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Grimm 2.22 “Goodnight, Sweet Grimm” TV REVIEW
Episode 2.22
Writers: Jim Kouf, David Greenwalt
Director: Norberto Barba
THE ONE WHERE Nick’s life with Juliette finally begins to return to normal, just in time for Eric Renard to unleash a voodoo-controlled plague of zombies on the terrified residents of Portland and turn everything upside down again. Meanwhile, Adalind makes one last desperate attempt to get her powers back.
VERDICT Phew, aaaaaand breathe. Grimm is a show that loves torturing its fans with a good cliffhanger (look at the glee in the “to be continued” screen!) and the end of series finale is a corker. Nick has been covered with zombie spit, chucked into a coffin and is now heading overseas with Eric Renard, while the rest of Team Grimm are trapped in a car with the undead tapping on the window. It’s going to be a long wait till season three... Although thank goodness there’s going to BE a season three.
There’s some irony that a season that began with Nick and Juliette separated because she was in a coma, ended with them separated again but this time with HIM unconscious. Still, as long as (a) he doesn’t end up in the coffin for two thirds of next season and (b) when he gets out he still has his memories and isn’t a wimpy hallucinating person things could be worse. It’s a shame the super hearing he picked up in Mr Sandman (episode 2.15 - reviewed here ) was seemingly forgotten by the writers though – you’d have imagined he’d heard the Baron sneaking up behind him (although bearing in mind he knew Samedi’s MO it wasn’t his brightest move chasing after him in the first place really, was it?).
Of course there are other questions to be answered next year, not least whether Captain Renard will hunt down the key and give it to his family for a chance to return to Austria like the prodigal son, or whether he’ll finally side fully with Team Grimm in the fight of the supernaturals. Of course if he does go after the key and somehow finds out it’s in Rosalee’s possession, a fight between him and Monroe would be an epic thing to see.
If the pace of last week's episode at times felt slow, bogged down with exposition, "Goodnight Sweet Grimm" was at a rollicking pace, covering the two key romantic relationships, the zombie apocalypse, the meeting of the brothers Renard and Adalind's attempts to get her powers back in a way that gave each their moment in the sun. Even Sgt Wu got a few moments, meaning the only key member of Grimm's extended ensemble missing was Bud, but it's a minor quibble when everyone else had solid screen time in a tightly packed and scripted episode.
An exciting end to a really enjoyable series, Grimm has found its feet and gets better with every passing week. With every supporting character in the ensemble bringing something to the party (at least now Juliette is no longer a whiny damsel in distress) this is one of the most fun shows on TV at the moment. Roll on season three.
BEST BIT The jaw dropping moment where Stefania killed Doppleganger “Adalind” (aka Frau Pech). A cunning double cross (or technically triple cross if you count the fact Adalind knew it was going to happen and allowed herself to be drugged in the first place) to get Frau Pech’s still-beating heart for a ritual to give Adalind her powers back. But will it work?
BEST LINE “You are so hot!” – A giddy Monroe as Rosalee slips into something more comfortable (namely her foxy Fuchsbau form). A lovely moment from arguably one of the sweetest couples on TV.
Narin Bahar
Grimm season 3 starts in the US later this year.
• Read our other Grimm reviews