Lego Star Wars III: minikit guide

Count Dooku: Gungan General


Special skills needed: None

Knock down the 10 brown plants throughout the battlefield.


Special skills needed: (Use TX-20)

Head left and activate the panel.


Special skills needed: None

This one is just conveniently sitting out in the open, to the right of where you start.


Special skills needed: Electric

Activate the panel at the top-right section of the battlefield and ride an animal over all the orange buttons.


Special skills needed: Force

At the back of the battlefield, use the Force to put the brown Lego piles on top of the nearby geyser holes.


Special skills needed: Bounty Hunter

At the top-left of the battlefield, activate the Bounty Hunter panel.


Special skills needed: Sith Force

Use Sith Force to break apart the red-glowing pile of bricks to the left of the battlefield.


Special skills needed: Astromech

Assemble the structure near #4, activate the panel, and collect the studs that appear.


Special skills needed: None

Destroy five of the speeder-mounted enemies.


Special skills needed: Rapid Fire

Blast away the gold torpedo launcher at the bottom of the battlefield. If you're interested, destroying the other launcher further up the battlefield will get you a whole lot of studs.