Let us know what you think about the latest Marvel movie, and your comments could live forever in a future issue of SFX
SFX ’s letters pages feature a regular section called Hot Topic , where we invite you to comment on the burning sci-fi and fantasy issues of the day.
This month: we want to know your thoughts on Thor: The Dark World. Was it better or worse than the Kenneth Branagh movie? What did it get right – and what did it get wrong? Where would you like to see the Thor franchise go next?
You can email us at sfx@futurenet.com , tweet us @sfxmagazine , using the hashtag #sfxhottopic, join us on Facebook or, if the Royal Mail’s more your thing, send an actual physical letter to SFX , Future Publishing, 30 Monmouth Street, Bath, BA1 2BW, UK.
We’ll print the best responses in SFX 243 – immortality awaits for those lucky enough to be chosen.
Not seen Thor 2 ? Then feel free to let us know what you think about Gravity , Ender’s Game , the final series of Misfits , or anything else that’s piqued your interest lately!
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SFX Magazine is the world's number one sci-fi, fantasy, and horror magazine published by Future PLC. Established in 1995, SFX Magazine prides itself on writing for its fans, welcoming geeks, collectors, and aficionados into its readership for over 25 years. Covering films, TV shows, books, comics, games, merch, and more, SFX Magazine is published every month. If you love it, chances are we do too and you'll find it in SFX.

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