All The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild Captured Memories locations

Breath of the Wild Captured Memories locations

All The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild Captured Memories will help Link remember his personal history and gain a secret ending! Aside from developing the backstory of the characters, it's a chance to learn about the world and discover more of Hyrule. While it'll take you to every corner of the map in the process, it's actually a shorter sequence than most of the collectibles, with just 12 captured memories to find along the way. We'll show you how to get 12 of the Breath of the Wild Captured Memories, which will then unlock the secret 13th memory to combine with the others and hopefully fill in any blanks you may have.

All Breath of the Wild Captured Memories locations

Breath of the Wild Sacred Ground Ruins memory

Sacred Ground Ruins image clue for Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectibles

The first memory in your album is easy to reach, but beware of the Guardians patrolling the area.

Map location for the Scared Ground ruins for Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectibles

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The location is directly to the south of Hyrule Castle.

Zoomed in Map location for the Scared Ground ruins for Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectibles

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Zooming in on the map will reveal a little puddle of water labeled Sacred Ground Ruins.

Link at the spot in Hyrule for the Scared Ground Ruins Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectibles

Take out the Guardians or sneak to the centre to see a glowing light. Step into it and hit recall to watch a cutscene, then consider hotfooting it out of there. 

Breath of the Wild Lake Kolomo Memory

Clue for the second Breath of the Wild Captured Memory, this time in Lake Kolomo

This memory looks deceptive close to the Dueling Peaks, but is quite far out to the west. 

Map view for the Lake Kolomo Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectibles

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Head south of Central Tower until you reach a lake.

Zoomed in Map view for the Lake Kolomo Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectibles

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There's a road that leads directly to the lake. Follow it and veer off to the left when it ends. 

Link at the spot in Hyrule for the Lake Kolomo Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectibles

You'll spot the area from the photo here, along with the memory to the right of it.

Breath of the Wild Ancient Columns Memory

Clue image for the Ancient Columns Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectible

The next memory is in Hebra.

Map view for the Ancient Columns Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectible

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Head south from Tabantha Tower and follow the road to Tena Ko'sah Shrine.

Zoomed in map location for the Ancient Columns Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collecible

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The Ancient Columns surround the shrine.

Clue for the Ancient Columns Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectible

The memory is on the path leading up to its entrance.

Breathe of the Wild Kara Kara Bazaar Memory

Clue image for the Kara Kara Bazaar Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectible

The bazaar is in the south west part of the map, in Gerudo.

Map location for the Kara Kara Bazaar Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectible

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Being in Gerudo, you'll need Chilly food or potions to cool you down, or the Gerudo armour set.

Zoomed in map location for the Kara Kara Bazaar Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectible

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Follow the road south west from Gerudo Canyon Stable. If you have a lot of healing items, you can essentially brute force your way there by topping up your HP gauge when it gets too low from heat damage.

Link at the spot in Hyrule for the Kara Kara Bazaar Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectible

You might arrive nude and dehydrated, but as soon as you recall the memory, you can fast travel out of there. 

Breath of the Wild Eldin Canyon Memory

Clue image for the Eldin Canyon Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectible

Depending on you how plot your route here, you'll either need Flamebreaker armour to avoid bursting into flame, or a lot of stamina replenishing items for the climb up.

Map location for the Eldin Canyon Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectible

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Eldin Canyon is on the upper right of the map, to the south west of Death Mountain.

Zoomed in map location for the Eldin Canyon Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectible

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The mountain we're after is directly to the west of Goronbi Lake.

Even more zoomed in map location for the Eldin Canyon Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectible

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More specifically, it has a Korok stone circle on top.

Link at the spot in Hyrule for the Eldin Canyon Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectible

The memory is right next to it. If you brute force your way here, be wary of carrying any wooden items as they will catch fire, and possibly turn to cinders - even if they're not equipped. 

Breath of the Wild Irch Plain Memory

Clue image for the Irch Plain Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectible

This memory is a nice and easy one to pick up.

Map location for the Irch Plain Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectible

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Irch Plain is to the north west of Hyrule Castle.

Zoomed in map location for the Irch Plain Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectible

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There's a small lake here. 

Even more zoomed in map location for the Irch Plain Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectible

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There are a few trees kicking about, but the one we want is marked on the map.

Link at the spot in Hyrule for the Irch Plain Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectible

The memory is next to it.

Breath of The Wild West Necluda Memory

Clue image for the West Necluda Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectible

This memory location looks out towards the Bridge of Hylia in West Necluda.

Map location for the West Necluda Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectible

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It's midway down the river leading to Lake Hylia.

Zoomed in Map location for the West Necluda Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectible

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There's a big ol' tree opposite Scout's Hill, and that's where we're headed. 

Link at the spot in Hyrule for the West Necluda Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectible

You can see the tree from Scout's Hill.

Link flying closer to the location of the West Necluda Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectible

Paragliding over from there is a quick and easy way to reach it if you're struggling to find the location.

Another shot of Link at the location of the West Necluda Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectible

The memory is next to the tree, as you face the bridge.

Breath of the Wild Hyrule Castle Memory

Image clue for the Hyrule Castle Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectible

As daunting as the thought of going to Hyrule Castle before you're ready might be, this is actually super easy to get.

Map location for the Hyrule Castle Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectible

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The memory is located on the west side of the castle.

Zoomed in map view of the Hyrule Castle Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectible

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It's in Princess Zelda's Study.

Link looking towards the location for the Hyrule Castle Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectible

Look for the spire before making the journey across the moat.

Link getting closer to the location of the Hyrule Castle Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectible

The spire is patrolled by Guardians, as is the rest of the castle, but it's easy enough to avoid them and climb the tower. Just be sure you have enough stamina to do so.

Inside Hyrule Castle looking for the Hyrule Castle Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectible

Once you clamber through the window to the Princess' study, you can take a little breather as you time your dash outside. There's a flying Guardian out there, so wait until he scans the ground and leaves for another circuit around the spire.

Link at the Hyrule Castle Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectible location

When you're ready, run out and mash the recall button as if you're life depended on it.

Breath of the Wild Spring of Power Memory

Image clue for the Spring of Power Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectible

The Spring of Power is home to a shrine statue, so you can pray here for another heart or stamina vessel as well.

Map view of the location of the Spring of Power Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectible

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The spring is to the east of Death Mountain.

Zoomed in view of the location of the Spring of Power Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectible

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You'll find it to the north east of Ordorac Quarry, and south of North Akkala Valley.

Link at the Spring of Power Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectible location

It's a great big hole in the ground and you can't miss it.

Heading down inside the hole for the Spring of Power Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectible

The memory is directly opposite the statue.

Breath of the Wild Sanidin Park Ruins Memory

Image clue for the Sanidin Park Ruins Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectible

Another super easy one that you can enjoy a leisurely canter to. 

Map view for the location of the Sanidin Park Ruins Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectible

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The ruins are to the south west of Hyrule Castle.

Zoomed in map location for the Sanidin Park Ruins Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectible

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Just follow the road from Outskirt Stable across Manhala Bridge.

Link heading towards the location of the Sanidin Park Ruins Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectible

The ruins are on the left side of the road.

Link and Epona at the location of the Sanidin Park Ruins Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectible

Park your pony and pop up the steps.

Link next to the horse statue at the location of the Sanidin Park Ruins Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectible

The memory is next to the horse statue.

Breath of the Wild Lanayru Road East Gate Memory

Image clue for the Lanayru Road Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectible

This memory is easy to find and you can get to the location via a few different routes. 

Paragliding shortcuts work well for any occasion, and circumvent monster encounters and a lot of walking.

Map view for the location of the Lanayru Road Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectible

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The east gate is to the west of Mount Lanayru.

Zoomed out view of the map location for the Lanayru Road Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectible

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You can't miss it on the map.

Link heading towards the location in Hyrule for the Lanayru Road Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectible

If there's a Lynel blocking the path, you're on the wrong side, so just sneak around him.

Link at the location for the Lanayru Road Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectible

The memory is on the path leading through the gate.

Breath of the Wild Hyrule Field Memory

Image clue for the Hyrule Field Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectible

Thankfully, the last memory is also a cinch. 

Map view of the location for Hyrule Field Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectible

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Head south east from Hyrule Castle.

Zoomed out map view of the location for Hyrule Field Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectible

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We're aiming for the small forest to the north east of the Bottomless Swamp.

Link pictured at the location for Hyrule Field Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectible

The memory is next to a large rock.

Breath of the Wild Kakariko Village / Ash Swamp Memory

Image clue for the Kakariko Village / Ash Swamp Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectible

Talk to Impa in Kakariko Village after collecting all 12 memories. She'll show you a picture on the wall which is the location of one final memory.

Map view of the Image clue for the Kakariko Village / Ash Swamp Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectible

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The spot we're looking for is to the east of the Dueling Peaks.

Zoomed in map location for the Image clue for the Kakariko Village / Ash Swamp Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectible

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Head east from Dueling Peaks Stable and into Ash Swamp.

Link at near the swamp for the Kakariko Village / Ash Swamp Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectible

You should be in the swamp, directly behind the stable.

Behind the stable near the swamp for the Image clue for the Kakariko Village / Ash Swamp Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectible

Facing the stable, look to the right to see a Guardian collapsed on a large rock.

Link at the location of th Image clue for the Kakariko Village / Ash Swamp Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectible

The final memory is next to the inert Guardian.

An image from the final memory on your quest to find all the Breath of the Wild Captured Memories collectibles

Sit back and enjoy the cutscene. 

Congratulations, you've found all of the Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild Captured Memories! 

Sam Loveridge
Brand Director, GamesRadar+

Sam Loveridge is the Brand Director and former Global Editor-in-Chief of GamesRadar. She joined the team in August 2017. Sam came to GamesRadar after working at TrustedReviews, Digital Spy, and Fandom, following the completion of an MA in Journalism. In her time, she's also had appearances on The Guardian, BBC, and more. Her experience has seen her cover console and PC games, along with gaming hardware, for a decade, and for GamesRadar, she's in charge of the site's overall direction, managing the team, and making sure it's the best it can be. Her gaming passions lie with weird simulation games, big open-world RPGs, and beautifully crafted indies. She plays across all platforms, and specializes in titles like Pokemon, Assassin's Creed, The Sims, and more. Basically, she loves all games that aren't sports or fighting titles! In her spare time, Sam likes to live like Stardew Valley by cooking and baking, growing vegetables, and enjoying life in the countryside.

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