Halo 4 multiplayer guide


On board a mining vessel, Adrift offers players another close-quarters experience, this time based on thrilling corridor battles and a central room for massive chaos. Adrift is larger than Abandon but does not offer any vehicles. However, like Abandon, Adrift pushes for constant confrontation - something that will keep you on your feet every time you respawn.

Power Weapons

Energy Sword
The energy sword is located on a lift in the large room located in the centre of the map.

Other Weapons

Random Drop Weapons

Gameplay Tips

Though Adrift is similar in scope to Abandon, its long hallways offer some variety in terms of loadouts. We found that both assault rifles and battle rifles can be used successfully, though strategy must be in play when using the later, especially with all the vents enemies can use to flank. We still advise that you use abilities that cater around close-quarters (ex. do not perks like hologram). Promethean vision is an ability that can prove vital in getting the jump on enemies, or getting out of a possible onslaught.

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