Mega Man Battle Network 6: Cybeast Gregar Cheats
Mega Man Battle Network 6: Cybeast Gregar Cheats
GBA | Submitted by Ludacris973Lottery Codes
87341489: Full Energy
45566783: Full Energy
39345472: Full Energy
79459146: Shinobi Dash
15511679: Shinobi Dash
74198795: Shinobi Dash
59485971: Untrap
22812406: Untrap
09000465: Untrap
04789479: Unlocker
82564319: Unlocker
04789479: Unlocker
99910954: Unlocker
41161139: Unlocker
98766899: Lock Enemy
68008194: Lock Enemy
16336487: Lock Enemy
37495453: Lock Enemy
37889678: HP+50: Pink
49951337: HP+100: White
24823665: HP+200: White
54654618: HP+300: Pink
08749780: HP+400: Green
55031325: HP+500: White
94305487: Charge MAX: Blue
12046210: Rapid MAX: Green
19790420: Buster Pack: Red
28271002: Body Pack: Pink
32132348: Rush Support: Yellow
70741543: Beat Support: Blue
69548756: Tango Support: Green
41976910: Spin Yellow
77837421: Spin Red
09256524: Spin Green
23722234: Count Bomb 3 M
60884138: Drill Arm M
71757977: Air Wheel 3 O
88674125: Mega Boomerang M
14212857: GunDelSol 3 W
38116449: Deathmatch *
97403000: Uninstall G
08789369: Elemental Wrap *
44892547: Colonel Army *
75641392: Recovery 300 Y
69544569: Bamboo Lance *
51378085: Circle Gun V
97049899: Blizzard Ball H
12404002: Heatman *
30424514: Elecman *
55910601: Slashman *
84387543: Killerman *
92070765: Chargeman *
51702791: Aquaman *
67520179: Tomahawkman *
00297421: Tenguman *
10414878: Groundman *
79814666: Dustman *
24616497: Blastman *
32310827: Diveman *
12110031: Hakushaku *
GBA | Submitted by MacNavi Customizer Program Compression Code
To enter these codes, highlight the program you want to compress and hold right, then input the codes. The program then will shrink. If you input the code again, it will decompress.
ARAABARRBA: compress AimFish
ARBABRRBAL: compress AirShoes
LBRBABLBAL: compress AttackMAX
BRBBBBBARR: compress BatteryMode
LRBBALRABA: compress BeatSupport
RLABLRLAAB: compress BodyPack
BAABBBALBA: compress BoosterPack
AAABRLBAAL: compress BugStopper
LLALLBABBB: compress ChargeMAX
ALABBAAABA: compress Collector's Eye
LBBRBAALRR: compress Custom1
RALLAABRBA: compress Custom2
BBARABLARR: compress FirstBarrier
RALABLBBRB: compress FloatShoes
ABLRRBRLBA: compress FolderPack1
BBARBLARBL: compress FolderPack2
BLBRLLLABA: compress GigaFolder1
LLABLBABLL: compress HumorSense
ALARBRARLB: compress JungleLand
BLALBRALBA: compress AntiDmg
ARLALALLAB: compress MegaFolder1
LALRBLRLRA: compress MegaFolder2
RBARALBBBL: compress Millionaire
AAALAABLRA: compress NumberOpening
LRABARBBLR: compress OilBody
AALABRALBA: compress RapidMAX
LAABRRLRLR: compress Reflect
RLBAABALLR: compress RushSupport
BABARRLLAB: compress RythmicalPoem
RRABLRARLA: compress SearchShuffle
BBBAABAABB: compress SelfRecovery
RBBBAAABRL: compress Shield
BBBABBAARB: compress ShinobiDash
ALAAALLABR: compress SlipRunner
ABLLAALRBA: compress SuperArmor
BRBRRABBRA: compress TangoSupport
RRALLRAABB: compress UnderShirt
Mega Man Battle Network 6: Cybeast Gregar Hints
GBA | Submitted by BobbyBoucheMegaman + Link Navi vs Gregar
To beat Gregar, stay on your toes and use the Slashman link navi with Megaman, because it does 80-100 damage and if you move quickly should beat him fairly easily. Remember to save before the battle because it might take 2-3 tries before you can get the hang of it, but when you do, it'll be easy to win. If you don't have Slashman link go to Green Town and help the lady giving cooking lessons. Once you beat the challenges you'll get to use Slashman as a link navi.
Mega Man Battle Network 6: Cybeast Gregar Unlockables
GBA | Submitted by MacTitle Screen Icons
Upon completing the tasks listed below, various icons showing your accomplishments will be displayed at the top of the title screen.
"GIGA COMP" Icon - Collect all 5 Giga Chips
"MEGA COMP" Icon - Collect all 45 Mega Chips
"P.A. COMP" Icon - Activate all 30 Program Advances
"STD COMP" - Icon Collect all 200 Standard Chips
Beast Link Gate Icon - Defeat Forte SP at Graveyard Area 2 with all 5 Greiga Link Navis installed through their respective Navi Data Chips through a Beast Link Gate device
Blues [Protoman] Icon - Using the 10 Event Cards off Modification Card Part 2 e+ Cards that unlock the 10 Extra Missions, Complete Them and then Defeat Blues [Protoman] FZ
Forte [Bass] Icon - Defeat Forte [Bass] SP
Greiga Icon - Beat the game
Starred "S" Icon - Collect all 17 Secret Chips
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