Zatanna joins the Injustice: Gods Among Us roster
Who is worthy of inclusion in the DC comics game from the creators of Mortal Kombat?

Don't tug on Superman's cape...
Updated on 8/7/2013
Batman's been the king of comic book video games for years, but he's hardly the only member of the vast DC Universe worthy of starring in their own game. Thanks to the developers of the Mortal Kombat games, those unique characters are finally getting a chance at stardom with the fighting game Injustice: Gods Among Us. See what we thought of the game in the Injustice Gods Among Us review.
But which heroes and villains have been allowed to join the fray? And who do we hope to see added as DLC? Here's our combo roster and wish list for the Justice League brawler...

The complete Injustice roster
Before we start guessing which characters might be in Injustice, let's first familiarize ourselves with the characters we know are playable. Here's our continually updating list of the confirmed roster of DC heroes and villains.
Newly updated with Martian Manhunter and Zatanna!

Daughter of magical adept Zatara, Zatanna leads a very different double life than most super beings. She makes a living by being one of the best stage magicians currently performing, but she spends her free time saving the world from magical peril. Usually doing super heroics in the same flashy costume she wears on stage, Zatanna is able to make anything virtually happen so long as she says it backwards. One of the most high profile ladies in DC, Zatanna finally makes her way into the Injustice roster as a DLC character using decks of cards, metal rings, and giant fireballs as her weapons of choice.

Does Batman really need any explanation or introduction? An orphan that became the ultimate man to battle crime on the streets of Gotham, Batman is one of the most enduring characters in modern fiction. No matter what universe he's in, you can always count on the Dark Knight to strike fear in the hearts of criminals everywhere.
Featuring a costume closer in look to the body armor of the Dark Knight films, Injustice's Batman seems pretty intense. More violent than usual, to keep up with his powerful enemies he's gotten pretty cutthroat. But will this Batman, no matter how evil, actually cross the line into murder? (And yes, Bats is voiced by Kevin Conroy, the same actor in the Arkham games.)

"Faster than a speeding bullet! More powerful than a locomotive! Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound! Strange visitor from another planet, who came to Earth with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men! Disguised as Clark Kent, mild-mannered reporter for a great metropolitan newspaper, fights a never-ending battle for truth, justice, and the American way!" Those words are still as true today as they were 60 years ago, though that's been inverted in Injustice. As you can tell from the above image, Superman isn't so friendly these days.

After being struck by lightning and a mixture of chemicals, CSI technician Barry Allen (he was doing it years before it was cool) was able to tap into the Speed Force. Officially the Fastest Man Alive, The Flash uses his speed to fight crime all over the world and in his hometown of Central City. Capable of hitting speeds that can even allow him to travel through time, we look forward to all the creative ways Injustice uses his velocity.

Solomon Grundy
He may not be pretty, but it's hard not to love the simple-minded reanimated Solomon Grundy. A walking corpse that routinely gets possessed by different souls, he's super strong, tough, and doesn't know the word quit (or most other words). Hot on the heels of his surprising appearance in Batman: Arkham City, we love the morbid comedy Netherrealm is giving Grundy as a fighter in Injustice.

Harley Quinn
Known to gamers and comic fans alike, Harley Quinn is famous as the greasepaint-wearing henchmen of the Joker. Prone to violent outbursts and incredibly quick on her feet, Harley has enough hand-to-hand skills to keep up with Batman and his posse. Formerly an Arkham Asylum psychiatrist that until she fell in love with the Joker, Harley is looking more violent than ever in Injustice. In a world that twisted heroes into villains, just how evil have the original villains become?

Wonder Woman
An Amazonian princess from the female-only Paradise Island, Diana came to the modern world to teach man how to exist peacefully. Ironically that's lead to her having to get into hundreds of battles, but that's fine with Wonder Woman as she's one of the most able fighters in the DCU. As powerful as any of the men in the Justice League, she's trained all her life to defend herself and protect the innocent. She's also prepared to use deadly force if need be, something her Injustice characterization embraces.

What happens when you spend your youth being the Boy Wonder to Batmans Dark Knight? Well, eventually you grow up and start cleaning up the streets on your own. Thats the story of Dick Grayson, the original Robin, who put his own fist-shaped mark on Gothams criminal underbelly as Nightwing. Facing off as Nightwing would be all about hitting hard, hitting fast, and nimbly dodging the attacks of your enraged foes. This light-footed hero would be most at home on the rooftops of Gotham and differentiate him from Bats, where he can suspend foes miles above the pavement for some enhanced interrogation techniques.

A young man whose life was altered forever when his father saved him from the brink of death by rebuilding his broken body as a half-robot. Directly connected to a catalog of technology, Cyborg used his tech powers for good whether on the Teen Titans or in his new status quo with the Justice League. Following DC's reboot of its continuity, Cyborg became a founding member alongside Superman, Batman and the rest. Given his new level of importance to the DC Universe and the JLA, it's to be expected he'd join the team.

Comfortable on both sides of the law, Selina Kyle is known to steal for good reasons or just because she feels like it. Agile, street smart, and basically good at heart, Catwoman can be a helpful ally or a dangerous enemy. Now a confirmed member of the Injustice crew, she'll be bringing her razor-sharp claws, stabbing stilettos and cruel whip to the fight. From what we've seen, she'll even be bringing a four-legged friend with her to do some dirty work.

Green Arrow
Like an urban Robin Hood, the Green Arrow fights for the socially disenfranchised on the streets of Star City. His particular brand of justice is all about custom arrows, able to deliver the precise sort of punch he needs from any range, and always with deadly accuracy. Best known for his friendship with Green Lantern and as the Justice League's bleeding heart liberal, hes always been a back of the pack kind of guy, firing arrows from behind the ranks of the more famous heroes. His moves in Injustice mostly focus on ranged, whether he's using normal arrows or special attacks. However, he can still do damage up close if he has to.

Green Lantern
Getting inducted into the Green Lantern Corps grants the universe's most willful with a ring of incredible power. That special piece of jewelry can create virtually anything with pure energy, limited only by imagination and willpower. This would make the Lantern an incredibly versatile brawler, capable of tangling with foes at any range. While Earth has had many Lanterns, the most famous is Hal Jordan and hes the one included in Injustice. We also hope that the thousands of other Lanterns at least make a cameo in GL's stage, which we imagine would be the GL home world of Oa.
Update: Green Lantern, John Stewart has been added the fighter's alternate looks with the addition of the Martian Manhunter DLC.

Without a doubt the most iconic super villain of all time, Joker needs no introduction. Batman's greatest nemesis, Joker has threatened Gotham and the entire world his whole career with a body count that must be in the tens of thousands by now. A huge fan favorite, it was only a matter of time before he's confirmed for Injustice, but what will his stage be like?

Introduced in the early 80s, Deathstroke aka Slade Wilson is the top professional killer in the DCU. Efficient, fast, skilled in every weapon, and a master planner, he's often portrayed as Batman's equal both physically and mentally. Such a skilled, ruthless fighter is a no-brainer (especially since he was in MKvsDC).

Lex Luthor
Perhaps the second most famous DC villain after The Joker, it wouldn't be a proper Justice League game without Lex there to battle the Kryptonian he so loathes. Once a promising scientist, Luthor's mind twisted with the arrival of Superman, someone Lex regards as an invading alien that must be expelled immediately. Lex brags that he's the smartest man in the world, and he just might be right given his impressive collection of genius inventions and diabolical schemes.
Chief among those creations is the green power armor he continually upgrades, like a villainous Iron Man, in the hopes of finally destroying Superman. Look for most of Lex's attacks to use the suit's enhanced strength and speed in addition to the numerous nasty tricks he likely has hidden up his robo-sleeves.

Made internationally famous this past summer in The Dark Knight Rises, there's more to Bane than a weird mask and a mumbling voice. Conceived as the ultimate threat to Batman, Bane is a cunning planner with the smarts to figure out Batman's secret identity, and strong enough to at the very least be Batman's equal in combat. And while Bane's mental prowess is his own, the power comes from the super-performance enhancer, Venom, that's pumped into his veins.
Bane made his mark on comics as the man that broke the Bat, specifically breaking Batman's back after a lengthy battle. Look for him display a similarly hard-hitting approach to combat in Injustice. Also, if he doesn't have a finisher that involves snapping someone's spine over his knee, the developers missed a golden opportunity.

Laugh at the King of Atlantis if you want, but Aquaman deserves his place in DC's pantheon. As the guardian of the world's oceans and its dwellers, Arthur Curry defends them with bulletproof skin, a chainmail shirt, and his trusty trident. He's fast, strong, and knows how to fight--a perfect combination of powers that Injustice looks to be taking full advantage of.
Aquamans storyline for Injustice appears to revolve him protecting his dominion from the newly evil Justice League, throwing sharks at the Flash while secretly plotting with Batman. Sporting a new kingly beard, Arthur looks ready to retaliate against Superman using every fish in the sea. And while all that is interesting, we think its way cooler that he can make a great white shark eat The Flash.

First introduced in the 1930s as Captain Marvel, thanks to some complicated trademarks laws, Earth's Mightiest Mortal now goes by the same name as the word that transforms him: Shazam! Born Billy Batson, the small boy was transformed into a godlike being by an ancient wizard. The Big Red Cheeses powers are fairly similar to Supermans (flight, strength, invincibility), but Shazam is more innocent and less scientific than Clark.
Perhaps due to him being the spirit of a child within a god, Shazams Injustice persona seems to be of the loyal enforcer. Based on early footage, it looks like he helps Superman and Wonder Woman subjugate the Earth, and that occasionally means using his new lightning powers to quell dissent from Batman and Green Arrow. Will he eventually snap, turn on Superman, and have a spectacular brawl like the one in the comic Kingdom Come? We hope so.

Dont call her Hawkmans sidekick, because Hawkgirl is a mace-wielding do-gooder in her own right. A member of the Justice League and Justice Society (sometimes concurrently), Shiera Hall has a very complicated character history. Sometimes shes an alien from the planet Thanagar, other times shes the reincarnation of an Egyptian queen, but her powers have been pretty constant.
Hawkgirl is skilled in hand-to-hand, but melee attacks are where she really shines, particularly using her mace. And while shes already in peak physical condition, Shiera gets a boost thanks to her Nth metal wings. The elements special properties not only make her incredibly light and able to fly when she wears her wings, it also gives her moderate super strength, which only enhances her martial arts skills.

With a name like Sinestro, it's pretty much a given this guy would become someones archenemy, and that somebody is Hal Jordan, aka the Green Lantern. Sinestro is a calculating master planner that wants to protect the universe by controlling it with fear, though he was once hailed as the greatest Green Lantern that ever lived. Sinestro was exiled from the Corps after Hal revealed Sinestros dark side, but the purple one soon found a new power ring, a yellow one fueled by fear.
Eventually he took charge of his own a yellow-ringed army that frequently warred with the Lanterns, and Sinestros army base of Quard could make a great stage for Injustice. But we hope that Hal turning evil in Injustice doesnt push the deliciously evil Sinestro to be a good guy again.

We'll never get the truly epic fight between Superman and Marvel's Incredible Hulk that weve always wanted to see, but the Death of Superman story is the next best thing. Doomsday is the unstoppable pile of muscle that beat Superman to a pulp in the early 90s, and hes been a major threat ever since. Since offing the Man of Steel, hes been an A-level bruiser, and his healing factor makes him literally unkillable. His natural murderous tendencies make up for his low intelligence, so hes a fitting addition to Injustices violent take on the DC Universe.
Most of Doomsdays in-game moves take his super strengths to extremes that even Superman hasnt shown. Our favorite has Doomsday pounding a character into the ground so far that they go through the Earths core and out the other side. But what role will he play in the story? Will he be evil Supermans slave? A tool of Lex Luthors to destroy the Justice League? Or a wild card wreaking havoc in this brave new world?

The Teen Titans started as a collection of sidekicks, but grew into uniquely popular team in their own right. The squad was already well represented in Injustice by Cyborg and Nightwing, but the devs made room for at least one more member, the dark magic practitioner Raven. Her fighting style makes great use of her levitation, telekinesis, and teleportation abilities, but where does it all come from?
Raven was born the daughter of a human woman and a monstrous demon known as Trigon. She was created as a pawn in his bid to conquer Earth, but Raven rejected that role and decided to use her abilities to help people. Shes been doing good as a member of the Teen Titans for many years, but she has to be careful to always keep her emotions in check, lest they unleash a terribly destructive force she cant control--though she seems to be less worried about that in Injustice.

Black Adam
Some people may like that goody-goody Shazam, but real comic fans know that the Big Red Cheese cant compare to his archenemy, Black Adam. Shazams physical equal when it comes to super strength, invulnerability, and supersonic flight, Black Adam was once just an ordinary murderous villain, but then his perspective changed on the whole good vs. evil thing. For a time Black Adam joined the Justice Society of America to help right his wrongs, but eventually his hardline concept of justice put him at odds with JSA once more.
Since Shazam is a part of Injustice, it makes all the sense in the world to include his evil palette swap. But when Adam in the comics is known for his cutthroat fighting style, how hardcore will Black Adam be in the game? Will he repeat his actions from the comics and rip out the hearts of his enemies? Or does he have something even more brutal in mind?

You're no doubt familiar with this particular god of war, though DCs take on the deity was around long before Kratos mutilated his first harpy. The Greek god is Wonder Womans arch enemy, and has been since the Wonder Woman was rebooted with a greater connection to her Greek myth roots. Ares wants war and discord to cover the world, so hes out to stop Wonder Womans mission of peace--and as luck would have it, he has the raw power to pull it off. The Ares of Injustice has the godlike powers you'd expect from a god, though he often just throws swords and axes at his opponents rather than dirty his pious hands.

Killer Frost
Perhaps the most obscure character on the roster, Killer Frost is normally seen harassing Firestorm, a character that isnt even playable in Injustice. This ice queen can control cold, create huge amounts of ice and snow from thin air, and remove heat from peoples bodies. Her fighting style reminds us of Sub-Zero (which makes sense, considering Injustice is made by the Mortal Kombat team), though her freezing abilities likely eclipse the blue ninjas. Does her inclusion mean well be seeing Firestorm as DLC? Probably not--no one cares about Firestorm.

The most badass bounty hunter in the known universe, Lobo is almost as tough as the ego-driven fragger thinks he is. Strong enough to trade blows with Superman, the Main Man has simple tastes and his loose morals lead him to work for whoever can afford him. Often played for laughs, Lobo seems like the perfect fit for this darker take on the DC mythos, hopefully used as one of the more comedic characters when released as DLC down the line.

Barbara Gordon started as Police Commissioner Gordons mystery-loving niece, but eventually she got into the cape and cowl game, eventually gaining Batmans approval to join the crime fighting family as Batgirl. After being temporarily handicapped by a gunshot wound from The Joker, Babs got back in the game recently, recommitted to kicking butt and solving crimes once more as Batgirl. Wonder how shell react to seeing Mr. J. again in the world of Injustice.

Get over here! Injustice is made by the same team as Mortal Kombat, so it makes sense that one of MKs biggest stars would cross over. Scorpion is the famously hell bound ninja that uses fiery magic and a throwing spear to exact bloody revenge on his betrayers. Scorp already had a pretty intense rivalry with Batman in Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe, and while he cant be as graphic in his attacks in Injustice, were betting hell find a way to sneak in a Fatality here and there.

The most recent DLC addition is perfectly timed for the character's appearance as the lead villain in the Man of Steel film, but this version of Zod seems to be specific to Injustice. In case you never heard of him before, this Kryptonian General was sentenced to the Phantom Zone after attempting to overthrow the government, but was eventually freed on Earth. The cutthroat leader has all the powers of Superman, but none of the compassion, attempting to either enslave Earth or destroy it multiple times. Perhaps he'll finally succeed in Injustice.

Red Son Superman
Comic history is littered with numerous Imaginary Stories and What If? tales of iconic heroes in alternate universes. One of the most beloved recent graphic novels was Superman: Red Son, a story that envisioned a Superman as committed to the ideals of 1950s-style Communism as the original one is to the American way. In the comics it was a thought provoking story, but in Injustice the new classic inspired a line of alternate costumes, starting with Kal-El himself. Slightly altered for the Gods Among Us, his blue has been replaced with grey and his insignia with the hammer and sickle. And Supes isnt the only character with new, socialist duds

Red Son Wonder Woman
The princess of Themyscira also got a bit of a costume change for the U.S.S.R.-tinged series. Wonder Woman followed the Man of Steel into Mother Russia, though more because of her attraction to him than anything else. But even though her costume has changed, her tenacity and combat abilities are just as sharp.

Red Son Grundy
Solomon Grundy technically didnt appear in the Red Son comic books, but that hasnt stopped him from joining Stalins party. Outfitted in Soviet army garb, including medals and a sickle in his back, this Grundy is an even tougher living corpse than ever before.

Blackest Night skins DLC
Somewhat recently the current zombie craze spread to the Justice League comics with the undead mega-event Blackest Night. The massive crossover featured Earth getting attacked by the eternal personification of death, and his army consisted of the reanimated corpses of dead heroes and villains. Green Lantern lead the worlds greatest heroes to beat back the night, but only with the sacrifice of many brave women and men.
How does this translate to Injustice? The Blackest Night DLC zombifies the cast, with ashen skin and open wounds, ready to beat one another back into the grave. Though were curious as to how Solomon Grundy will be turned into a zombie when he already is one. Will he be a rare double zombie?

Flashpoint DLC costumes
Just announced as part of Injustices season pass DLC, multiple characters will be getting costumes pulled from the alternate universe of Flashpoint. This crossover told the story of The Flash accidentally altering the history of the DC universe, twisting the world into a darker, more violent place. But what does Flashpoint mean for Injustice?
The three costumes weve seen are for Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and Deathstroke and it's always nice to have a little back-story behind a new costume.. Flashpoints Wonder Woman is the war-hungry queen of the Amazons that has already conquered the United Kingdom. The Aquaman of Flashpoint rules the oceans with an iron fist, and leads a massive war against Wonder Woman to avenge the murder of his wife. Deathstrokes new reality is comparatively humble, as hes now the captain of a modern pirate ship, leading a crew in search of his daughter.

Martian Manhunter
The green-skinned telepath from Mars joins the roster of fighters as Injustice's fifth downloadable character. Possessing nearly every superpower a hero could ask for--including flight, super strength, and eye beams--the Martian outdoes even Superman's arsenal of abilities with the power of telepathy, shapeshifting, invisibility, and more. While the likes of Supes and Bats usually steal the show, Martian Manhunter has been known to fill in for the Man of Steel, and he plays a prominent role in the DC universe as a member of the Justice League. As an Injustice combatant, he pummels his opponents with elongated arms, teleportation strikes, and energy projectiles. Though he typically sports a cape and costume, the Martian Manhunter DLC seems to feature his native Martian form as an alternate look.

DLC wish list: Heroes
Now that we know who we can play as, here's our list of the other members of the JLA that we hope to see added to the game. We threw out a pretty wide net, with a collection of potential heroes big and small.

Black Canary
A one-time leader of the Justice League, Black Canary is a highly trained fighter that's been cleaning up the streets for years. With her memorable costume and sonic scream, Black Canary fights great solo or teamed up with friends like Oracle, Green Arrow and Huntress. She'd fit in beautifully with the Injustice roster, especially if her sometimes lover Green Arrow is also in the game.

Doctor Fate
Marvel has Dr. Strange, and DCs master of the occult is Dr. Fate. Many have worn the Helmet of Nabu, the Amulet of Anubis, and the Cloak of Destiny that were passed down by an ancient Egyptian mage, though the most famous member was the top magic user for the Justice Society. He can teleport, turn intangible, shoot magic energy, and basically do anything else so long as he can think of the spell for it. The enigmatic mages light attacks would also make for an interesting counterpart to Ravens demonic moves.

Doctor Mid-Nite
A member of the Justice Society of America, Mid-Nite was created in 1941 and his current incarnation isnt too different from his vigilante roots. Charles McNider was given the ability to see perfectly in the dark (though he needs special glasses to see in daylight), and he decided to put his abilities to use cleaning up the streets. He has no other super powers, but he does have a resourceful owl sidekick and special Blackout Bombs that cover an area in darkness. When out of costume, McNider is one of the worlds most respected surgeons, though Injustice would probably skip over that part if he was added to the game. Or they'd give him a scalpel to stab people with--this was made by the Mortal Kombat team, after all.

Firestorm is an elemental powerhouse and a man of two minds. When average High School Ronnie Raymond was accidentally fused with scientist Martin Stein, they became a "nuclear man." With the power to transmute the atomic particles of inorganic matter, Firestorm can only build things he understands on a chemical level, information Ronnie often depends on Stein's intellect to supply. Not just limited to energy projection, Firestorm's transformative powers could make for some very interesting combos.

Underestimated by many, Hawkman has earned the right to be included in Injustice. Though he's characterized by his ability to fly, that's the least of his skills. A cursed pharoh of ancient Egypt that's been reincarnated for thousands of years, Hawkman is proficient with every type of weapon, and thanks to that and his enhanced strength, he's one of the best (and fiercest) fighters in the DCU. If that isn't enough to earn him a spot in Injustice, we're not sure what will.

Power Girl
Though some might want Supergirl on Injustice's roster, we'd rather see her grown-up alternate Earth self. Known as Power Girl, she has all the standard powers of a Kryptonian, flight, speed, strength, heat vision, invulnerability, though she's often a little more violent than Superman. Well known for her skimpy attire, Power Girl has far more to offer than an impressively big chest, and if she's appears in Injustice, we hope the devs remember that.

The Question
The Question is your classic noir detective, though hes set apart from the Phillip Marlowes of the world by his lack of a face. Investigative journalist Vic Sage applies a special substance to his facade to make it appear featureless, then he walks the city streets delivering harsh, objectivist justice in a way that would make BioShocks Andrew Ryan proud. Wed love to see Questions striking visage in Injustice, though he admittedly lacks the showier aspects of the other characters in the roster.

Swamp Thing
Part old school horror comic, part tragic superhero story, Swamp Thing is a human consciousness trapped in an algae-dripping, Frankenstein form. Hes a bit of a gentle giant, but when his beloved swamplands, or the lovely Linda Holland are threatened, he gets nasty quick. Hes a big green bruiser and needs to hit like one, and move like the slow, soggy beast he is. His home stage would have to be the Louisiana swamps, where he could call upon the local fauna for aid. Strangling vines, thorn-covered bark, youd need courage in spades to step to Swamp Thing on his home turf.

Some heroes go all around the world to master every martial art known to man, but an old scrapper like Wildcat leaves it all in the ring. One of DCs first heroes and a member of the Justice Society, Wildcat is an old school brawler and one of the best pure fighters on Earth. In fact, when a young Bruce Wayne learned how to box, he went to Wildcat. Hes a smart inclusion for the Injustice roster, though his lack of powers means he might not have the most spectacular looking finisher. Perhaps he could call in some of his JSA pals to help him for that scene.

DLC wish list: Villains
Enough of the goody-goody super boy scouts. What murderous, monstrous bad guys do we want added to Injustice? Here's a list of potentials from A to Z.

Why battle the Justice League with a team of super villains when all you need is a robot that absorbs their powers? Built as the ultimate weapon against the Justice League, Amazo is an all-powerful android that uses the League's own powers against them. A big enough threat that he can take on dozens of JLA members without breaking a sweat, he seems like the more than enough to take on anybody that'll be in this game.

There are gods and there are cosmic forces and then there's the Anti-Monitor. Powerful enough to delete entire universes with little effort, the Anti-Monitor has existed for eons and is the most dangerous force in the DC Universe. A threat big enough to unite heroes and villains, AM would make a great final boss, playing a similar role as Galactus in MvC3. He's the kind of reality threatening bad guy that makes a perfect final boss.

Captain Cold
Despite his silly Eskimo parka, weird glasses and seemingly lame freeze ray, Captain Cold is one of the Flash's most menacing Rogues. Known for his cutthroat leadership skills and ingenious uses for his freeze gun, Cold has been fighting The Flash for decades, sometimes leading teams of Flash's many other villains. His grounded powers and varied ways for using his freeze ray make him a great candidate for Injustice.

Ares might be Wonder Womans most powerful enemy, but Cheetah has probably bothered WW the longest. Cheetah has superhuman speed and agility to match her namesake, along with superhuman strength and toughness. Her most deadly assets are claws that can cut through anything, including Wonder Womans otherwise invulnerable skin. Sometimes written as slightly more ethical than psychopaths like Joker and Luthor, Cheetah often turns off her morals if it means she get the chance to gut Wonder Woman like a fish.

One of the top assassins in the DCU, Chesire is an expert in several lost martial arts techniques, which she uses with deadly efficiency. But what puts her at the head of the hitman class is her use of poison in pretty much every weapon she uses, including her fingernails. Though she showed a softer side once when falling for Green Arrows sidekick Roy Harper, she fairly quickly returned to her murderous tendencies.

One of Wonder Woman's chief enemies, Circe is a mythical Greek god that has long hated Wonder Woman and her sisters on Paradise Island. Battling WW with an impressive combination of spells and duplicity, she's a tricky villain, though she's displayed great power when needed. Her unpredictable magical abilities (not to mention her good looks) might make her irresistible to the developers of Injustice.

The godlike ruler of planet Apokolips, Darkseid is the very embodiment of evil in the DC Universe. He's known for incredible strength and stamina, and the most powerful attack in his arsenal are his Omega Beams. Shot from his eyes, the deadly energy beams rarely miss and can kill all but the strongest of beings. Having already starred as the main villain in Mortal Kombat vs DC, we think it's quite likely he'll make an appearance in Injustice.

One of the Justice League's oldest foes, in his most well-known form Despero is a double threat. He often occupies a body of supreme strength that easily defended itself against Superman and Wonder Woman at the same time. Plus he has mental powers that can influence all but the strongest of minds. Like Darkseid and Anti-Monitor, Despero is a big enough threat to be the lead villain of the game.

Doctor Light
If you aren't a comic book fan, let's first make a point that this guy is no relation to Megaman's Dr. Light. He has the ability to control and manipulate light, which extends to force fields, invisibility, flight and powerful energy bursts. An evil scientist, Light is as well known these days for his danger to the world at large as he is for his despicable history of sex violence. If he appears in Injustice, we hope it's without his background in sex crimes.

An immortal manifestation of evil, Eclipso is dangerous for many reasons, not the least of which being his incredible strength, speed, invulnerability and dark light rays. But the aspect that makes him truly unstoppable is his ability to possess anyone that touches his cursed gem. Eclipso has had many different identities over the years, and if included in Injustice, we think it'd be pretty cool if his alternate costumes could reflect some of the most famous inhabitants (including The Atom's former love Jean Loring).

Gorilla Grodd
Grodd is a bloodthirsty gorilla that wants to enslave humanity--that, alone, justifies his inclusion in Injustice. But if you need more convincing, so be it. An outcast of a society of hyper-intelligent apes, Grodd directs his fury at humanity, continually attacking it and being rebuffed by the Justice League. Grodd not only has super strength and incredibly tough skin, he also has mental abilities that he uses for mind control and to make his enemies experience their worst nightmares. With credentials like that, its an injustice Grodd isnt in Injustice, something the DLC needs to fix.

To most comic book fans, Superman's collection of villains can't compare to deep rogues galleries like Batman or Flash, but Clark Kent has a few great villains outside Lex Luthor. Take Metallo, a killer robot with the brain of a man and a heart of green kryptonite. He's always been a very physical threat to the Man of Steel, so he'd make for a fitting (and unexpected) rival to Kal-El.

Professor Zoom
Every super hero needs an evil double in their super villain collection, and Professor Zoom might be the best version of that trope. Dressed in inverted colors of the Flash, the professor was once Flash's biggest fan in the 25th century, but eventually that was twisted into hate and jealousy. Master of the reverse version of the Speed Force, the ruthless villain is as fast as the Flash, but far more viscous. We hope Injustice includes his devious take on super speed combat.

Talia al Ghul
Ras al Ghul is so last century. If Injustice calls on anyone from the League of Shadows, wed rather see his more level headed daughter in the game. Talias love/hate (AKA, have sex with/try to kill) relationship with Batman would make for interesting story sequences, she can more than hold her own in combat, and lately shes really embraced her dark side. Plus, she has an army of Man-Bat assassins she can call down thatd make for a pretty crazy finisher.

Challenge of the Super Friends
So that's our list of who we want to see in Injustice, but for a fictional universe as vast as DC's, there are thousands more that could be included. Tell us in the comments what heroes and villains you'd include in your dream roster.
If youre looking for more news on the game, check out the Injustice Gods Among Us review and the game's home page.
Henry Gilbert is a former GamesRadar+ Editor, having spent seven years at the site helping to navigate our readers through the PS3 and Xbox 360 generation. Henry is now following another passion of his besides video games, working as the producer and podcast cohost of the popular Talking Simpsons and What a Cartoon podcasts.

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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate villain Minecraft Steve is the star of the "best Smash clip of all time," as genius player makes a literal Trojan Horse to destroy an unsuspecting opponent

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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate villain Minecraft Steve is the star of the "best Smash clip of all time," as genius player makes a literal Trojan Horse to destroy an unsuspecting opponent