Grand Theft Auto IV DLC delayed

Our buddies atCVG spottedwhat looks like a delay in the release ofdownloadableGrand Theft Auto IVepisodes. TheXbox 360-exclusive content was set to go live in fall of 2008, but Take-Two CEO Ben Feder has stated that the company is voluntarily delaying the release until the "first quarter of the 2009" fiscal year.

"The reason we moved it is more about portfolio balance than anything else... the delay is not about development issues," Feder said in a company call to investors.

"The 2009 release of this highly anticipated episode will provide better balance among top titles," he added.

What this actually means,says Microsoft, is that he first DLC episodes for Xbox 360 are still on track for a "fall 2008" release.

How is that possible? According to financial-speak, the fiscal year of 2009 starts in November of 2008. So, if the DLC shows up this November, then it's made its 2008 fall release as promised. If the content were released in September 2008, however, that would still be during Take-Two's 2008 fiscal year - lumped in with all the dough they've already raked in from GTA's release.

From a business standpoint, the delay is a smart move. From a gamer's standpoint, Take-Two will claim even more of your cash this fall, right on schedule- so why bother getting all worked up?

Jun 6, 2008