Mass Effect Side Quest FAQ



Mass Effect

Sidequest FAQ

By: fish_guts

Version 1.10



1. Version Information

2. Legal Information

3. Opening Notes

4. ---First trip to Citadel---

   A. Unusual Readings/ UNC: Distress Call

   B. Citadel: Presidium Prophet

   C. Strange Transmission/ UNC: Major Kyle

   D. Citadel: Asari Consort

   E. Citadel: Xeltan's Complaint


5. ---After The First Meeting With The Council---

   A. Citadel: The Fan

   B. Citadel: Scan The Keepers

   C. Citadel: Jahleed's Fears

   D. Citadel: Reporter's Request

   E. Citadel: Rita's Sister

   F. Citadel: Homecoming

   G. Citadel: Doctor Michel

   H. Citadel: Signal Tracking

   I. Citadel: Schulls The Gambler

6. ---After being made a Spectre---

   A. UNC: Missing Survey Team

   B. UNC: Hostile Takeover

   C. UNC: Hostage

   D. UNC: Missing Marines

7. ---Noveria---

   A. Noveria: Smuggling

   B. Doctor At Risk/ UNC: Dead Scientists

   C. Noveria: Espionage

8. ---Feros---

   A. UNC: Espionage Probe

   B. Feros: Geth In The Tunnels

   C. Feros: Power Cells

   D. Feros: Water Restoration

   E. Feros: Verran Meat

   F. Feros: Data Recovery

   G. Investigate Samples/ UNC: Colony of The Dead

   H. Investigate Facility/ UNC: ExoGeni Facility

9. ---Return To The Citadel---

   A. Citadel: Family Matters

   B. Citadel: Fourth Estate

   C. Asari Diplomacy

   D. Citadel: Planting a Bug

   E. UNC: Privateers


10. ---Virmire---

   A. Wrex and The Genophage

   B. Virmire: Assisting The Team

11. ---Citadel Lockdown---

   A. Citadel: Our Own Worst Enemy

   B. Citadel: Negotiator's Request

12. ---Uncharted Worlds---

   A. UNC: Roque VI

   B. UNC: Cerberus

   C. UNC: Hades' Dogs

   D. UNC: Derelict Freighter

   E. UNC: Lost Freighter

   F. Geth Incursions

   G. UNC: Lost Module

   H. UNC: Depot Sigma-23

   I. UNC: Listening Post Alpha

   J. UNC: Listening Post Theta

   K. UNC: Lost Module

13. ---Squad Member Sidequests---

   A. Tali: Tali's Pilgrimage

   B. Garrus: Find Dr. Saleon

   C. Wrex: Family Armor

14. ---Backround Sidequests---

   A. Citadel: Old, Unhappy, Far-Off Things

   B. Citadel: I Remember Me

   C. Citadel: Old Friends

15. ---Aligment Sidequests---

   A. UNC: Besieged Base

   B. UNC: The Negotiation

16. ---Collection Sidequests---

   A. UNC: Locate Signs of Battle

   B. UNC: Turian Insignias

   C. UNC: Valuable Minerals

   D. UNC: Prothean Data Discs

   E. UNC: Asari Writings

17. Closing Messages/ Contact Info/ Thank You's(and a thank you present!)



12/17/07--- Decided to write a sidequest guide about the great

game that is Mass Effect.

12/19/07--- Bought a 50 dollar bag of "Goofy Boots".

12/20/07---Began to collect info for guide/ laughed at a 

overwieght lady slipping on the ice outside.

01/01/08--- Began writing guide.

01/13/08--- Finished Mass Effect for a third time. Completed

information gathering.

01/29/08--- Version 1.00 finished.

01/31/08--- Did a minor update by fixing typos, correcting errors, and 

added additional websites to Legal Information Section.



This document may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except 

for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise

distributed publicly without advance written permission or submission by the 


As of right now, this walkthrough should

only be available on the following sites:

Please notify me if it appears elsewhere at

All names, locations, and references are property of Bioware Corp.

The document itself is the property of fish_guts(Tyler Gates). 

Copyright law prohibits plagerism of this material.  

(If you would like to use this guide on your site please email me first. 

Or just tell that hooker behind the 7-11 on elm, its not like

I don't see her everyday anyways.)



I really didn't understand the full scope of  Mass Effects's

sidequests when writing this guide. 

It was much more work and time consuming than I had initially

thought. Though, I cant say I didnt have a great time

playing through Mass Effect. I hope this guide is as

enjoyable to read as it is informative.

This particular guide was written to help with all the missions 

that aren't required to beat for the main story. 

Mass Effect's story is amazing and its not a long shot to say 

some of the sidequests are a blast as well.

Though, thats not to say some are a pain in the O-ring. Hopefully

this guide will clear those and some of the easily missable quests

right up. It should also be noted that I will do my best to keep this

guide as spoiler free as possible but with a guide of this nature its

often difficult. Though I wouldnt worry about having any major plot

points being ruined.

Well except for that one part where Shepard sleeps with Garrus...

...oh wait that didn't happen, well I'm sure someone out there wished

it did.

well enough nonsense...on with the guide!


---I Broke the guide down into story order with the exception

of the last five sections which are quests you will be doing 

throughout your journey in Mass Effect. Also to note some useful

information, no sidequest is available to be triggered after you 

leave for Ilos. Just something to keep in mind.

(Also if your looking for a specific mission or

section just use CTRL+F to bounce right over.)


4. ---First Trip to Citadel---

A.---Unusual Readings/ UNC: Distress Call---

How do you get it?--- there is a computer console in Udina's

office. just decrypt it. This quest is available as soon as you

arrive at the citadel. 

when first arriving at the citadel their is a console on the east 

side of Ambassador Udina's office. When viewed you get the option 

of decrypting this computer. doing so gets you this quest

What needs to be done?--- Looks like you need to travel to Hydra

system in the Argus Rho cluster. Once there examine the planet Metgos.

Once that is complete you will receive a emergency transmission from 

a medical transport, it looks like they are going to make an emergency

landing on Metgos.

*** At this point the mission title will change to UNC: Distress Call

Get together a team and head down to the surface of Metgos. The distress

beacon is south of your landing position and head there now for a little


So the "distress beacon" was a Geth ambush huh? The best way to do this

is by using Guerilla warfare. By that I mean pick out a Geth, waste

him with the Makos guns and retreat, rinse, repeat. By using

distance and the Mako's zoom you will give yourself plenty of

time to dodge any incoming fire while not being overwhelmed by Geth. 

Once all Geth are turned into scrap metal(used to make ford's)you 

completed the mission.

B.---Citadel: Presidium Prophet---

How do you get it?--- In the northwest corner of the 

Presidium district is a preaching Hanar and a C-Sec

officer, speak to either of the two. 

***Note: it takes either 7 charm and 6 intimidate

to see all the outcomes of this mission. If you

care about seeing it all, it might be best to wait.***

What needs to be done?--- Your goal in this situation

is to stop the situation from escalating and you 

have a couple of ways of doing it.

This mission is simple and really comes down to what kind

of approach you want to take. you can persuade the officer

to allow the Hanar to keep preaching which will get you 

Medi-Gel. Or you can push the Hanar out of there which

will award you credits. Its not hard to see that Helping

the Hanar is the "right" thing to do and will get you

Paragon points.

A third option you can take is to offer to pay for the

license yourself. Propose this to the officer, when he agrees

speak with Tom Crui...I mean the Hanar and offer to pay. It seems

like both parties like this idea. It cost you a 150 credits though which 

early on in the game is alot. The plus side is that in the end both parties

are happy....whoo.

C.---Strange Transmission---

How do you get it?--- In the Presidium lies the C-Sec headquarters,

there you will find Executor Pallins office. On the east side

is a console, which needs to be decrypted. If successful you will

get the Strange

What needs to be done?--- Looks like you need to travel to the

Century system in the(Stephen?)Hawking Eta cluster. When you arrive

in the are you will receive a message from Alliance HQ explaining

what's happened. 

***The mission title will now change to UNC: Major Kyle***

Looks like you need to get a team together and head down to

Presrop. Its a moon that orbits Klendagon.

***Note: You will most likely be facing human biotics. Choose

a well balanced team with mods that inflict addition damage

to organic lifeforms. too bad they didn't have a mod that 

inflicted STD's. Herpes is the burn that keeps on burning..

..or so they say.***

The compound you are looking for is southeast of your drop 

location. There is several silos and two buildings. the door

to the mercenary base is unlocked, go there first.

you need to gain access to the other building and there is a

few ways we can do this. 

1. you can go in guns blazing and waste every cultist in 

the place. If you did that all you have to do is activate

the control panel at the south end of the first floor.

2. We can go in peacefully...I guess. to do that approach the 

door to the mercenary base and say "I have to speak to Major 

Kyle". Follow dialogue until you are able to use persuasion.

Which ever route you take you will next be tasked with

talking to Charles Mans...I mean Major Kyle yourself. 

He is located at the southwest corner of the complex.

when you reach him you will be entered into conversation

with the freak.

***NOTE: It should be noted that if you killed any biotics so 

far you wont have the option of getting Major Kyle

to surrender. He will want to rumble  right off the bat.***

Major Kyle will admit to his wrong doings and you will have

a choice to make. Using Paragon or Renegade dialogue will

both get Major Kyle to surrender. You can either accept 

his terms or decline them and shove some hot led up 

his rectum. Either way completes this mission.

D.---Citadel: Asari Consort---

How do you get it?--- As soon as you arrive at the

Citadel you can activate this "mission". Speak to 

Sha'ira in the consort chambers to start this 

bull-honkey of a mission.

***Note: it takes 4 charm and 4 intimidate

to see all the outcomes of this mission. If you

care about seeing it all, it might be best to wait.***

What needs to be done?---

Sha'ira had a falling out with a recent client of hers

and would like you to speak with him

soldier to soldier, man to man, shepard to stalker. 

Accepting this gets you the Citadel: Asari Consort 

mission.  your first task? Speaking with General

Septimus, who happens to be drunk at the local 

skin bar Chora's Den.

(My sister used to work at a titty club until we

found out our real father was a frequent there. It

wasn't the shared bloodline that made her leave,

the real reason she quit is because when giving here

a dollar he would almost always ask for change back).

***Note: You don't need to use persuasions to complete this

mission but you should because it will garner you

either Paragon or Renegade bonuses. Depending on

which type you use.***

Whichever direction you choose to take the conversation 

the general will respect the words of his fellow soldier.

General Septimus will understand the error of his

ways and ask you to do him a favor.

The General has a datapad that will clear the Consorts

name and reputation and asks you to deliver it to her.

If you accept this responsibility you will get the:

---Citadel: Xeltan's Complaint--- assignment 

(If you already  completed this assignment 

Sha'ira will inform you that Xeltian already 

withdrew his complaint agasint her).

Whether or not you accepted the datapad you should head 

back to the consort to wrap this up. Also depending on your

actions you will get two very different outcomes.

Paragon: If taking this route the consort will give you

a reading of who you are and what you will become. She will

also give you a small Prothean token if you spoke with Xeltan

and gave him the datapad. Finishing the mission this way

gives you a paragon bonus as well as some XP, credits, 

and Medi-Gel.

Renegade: Choosing this route will get you all of the above

as well as a "little" something extra. If you choose the

"That's it?" option after she finishes speaking you get to 

do the nasty with the consort. Which we all know is the reason

we bought this game. Now only if they had a similar scene

with a Hanar...

***Note: Now that you have the Consort's trinket, you can

take a little vacation to Eletania in the Hercules System,

which lies in the Attican Beta cluster. If you've ever

been there before you'd remember seeing a huge floating

sphere. Well now you can use that trinket to get 

a little insight on the Protheans as well as some exp.***

E.---Citadel: Xeltan's Complaint---

How do you get it?---It becomes available after persuading General

Septimus during the "Citadel: Asari Consort". Septimus would 

like your help in clearing the name of the Asari Consort. 

Agreeing to help will get net you this mission.

What needs to be done?--- Xeltan is chilling in the Volus and Elcor

offices in the Presidium. when you locate Xeltan speak to him about

the deception and you can either take a paragon or renegade stance 

with him and will garner you the respective bonuses for each persuasion.

No matter which route you take in the conversation you will get some

credits and xp for your pimp conversation skills.


5.---After The First Meeting With The Council---

A.---Citadel: The Fan---

(This is one of my favorite missions simply because this

guy is so creepy he reminds me of one my sisters boyfriend's.

I was actually worried when he would show up next. 

It's just a great little quest.)

How do you get it?--- After your first meeting with the council

you need to speak Conrad Verner in the upper markets section of

the Upper Wards.

***Note: Need 2 intimidate and 2 charm to see all dialogue.***

When you first run into Conrad he will smother you in compliments.

This guy really digs you, so much that he asks you for an autograph.

Give him an autograph to continue this strange quest.

***Note: This quest wont proceed until you complete a Main-Plot story


 When you come back though  he will be in the same spot and will

be more than excited to see you. He seems to be moist over the fact

that you've been named the first human Spectre. He will ask you for

a picture (which he intends to do something creepy with I'm sure).

***Note: This quest wont proceed until you complete another

 Main-Plot story planet.***

Again in the same area our little psycho has a strange request.

He would like your assistance in making him a Spectre. No matter

if you use persuasion's or just normal dialogue you will convince

Conrad he's not cut out for that line of work. Though using persuasions

will get you the respective paragon/ renegade bonuses.

B.---Citadel: Scan The Keepers---

(The most annoying quest and probably the sole reason

for this guide)

How do you get it?--- This fungasmic quest is available

after your first meeting with the council. You need to 

speak with Chorban in the Citadel Tower.

What needs to be done?--- Chorban, a Salarian is interested

in the Keepers (probably for some sick bestiality fetish).

At any rate he would like your assistance with scanning these

interesting creatures.

There is 21 keepers present and all of them need to be scanned.

The one good thing about this mission is that for each Keeper

you scan you get exp and credits so even if you don't finish

the quest you will still get a reward for each you come across.

Here is the location of every keeper:

1. Center of the Citadel Tower

2. Southwest corner of the Citadel Tower

3. East side of Citadel Tower

4. Northwest corner of Citadel Tower

5. Northwest corner of the Presidum(just outside the Tower)

6. Northwest corner of the Presidum (near Wards entrance)

7. Presidum, balcony outside Embassy Lounge

8. Presidum, east end of diplomatic archives 

9. Presidum, northeast corner of Volus and Elcor embassy

10. Southwest corner of Presidum, outside the consort's chambers

11. Southern Presidum, between Consorts building and Emporium

12. Presidum, in an alcove just south of the Emporium

13. C-Sec Academy, southwest corner of requisition office

14. C-Sec Academy, northern side of traffic control

15. Lower Wards, C-sec vehicle parking lot.

16. Upper Wards, east side, outside the Med Clinic

17. Upper Wards, northwest corner of the market area

18. Upper Wards, alleyway

19. Northeast corner of flux and wards access

20. Upper floor of the Flux, back of the casino

21. Docking Bay, southern end

Once all are collected you will finish this tedious mission.

the rewards are nice but with each Keeper you have trouble

finding your soul dies a little. Worth it for a couple

credits? Yeah, I guess so.

C.---Citadel: Jahleed's Fears---

How do you get it?--- After your first meeting with the Council

you can activate this by speaking with Jahleed in the C-Sec


***Note: it takes 7 charm and 6 intimidate

to see all the outcomes of this mission. If you

care about seeing it all, it might be best to wait.***

What needs to be done?--- After you have accepted the 

Citadel: Scan The Keepers mission you can go to

C-Sec Academy and speak with Jahleed, A Volus.

Jahleed wants you to speak with a buddy of his.

Jahleeds colleague is located in the lower markets, in

the Lower Wards. This guy turns out to be someone we know

and will easily crack under the pressure. He will give you

a little insight and at this point you have a choice to make.

You can continue to scan the Keepers for Chorban or you can

decline to continue. It doesn't matter what you decide but your

mission isn't over quite yet.

***At this point the mission title changes to Citadel: Talk

to Jahleed***

Back at the C-Sec Academy Jahleed flips and begs you not to 

arrest him. You have a persuasion choice to make here then a 

C-Sec officer will butt in and ask if everything is ok. 

You have another choice to make here:

Paragon/ Neutral: you will say yes and have Jahleed turned

over to the proper authorities which will get you exp and

credits. The mission title then changes to: 

---Citadel: Jahleed Arrested---

Renegade: The officer will leave and Jahleed promises to

forget about any keeper research. Also if you have not done

the Citadel: Scan The Keepers quest yet Jahleed will offer this

to you now...sweet right after vowing not to do it!

D.---Citadel: Reporter's Request---

How do you get it?--- After your first meeting with the Council

this mission becomes available. Speak with Emily Wong in the

Upper Wards.

***Note: This mission can be missed if you leave the Citadel

without speaking to Emily Wong or forget to pick up the OSD

in Fist's office during a Main Story Mission.***

What needs to be done?---

In the Upper Wards you will find a Human reporter by the 

name of Emily Wong. If you speak with her you will learn

that she is trying to expose a organized crime group on

the Citadel and guess what hotshot?'re

going to help.

Getting some information is the first task on this 

mission and its easily done. You can pick up a 

OSD (optical storage disc) in Fists office. It's so

easy because you have to go through there on a main

story mission so when the time comes just remember to pick

that disc up. Its also fulfilled after you rescue Tali.

*If you already grabbed the disc after rescuing her you

will deliver the information

*If you forgot to get the disc you will get a chance to go

back and pick the disc up. So don't worry if you forgot the

first time around, Biff.

Return to Emily Wong in the Upper Wards to complete this

quest for a reward of some credits and exp. 

***Note: If you have a Charm of 1 or an intimidate of 2

you can con Emily into giving you more credits.***

(I was kind of hoping for a "romantic" encounter with Emily

Wong but..a few times she's been around this track and it just

ain't gonna happen like that. Cause she ain't no holla back

girl, yeah she aint no holla back girl...dang).

E.---Citadel: Rita's Sister---

How do you get it?--- After your first meeting with the Council you

can get this quest by visiting with Rita who is a waitress at the Flux.

After learning a little bit you can decide to help Rita by looking into 

the matter, we need to talk with Jenna now.

(Wow one sister is a waitress at a bar and the other bartends at a 

strip club...too...many...jokes.)

Jenna is working at the Chora's Den in the Lower Wards. When speaking 

with her choose your appropriate responses and move the conversation

along. Though Jenna will refuse to give out any information. It's time

to report back to Rita.

On your way back to Rita some rude jerk by the name of Chellick 

will "bump" into you. So instead of going back to Rita lets

meet this guy at C-Sec Academy. Chellick is located in the

southwest corner of the C-Sec offices. He's not to happy

with the recent turn of events and of course enlists your 


At this point you have the option and if you have high enough

charm/ intimidation points you can convince Chellick to cut Jenna

loose right then and there. Other wise continue on with the conversation.

you need to agree to meet a guy named Jax in the lower markets area

of the Lower Wards.

Down in the lower markets you have a few options of how you want to

deal with the situation.

Paragon/ Renegade: Will both get you the same end. You will refuse to

pay Jax and will have to fight the Krogan and his two Powerpuff Girl


Neutral: Will have you completing the sale just how you were asked.

***This will change the Mission title's name to Citadel: Rita's Sister

and Chellick***

All you have to do now is return to Chellick with the results which 

will get you very different responses depending on how you handled

the situation. No matter what happened you will get some exp, credits,

Omni-Gel, and a Grenade.

F.--- Citadel: Homecoming---

How Do you get it?--- This quest becomes available after you

save Tali from those thugs. After you speak with Captain

Anderson and the Ambassador, leave the embassy

you will hear a guy calling out your name.

What needs to be done?--- Outside the building a man by the

name of Samesh Bhatia will call out your name. 

Once you engage in conversation with him he will give you a 

sob story about his wife. 

***Note: Have Ashley in your party during this mission

to see some extra dialogue.***

You now need to speak with an alliance diplomat Bosker. He happens

to be in charge of this sick operation. In the Presidum you will find

Bosker loafing around in the embassy lounge. After speaking with the

diplomat you will learn they are keeping the body for a certain reason

and of course, its your decision to decide if this is ethical of not.

You have a few options here:

Paragon/ Renegade: By using either of the two persuasions you can

convince Clerk Bosker to release the body. By doing so you need a 

charm of 2 or an intimidate of 3.

Agree with Clerk Bosker: By agreeing with him you need to say 

"Thanks for the information" or "Samesh should hear this".

No matter which option you choose you need to go back to

Samesh and inform him of the outcome, which gets you some exp.

G.---Citadel: Doctor Michel---

How do you get it?---After defeating Fist and having talked to

Dr.Michel once before.

***Note: You need a charm of 6 and a intimidate of 3 to see all parts

of this quest. Might want to save this one for later...or don't***

What needs to be done?--- When you walk into Dr. Michel's office

you will overhear hear being blackmailed by some dude. She needs your

help in keeping something a secret(and no she didn't used to be a man!).

Of course Shepard gets involved into someone else's business like a nosey

high school girl. So we are off to speak with Morlan a merchant in the Lower


When you first speak with Morlan he will be surprised and before anything

can be resolved some big Krogan threatens to reveal everything if he doesn't

get the medical supplies. You have a choice to make here as well.

If you have a high enough Charm or Intimidate you can persuade the Krogan

to leave Dr. Michel alone. Or if you choose to, you can fight the Krogan

he's not to tough so don't worry about it. Apparently he is working for some

honkey named Banes. 

No matter how you resolved that issue we need to go speak with Doc. Michel.

Speak with the good doctor and inform her of your success in fixing her

problem. You might also ask her if she knows who this "Banes" fellow is.

Looks like this cracker may have had ties to the government, Maybe you 

should speak with Captain Anderson? Or don't because its not necessary

to activate the quest, it just adds another step.

By completing this mission you are awarded some credits, exp, 

and Medi-Gel.

H.---Citadel: Signal Tracking--- 

How do you get it? This mission is first available after

your initial meeting with the Council. You will find a strange gambling

machine at the back of Flux's casino.

What's needs to be done?--- After investigating the suspicious machine

you will discover that someone is wiring money to a outside account.

This will get you the assignment "Citadel: Signal Tracking" and our first

task? You guessed it...sleep with a cheap hooker! Nah just kidding,

we gotta track that signal.

The signal is tracked to the north side of the Wards access hallway. Further

investigation reveals that the signal has been bounced of a relay. Looks like

we have some more sleuthing to do. 

Follow the signal to the Financial District in the Presidium. It looks like

the signal is coming from a computer behind a counter. after looking into it

we learn that, yes another relay is being used. Lets be off then!

Still in the Presidium we learn that another relay is in the Emporium. 

Go there and investigate the row of computers. 

Another relay? Not this time slick, as it turns out

we've come across an Artificial Intelligence.

It apparently doesn't like you much and initiates a self destruct sequence. 

This opens a mini game of sorts. You need to discover the right button 

combination to save your  scrawny hide. If you have a correct button it will 

flash green, if wrong the screen flashes red and you need to start over.

Also if your feeling lazy here it is: Y, X, Y, A, X, A, A.

Stopping the self destruct sequence awards you a few things. One, being you

get a exp bonus. Two, you also get whatever credits where 

leftover in the machine. Also, in a distant third, you saved

your pathetic crappy life.

I.---Citadel: Schells The Gambler---

How do you get it?---You need to first complete the mission "Citadel:

Rita's Sister". Watch a bouncer outside of flux throw

a Salarian out of the club, talk to the loser.

What needs to be done?---Schells wants you to help him with a 

little hustle. You need to accept his offer and you are faced

with a choice.

Paragon: If you don't any part of his plan you need to speak 

with Doran on the western end of the casino and give him

Schell's tool. He will award you a bunch of credits.

Renegade: You need to win at five games of Quasar to 

complete this task. Though, the casinos owner will start

to get suspicious if you win seven games. If that

happens he will have your butt thrown out. So no more than

six wins with the cheating device ok?

No matter which choice you went with you need to speak 

with Schells to complete this strange mission.


6.---After being made a Spectre---

A.---UNC: Missing Survey Team---

How do you get it?--- After being made a Spectre just ride

an elevator and when the appropriate news video plays, you

will get this mission.

What needs to be done?--- Your going to have to head to Trebin,

Antaeus System in the Hades Gamma cluster. You need to land on

Trebin but before you do, make sure to bring along some serious

firepower(your going to be getting into some heavy stuff),

Wrex always does the trick. Also bring some weapon mods that

do extra damage against synthetics.

Once you've landed head northeast an you will come across a 

research base. When you've arrived there its time to head

down into the mining shaft. After a bit you will get rushed

by some Husks. A great tip is to keep backing up and keep a 

solid distance from the modified wussies.

After every husk has been wasted this mission is over, you also

get an interesting message.

B.---UNC: Hostile Takeover---

(This mission is sort of long...and kind of a pain to write.

So yeah, just thought I would throw that out there.)

How do you get it?---After you become a Spectre this assignment

becomes available. To get this "fun" mission you have one of 

two choices.

1. If you have a high decryption skill you can hack a computer

which is located in the southeast office of the office area in

the C-Sec Academy.

2. Or the easy route, speak with Helena Blake whom is located 

on the south side of the Presidium, next to the bank.

What needs to be done?--- When speaking with Helena you can choose

to either accept or decline this mission. If you decline this

request you will earn a Paragon bonus but deprive yourself of

some serious combat with both Humans and Krogan. If you decide

to take on this mission remember to get some mods that do extra

damage to organics.

We need to head to two different worlds and wipe out a base full

of gangsters on each.

1. Mavigon in the Han System, located in the Gemini Sigma cluster.

The base here is located southeast of your drop point and is also

heavily fortified with turrets. It would be best to wipe these out

with the Mako's cannon. Shouldn't be much of a problem because leaving

the Mako on this planet is a bad idea.

2. Klensal in the Dis System, located in the Hades Gamma cluster.

This time the bases is located southwest of your drop point and is

protected by a bunch of sniper towers and mercs. Wipe them out.

With both bases in ruin we need to report back to that Helena chick.

She has her own base on the planet of Amaranthine, in the Fortuna

System, located in the Horse Head nebula cluster. Once you've 

landed there head south/southeast to do some thuggin in her base.

Once you enter the base you (as always) have a choice to make.

Paragon/ Renegade: By using the appropriate persuasions you can

convince her to back off and disband peacefully. You will also

get the usual bonus for doing this.


Travis Bickle Approach: By Choosing the dialogue "Your

under arrest" you will enter a fight with Helena and her

gang of thugs. First a purple energy wall will block the 

doorway and you need to shoot it before you can pass. A word

to the wise, these guys are a bit tougher than other mercs.

so just take your time, be patient, and shove your .45

down Helena's throat!

After the bloodbath(or peaceful resolution)...your mission is complete

C.---UNC: Hostage---

How do you get it?--- After being made a Spectre just ride

an elevator and when the appropriate news video plays, you

will get this fun mission.

What needs to be done?--- Looks like you need to head to the

MSV Ontario which lies in the Farinata System, in the Hades

Gamma cluster.

Remember you will be facing off against biotics. Equip mods

that do increased damage against biotics. Also some armor that

protects against biotic attack wouldn't be a bad idea either.

You will die quickly if you try to fight them all at once so

you have a couple of option here. You could either attempt to

pick them off one by one OR do my most trusted method and

bottle neck the biotic freaks.

By bottle necking I mean have your squad mates wait in the

hallway where you first enter and go ahead alone, Then get 

the biotics to follow you back. This makes it easier to wipe

out the biotics. You only have three minutes here 

so use your time wisely.  Use your preferred method 

and wipe them out.

Once that is over enter the northeastern room and confront

the groups leader. You have a choice to make here.

Persuasion: By having a Charm of 6 or a Intimidate of 5 you 

can calm the leader down and defuse the situation peacefully.

you will also get a Paragon/ Renegade bonus for using this.


Duke Nukem Method: Its time to kick butt and chew bubblegum

and unfortunately for the biotics...your all out of bubblegum.

Forget the persuasions and enter a firefight with the jerks. 

As your wasting them keep in mind the guy you have come to 

save can be killed in battle. Keep him alive and make sure

your own bullets don't go through him.

Once the Chairman is safe the assignment is complete.

D.---UNC: Missing Marines---

How do you get it?--- After being made a Spectre you have the

option of speaking with Admiral Kahoku (you may have been sent

to him by Captain Anderson at the end of the "Citadel: Dr. Michel"

mission). At any rate, Kahoku is located in the Citadel Tower.

What needs to be done?--- The Admiral wants you to tread were he 

cannot. head for Edolus, in the Sparta System which is located

in the Artemis Tau cluster. 

Once at Edolus make a landing and head north which is where the

distress beacon is located. When arriving there you will be 

attacked by a Thresher Maw. Many strategies work when fighting

these annoying things and all I can really say is keep your

distance and keep moving.

After the beast is slain drive up to the distress beacon and

investigate it and one of the marines to learn the 

cruel fate of the deceased.

All that is left now is to inform the Admiral of the recent

events. head back to the Citadel Tower and give him the 

bad news. Doing so finishes this mission.


7. ---Noveria---

A.---Noveria: Smuggling---

How do you get it?--- You can get this mission as 

you land on Noveria. There is a Hanar Merchant name

Opold and he wants you to do a little dirty work for him.

The Hanar Opold is located at the northeastern corner of the

Port Hanshan Plaza.

What needs to be done?--- If you accepted this mission the Hanar

will have the mysterious item sent to your ship for pickup. Once

this item is picked up you will learn what it is. You need to 

decide now what you want to do with it.

1. take the package back to Opold but tell him your keeping it

for yourself.

***Note: By doing this a number of consequences will happen.

For starters, the Krogan who was supposed to get the mod...

won't like you much and will attack you the next time you stroll

into the docking bay. Also the mod doesn't have "set" stats, it 

varies depending on your level. So you may want to do this one

later. If this is the route you plan to take of course.***

2. Take the Mod back to Opold as he wanted. By doing so you will

get 250 credits. Also this can be increased if you have a high

enough Charm/ Intimidate. You will also get a Paragon/ Renegade


3. Take the item to Inamorda, a Krogan located in Port Hanshan

Mezzanine. Inamorda was the guy who was going to get the Mod

anyways and by taking it right to him you can get a bit more

cash. He will pay you 500 credits and can even be increased

to 750 with Charm/ Intimidate. A Charm/ Intimidate bonus will

also be given.

4. You can take the illegal weapon mod to Anoleis the base

administrator. In exchange for your deal he will give you

a pass to the garage. You need this to further the story

but there is other methods. Besides, this guy is a real


At any rate, any decision you decide gets you 

a fairly decent reward.

B.---Doctor At Risk/ UNC: Dead Scientists---

***Note: If you have the sole survivor background this

mission is a bit more personal for you.***

How do you get it?--- This mission becomes available

after arriving on Noveria. While on the southwest corner

of Port Hanshan Mezzanine's upper floor you can hack a terminal.

Do so to get this mission. Also of note, you need sufficient 

skill in electronics to decrypt this terminal.

What needs to be done?--- When a successful hack is completed

you will get a message regarding a location in the Newton System.

This system lies in the Kepler Verge cluster, head there now.

Once you arrive in the Newton System you will receive a message

informing you of the current situation. It looks like you need

to find the last remaining scientist and fast. He happens to be 

located on Ontarom, in the same system

After landing head southeast and you will arrive at a facility.

lucky you, the base is infested with mercs. Distance is your 

friend here. when all the mercs are wasted head into the base.

When inside you will have to face eight more mercs, so remember

to use the appropriate mods that do increased damage to organics.

After the fight is over head into southwestern room and be ready

for a revelation.

The scientist you came to save is here but so is a guy who happens

to have a gun on to the scientists head. You might know Toombs

(if you have the sole survivor background). The soldier gives

you a little background information to what's going on

and you have to decide quick on how to handle 

this explosive situation. Heres the run of dialogue


"Lets Make it Public"- completely useless. It wont get

you anywhere.

"Go ahead", "Do it", "Think about this!"- all lead to the same end,

Toombs caps the scientist then wastes himself.

"This isn't justice"- Toombs wil let the scientist live and 

lower his weapon. Requires a Charm of 12

"Let me do it"- Toombs remains alive and guess who caps the

scientist? You! You cold hearted jerk! Requires a Intimidate

of 9 I believe.

Whichever decision you ran with its time to wrap this up,

head back to the Mako. Once there, access the Galaxy map to

complete this mission.

C.---Noveria: Espionage---

How do you get it?--- After landing on Noveria this

fun little mission becomes available. When you enter

the Port Hanshan Mezzanine an Asari by the name of 

Mallene Callis will call out your name. You have a couple

options here:

1. You can listen to her plea and further the plot.


2. Ignore her plea of help, much like my dad does to me.

What needs to be done?---If you chose option one we can 

continue this quest(if you chose option two, proceed to

laugh now).

It looks like you need to pose as a buyer for an certain

substance. If you accept this mission Mallene will hand

you a device that will assist in the operation, she will

also give you a bit of advice, location of the target, and

send you on your way.

Once you approach the human male(who is located at the bars north

side) you have a couple of choices.

1. You can tell Rafeal that you were asked to spy on him.

The Human will thank you and be off.

2. You can grill him with persuasions until Mallene's little

device beeps. Once that happens just make up a excuse and book

it out of there.

You now need to return to Mallene and inform her of the results,

again we have a couple of options here.

1. If you happened to tell Rafeal of the espionage plan and

inform Mallene of this she will get a bit upset and leave Noveria.

this route gets you a Paragon bonus.

2. If you happened to tell Rafeal of the espionage plan and lie

to Mallene that you finished the job she will award you with

the promised credits. Using Charm (lvl-12) or Intimidate

(lvl-9) you can get here to pay you more credits. Doing this

gets you a huge renegade bonus.

3. If you successfully hacked Rafeal's network and report this

to Mallene she will award you with credits, which can be increased

by using either Charm/ Intimidate. You get the usual bonus for 

using either.

Mission Complete.


Iain Wilson
Guides Editor

Iain originally joined Future in 2012 to write guides for CVG, PSM3, and Xbox World, before moving on to join GamesRadar in 2013 as Guides Editor. His words have also appeared in OPM, OXM, PC Gamer, GamesMaster, and SFX. He is better known to many as ‘Mr Trophy’, due to his slightly unhealthy obsession with amassing intangible PlayStation silverware, and he now has over 700 Platinum pots weighing down the shelves of his virtual award cabinet. He does not care for Xbox Achievements.