this area.  

  1. On top of a small townhouse.
  2. On an old stone pillar, just east of the nearby Teleport Waypoint (follow the path).
  3. On top of the mountain, the highest point of the island. You can see it from Hydroculus location 2 if you look up.
  4. Underground, in the Faded Castle. “The Shadow Over Petrichor” world quest will take you there. Starting from the underground teleport waypoint found west of this Hydroculus location, walk through the hallway towards the east and take the stairs to the left, where you’ll find a shiny bookshelf. You’ll need to use the “Soundwave” power you’ve obtained during The Shadow Over Petrichor (press ‘T’ if it’s not active yet) by using your Skill; this will capture the Mysterious Grimoire floating in front of the shelf. Next, choose “submit” on the bookshelf and hold the Skill button until the books disappear, allowing you to grab the Hydroculus.
  5. Starting from the teleport waypoint in the east, walk downstairs towards the west and look down. See the water below you? You can spot the Hydroculus just below the surface. Dive down to grab it.
  6. In the large room, northwest of the nearest teleport waypoint. You’ll see it if you look down from there.
  7. Starting from the nearest teleport waypoint, follow the tunnel towards the southwest until you reach a library room. Walk up the stairs and activate the large blue orb by hitting it with an attack. This will summon a bunch of glowing, moving platforms: use them to reach a higher floor level, where you’ll find a second blue orb. Hit it to spawn a portal, then take that portal to the next floor. Use the Soundwave ability to capture the floating grimoire in this location, then submit it to the bookshelf next to you. Hold the Soundwave button to make the shelf disappear, allowing you to grab the Hydroculus behind it.
  8. Start from the teleport waypoint in the northwest of this location (the first teleport you come across upon entering the Faded Castle). Take the hallway to the east, but this time, continue walking downstairs until you see another teleport further below you. Instead of walking down, look for a stone ledge on your right, just a bit further ahead: it’s a bit hard to spot, but the Hydroculus is on that ledge.
  9. On the east side of the Legatus Golem boss arena. Climb the wall and glide down to get it. You won’t trigger the boss fight if you stick to the edge of the arena.

Genshin Impact Sea of Bygone Eras west side Hydroculus

Genshin Impact Sea of Bygone Eras west side Hydroculus

(Image credit: HoYoverse)

The Hydroculus locations below were added in Genshin Impact version 4.6, on a new part of the Fontaine map called the “Sea of Bygone Eras”. To access the Sea of Bygone Eras, you must follow the Canticles of Harmony world quest series which starts on Petrichor island. The world quest called “The Last Day of Remuria” will take you there.

As some Hydroculus locations are in separate cave areas, take a look at the cave maps on the left for a more precise location marker. The cave entrances are marked with arrows on the main map.

  1. Under the teleport waypoint, beneath the rock.
  2. Start from the teleport waypoint northeast of this location. Swim up until you see the orange stamina fishes to the southwest. Swim towards them, look to the right, and you’ll see the Hydroculus.
  3. Swim down from Hydroculus location 2 and take the cave entrance that leads to the Caesareum Palace cave. The next Hydroculus is floating inside the tunnel.
  4. Starting from the nearby teleport waypoint, look towards the circular arena. The Hydroculus is next to the statue in front of the arena.
  5. On top of the massive stone pillar. Climb the pillar to grab it.
  6. Starting from the teleport waypoint north of this Hydroculus location, swim through the cave entrance directly to the south and break the porous rock wall at the end of the cave. The Hydroculus is behind it.
  7. Starting from the teleport waypoint in the west, swim up until you see the Hydroculus floating below the pointy hanging rock.
  8. Starting from the previous Hydroculus location, keep swimming upwards until you reach the top of the cliff, where you’ll find the next Hydroculus.
  9. Resting on one of the mushroom-shaped purple corals, not far above the path.
  10. Starting from the teleport waypoint in the middle of the map, swim down towards the circular arena far below you. The Hydroculus is on the northeast side of the circle, behind a stone pillar and underneath a purple piece of coral.
  11. Starting from Hydroculus location 10, if you swim upwards a bit and look towards the south, you’ll see a small square opening in the rocks nearby. The Hydroculus is inside that opening.
  12. On top of a floating rock. Look for the highest point in this part of the map and you’ll see it.
  13. Inside a small enclave. The entrance is northeast of the nearby teleport waypoint.
  14. In the rock wall right next to the teleport waypoint. Look to the southeast.
  15. Starting from the nearby teleport waypoint, swim down towards the northwest. The Hydroculus is on a stone pillar below you.
  16. On top of a high cliff, on a grassy patch.
  17. Enter the Portuss Anticus cave through the southern opening. The Hydroculus is on the lower path, on top of a decapitated statue.
  18. Starting from the teleport waypoint in the Portus Anticus cave, look to the east and you’ll see a massive stone bell hanging from the ceiling, with several smaller bells surrounding it. Climb to a higher ledge and then float down to land on the large bell; the Hydroculus is in the middle.
  19. Inside the northern tunnel leading into the Portus Anticus cave. It’s on a stone statue, right next to the path.
  20. The final Hydroculus is outside of the caves, on top of the higher cliffs. Look for a very large square ruin with a purple mushroom-like coral growing at the top; the Hydroculus is in a niche on the southwest side of this ruin.

Ganshin Impact Sea of Bygone Eras east side Hydroculus

Ganshin Impact Sea of Bygone Eras east side Hydroculus

(Image credit: HoYoverse)

The final batch of Hydroculus locations is also found in the Sea of Bygone Eras region in Fontaine. You can only reach this part of the underwater area once you’ve completed The Last Day of Remuria world quest. For the final two Hydroculus locations, you must complete the full Canticles of Harmony quest series, including the Fortune Plango Vulnera sub-quest.

  1. Inside a large pink clam. Use the teleport waypoint and swim down; you’ll see the clam below you. Hit it with an attack to open it and grab the Hydroculus.
  2. Inside a breakable rock next to the path. You must swim down as far as possible to see it, then use the ability from the nearby blue crab to destroy the rock.
  3. See the large golden pillars? The Hydroculus is on top of the pillar in the middle.
  4. On top of a large, orange, mushroom-shaped coral. It’s quite high up, roughly the same level as the golden road.
  5. High up on the cliffs, floating above some coral. It’s behind a bunch of broken golden pillars.
  6. In the middle of the Collegium Phonascorum cave. Use the teleport waypoint inside the cave, then follow the path east until you see the Hydroculus floating between two parts of a large broken pillar.
  7. Starting from the nearby teleport waypoint, swim upwards. The Hydroculus is on the highest piece of broken pillar.
  8. This Hydroculus is next to the teleport waypoint, but you must solve a puzzle to obtain it. First, interact with the blue squid on the right (with the green question mark above its head), then follow it and defeat the three stingrays in your path (use the nearby blue stingray ability for stronger attacks). Next, interact with the other squid and follow it upwards; you may use the portal and the purple jellyfish to go faster. Once you’ve followed both squids to their destinations, you can go back and grab the Hydroculus.
  9. Starting from the nearby teleport waypoint, swim to the southeast until you see the Hydroculus in front of you, above a large, flowy seaweed.
  10. Starting from the nearby teleport waypoint, swim upwards until you see the Hydroculus on the edge of the cliffs to the south.
  11. Starting from the nearby teleport waypoint, look down towards the northeast. The Hydroculus is on a small rock.
  12. On top of the massive pointy rock. Starting from the nearby teleport waypoint, swim upwards to the east and you’ll see it.
  13. Starting from the previous Hydroculus location, swim further upwards to the northeast. This Hydroculus is on the floating rock.
  14. At the bottom of the ocean, on the path between the two pink flowers. If you start from the previous Hydroculus location, swim down towards the north and you’ll spot it easily.
  15. Inside a breakable rock. Swim down to the bottom of the ocean to find it, then use the nearby blue jellyfish’s ability to destroy the rock.
  16. Starting from the nearby teleport waypoint, swim towards the northeast, where you’ll find the Hydroculus floating above a small squid.
  17. Inside a large pink clam, below the bridge. There are three clams in total, but you need to hit the highest one to find the Hydroculus.
  18. On top of the bridge that leads to the palace. Use the nearby teleport waypoint and swim straight ahead to see it.
  19. Above the entrance to the palace. It’s inside an alcove just above the front doors.
  20. Next to a purple glowing jellyfish, above some purple coral. It’s on the cliffs a little bit below the palace.
  21. Below the cave opening that leads into Capitolium, the Old Palace. It’s a lot further down than the previous Hydroculus location. You’ll find it floating in front of a large crab.
  22. Inside the Capitolium cave. Use the teleport waypoint or follow the tunnel starting from the previous Hydroculus location, then cross the boss arena: the Hydroculus is on a stone pillar on the north side of the arena.
  23. Use the southeastern teleport waypoint (not the one in the cave) and swim upwards to the northwest, where you’ll find the Hydroculus between two pieces of a large stone pillar.
  24. On the path, inside a breakable rock. Use the nearby blue crab’s ability to break it.
  25. This Hydroculus location is inside the palace. You must do the Fortune Plango Vulnera world quest to unlock it (part of the Canticles of Harmony series). The Hydroculus is in the hallway with the stairs, you can’t miss it.
  26. The final Hydroculus location is also inside the palace. Teleport to the large room where you previously fought Boethius, and the Hydroculus will be on a ledge behind you.

This completes the list of Hydroculus locations in Genshin Impact. Happy Hydroculi hunting!

© GamesRadar+. Not to be reproduced without permission.

Marloes Valentina Stella

I’m a freelance journalist who (surprise!) kind of has a thing for videogames. When I’m not working on guides for GamesRadar, you can probably find me somewhere in Teyvat, Novigrad, or Whiterun. Unless I’m feeling competitive, in which case you should try Erangel. You can also find my words on PCGamesN, Fanbyte, PCGamer, Polygon, Esports Insider, and Game Rant.

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