God of War II week, day 1: ancient history

While Kratos is a pretty appealing character, not everyone wants to play as a hulking alabaster Adonis who can't be troubled to put on some pants. If you're one of those people who prefer anti-heroes who can get service at Denny's, God of War has you covered – just jump through certain hoops, and you'll be able to play as a chef, a cow or even a well-dressed executive who's unafraidto employhostile business tactics. If you don't feel like completing the game over and over again just to win costumes, however, you can get a glimpse of what you've been missing in the following video. It's not quite the same as controlling them yourself, but half the fun is just seeing them in action.

Mikel Reparaz
After graduating from college in 2000 with a BA in journalism, I worked for five years as a copy editor, page designer and videogame-review columnist at a couple of mid-sized newspapers you've never heard of. My column eventually got me a freelancing gig with GMR magazine, which folded a few months later. I was hired on full-time by GamesRadar in late 2005, and have since been paid actual money to write silly articles about lovable blobs.