Google poised to improve Android Market for game developers

TheAndroid Market currentlytreats apps as basic, static programswhich don't require a lot of details. As such, each app's listing has just two screenshots and a small amount of room for the developer to write a brief description.

Coming soon, though, developers will be able to post as many as eight screenshots on their app info page, a detailed "release note" list that explains changes made over the lifetime of the app, and YouTube integration will be implemented. So if a game developer wants to let you see the game in action, it'll now be as easy as clicking an icon on the screen.

The Android gaming momentum really hit a fever pitch when Angry Birds was ported from the iPhone. Within days, millions of copies had been downloaded, unlike any other game in Android's history.That alone is causing more game makers to look at Android, but it'smore difficult than iOS to develop forbecause of the large variety ofhardware running it. These enhancements to the Android Market will hopefully encourage more developers to bring their games to Android. Recently, John Carmack has said that he's working on a port of the just-released RAGE iPhone game.


Nov 18, 2010