Confirm Purchase: The biggest mobile games released 11/30/13
Wanna see what mobile games came out this week? Here are 10 of the best.

What's out for mobile this week?
This week may have been all about Black Friday deals and turkey consumption, but it also saw the release of some great mobile games worthy of your money and fingers. All those dollars you saved from this week's deals could even be used to download some of these new releases, so the question is what to get. Lucky for you, we've put together a list of this week's most notable titles to save you some time.
So grab your phone, tablet, or trusty thingamabob and start heading to the App Store or Google Play. Will you confirm purchase? We think you should.

Final Fantasy IV: The After Years ($15.99)
Taking place 17 years after the events in Final Fantasy IV, the sequel to the classic RPG finally makes it way to mobile. This episodic game features 10 tales to play through, each one taking place at different times and involving new and old characters like Palom, Rosa, and Yang. New enemies and an active battle system augmented by Moon Phases that change the properties of some attacks keep combat seemingly fresh despite its classic design.

Icycle: On Thin Ice ($0.99)
It's bad enough riding a bike through the snow let alone doing it all in your birthday suit. In this visually-stunning platformer, you need to help navigate the hapless (and naked) hero Dennis through icy worlds and get him closer to finding his true love. Each world you pedal in is full of dangers as well as collectibles that unlock clothes for Dennis to wear and tools that make it easier to uncover some icy secrets. It's cold out there so you better bundle up.

Skulls of the Shogun ($4.99)
Skulls of the Shogun is a turn-based strategy game that combines samurai with skeletons and features fast-paced action set in feudal Japan. Its robust campaign mode takes you through 24 levels where you'll face off against undead generals and use your own army of fallen troops against them. Featuring both online and offline multiplayer and a killer soundtrack, Skulls of the Shogun is a rather meaty title even if its characters are nothing but bones.

Doctor Who: Legacy (Free)
If you can't get enough of Doctor Who or want something to do until the next episode airs, maybe this match-three game is right up your alley. Taking most of its cues from games like Puzzle Quest, this game features puzzle battles that let fans revisit some of their favorite episodes from the series. Your faithful companions are on hand to help you out too, and they get stronger the more you use them. Currently only seasons six and seven are available. But as every Doctor Who fan knows, good things come to those who wait.

Darklings ($0.99)
Gesture controls are your main weapon against the darkness in this simple yet challenging monochromatic title. Each of its shadowy worlds requires you to possess as many monsters as possible by drawing the symbols that appear over their heads before they get to close and snuff you out. You can collect the stars they give off to upgrade your stats and make each wave of enemies easier to take down. With boss fights at every level and an elegant design, it's hard not to get lost in the darkness and beauty of Darklings.

Tempura Runner ($1.99)
Giving a whole new meaning to the term "fast-food", Tempura Runner stars a crispy piece of shrimp that must run and jump his way to safety and avoid getting eaten. This runner-platformer is a lot like the recently released Rayman Fiesta Run so you need to time your jumps carefully to collect as many tags and tokens possible while avoiding traps along the way. If you love Japanese food or just fun runners in general, be sure to gobble this one up before it escapes you.

The Inner World ($2.99)
The Inner World brings this gorgeous PC point-and-click game to your iOS device and features everything that made the original game so much fun to play. Make your way through the mysterious world of Asposia and meet a humourous cast of characters and solve some ingeniously tricky puzzles. A clever hint system prevents you from getting stumped too often and its charming presentation complete with cutscenes and voice-overs make the experience well worth it.

Papa Pear Saga (Free)
If Papa Pear Saga has taken over your Facebook life, you'll be happy to know a mobile version of the game is now available that lets you sync up your games and take them with you on the go. This addictive puzzler simply requires you get as many shots as you can into a barrel, but tricky mazes and breakable hazards make it so much harder to get them all in. Over 100 levels of tough challenges will keep you coming back for more fruit, chilies, and that elusive high-score.

We Come in Pieces ($0.99)
When an electric being from another planet crash lands on Earth, it's up to you to help him locate pieces of his spacecraft to fly back home. Of course, because he's made out of electricity, you can't really tap him but instead need to use fans to guide him higher and higher. Things won't always be easy, as you'll need to be mindful of spikes, birds, and just about anything that can stop him in his tracks.

M.U.L.E. Returns ($4.99)
If you played the original M.U.L.E. on the Atari 800 back in 1983, you know what to expect from this faithful revival. This real-time/turn-based hybrid plays out like a giant auction as players need to purchase resources from one another to not only ensure their colony thrives but to make the most profit. Though multiplayer features are not yet available, your computer opponent should provide enough of a challenge to prepare you for when you need to bid against your friends.

Whatll you download?
Saw anything you like? You can download any of these titles right now on the App Store or on Google Play. So what are you waiting for? Finish up your leftovers and start playing.
Looking for more mobile gems? Be sure to check out our list of the 25 Best Android Games , or if you're iOS person, check out our 25 Best iOS Games list instead.