Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater 3D box-art: Love it or hate it?

There's bullets, a smoking gun, stuff shattering and a mean-looking Solid Snake in his magically transforming camouflage. It's the official box-art for Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater 3D. This is it right here:

Above: This is the European box-art, but the US one is almost exactly the same (the position of the Konami and Kojima logos are swapped)

Do you love it or hate it? Vote in the poll below. It's just for fun. No strings attached. Go for it:

Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater 3D box-art: Love it or hate it?

We love a bit of box-art at GamesRadar, so expect to see more of these box-art polls in the future. Maybe we'll give prizes to the most loved and most hated box-arts at the end of the year. And by 'prizes' we mean 'kudos' and 'ridicule' accordingly. We'll see. Anyway, if you've got something more to say about the Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater 3D box-art, go ahead and say it in the comments.

Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater 3D's confirmed release date on 3DS is Feb 21 (US) and March 8 (Europe).


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Matt Cundy
I don't have the energy to really hate anything properly. Most things I think are OK or inoffensively average. I do love quite a lot of stuff as well, though.