Mass Effect Side Quest FAQ
8. ---Feros---
A.---UNC: Espionage Probe---
How do you get it?--- After landing on Feros this mission is available.
If you hack the terminal inside the downed freighter in Zhu's
Hope this mission is given to you.
What needs to be done?--- While in Zhu's Hope walk inside the downed
freighter and if you or a squad mate have sufficient decryption skill
you can hack the terminal and receive a message.
Looks like you need to travel to Agebinium, which lies in the Amazon
System, located in the Voyager cluster. Once there you will recieve
and interesting message. Looks like your stuck cleaning up an Alliance
mess created back in the First Contact War. Land on Agebinium and lets
get this show on the road.
***Note: You will be facing organics so bring the proper mods that do
additional damage to organics. Also it may be a good idea to bring along
someone with a high decryption skill, if you don't have one of course.***
Once you've landed head northwest towards the probe. Once you arrive on
site it will become clear that we are about to do some spelunking. There
is no enemies in the mines and the probe we are looking for is in the
northern most room of the mine. It also happens to be behind a large door.
Before you can enjoy the new scenery your way back becomes blocked off
and a hologram activates informing you of just what is going on here.
Before you can wet your huggies the bombs countdown timer starts.
To deactivate the bomb(which you have 10 seconds to do) requires you
to either make three successful ten button attempts(which comes out to
30 button presses) or use 100 Omni-Gel (Which comes out to 300 Omni-Gel
total). You can proceed to cry now.
If you survived the countdown continue out of mine(you cant go out
the way you came). Once back on the surface of Agebinium you will
notice a couple of things. Well first of all you happen to be on a
ridge overlooking a merc camp, which happens to house the man
who tried to kill you. Second, the stole your Mako! Its one thing
to try and kill a man but its a whole other ballgame if you
mess with a guys wheels. A few strategies work in this situation and
it's up to you on how you wanna waste these suckas.
1. Pick the mercs of with a sniper rifle. This strategy works ok but
the mercs have rifles of there own...and they are pretty dang good too.
2. Make a mad dash into the camp and unleash bullets from close range.
This strategy doesnt really work the best. although this is how I beat
it on my first try, tons of fun.
3. Saving the best for last, make a run for the Mako and if you can make
it you will be in an armored vehicle for this battle. Run em over, gun em
down. Just basically GTA these hosers. This strategy is my
personal favorite as its almost a cake walk if done this way.
After all the mercs are toasted, your job here is finished.
(Timeout for a second, the next four missions all take place basically
in the same area. It would make more sense to do them all at once
then to do them one at a time, right?)
B.---Feros: Geth In The Tunnels---
How do you get it?--- This mission becomes available after landing on Feros
and after the Thorian is beaten. Make sure the person giving this
mission isn't killed in the assault on Zu's Hope. Speak with Fai Dan.
What needs to be done--- Fai Dan wants you to take out a Geth transmitter
which happen to be located in some underground tunnels. The transmitter
is located in the eastern most room of the tunnels middle section.
The real problem isnt getting to the transmitter but actually destroying
it. The transmitter is guarded by two snipers and three ticked of Krogans.
You won't have much room here but try to keep your distance from the
Krogans and you will do just fine.
After the transmitter is destroyed report back to Fai Dan and complete
this easy little task.
C.---Feros: Power Cells---
How do you get it?---This mission becomes available after landing on Feros
and after the Thorian is beaten. Make sure the person giving this
mission isn't killed in the assault on Zu's Hope. Speak with
May O'Connell
What needs to be done?--- Inside the tower at the center of Zhu's Hope
is May. As it turns out the colony is having a bit of an energy problem.
So as usual...your going to solve it. All may really asks of you is to
keep your eyes on the lookout for additional energy cells. Can't be
to hard right?
Well its not, in fact its in the collapsed bridge area that happens
to be crawling with Verran. The energy cells happen to be in of the
wrecked vehicles.
***Note: The required quest kill for the mission "Feros: Verran Meat"
is located here as well. The kill is the Verran alpha male.***
Once the required items are acquired you can head back to May and finish
this mission.
D.---Feros: Water Restoration---
How do you get it?---This mission becomes available after landing on Feros
and after the Thorian is beaten. Make sure the person giving this
mission isn't killed in the assault on Zu's Hope. Speak with
Macha Doyle.
What needs to be done?--- Speak with Macha near the colony entrance to
learn of a growing issue that needs your attenion. Looks like we need
to open up a few water valves.
This mission is incredibly easy. All three valves are located in the
main north-south tunnel. The only issue you may have is you may walk
past a valve. Why? you will be busy fighting geth in the tunnels.
In any case all this mission requires is turning on three valves.
once finished, return to Macha Doyle to complete this task.
E.---Feros: Verran Meat---
How do you get it?--- This mission becomes available after landing on Feros
and after the Thorian is beaten. Make sure the person giving this
mission isnt killed in the assault on Zu's Hope. Speak with
Davin Reynolds
What needs to be done?--- Davin wants your assistance in taking down a
beast. The alpha male is located behind a large door located in the middle
of the western side of the tunnels.
Immediatly after entering the room you will be rushed by Verran. The good
thing is that Verran are totally weak, now the alpha male is a different
story and could prove mildly difficult. Nothing a Spectre cant
handle though, right?
***Note: The required quest item for the mission "Feros: Power Cells" is
located here as well. The item is in one of the burnt out cars.***
After the alpha male is dead head back and inform Davin, I'm sure
he will be pleased with the results.
F.---Feros: Data Recovery---
How do you get it?--- This mission becomes available after killing the
Thorian. you need to speak with Gavin Hossle located in the refugee camp.
What needs to be done?--- Inside the refugee camp Gavin asks your
assistance in retrieving some data. All you need to do is find his
console in ExoGeni, copy the contents to a disc, and return the
findings to him. Also he's willing to "make it worth your while" if
your into that sort of thing of course.
Gavin's console is locates on the eastern end of ExoGeni's upper level.
It happens to be guarded by three ticked off Korgans. They will make
attempts at charging you, make use of biotics to keep them at a
Once the Krogan lay dead, Access the console to get the necessary info.
All that's left is to return the disc to Gavin, who happens to still
be at the refugee camp. Once you've done that, this mission is complete.
G.---Investigate Samples/ UNC: Colony of The Dead---
How do you get it?---This mission is available as soon as you arrive
at ExoGeni. If your buzzing around ExoGeni's Upper Floor, specifically
the far west side you will discover a "server node". It happens to be
guarded by five geth.
(At this point I'm really getting tired of the Geth. The way they keep
popping up and won't go away reminds me of Herpes. The burn that
keeps on burning...or so I've heard.)
What needs to be done?--- After overriding the server you will receive
a strange transmission. If you choose to follow this mission we need to
head to Chasca which is in the Matano system, located in the Maroon Sea
cluster. Once you've landed you need to head southeast
towards a Science Facility.
***Note: Near the facility is two civilian structures. They happen to
be optional but husks are really easy to fight and the easy exp and
items are more than worth the minimal risk and time.***
When you've arrived at the facility be ready to be welcomed by tons
of Husks not only outside but inside as well. The strategy is simple,
Husks enjoy getting in close and blasting with an energy field. So
just keep your distance and pick them off a couple at a time. Double back
if necessary.
Once all the Husks have been wasted head to the southwest room inside the
facility and activate the terminal. Your able to download the colonists
logs and by doing so you will learn something not so surprising. You might
know the Cerberus group pretty well by now, or may have at least heard
of them. In any case, looks like one of them may have recently been
through here...
Mission complete...for now.
H.---Investigate Facility/ UNC: ExoGeni Facility---
How do you get it?--- This mission is available as soon as you arrive
at ExoGeni. While on the western half of ExoGeni's upper floor, you will find
a terminal which is able to be hacked. More specifically the terminal is
located just after seeing the claw of the Geth ship, if you don't know
what I'm talking about, you soon will.
What needs to be done?--- Once you have decrypted the terminal you will
recieve a message, it looks like we need to head back to the Normandy
and set a course for the Vostok System, which is located in the
Maroon Sea cluster.
Once there Joker will give you an update and it looks like we need to land on
***Note: Directly west of your landing point is a outpost swarming with
creepers. There is no reason for visiting this outpost other than the exp
given for killing all the Thorian creepers so its up to you if you
wanna make the stop.***
After landing your going to want to head southeast towards the facility.
Once at the facility head inside and be prepared to fend off a large
group of Creepers in the buildings central room. you will be fighting
10 Thorian creepers in a relatively small space so a bottle neck or
gun and run strategy will work great here.
With all the Creepers destroyed continue to the southeast room to meet
with Dr. ross and some mercs. The good Doc will give you a little insight
into what happened and you need to make a dialogue choice.
"Okay": Accept the docs bribe for keeping you mouth shut. This ends the
mission without any bloodshed
"I can't do that"/ "I should kill you right now!": choosing either of these
puts you into combat with the doctor and mercs. I've got no strategy to
beating them simply because they are incredibly easy.
Whichever route you took, this mission is over.
9. ---Return To The Citadel---
A.---Citadel: Family Matters---
How do you get it?---This mission becomes available after completing
one of three main story worlds (Feros, Noveria, and Therum). Also this
mission cannot be activated after you leave the Citadel after
the Normandy is grounded. Speak with Michael and Rebekah Petrovsky. Who
are in the southwest corner of the Presidium.
What needs to be done?---
***Note: you need three Charm and three Intimidate to see all possible
outcomes regarding this mission. That shouldn't be a problem at this point
in the game though.***
It looks like two people are in the middle of a heated argument and they
turned to you, for your expert judgment. All you need to do here is let
both sides give you the information and then you need to make a decision
who to side with.
Whomever you side with, the other party will argue your decision and by
using persuasions you can convince this person why you made the choice you
did. No matter which route you took using the appropriate persuasion gets
you a Paragon/ Renegade bonus.
B.---Citadel: The Fourth Estate---
How do you get it?--- This mission becomes available after completing
one of three main story worlds (Feros, Noveria, and Therum). Also this
mission cannot be activated after you leave the Citadel after
the Normandy is grounded. Speak with Khalisah Al-Jilani who resides
near the elevator to the docking bay in C-Sec Academy.
What needs to be done?--- A reporter is requesting an interview with the
first human Spectre...oh great. The trick here is to use as many
persuasions as you can to answer all the questions. Using either
Charm(lvl-8) or intimidate(lvl-7) allows you to answer each question
and not look foolish. Neutral responses work...but you will end
up looking like a dink.
the only question you will want to answer neutrally is the last one.
The reporter will inquire about Saren and the answer "I can't confirm
or deny that". is the best way to go.
Once the reporter is finished head back to the Normandy and access the
Galaxy Map to hear what Admiral Hackett has to say about the interview.
C.---Asari Diplomacy---
How do you get it?---This mission becomes available after completing
one of three main story worlds (Feros, Noveria, and Therum). Also this
mission cannot be activated after you leave the Citadel after
the Normandy is grounded. Speak with Nassana in the embassy lounge,
northern part of the Presidium.
What needs to be done?--- Looks like we have a little family trouble
and its important to get this Asari's sister back. Not only is her life
at stake but so is Nassana's political standing.
She gives you the location of her sister, you need to head to the planet
Sharjila, Macedon System, located in the Artemis Tau cluster. You will be
engaged in combat with many Human enemies, prepare appropriately.
***Note: Its wise to stay in the Mako for this mission. The environment
will start damaging you if left out too long.***
Once you have landed on Sharjila head directly north and prepare for an
attack on a merc stronghold. At this base happens to be four snipers in
towers and four soldiers on the ground. take down the snipers first and then
engage the foot soldiers however you em over for all I care!
Once you have cleared the outside of any threat its time to head to the
interior of the merc stronghold. Inside you will be outnumbered by Human
and Krogan pirates. Stick to cover, keep your distance, and avoid being
flanked....easy as my sister.
When you have cleared the base of enemies head to the second floor and head
for the southern most room. Invesitgate the desk and learn a shocking truth.
you now need to head back to the Citadel and inform Nassana of this twist.
After informing Nassana of the recent events she not only gives you a little
more insight to what happened but also offers a nice sum of credits to be
put in your account. What's even better is that if you have 4 Charm or
4 Intimidate you can persuade Nassana to give you a better deal. Which
happens to be access to Asari weapons mods...nice.
D.---Citadel: Planting a Bug---
How do you get it?---This mission becomes available after completing
one of three main story worlds (Feros, Noveria, and Therum). Also this
mission cannot be activated after you leave the Citadel after
the Normandy is grounded. You also need to have completed Emily Wong's
previous mission "Citadel: Reporters Request". Emily Wong is located
in the Citadel Tower.
What needs to be done?--- Looks like Emily has another job for you and this
time your going to be uncovering a possible danger within the Citadel.
Head to C-Sec Academy, Air Traffic Control is at the western end of the
Academy. You have a few options on how you want to handle this mission.
1. Go back to Emily and by using a Charm persuasion you can convince her
that this mission is a bad idea, which nets you a Paragon bonus.
2. Go to Emily and by using a Intimidate persuasion you can convince her
that you did indeed plant the bug but it didn't work. Which gets you a
Renegade bonus.
3. You can pant the bug like she asked.
The perfect place to drop the bug is on the northeastern corner. The spot
is called "Inconspicuous Location" convenient. At any rate, once you
have the bug in place its time to inform Emily Wong.
No matter how you decided to complete this task Emily will award you with
a nice amount of credits.
E.---UNC: Privateers---
How do you get it?--- There is two ways to get this mission. First you
can speak with Garoth in the Citadel Tower. Apparently you can also
just head right for the Strenuus System, Horse Head Nebula and scan
the Frigate near Xawin.
***Note: I have not confirmed this but word has it that you can also
get this mission by scanning a terminal on Noveria. It's on the lower
floor of the Synthetic Insights office.***
What needs to be done?---Garoth stands on the northern end of
the Citadel Tower. Garoth informs you of the current situation and
gives you the last known coordinates. You need to head to the
Strenuus System, located in the Horse Head Nebula. Once there, search
around the planet Xawin and find the MSV Majesty, scan it now.
Turns out you need to now land on Xawin and investigate further. Land
on Xawin and head northwest, your going to need a team thats prepared
to fight Human and Krogan enemies. The base is well defended with three
snipers and four turrets. Take the turrets and snipers out with the Mako's
cannon from a distance to avoid damage.
Once the exterior of the base is safe we need to head inside and clear that
out as well. Inside there is eight Human and Krogan enemies. Use cover, keep
you distance, and don't let your enemies rush you.
After clearing the base of any enemies its time to head upstairs to the
southern most room. There you will a corpse and a datapad. Its time to
return to Garoth and inform him of the news.
Explaining to Garoth of what happened on Xawin ends this mission. Also
if you tell him using either Paragon or Renegade choices you will get a
small bonus to the appropriate method.
A.---Wrex and The Genophage---
(We all knew this was coming, when writing this guide I heavily debated
on whether or not this was even a sidequest. My conclusion was that while
this quest was forced upon the player it was not part of the main story. Also
this mission is made much easier if the player has previously done the
"Wrex: Wrex's Armor" side quest.)
How do you get it?---During the Virmire Mission speak with Captian Kirrahe
regarding the Genophage.
***Note: You need either 8 Charm and 8 intimidate to see all possible
outcomes. Its very important you have sufficiant points in one of these
persuasions otherwise it could end in you losing Wrex.***
What needs to be done?--- Wrex is upset with the current sitation and is
popping caps into the water. Approach Wrex and the heated showdown begins.
No matter what you say at first it eventually leads to Wrex waving his piece
in your face (that came out wrong). At this point you have three possible
1. "I wouldnt do this otherwise/ "We are": Both get Wrex to calm down
and back off. Though you have had to previously completed the "Wrex:
Wrex's Armor" mission. This completes the assignment and gets you a huge
Paragon bonus.
2. "This isn't up for debate": This causes the situation to heat up and
you now have six possible options. Two of these are persuasions.
A. "These aren't you people"/ "Don't be so Naive": Use the appropriate
persuasions to see these outcomes which causes Wrex to lower his gun
and agree to help you stop Saren.
B. "Signal Ashley to kill Wrex"/ "Kill Wrex": By choosing either of
these Wrex dies and is obviously no longer available on your squad.
you also receive a huge Renegade bonus for doing this.
C. "We can work this out"/ "Calm down": By choosing either of these two
Ashley shoots Wrex in the back of the head. This kills Wrex and you are
left dealing with Ashley's behavior. you can respond in a paragon or
Renegade manor and each will give you the appropriate bonus.
B.---Virmire: Assisting The Team---
(Just like the above mission, its difficult to classify this mission
as a side quest. Though, with this particular mission its a bit easier
because while you are forced to take this mission, its up to you
if you even want to do it.)
How do you get it?--- This mission is automatically given to you when you
leave the Salarian camp to begin the infiltration mission.
What needs to be done?--- The Captain asked you to be on the lookout on how
to make his job a bit easier. first of all we need to find a way to weaken
the Geth's Defenses. At the northeast corner of the map is communications
tower. Be ready for a group of defending Geth, once you've taken care of them
head to the second floor and locate the "triangulation tower". Use it to slow
down the Geth.
Looks like we need to disrupt communications now, in the middle of the
base sitsthe satellite uplink tower. You will not only be facing Geth
this time but also Krogan, so be prepared. Once you have cleared out
any enemies take aim at the top of the uplink tower and unload bullets
into it. Once that is destroyed we only have one thing left to do.
***Note: If your to lazy too clear all the Geth and Krogan out of the
Satellite uplink tower you can also shoot the tower from a distance
though I wouldn't recommend doing it, you'll never get the ladies
that way.***
Okay, now we need to take care of some Geth Flyers. We need to head
directly north of the uplink tower. You can approach this are from the
southwest or northwest. Once your there you will encounter five Geth drones,
killing them all completes that portion of the mission. Also If you want
to take the Flyers out in a hurry, shoot the huge gas tanks their defending.
Lastly, were gonna draw the attention away from Kirrahe's team and make it a
bit easier for them. On the western end of the base is a security console.
Accessing it allows you to shut off the security alarms for the base. I
should mention that you can also trigger alarms on the base to draw attention
away from your team but that would make things harder for Kirrahe. Choose
"They've got enough trouble" to complete this mission.
***Note: For all you jerks out there, triggering the alarms on Kirrahe
doesn't get you anything...unless you find that kind of thing funny.***
11.---Citadel Lockdown---
***Note: The next two missions take place during the lockdown in the
"Race Against Time" mission, in the Citadel. They are both done during
your walk from the docking bay to your meeting with Captain Anderson.***
A.---Citadel: Our Own Worst Enemy---
How do you get it?--- During the "Race Against Time" lockdown this mission
is available. It cannot be activated after you leave the Citadel after being
locked down. Speak with Charles Saracino in the Upper Wards.
What needs to be done?--- A Human named Charles is asking for your support
in a movement. Its up to you on how you feel with this issue, with this
come a Paragon/ Renegade choice.
If you give Charles a Paragon response you will end up debating
him and telling the bigot you wont support his cause. This will give you a
small Paragon bonus.
If you give Charles a renegade response you will agree with his
anti-everyone ideals and get yourself a Renegade bonus.
If you give a neutral answer it will end the conversation without finishing
the mission. You can start it again though, and decide which stance you want
to take.
Whichever side you take on this doesnt matter, choose one to finish
the mission.
B.---Citadel: Negotiator's Request---
How do you get it?---During the "Race Against Time" lockdown this mission
is available. It cannot be activated after you leave the Citadel after being
locked down. Speak with Elias Keeler, outside Flux.
What needs to be done?--- Elias needs a little "boost" and wants your help
in getting it. you have a few choices on how you want to handle this issue.
If you want nothing to do with the addict and wish to resolve
it right away choose "Your an addict" Then choose one of the available
persuasions. You need a Charm of 8 or and Intimidate of 7 to do this.
*If you wish to help him get the drug choose one of the non persuasion
dialogue options. Head towards the Med Clinic in the Upper Wards and
speak with Dr. Michel. She has two things for sale. One is a non addictive
narcotic and the other is the stimulant that Elias wants. Purchase both or
just the one you plan to use.
1. If you decide to give the tweaker his stuff he will pay you back and give
you a nice chunk of credits as well. Peddling drugs never felt so good.
2. If you give Elias the narcotic he will pay you back and give you the
bonus then take the drug on the spot. He will realize its not the drug
he wants and will question you on it.
No matter how you choose to complete this mission, its now complete.
12.---Uncharted Worlds---
(The following missions are missions that don't fit into any
other category. They are missions that aren't triggered on any plot
world, aren't related to anyone personal histories, and are not part
of any collection assignment.)
A.---UNC: Rogue VI---
(This is one of the best missions in the game not only because it allows
you to specialize afterwards but it also takes place on Luna. I about
had an awegasm when I first saw Earth from Luna...until...take a look
at Earth. Does something look backwards to you?)
How do you get it?---After reaching level 20 travel to any new system and
you will receive a urgent message from Admiral Hackett. Looks like we need to
travel to Luna, in the Sol System, located in the Local cluster.
Once you have landed on Luna head southwest towards the Alliance Training
Grounds. You will be dealing with synthetic and mechanized chaps so prepare
The training grounds consist of three different buildings all next to
each other. They also happen to each be protected by two heavy turrets.
Take them out with the Mako's Cannon from a distance and lets begin.
Inside of every base is the same, you need to go inside and deal with nine
drones before destroying the VI conduits. It seems simple enough
but its not, these drones are incredibly tough, agile, and love to
swarm you. Plan your moves wisely here.
It doesnt matter which building you go in last because whichever one
that is will be considerably harder than the first two. why? Because you
will be facing off against five rocket drones and four assault drones. You
also have to deal with Kinetic barriers in front of every door.
After you have cleared all the drones. rest and recharge before destroying
the last of the VI conduits. Your doing this because once you start shooting
at it a back up unit of drones will power up.
Once every VI conduit is destroyed you completed the mission and earned
yourself a specialized class.
B.---UNC: Cerberus---
How do you get it?--- Speak with Rear Admiral Kahoku after completing
the mission "UNC: Missing Marines".
***Note: Weapon mods that do increased damage to organics work great here.***
What needs to be done?--- The Admiral is upset from before and believes
he knows who did it. He sends you on your way to investigate.
You need to set a course for the Yangtze System, located in the the
Voyager cluster. Once there land on the planet Binthu.
Once you've landed you will need to wipe out three facilities.
It really doesn't matter which one you go for first but I will give you
a mini rundown of what you will be facing at each.
1. This one is located due south of your landing spot. Its defended outside
by two heavy turrets and protected inside by a bunch of soldiers. Take them
out first and then wipe out the Rachni which is being held captive.
2. Located due east of your landing point this facility is protected by two
heavy turrets outside. The only difference inside of this base is that
instead of holding a Rachni captive these guys are holding three Thorian
Creepers captive. Wipe out the soldiers, wipe out the Creepers, and
your done here.
3. This final base is located north/ northwest of your drop point. Like
its counterparts its protected by two turrets. Inside its the same as before,
the only difference now is we got three Rachni workers to wipe out. After
your have cleared the area examine the body in the middle of the room.
Once you have examined the body you will not only complete this mission but
also get the assignment "UNC: Hades' Dogs".
C.---UNC: Hades' Dogs---
How do you get it?--- Examine Kahoku's corpse at the end of the mission
"UNC: Cerberus"
***Note: Weapon mods that do increased damage to organics work great here.***
What needs to be done?---We are going to be getting a little revenge
here, well actually alot of revenge. First though, we need to head to
the planet Nepheron in the Columbia System, located in the Voyager Cluster.
Once you've landed head southwest of your landing point and be prepared for
combat. Once you come upon the base you will need to kill four commandos
the outside. After that is completed head inside and be ready.
The base is the exact same layout as every other Cerberus base and you've
got eight soldiers to deal with here just use the same strategies you've
used so far and you'll be ok.
Once every soldier is dead head into the southeast room and access the
terminal to receive encrypted files. After you have received the files
the assignment is complete.
...Or is it? Once you access the Galaxy Map on the Normandy you will get
a message from a man representing the "Shadow Broker" you may have heard
about him already. In any case, you have three options here.
1. "That's Treason!": By taking this Paragon choice you will refuse giving
up the classified Intel and receive a Paragon Bonus.
2. "What's in it for me?" By striking a deal with the representative you
will get a sum of credits and Renegade points.
3. "Forget it": This ends exactly the same as the Paragon route except
you get no Paragon bonus.
D.---UNC: Derelict Freighter---
How do you get it? This mission is available after completing Feros.
You need to travel to the Caspian System located in the Maroon cluster.
Look for the MSV Cornucopia.
What needs to be done?--- Once you board the ship all seems quiet. The
silence is broken as you get attacked by a large posse of Husks. They have
high numbers but are no match for your team.
Proceed to the cockpit to learn the fate of this ships crew. doing so
ends this small mission.
E.---UNC: Lost Freighter---
How do you get it?--- In the Ming System, located in the Gemini Sigma cluster
is the MSV Worthington. Scan for it now, once you have done so board it and
be prepared to handle a human biotic.
What needs to be done?---The only area of concern here is that the whole ship
is rigged up with fusion containment cells that explode when you get
to close. Shoot them from a distance to avoid unnecessary damage.
Enter the ships northeastern room and discover a medical computer. Play the
logsnow to figure out what the heck is going on here. By now that man on the
table probably makes a little more sense to you. Its your choice if you want
to pull the plug on him or not. The southeast room of the ship gives you
some more logs to listen to you and a little more insight on what's going on.
Finally proceed to the cockpit to hear one final log. as soon as the log is
finished turn around to see some crazy lady running at you. At this point
you probably have a good idea who it is. Julia has powerful Biotic
abilities and will try to knock your squad out right away. If prepared
she is no trouble at all. With Julia dead, this mission is over.
F.---Geth Incursions---
What needs to be done?--- After completing any of the three post-Citadel
main story worlds (Feros, Noveria, and Therum) this mission becomes
obtainable. What you needs to do is travel to the Armstrong Nebula cluster.
Once there, you will receive a message from General Hacket informing you
of the situation.
What needs to be done?--- You need to wipe out four Geth outposts on four
different planets as well as a Geth main base. You will be fighting Geth
so prepare an appropriate team.
***Note: You can wipe these bases out in any order you wish.***
Rayingri- Head south from your drop zone until you reach a mountain. The
only way to the base is up a path spiraling around the mountain. Inside the
station are Geth and some Husks, easy enough. Just clear the base of any
enemies and your finished here. Once outside though you will be ambushed by
a Geth Dropship. Run and gun them or hop in the Mako and make
quick work of them.
Maji- Maji is located in the Vamshi System. The Geth outpost here is
north of your drop point. Here all your enemies are outside which makes
this much easier. Your only concern here is that your radar becomes
jammed as you approach the base. The best strategy here is to keep
your distance, allowing you to dodge incoming missiles and other
gunfire while also being able to take each Geth out one by one.
Once you've wiped this place out its time to move on.
Antibaar- This planet is located in the Tereshkova System. The Geth base
on this planet is located northeast of your drop point. The good thing
about this base is everything is located outside, which makes for an
easy fight. The bad thing is, your radar becomes jammed as you near the
base. Use the same strategy you used on Maji and you'll be fine.
After each Geth is wasted a Geth Dropship will unleash reinforcements.
Use the same strategy before and you'll be finished here in no time.
Casbin- This planet is located in the Hong System. The base is northeast
of your drop point. Though you will have to drive north along the valley
and make a wide left turn. Along the northern mountains which surround
the base you will find and opening. The base is basically the same
thing we have dealt with before. Only this time when the Dropship comes
you need to destroy it ASAP, if you don't it will continue to drop
reinforcements. Unless you want that to happen...for the exp.
In the Grissom System is the Planet Solcrum. We need to go here
and finish this mission once and for all. The base here is located
east of your drop point. The exterior of this base is defended by two
Geth Colossi. Use distance to make this battle easier. Once the base's
outer defenses are shut down its time to head inside.
Inside you have a few problems. First of all, your radar is jammed
and lucky for you, there is a Geth Juggernaut lurking around. Not to
mention the many numbers of other ticked off Geth. Your in for a real
treat here.
Once you ave killed all Geth in the area you will completed the mission
but there is something you may wish to do here. On the base's first floor
is a terminal in the southern room. Overriding this terminal will give
you some interesting information and also activates the mission "Tali
and The Geth". Mission complete.
G.---UNC: Lost Module---
How do you get it?--- This mission is available right after you gain control
of the Normandy. All you need to do is enter the Attican Beta cluster for the
first time. Admiral Hackett will contact you with all the details.
What needs to be done?---You need to travel to the planet Eletania in the
Hercules System, located in the Attican Beta cluster. Looks like an
important piece of equipment with missing and you need to find it quickly.
The downed probe is northeast of the Mako's drop point. Once your there
inspect the probe to learn that the module has been taken out. Quickly return
to the Mako to see that your in game map has been updated with the locations
of four monkey colonies.
Here you need to make a Paragon/ Renegade choice. You can either get out of
the Mako and inspect each monkey for the module which is a Paragon act.
Otherwise you can shoot every monkey which is considered Renegade.
You must now begin your search of each and every colony for the module. Well
how about I tell you where its at? There is a monkey colony north of the
downed probe. There you will find a mine entrance. Once inside go to the
eastern cave alcove, in that spot one of the monkeys has the module.
Once you have the module in your hands the cave fills up with Geth.
Ten to be exact. You must fight them in order to advance, though
they pose little threat.
Once you return to the Normandy this mission is complete.
H.---UNC: Depot Sigma-23---
How do you get it?---This mission is available after completing Noveria.
Coordinates are given in Listening Post Theta. See the mission
"UNC: Listening Post Theta" for more details.
What needs to be done?--- In the Gorgon System, located in the Argus Rho
cluster is a unidentified freighter. Of course you need to board
it. Be prepared to fight Rachni so using mods that do increased damage
against organics would be a good idea. These Rachni want to rush you
and explode a toxic cloud up in your grill. Use your surroundings and
keep a safe distance and you will be fine.
After every Rachni is dead, head to the northeastern room of the ship
and access the Terminal to learn what happened here. Looks like Cerberus
screwed up again, for being such "Elites" those dudes really get careless.
***Note: Having Wrex in your party during this discovery triggers a nice
little rant by our buddy Wrex. Also remember that show "Dinosaurs" back
in the 90's? I heard Wrex was an extra in that.***
After you are finished listening to the audio logs it's time to blow this
ship up which by doing so conveniently makes a ton more Rachni show up.
Eh, forget fighting them just make a run for the exit.
Once you make it out of there, your mission here is finished.
***Note: The next two missions "UNC: Listening Post Alpha"
and "UNC: Listening Post Theta" are linked together. You can do
either one first and still get the other corresponding mission.***
I.--- UNC: Listening Post Alpha---
How do you get it?---This mission becomes available after completing
Noveria and has two possible ways of obtaining. One you can go directly
to the Erebus System located in the Styx Theta cluster to here a distress
call or you can hear a similar distress call if you activate the comm
on Listening Post Theta.
What needs to be done?-- No matter which way you obtained this mission there
is a distress call coming from the Erabus System located in the Styx Theta
cluster, head there now. Some fellow marines need your help, land on the
planet Nepmos to assist them. You will be facing of against Rachni so
equip mods that do increased damage against organic and unshielded enemies.
After landing on the planet head southeast and meet a group of marines being
swarmed by Rachni, assist them by taking out every one. After a bit a timer
begins to countdown to the next Rachni swarm. Use this time to inspect the
Generator to the Listening Post. It has been heavily damaged and you have the
option of hooking the Mako up to it. While doing this will leave the Mako
inoperable it will also reactivate the local defense turrets, which are a
great help. It's up to you if you want to do this or not but I found that
the turrets offer more help than the Mako in this situation.
Once the second wave arrives assist the marines and you will notice one
final time counting down. This is the coming of the last swarm, once this
final attack is repelled speak with Lt. Durand about the current situation.
***Note: Here you can also speak with the Lt. about another listening post
which happens to be Listening Post Theta. It wont get you the mission but
will send you in the right direction.***
A marine will inform you and the Lt. of a hollow cavern near your location.
Chances are that's where the Rachni are coming from. Chances are even better
that your going to be the one stuck cleaning it out.
The cavern is west of your current location, hop into your whip and head out.
Once you arrive on location leave the Mako behind and enter the mine. After
entering the mine (about 1/3 of the way in) you will be swarmed from
all directions by Rachni. Continue on bagging any Rachni you see. Once
you have wiped out all the Rachni here, the marines are safe and your mission
is over.
J.---UNC: Listening Post Theta---
How do you get it?---This mission becomes available after completing
Noveria and has two possible ways of obtaining. First, you can get the
info from the Marines in the "UNC: Listening Post Alpha" mission. Or you
can just head directly to planet Altahe in the Acheron System, located in
the Styx Theta cluster.
What needs to be done?--- An Alliance listening post went silent a few days
ago and you need to check it out. Head to the planet Altahe in the Acheron
System, located in the Styx Theta cluster. You will be facing off against
Rachni enemies so equip weapon mods that do increased damage to unshielded
and organic enemies.
The listening post is south of your drop point. Once there clear away all
enemies outside and begin your assault on the interior of this base. The
base is riddled with corpses and understandably so, it's also swarming
with Rachni. Blast away any alien scum you see while screaming
Duke Nukem quotes at the screen (Nobody steals our chicks...and lives!).
Enter the bases southwestern room and inspect the FTL comm. After doing this
inspect the terminal next to it. Inspecting both of these things not
only gives you a little insight into what happened here but it also completes
the mission.
K.---UNC: Lost Module---
How do you get it?--- This mission is available right after you gain control
of the Normandy. All you need to do is enter the Attican Beta cluster for the
first time. Admiral Hackett will contact you with all the details.
What needs to be done?---You need to travel to the planet Eletania in the
Hercules System, located in the Attican Beta cluster. Looks like an
important piece of equipment with missing and you need to find it quickly.
The downed probe is northeast of the Mako's drop point. Once your there
inspect the probe to learn that the module has been taken out. Quickly return
to the Mako to see that your in game map has been updated with the locations
of four monkey colonies.
Here you need to make a Paragon/ Renegade choice. You can either get out of
the Mako and inspect each monkey for the module which is a Paragon act.
Otherwise you can shoot every monkey which is considered Renegade.
You must now begin your search of each and every colony for the module. Well
how about I tell you where it's at? There is a monkey colony north of the
downed probe. There you will find a mine entrance. Once inside go to the
eastern cave alcove, in that spot one of the monkeys has the module.
Once you have the module in your hands the cave fills up with Geth,
Ten to be exact. You must fight them in order to advance, though
they pose little threat.
Once you return to the Normandy this mission is complete.
13.---Squad Member Sidequests---
A.---Tali: Tali's Pilgrimage---
How do you get it?--- This mission becomes available after completing the
mission "UNC: Geth Incursions" see said mission for more details.
What needs to be done?--- At the end of "UNC:Geth Incursions" you have the
option of hacking a terminal and receiving a large amount of info on the
Geth. Down in the engineering level of the Normandy Tali requests that
you let her copy this data as it would be of use to the Quarians. Letting
her do so completes this small mission.
B.---Garrus: Find Dr. Saleon---
How do you get it?--- This interesting little mission becomes available
after completing three of the four post-Citadel worlds (Feros, Noveria,
Therum, or Virmire). You must also have completed at least three UNC
assignments. One last thing, you must have also had three personal
conversations with Garrus while he is onboard the Normandy. After
meeting all these requirements speak with Garrus and make a "personal
inquiry". Follow all the dialogue lines to learn about a previous mission
Garrus undertook.
What needs to be done?---Garrus has a history with a certian organ doc and he
wants your help in tracking him down. Garrus gives you the coordinates to his
last known location. Go to the Herchel System in the Kepler Verge cluster and
search for the MSV Fedele. You will be facing six organic enemies so prepare
for this.
After you have cleared the ship of any threats head towards the
front of the ship and in the room on the right is Dr. Saleon. When speaking
with the Doc you have some dialogue choices to make but none are of any
consequence because it all ends in the same way. Dr. Saleon decides to go
down with a fight, and it's not much of one. The doc is easily wasted with
one or two shots. Mission complete.
C.---Wrex: Family Armor---
How do you get it?--- This mission becomes available after completing three
of the four post-Citadel worlds (Feros, Noveria, Therum, or Virmire).
You must also have completed at least three UNC assignments. One last
thing, you must have also had three personal conversations with Wrex
while he is onboard the Normandy. Speak to Wrex about his father, follow
all the dialogue and learn about Wrex's grandfather. By doing so, Wrex
gives you a little insight about a suit of ancestral armor.
There is also another, easier way of obtaining this mission. With Wrex
in your party head right to the planet Tuntau and this mission will be
triggered. You can even do it right after leaving the Citadel for
the first time. Wrex must be in the party though.
What needs to be done?--- Wrex gives you the coordinates to the man who
has his armor, lets get it back. Head to the planet Tuntau in the Phoenix
System, located in the Argus Rho cluster.
***Note: You will be fighting organics with biotic abilities and shields
so prepare appropriately.***
Once you have landed Tuntau head due south and engage the enemies at
the small base and head inside. Inside you will be facing off against
seven well trained enemies. Your enemies wont Zerg rush you so you
can pick them off slowly and avoid any unnecessary damage. Once
you have wiped the place clean proceed to the southern room upstairs
and open the wall safe to receive Wrex's Armor. If Wrex happens to
be in your party the mission is complete if not find Wrex on the
Normandy and give him back his families armor to complete this
***Note: If you have any trouble with opening the safe you can
go back to the Normandy and bring back a crew with a higher decryption
skill or you can always return later when your higher level.***
14.---Background Sidequests---
A.---Citadel: Old, Unhappy, Far-Off Things---
***Note: Must have the Spacer Background.***
How do you get it?---This mission is available after completing
any of the first three post-Citadel worlds (Noveria, Feros, or Therum).
This mission cannot be activated after you leave the Citadel after the
Normandy is grounded. Return to the Wards area in the Citadel to meet
Zabaleta, who happens to be a drunk.
What needs to be done?--- This man claims to know your mom and you need
to head to the Normandy and contact your mother to confirm his story.
Head to the comm room of the Normandy and contact your mum, looks like
your mother wants you to help Zab get the help he needs. Return to the
Wards area and lets finish this.
You have a few options on how to deal with this man. When speaking to him
wait until persuasions become available. Using either Charm (level4) or
Intimidate(level 5) gets you the same result, Zeb will agree to seek out
help. Though there is a few other non persuasion options you can take.
"I'll give you 20 for food"--- You will help Zeb by getting him the food he
needs. This will get you a Paragon bonus.
"Take the money"---This completes the assignment, no bonus awarded.
"Screw you"--- You don't care about Zebs whining. This gets you
a well deserved Renegade bonus. I hope you feel bad.
B.---Citadel: I Remember Me---
***Note: Must have the Colonist Background.***
How do you get it?--- This mission is available after completing
any of the first three post-Citadel worlds (Noveria, Feros, or Therum).
This mission cannot be activated after you leave the Citadel after the
Normandy is grounded. You must return to the Citadal, ride the elevators
down to C-Sec there you will receive a transmission with some scary news.
What needs to be done?---Looks like you need to give someone a sedative
so medical personal can give her the help she needs. You need to get as close
as possible so you can give her the sedative or administer it yourself.
Talitha is a total nut, if she becomes ticked off, step back.
Speak with Talitha until persuasions become available. You need a Charm
of seven of a intimidate of seven to succeed here. No matter which way you
take in this situation report back to Girard to complete this quest.
C.---Citadel: Old Friends---
***Note: Must have the Earthborn Background.***
How do you get it?---This mission is available after completing
any of the first three post-Citadel worlds (Noveria, Feros, or Therum).
This mission cannot be activated after you leave the Citadel after the
Normandy is grounded. Meet Finch in the Lower Wards.
***Note: In this mission you need a Charm of 8 or and Intimidate of 8 to
persuade a Turian guard. If persuading Finch you need a Charm of 6 or an
Intimidate of 6.***
What needs to be done?--- Finch remembers you from your old skool dayz in
da hood. Which is something you probably wish to keep quiet. Finch proceeds
to blackmail you with this information unless you help him spring another
gang member from the klink. You need to search out a Turian guard who is
located in Chora's Den.
After speaking a bit with the guard you will learn that the crime committed
was much more serious than your were previously told. When speaking with the
guard you have a few options on what to say.
"I need your help"--- You lie to the guard by saying your going to use the
prisoner as a type of bait. this gets the man released and completes the
assignment. This earns you a Renegade bonus.
"Make it negotiable"--- You threaten the guard and every other guard in the
area unless the man is released. This gets you a Renegade bonus.
Non-Persuasion--- The first two options were persuasions, if you decided not
to use them Finch will show up in Chora's Den and flip out. He promises to
use your past against you, which brings up a few more options.
"This wont help you"---This is the charm response and causes Finch to back
down. Earns you a Paragon bonus.
"So what?"--- This is the intimidate response and causes Finch to back
down. Earns you a Renegade bonus.
"You cant do this"/ "This is pointless!"--- Both lead to Finch asking you
to pay him 500 credits. You can do so...or...
Shoot him--- You whip your piece out a bust a cap in Finch's braincase.
Funny thing, it seems to impress the Turian guard. Blood in Blood out
I guess. This gets you a Renegade bonus.
15.---Aligment Sidequests---
A.---UNC: Besieged Base---
***Note: Must have 75% of Paragon gauge filled up.***
How do you get it?---This mission becomes available after completing any
of the first four post-Citadel plot worlds(Noveria, Feros, Virmire, or
Therum). After getting your Paragon gauge filled up travel any system on the
galaxy map to receive a message from the Alliance.
What needs to be done?---Looks like a group of biotics fanatics have taken
over a base. Your mission is to enter the base and wipe out the biotics all
why trying to keep the civilian death rate low. You need to the planet
Chohe in the Cacus System, located in the Hades Gamma cluster.
Once you've landed head southeast towards the base. I recommend saving here
because this mission could take a few tries, if you intend to save all the
civilians that is.
Inside the base you have your work cut out for you because not only are
the civilians walking around casually but the base is also littered with
explosive containers. Luckily it's easy to tell the terrorists apart from
the hostages. When targeting the biotics will come up as a red triangle
while the prisoners will come up as a blue circle.
I really have no strategy here except that if you fail try again. Once
every terrorist is dead you will receive one of three different messages
depending on how many hostages were saved.
After your work is finished here head back to the Normandy and access
the Galaxy map to report in to Hackett. Giving Admiral Hackett the news
completes this mission.
B.---UNC: The Negotiation---
***Note: Must have 75% of Renegade gauge filled up.***
How do you get it?---This mission becomes available after completing any
of the first four post-Citadel plot worlds(Noveria, Feros, Virmire, or
Therum). After getting your Paragon gauge filled up travel any system on the
galaxy map to receive a message from the Alliance.
What needs to be done?---Admiral Hackett wants you to negotiate a deal with a
man named Darius. It's a little strange that the Alliance would send a
Renegade soldier on a negotiation mission...maybe they want you to
assassinate him?
In any case, head to the planet Nonuel in the Plutus System which is located
in the Hades Gamma cluster. Once you have landed on Nonuel head northeast
until you reach the merc camp. Once inside be prepared for a conversation
with Darius himself. You have two options here.
1. By taking Paragon responses you have to endure this jerks insults and
demands for some time. If you can take the verbal abuse you will complete
the current task.
2. If you can't handle any more insults and want to waste this guy use
Renegade or Neutral responses. This causes a fight to break out
between you and the mercs. The battle starts out with the
mercs surrounding you so find cover ASAP. This is the recommended route
for a number of reasons:
A. Nobody verbally abuses me like that(except my dad).
B. Your not only a Renegade but a Spectre too, waste this punk.
C. Notice how Admiral Hackett presented this mission to you. The Alliance
wanted him dead and they knew you could do it.
Which ever route you decided to go, this mission is over. Head to the
Normandy and contact Admiral Hackett to finish this.
16.---Collection Sidequests---
(Ok these are seriously the most annoying missions to document and I
considered leaving them out. Though I came to the conclusion that a few
of these missions are the reason your here? Am I right?)
A.---UNC: Locate Signs of Battle---
How do you get it?--- This mission becomes available as soon as you
gain access to the Galaxy map. Once you find a first League Medallion
or a Salarian ID tag this mission starts...yay.
What needs to be done?---There are antique medallions and ID tags scattered
across many uncharted worlds. It should be noted that some of these aren't
accessible until certain missions are completed.
1. Salarian ID Tags-
1. First Citadel Visit Land Armstrong Nebula, Hong, Casbin
2. First Citadel Visit Land Atermis Tau, Sparta, Edolus
3. UNC:Hostile Takeover Land Gemini Sigma, Han, Mavigon
4. UNC:Missing Marines/ Land Voyager, Columbia, Nepheron
2. League of One Medallions-
1. First Citadel Visit Survey Horse Head Nebula, Stenuus, Yunthorl
2. First Citadel Visit Survey Artemis Tau, Knossos, Carbo Asteroid
3. First Citadel Visit Land Hades Gamma, Plutus, Nonuel
4. First Citadel Visit Survey Attican Beta, Hercules, Syided
5. First Citadel Visit Survey Voyager, Columbia, Gromar
6. First Citadel Visit Survey Hawking Eta, Century, Theropto
7. First Citadel Visit Land Armstrong Nebula, Gagarin, Rayingri
8. First Citadel Visit Survey Armstrong Nebula, Grissom, Benda
9. First Citadel Visit Survey Armstrong Nebula, Tereshkova, Asteroid
10. UNC:Hostile Takeover Land Hades Gamma, Dis, Klensal
11. Complete Noveria Land Styx Theta, Erebus, Nepmos
12. Complete Noveria Survey Gemini Sigma, Ming, Altanorch
B.---UNC: Turian Insignias---
How do you get it?--- This mission becomes available as soon as you
gain access to the Galaxy map. This mission starts as soon as you find
your first Turian Insignia.
What needs to be done?---There is a total of 17 insignia's to be found.
Find at least 13 to complete this annoying mission. It should be noted
that some of these aren't accessible until certain missions are completed.
1. First Citadel Visit Land Argus Rho, Hydra, Metgos
2. First Citadel Visit Survey Argus Rho, Hydra, Canrum
3. First Citadel Visit Land Horse Head Nebula, Strenuus, Xawin
4. First Citadel Visit Land Kepler Verge, Newton, Ontarom
5. First Citadel Visit Survey Artemis Tau, Athens, Pharos
6. First Citadel Visit Land Hades Gamma, Antaeus, Trebin
7. First Citadel Visit Land Hawking Eta, Century, Presrop
8. First Citadel Visit Land Voyager, Amazon, Agebinium
9. First Citadel Visit Survey Voyager, Amazon, Sybin
10. First Citadel Visit Survey Armstrong Nebula, Vamshi, Pregel
11. First Citadel Visit Land Armstrong Nebula, Vamshi, Maji
12. UNC:Hostile Takeover Survey Hades Gamma, Dis, Raysha
13. UNC:Hostile Takeover Survey Horse Head Nebula, Fortuna, Malganlis
14. UNC:Hostile Takeover Land Horse Head Neb, Fortuna, Amaranthine
15. Complete Noveria Survey Styx Theta, Acheron, Carbo Asteroid
16. Complete Feros Land Maroon Sea, Vostok, Nodacrux
17. Complete Feros Survey Maroon Sea, Caspian, Antida
C.---UNC: Valuable Minerals---
How do you get it?---This mission becomes available as soon as you
gain access to the Galaxy map. This mission starts as soon as you find
your first mineral.
What needs to be done?---Unlike the other collection missions you are able
to finish this mission as soon as you gain access to the Galaxy map. This
mission requires nothing besides locating minerals on your journey. You
will most likely complete this mission as you progress throughout the game.
Which is why I'm not going to waste our time listing locations of all the
minerals. Although, if someone really hates me enough to ask for the
complete list, I will add it in.
D.---UNC: Prothean Data Discs---
How do you get it?--- This mission becomes available as soon as you
gain access to the Galaxy map. This mission starts as soon as you find
your first data disc.
What needs to be done?--- Finding any Prothean technology takes top
priority...or some crap.
1. First Citadel Visit Survey Artemis Tau, Sparta, Asteroid
2. First Citadel Visit Survey Attican Beta, Theseus, Sharring
3. First Citadel Visit Survey Argos Rho, Phoenix, Asteroid
4. First Citadel Visit Survey Hades Gamma, Farinata, Juntauma
5. First Citadel Visit Land Armstrong Nebula, Tereshkova, Antibaar
6. UNC: Missing Marines Land Voyager, Yangtze, Binthu
7. UNC: Missing Marines Survey Voyager, Yangtze, Alumter
8. Complete Noveria Survey Styx Theta, Erebus, Wermani
9. Complete Feros Land Maroon Sea, Matano, Chasca
10.Complete Feros Survey Maroon Sea, Matano, Asteroid
E.---UNC: Asari Writings---
How do you get it?--- This mission becomes available as soon as you
gain access to the Galaxy map. This mission starts as soon as you find
your first Asari Writing
What needs to be done?--- The Asari Matriarchs were apparently really smart.
Which means your stuck collecting the writings they did. Well don't blame
me, that's what you get for not going to college(or dropping out like I
did). As always some of these aren't accessible until certain missions
are completed.
1. First Citadel Visit Survey Hades Gamma, Antaeus, Ploba
2. First Citadel Visit Survey Horse Heade Nebula, Pax, Veles
3. First Citadel Visit Survey Artemis Tau, Macedon, Porolan
4. First Citadel Visit Land Artemis Tau, Macedon, Sharjila
5. First Citadel Visit Survey Armstrong Nebula, Gagarin, Junthor
6. First Citadel Visit Survey Armstrong Nebula, Hong, Matar
7. First Citadel Visit Land Argus Rho, Phoenix, Tuntau
8. First Citadel Visit Survey Kepler Verge, Newton, Klencory
9. Geth Incursions quest Land Armstrong Nebula, Grissom, Solcrum
10. Hostile Takeover quest Survey Gemini Sigma, Han, Paravin
11. Complete Noveria Land Styx Theta, Archeron, Altahe
12. Complete Feros Survey Aroon Sea, Vostok, Pataiton
13. 75% Paragon or Renegade Land Hades Gamma, Plutus, Nonuel
14. 75% Paragon or Renegade Land Hades Gamma, Cacus, Chohe
17.--Closing Messages/ Contact Info/ Thank You's (and a thank you present!)---
Well it seems we have reached the end of this guide. I hope everyone who took
the time to read it enjoyed my sad attempts at jokes. If there is any errors,
missing quests, wrong information, or something you would like to see added
please don't hesitate to email me. I accept all forms of positive criticism
and would love to hear how I can make this guide better.
I'd like to first and foremost thank Bioware for making such a great game.
It's hard to think of any other game that is actually more fun the second (and
third) time through. I'd like to also thank all the people on GameFAQs who
took the time to make full walkthroughs of the game, it was your guides who
helped me create this. I'd also like to thank Prima, your guide helped me
incredibly with the collection quests in this game.
Lastly, I'd like to thank Andre The Giant for creating video games.
If it wasn't for the "Eighth Wonder of The World" I would still be
living in my parents basement crying, as my best friends are upstairs
sleeping with my easy sister...oh come on, I had to get one more in.
If you would like to contact me to rant, rave, complain, cry, or
insult me, drop me a line at I love discussing
Mass Effect, RPG's, or just games in general.
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Iain originally joined Future in 2012 to write guides for CVG, PSM3, and Xbox World, before moving on to join GamesRadar in 2013 as Guides Editor. His words have also appeared in OPM, OXM, PC Gamer, GamesMaster, and SFX. He is better known to many as ‘Mr Trophy’, due to his slightly unhealthy obsession with amassing intangible PlayStation silverware, and he now has over 700 Platinum pots weighing down the shelves of his virtual award cabinet. He does not care for Xbox Achievements.

Mass Effect 5 is "still in pre-production" says director as BioWare shifts full focus to the sci-fi RPG amid dev reshuffles and reported layoffs

Mass Effect 5 is BioWare's only big project after Dragon Age: The Veilguard, studio veteran predicts, but "isn't ready to suddenly have a team of 250, 300 people"