Halo 4 multiplayer guide


Abandon is one of Halo 4’s smallest maps, laid out asymmetrically, and is strictly designed for close-quarters gameplay, as no vehicles are present. This map takes place outdoors in a hostile enemy location with a science facility located in the middle of the map, making for some fast, confrontation-focused action.

Power Weapons

The scattershot can be found on the bottom floor of the scientific facility located in the middle of the map.

Other Weapons

Needler x 2
Random Drop Weapons

Gameplay Tips

Abandon plays friendly to each of Halo 4’s multiplayer modes, though it caters primarily to Slayer due to its size. We suggest going into battle on this map using the standard assault rifle, along with a perk that suits a confrontational map (i.e. Promethean vision). Using battle rifles and other ranged weapons on Abandon is quite difficult as trees and higher ground blocks your range of sight, and allows enemies ample time to sneak up on you and get a round into your body before you can react.

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