God Hand vid released from care

Wednesday 23 August 2006
We're starting to get the feeling that God Hand is some immense practical joke we haven't been let in on yet: an unlikely enough PS2 action game to begin with, with every new movie it becomes more surreal.

Click the movies tab above for smack-talking, high-kicking hero Jean's latest run-ins with Wild West banditos, girl gangs, gorilla wrestlers, Shaolin monks, and vicious carnival performers.

God Hand is a supreme slice of Japanese weirdness - to the extent that it's practically a parody of itself - and as Capcom's last PS2 title, it's a release for all the pent-up lunacy in the publisher's more serious output on the machine. But if you're looking for a retro beat-'em-up with more whipcrack than the limp Final Fight Streetwise ever managed, it could be just what the doctor ordered.