Lego Star Wars III: minikit guide

Count Dooku: Jedi Crash


Special skills needed: None (Only Accessible During "Free Play")

Follow the green arrows to shoot down the five targeted enemy ships.


Special skills needed: None (Only Accessible During "Free Play")

Shoot down three floating black probes.


Special skills needed: (Use the Soulless One ship)

Fly as far left as you can, then shoot down the panels on the huge ship. Just keep shooting for several seconds even though it may not look like you're doing any damage.


Special skills needed: (Use the Soulless One ship)

Shoot down the gold panels in the middle of the same large craft from Minikit #3


Special skills needed: Rapid Fire, Explosives

Destroy the five probes from the on-foot sections of the level. There is one at each of the landing pads (some are hidden in gold or silver boxes), including after you land inside the second ship. Be sure you blast the probes before hitting any of the water switches, because the game will not allow you to go back to a landing pad if you've completed the water switch mission there.


Special skills needed: Rapid Fire

In the middle landing pad during the start of the level, blast away all of the restroom stalls.


Special skills needed: Explosives

In the back area of the left-most landing pad, blast the pipes above the fire to douse the flames and reach this Minikit.


Special skills needed: Small

On the right-most landing pad, near where you flip the switch to douse the flames, crawl through the vent.


Special skills needed: Rapid Fire

Once you land on the ship in the second part of the level, blast the gold box in the lower-right corner, assemble the rubble, and then grapple the hook.


Special skills needed: High Jump

In the final area of the level, High Jump to the Minikit in the top-right of the landing site.