Modern Warfare 2 cheats


Xbox 360 | Submitted by chainsawninja600

Camera Control

Private Multiplayer match

First you set the game to double health and third person, and equip someone with a throwing knife. During the game, have the guy with the throwing knife throw it at you. Because of double health, you will not die, and the camera will seem to detach from your character. To everyone else, you will look normal, but on your screen your character will always face the same direction and you can rotate the cameras around him.

Xbox 360 | Submitted by nickrazycrazy

Out Of Toxic Map



Before doing this make sure you create a class with this, Perk 1-Marathon, Perk 2 - Lightweight,

Perk 3 doesn't matter, Death Streak - Painkiller

-Have a Tactical Insertion

-Go on a map with radiation and get near it

- Plant your tactical at the edge and die, Repeat 3 times

- You should Unlock PainKiller

- Now once you spawn back, start running and your extra health will allow you to break through and be free to explore

Xbox 360 | Submitted by DaYellowLemon

Easy Points (Sentry Gun Version)

Online Multiplayer

All you need it a riot shield to do this. Whenever an enemy puts down a sentry gun, you can get 1000+ points. Kill the guy with the sentry and stand in front of the sentry with your riot shield. The sentry will try to kill you but all it will be doing is giving you points. Another good thing is that it doesn`t wear out for a long time!

Xbox 360 | Submitted by ElMexicanus

Soap McTavish On Money


Whenever you get a payback and money goes everywhere, the head on the money is Soap McTavish.

PS3 | Submitted by divet3

Custom Classes To Make For Online Levels


Warfare 2

Custom Classes for online levels

NOTE!!! This assumes you have all attachments for all weapons up to LV.60!


I. Afghan

II. Derail

III. Estate

IV. Favela

V. Highrise

VI. Invasion

VII. Karachi

VIII. Quarry

IX. Rundown

X. Rust

XI. Scrapyard

XII. Skidrow

XIII. Sub Base

XIV. Terminal

XV. Underpass

XVI. Wasteland

XVII. BONUS Stealth Sniper

2. NOTE!!!!! PLEASE READ!!!!!


I. Afghan

Primary: F2000 (Thermal Scope)

Secondary: .44 Magnum (Tactical Knife)

Equipment: C4 or Claymores

Special Grenades: Smoke Recommended

Perk 1: Scavenger Pro

Perk 2: Hardline or Stopping Power

Perk 3: Commando Pro

Deathstreak: Final Stand


II. Derail

Primary: M16A4 (Grenadier, ACOG Scope)

Secondary: Striker (Red Dot Sight)

Equipment: Claymores

Special Grenades: Flashbang

Perk 1: Bling

Perk 2: Stopping Power

Perk 3: Steady Aim

Deathstreak: Martyrdom

III. Estate

Primary: AUG HBAR (Grip)

Secondary: Striker (Red Dot Sight)

Equipment: Claymore or C4

Special Grenades: Anything Works

Perk 1: Scavenger Pro

Perk 2: Hardline or Stopping Power

Perk 3: Last Stand

Deathstreak: Martyrdom


IV. Favela

Primary: F2000 (ACOG) or AUG HBAR (Grip)

Secondary: .44 Magnum (Tactical Knife) or Ranger (Akimbo)

Equipment: Claymore

Special Grenades: Flashbang

Perk 1: Marathon or Scavenger Pro

Perk 2: Stopping Power

Perk 3: Commando or Steady Aim

Deathstreak: Martyrdom


V. Highrise

Primary: AUG HBAR (Grip, ACOG)

Secondary: Striker (Red Dot Sight)

Equipment: Semtex

Special Grenades: Flashbang

Perk 1: Bling

Perk 2: Stopping Power

Perk 3: Steady Aim

Deathstreak: Martyrdom


VI. Invasion

Primary: P90 (Akimbo) or Mini- Uzi (Akimbo)

Secondary: TMP (Akimbo)

Equipment: C4 or Semtex

Special Grenades: Stun Grenades

Perk 1: Scavenger Pro

Perk 2: Hardline

Perk 3: Steady Aim

Deathstreak: Final Stand


VII. Karachi

Primary: Barrett .50 Cal (Thermal Scope)

Secondary: .44 Magnum (FMJ) or G18 (Red Dot Sight)

Equipment: Claymore

Special Grenades: Anything Works

Perk 1: Scavenger Pro

Perk 2: Stopping Power

Perk 3: Commando Pro or Steady Aim Pro

Deathstreak: Martyrdom


VIII. Quarry

Primary: Barrett .50 Cal (Thermal Scope, Ex. Mags)

Secondary: Javelin Launcher

Equipment: Claymore

Special Grenades: Stun Grenades

Perk 1: Bling

Perk 2: Stopping Power

Perk 3: Commando Pro or Steady Aim Pro

Deathstreak: Martyrdom


IX. Rundown

Primary: M16A4 (Grenadier and Thermal Scope)

Secondary: AT4 or Thumper or Javelin or AA-12 (Red Dot)

Equipment: C4 or Claymore

Special Grenades: Anything Works

Perk 1: Bling

Perk 2: Danger Close Pro

Perk 3: Steady Aim

Deathstreak: Final Stand


X. Rust

Primary: P90 (Akimbo, Rapid Fire or Extended Mags)

Secondary: PP2000 or TMP (Both Akimbo and Rapid Fire)

Equipment: Semtex or Frag

Special Grenades: Flashbang or Stun Grenade

Perk 1: Bling Pro

Perk 2: Hardline Pro or Stopping Power

Perk 3: Steady Aim

Deathstreak: Martyrdom


XI. Scrapyard

Primary: AUG HBAR (Thermal Scope, FMJ)

Secondary: TMP (Red Dot Sight)

Equipment: Semtex or Frag or C4 or Claymore

Special Grenades: Anything Works

Perk 1: Bling

Perk 2: Stopping Power

Perk 3: Steady Aim Pro

Deathstreak: Painkiller


XII. Skidrow

Primary: F2000 (Thermal Scope)

Secondary: Thumper x2

Equipment: Claymore or C4

Special Grenades: Flashbang

Perk 1: Marathon

Perk 2: Stopping Power or Danger Close

Perk 3: Commando Pro or Steady Aim

Deathstreak: Martyrdom


XIII. Sub Base

Primary: Riot Shield or Barrett .50 Cal (Heartbeat Sensor)

Secondary: Striker (Red Dot Sight)

Equipment: C4 or Claymore

Special Grenades: Stun Grenade

Perk 1: Scavenger Pro

Perk 2: Stopping Power

Perk 3: Commando Pro or Steady Aim Pro

Deathstreak: Martyrdom


XIV. Terminal

Primary: ACR (Heartbeat Sensor and ACOG)

Secondary: .44 Magnum (Akimbo)

Equipment: C4 or Claymore

Special Grenades: Stun or Flasbang

Perk 1: Bling

Perk 2: Hardline Pro

Perk 3: Commando or Steady Aim

Deathstreak: Final Stand


XV. Underpass

Primary: F2000 (Heartbeat Sensor and ACOG)

Secondary: Spas-12 (Red Dot Sight) or Striker (Same)

Equipment: Semtex

Special Grenades: Flashbang

Perk 1: Bling

Perk 2: Hardline or Stopping Power or Cold-Blooded

Perk 3: Ninja Pro or Commando Pro

Deathstreak: Martyrdom


XVI. Wasteland

Primary: F2000 (Grenadier or Shotgun, ACOG)

Secondary: Thumper x2

Equipment: Claymore or C4 or Semtex or Frag

Special Grenades: Flashbang or Stun Grenade

Perk 1: Bling

Perk 2: Hardline

Perk 3: Steady Aim

Deathstreak: Martyrdom or Final Stand


XVIII. BONUS Stealth Sniper

Primary: Barrett .50 Cal (Silenced, Heartbeat Sensor)

Secondary: PP2000 (Silenced, Red Dot Sight)

Equipment: Tactical Insertion

Special Grenades: Stun Grenade

Perk 1: Bling Pro

Perk 2: Cold-Blooded Pro

Perk 3: Ninja Pro

Deathstreak: Martyrdom



2. NOTE!!!!! PLEASE READ!!!!!

My online username is divet3 !!!

Add Me as a friend!!!



Alriigghhttt… I scored a touchdown…

(From Family Guy, Episode Patriot Games)

PC, Xbox 360, PS3 | Submitted by Tyler

Multiplayer Strategy Guide

Check out GamesRadar's take on how to succeed in MW2 multiplayer!

PC, Xbox 360, PS3 | Submitted by GamesRadar

Modern Warfare 2 Intel Item Guide

Want to find all of the hidden intel items? Peek at GamesRadar's video guide to find out just where to look!


Xbox 360 | Submitted by abc124

Death Streak Emblems

Martyrdom - Get a kill with the martyrdom perk

Final Stand - Survive final stand

Copycat - Kill the player whose class you copied

Painkiller - Take a certain amount of damage with the painkiller perk

PC, Xbox 360, PS3 | Submitted by DaYellowLemon

Behind Enemy Lines

Online Multiplayer

To get the behind enemy lines title, all you have to do is get a 10 killstreak with no killstreaks equipped. By the way, the emblem is Captain Price.

Xbox 360, PS3 | Submitted by GamesRadar

Kill Streaks And Death Streaks

Kill Streaks

3 kills - UAV - Shows enemies on the minimap.

4 kills - Care Package - Airdrop a random killstreak or ammo.

4 kills - Counter UAV - Temporarily disables enemy radar.

4 kills - Sentry Gun - Airdrop a placeable sentry gun.

5 kills - Predator Missile - Remote control missile.

6 kills - Precision Air Strike - Call in a directional airstrike.

7 kills - Harrier Strike - Call in a Harrier Strike.

7 kills - Attack Helicopter - Call in a support helicopter.

8 kills - Emergency Airdrop – Calls in four care packages.

9 kills - Pave Low - Heavy armored assault helicopter.

9 kills - Stealth Bomber – An undetectable bombing run.

11 kills – Chopper Gunner - Be the gunner of an attack helicopter.

11 kills - AC-130 - Be the gunner of an AC-130.

15 kills - EMP – Temporarily disable enemy electronics.

25 kills - Tactical Nuke - Deploy a tactical nuke (ends the game).

Death Streaks

Copycat – Steal your killer’s class in killcam.

Painkiller (lvl 6) – Big health boost while you spawn.

Martyrdom (lvl27) – Drop a live grenade just after dying.

Final Stand (lvl 39) – Like the Last Stand perk from CoD 4, except that you can use your primary and recover after enough time.

PS3 | Submitted by Tyler


Back in the Saddle (Bronze) - Help train the local militia.

Black Diamond (Silver) - Complete ‘Cliffhanger’ on Veteran Difficulty.

Blackjack (Bronze) - Earn 21 stars in Special Ops.

Charlie On Our Six (Bronze) - Earn 8 stars in Special Ops.

Cold Shoulder (Bronze) - Infiltrate the snowy mountain side base.

Colonel Sanderson (Bronze) - Kill 7 chickens in under 10 seconds in ‘The Hornet’s Nest’.

Danger Close (Bronze) - Get hand picked for Shepherd’s elite squad.

Desperado (Bronze) - Kill 5 enemies in a row using 5 different weapons or attachments in Single Player or Special Ops.

Desperate Times (Bronze) - Execute the plan to help the Americans.

Downed but Not Out (Bronze) - Kill 4 enemies in a row while downed in Special Ops.

Drive By (Bronze) - Kill 20 enemies in a row while driving a vehicle in Single Player or Special Ops.

Ends Justify the Means (Silver) - Complete ‘Contingency’ on Veteran Difficulty

First Day of School (Silver) - Complete ‘S.S.D.D’ and ‘Team Player’ on Veteran Difficulty.

For the Record (Silver) - Complete the Single Player campaign on any difficulty.

Ghost (Bronze) - Plant the C4 in ‘Cliffhanger’ without alerting or injuring anyone in the blizzard.

Gold Star (Bronze) - Earn 1 star in Special Ops.

Homecoming (Silver) - Complete ‘Of Their Own Accord’, ‘Second Sun’, and ‘Whiskey Hotel’ on Veteran Difficulty.

Honor Roll (Bronze) - Earn at least 1 star in each Special Op mission.

Hotel Bravo (Bronze) - Earn 4 stars in Special Ops.

Is That All You Got? (Platinum) - Earn all available Trophies for Modern Warfare® 2.

It Goes to Eleven (Bronze) - Earn at least 1 star in 11 different Special Op missions.

I’m the Juggernaut… (Bronze) - Kill a Juggernaut in Special Ops.

Knock-knock (Bronze) - Kill 4 enemies with 4 shots during a slow-mo breach in Single Player or Special Ops.

Leave No Stone Unturned (Bronze) - Collect 45 enemy intel items.

Look Ma Two Hands (Bronze) - Kill 10 enemies in a row using akimbo weapons in Single Player or Special Ops.

No Rest For the Wary (Bronze) - Knife an enemy without him ever knowing you were there in Single Player or Special Ops.

Off the Grid (Silver) - Complete ‘Just Like Old Times’ and ‘Endgame’ on Veteran Difficulty.

Operational Asset (Bronze) - Earn all 3 stars in at least 5 different Special Op missions.

Operative (Silver) - Earn all 3 stars in at least 10 different Special Op missions.

Out of the Frying Pan… (Bronze) - Complete the mission in the airplane graveyard.

Pit Boss (Bronze) - Run The Pit in ‘S.S.D.D’ and finish with a final time under 30 seconds.

Prisoner #627 (Silver) - Complete ‘The Only Easy Day… Was Yesterday’ and ‘The Gulag’ on Veteran Difficulty.

Professional (Silver) - Earn all 3 stars in at least 15 different Special Op missions.

Queen takes Rook (Silver) - Complete ‘Loose Ends’ and ‘The Enemy of My Enemy’ on Veteran Difficulty.

Red Dawn (Silver) - Complete ‘Wolverines!’ and ‘Exodus’ on Veteran Difficulty.

Royale with Cheese (Bronze) - Defend Burger Town.

Soap on a Rope (Bronze) - Storm the gulag.

Some Like it Hot (Bronze) - Kill 6 enemies in a row using a thermal weapon in Single Player or Special Ops.

Specialist (Silver) - Earn 30 stars in Special Ops.

Star 69 (Gold) - Earn 69 stars in Special Ops.

Tag ‘em and bag ‘em (Bronze) - Find Rojas in the Favelas.

Ten plus foot-mobiles (Bronze) - Kill at least 10 enemies with one Predator missile in Single Player or Special Ops.

The Harder They Fall (Bronze) - Kill 2 rappelling enemies in a row before they land on their feet in Single Player or Special Ops.

The Pawn (Bronze) - Assault Makarov’s safe house.

The Price of War (Gold) - Complete the single player campaign on Hardened or Veteran Difficulty.

The Road Less Traveled (Bronze) - Collect 22 enemy intel items.

Three-some (Bronze) - Kill at least 3 enemies with a single shot from a grenade launcher in Single Player or Special Ops.

Turistas (Silver) - Complete ‘Takedown’ and ‘The Hornet’s Nest’ on Veteran Difficulty.

Two Birds with One Stone (Bronze) - Kill 2 enemies with a single bullet in Single Player or Special Ops.

Unnecessary Roughness (Bronze) - Use a riot shield to beat down an enemy in Single Player or Special Ops.

Whiskey Hotel (Bronze) - Take back Whiskey Hotel.

Xbox 360 | Submitted by Tyler


Back in the Saddle (15) - Help train the local militia.

Black Diamond (25) - Complete 'Cliffhanger' on Veteran Difficulty.

Blackjack (20) - Earn 21 stars in Special Ops.

Charlie On Our Six (20) - Earn 8 stars in Special Ops.

Cold Shoulder (15) - Infiltrate the snowy mountain side base.

Colonel Sanderson (10) - Kill 7 chickens in under 10 seconds in 'The Hornet's Nest'.

Danger Close (15) - Get hand picked for Shepherd's elite squad.

Desperado (10) - Kill 5 enemies in a row using 5 different weapons or attachments in Single Player or Special Ops.

Desperate Times (15) - Execute the plan to help the Americans.

Downed but Not Out (10) - Kill 4 enemies in a row while downed in Special Ops.

Drive By (10) - Kill 20 enemies in a row while driving a vehicle in Single Player or Special Ops.

Ends Justify the Means (25) - Complete 'Contingency' on Veteran Difficulty

First Day of School (25) - Complete 'S.S.D.D' and 'Team Player' on Veteran Difficulty.

For the Record (35) - Complete the Single Player campaign on any difficulty.

Ghost (10) - Plant the C4 in 'Cliffhanger' without alerting or injuring anyone in the blizzard.

Gold Star (20) - Earn 1 star in Special Ops.

Homecoming (25) - Complete 'Of Their Own Accord', 'Second Sun', and 'Whiskey Hotel' on Veteran Difficulty.

Honor Roll (20) - Earn at least 1 star in each Special Op mission.

Hotel Bravo (20) - Earn 4 stars in Special Ops.

I'm the Juggernaut... (10) - Kill a Juggernaut in Special Ops.

It Goes to Eleven (20) - Earn at least 1 star in 11 different Special Op missions.

Knock-knock (10) - Kill 4 enemies with 4 shots during a slow-mo breach in Single Player or Special Ops.

Leave No Stone Unturned (10) - Collect 45 enemy intel items.

Look Ma Two Hands (10) - Kill 10 enemies in a row using akimbo weapons in Single Player or Special Ops.

No Rest For the Wary (10) - Knife an enemy without him ever knowing you were there in Single Player or Special Ops.

Off the Grid (25) - Complete 'Just Like Old Times' and 'Endgame' on Veteran Difficulty.

Operational Asset (20) - Earn all 3 stars in at least 5 different Special Op missions.

Operative (30) - Earn all 3 stars in at least 10 different Special Op missions.

Out of the Frying Pan... (15) - Complete the mission in the airplane graveyard.

Pit Boss (10) - Run The Pit in 'S.S.D.D' and finish with a final time under 30 seconds.

Prisoner #627 (25) - Complete 'The Only Easy Day... Was Yesterday' and 'The Gulag' on Veteran Difficulty.

Professional (30) - Earn all 3 stars in at least 15 different Special Op missions.

Queen takes Rook (25) - Complete 'Loose Ends' and 'The Enemy of My Enemy' on Veteran Difficulty.

Red Dawn (25) - Complete 'Wolverines!' and 'Exodus' on Veteran Difficulty.

Royale with Cheese (15) - Defend Burger Town.

Soap on a Rope (15) - Storm the gulag.

Some Like it Hot (10) - Kill 6 enemies in a row using a thermal weapon in Single Player or Special Ops.

Specialist (30) - Earn 30 stars in Special Ops.

Star 69 (90) - Earn 69 stars in Special Ops.

Tag 'em and bag 'em (15) - Find Rojas in the Favelas.

Ten plus foot-mobiles (10) - Kill at least 10 enemies with one Predator missile in Single Player or Special Ops.

The Harder They Fall (10) - Kill 2 rappelling enemies in a row before they land on their feet in Single Player or Special Ops.

The Pawn (15) - Assault Makarov's safe house.

The Price of War (90) - Complete the single player campaign on Hardened or Veteran Difficulty.

The Road Less Traveled (10) - Collect 22 enemy intel items.

Three-some (10) - Kill at least 3 enemies with a single shot from a grenade launcher in Single Player or Special Ops.

Turistas (25) - Complete 'Takedown' and 'The Hornet's Nest' on Veteran Difficulty.

Two Birds with One Stone (10) - Kill 2 enemies with a single bullet in Single Player or Special Ops.

Unnecessary Roughness (10) - Use a riot shield to beat down an enemy in Single Player or Special Ops.

Whiskey Hotel (15) - Take back Whiskey Hotel.

PC, Xbox 360, PS3 | Submitted by Tyler

Weapon Attachments

Grenade Launcher (Assault Rifles only)

Grip (Increases accuracy - Light Machine Guns and Shotguns only)

Rapid Fire (SMG only)

Red Dot Sight

Silencer (Shots do not show up on enemy minimap)

ACOG Scope

FMJ (Increases damage)


Akimbo (Hold two weapons simultaneously - SMG and Machine Pistols only)

Holographic Sight

Heartbeat Sensor

Thermal (A scope which highlights enemies in white)

Tactical Knife (Pistols only)

Extended Mags

PC, Xbox 360, PS3 | Submitted by Tyler


Frag – Cookable fragmentation grenades.

Semtex – Timed sticky explosives.

Throwing Knife (lvl. 7) – Throw it and pick it back up.

Tactical Insertion (lvl. 11) – Choose where to respawn.

Blast Shield (lvl. 19) – Increased explosive resistance.

Claymore (lvl. 31) – Anti-personnel mines.

C4 (lvl. 43) – Remote-detonating explosives.

PC, Xbox 360, PS3 | Submitted by Tyler


Perk 1

Marathon – Infinite sprint. (Pro: Mantle faster.)

Sleight of Hand – Faster reloading. (Pro: Faster aiming.)

Scavanger (lvl 13) – Resupply from dead bodies. (Pro: Extra mags.)

Bling (lvl 21) – Two primary weapon attachments. (Pro: Two secondary attachments.)

One Man Army (lvl 45) – Swap classes while alive. (Pro: Swap classes faster.)

Perk 2

Stopping Power – Increased bullet damage. (Pro: Extra damage vs. enemy vehicles.)

Lightweight – Move faster. (Pro: Faster knife speed.)

Hardline (lvl. 9) – Perks require one less kill. (Pro: Deathstreaks require one less death.)

Cold-Blooded (lvl. 25) – Undecetable by UAV, air support, sentries, and thermal. (Pro: No red name or crosshair when targeted.)

Danger Close (lvl. 33) - Increases explosive weapons damage. (Pro: Extra air support damage.)

Perk 3

Commando – Increased melee distance. (Pro: No falling damage.)

Steady Aim – Increased hip fire accuracy. (Pro: Hold your breath longer.)

Scrambler (lvl. 17) – Jam enemy radar near you. (Pro: Delays the explosion of enemy claymores.)

Ninja (lvl. 29) – Invisible to heartbeat sensors. (Pro: Move Silently.)

SitRep (lvl. 37) - Detects enemy explosives and tactical insertions. (Pro: Makes enemy footsteps louder.)

Last Stand (lvl. 41) – We haven’t actually unlocked this yet, but we assume it is similar to the Last Stand from CoD 4, which allows a player, upon his death, to take a few shots with his secondary weapon.


Xbox 360 | Submitted by fletch2k10

Cars In Highrise

Choose a class with a sniper rifle. go to the top left corner of the map, go to window in the corner, smash it and use the scope to look into the part where there is no fog and you can see cars

Xbox 360 | Submitted by Unknown MW2 freako

Exploding Boxes

Favela: building next to/ in front of barber shop front entry

Go to the dumpster on the ground near the entry of the barber shop. Head up the platforms and climb up the ladder. Do a full reverse, and jump down one platform. Ok, now loof a little to your right and find the air conditioning boxes. take a good step back and make a jump for it. But dont expect a soft, easy landing; bang! your dead.

Xbox 360 | Submitted by wyremusic

Easy Cold Blooded Pro

all maps

Easiest way to score cold blooded points with cold blooded equiped as your perk. When the enemies pavelow, attack copter or chopper gunner is damaged and spinning out if you fire your weapon at it you will recieve an enemy killsteak destroyed for every bullet that hits the chopper while it spins. I use AT4 Launcher because it damages copter but wont destroy it one shot and Light machine gun so i can use its high bullet capacity allows you to get as many hits or kill streaks destroyed as possible.

Xbox 360 | Submitted by DaYellowLemon


-RPG stands for rocket propelled grenade

-when the RPG is out of ammo and you drop it, it still has a rocket in the barrel

-in real life, it is impossible to kill yourself on a near by wall because in real life, it has a safety distance of 10-20 metres

-when looking at another player firing the RPG, the RPG's rocket doesn't leave the launcher when fired

Xbox 360 | Submitted by DaYellowLemon

W1200 In MW2!


Ok, I have discovered a W1200 in MW2. First, go to the museam. Go to the room with a dog in it. Go to the snow scene. There should be a soldier with a M1014 shotgun. Kill him then walk out of the room. He should have respawned. If not, you should walk further out of the room. Once he respawns, he should be holding a W1200! If he doesn`t have a W1200, repeat the process. Kill him from behind and then you can take the shotgun. If you don`t kill him from behind, then the W1200 will go inside a snow pile. By the way, the W1200 is from Call of duty 4.

Xbox 360 | Submitted by DaYellowLemon

Desert Eagle Facts

-the iron sight is backwards

-the desert eagle was the favourite weapon of Modern Warfare 1

-a desert eagle can be heard while entering prestige in Modern Warefare 1

-a desert eagle can make a juggernaut stumble

Xbox 360 | Submitted by DaYellowLemon

Secret House Or Room


First, start a match or join one with Underpass as the map. Go to the red house in the middle of the map then continue to the watermelon area. There should be a wooden railing and a house with a sheet of metal for the roof. go to the very edge of the roof very carefully and then you should just fall right through the roof into a secret house or room or bunker. This spot is amazing for search and destroy or demolition because you have a clear view of bomb point A. Discovered by me.

Xbox 360 | Submitted by DaYellowLemon

AK-47 Facts

-the serial number on the AK-47 is 122874

-When the AK-47 is equipped with the grenade launcher, it is called the AK-47 Grenadier rather than AK-47 Grenade Launcher

-the Ak-47`s grenade launcher is called the GP-25 rather then the M203

-the russians should be using the AK-74 rather then the AK-47

-the AK-47 should be called the AKM because in the 50`s changes were made to it

-the AK-47 doesn`t sound like it does in real life

Xbox 360 | Submitted by Sharkman15

Camo Shotgun!?

Museum at the end of the game

Go into the museum and look in the shotgun cases in the other side of the museum. You will find an M1014 automatic shotgun with arctic camo. If you don't know, this is imposable due to the fact that this is a secondary weapon and secondaries can not be colored any camo.

PC, Xbox 360, PS3 | Submitted by Aw3som3G4m3r619

Map Hint For Hardcore Mode

When you play hardcore in any gametype you have no HUD. If you press the START button while you play a little map pops up in the bottom right corner. This is really helpful during Search and Destroy because you can see where your partners are and where they died. Just make sure you are at a safe spot so you don't die!

PS3 | Submitted by raceman38

Quick Fmj Kills

online multiplayer

Pick your gun of choice, then go into 3rd person mode hide behind a wall and shoot the people as they come by.If you did this right it should count towards your fmj kills.

Xbox 360 | Submitted by DaYellowLemon

Flashbang Or Stun Grenade

A lot of people can`t decide which one to use, flashbang or stun grenade. I am going to list some things that might help you choose.

-Stun Grenades slow the enemy but they require hitting a surface first

-Flashbangs can disable C4 charges and claymores temporarily

-Exploding stun grenades do more damage then exploding flashbangs

-flashbangs take about double the time to explode then stun which could lead to death

-flashbangs have a larger range

-stun grenades slow targets and flashbangs blind them

I hope this made your choice easier!

PC, Xbox 360, PS3 | Submitted by DaYellowLemon

Claymore Facts

-in real life, the claymore doesn`t get stuck into the ground, it stands on two bipod like structures

-the sound of a claymore clicking is the same sound of a landmine clicking in Call of Duty 1 and 2

-a claymore on an elevated position does more damage

-if a claymore is placed directly in front of an enemy, it won`t go off until the enemy moves(turning doesn`t count as moving)

-in search and destroy, claymmores dont disappear after death

PC, Xbox 360, PS3 | Submitted by DaYellowLemon

RPD Facts

-if you use a heartbeat sensor, you close it when reloading

-you can hear the bullet casings hit the ground if the volume is loud enough

-the RPD is the only gun that has a folded bipod

-the reloading action is different with ACOG and Red Dot sights on it

PC, Xbox 360, PS3 | Submitted by DaYellowLemon

ACOG Site Facts

- the ACOG was actually invented for the M16 and the M4 specifically

-in MW2 the EMP affects the ACOG but in real life it uses no energy at all, it is powered by tritium

-the ACOG has an unstable CQB iron sight on its left side

PS3 | Submitted by weaverboy92

2 MW2 Easter Eggs

"The Hornet's Nest" and "The Only Easy Day... Was Yesterday"

In "The Hornet's Nest", once your squad runs toward the market to get to the evac point, DON'T follow them. Turn and look behind you. You'll see the remains of the car Soap tackled Rojas onto. On the other side of the car you'll see the bloody carcas of Rojas hanging forn the building wall. The 2 jumper cables suggest that it wasn't pretty.

At the end of "The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday" while you're on the helicopter and Roach takes out his sniper rifle, look through the scope at the "Marines" in the chopper next to your's. They are all in the same uniform as the Army Rangers, and in "The Gulag" they suddenly turn back into SEALs.

Xbox 360 | Submitted by mickeymouse0502

Highrise Roof

To get onto the roof of the gray building in Highrise go to the side where there is a window wiper stand thing hanging straight down. take a running start and jump towards the yellow bars not the platform itself. when you are close let go of all buttons and control sticks, he should grab onto yellow bars. climb up and walk along the ledge, it goes around the whole thing. jump onto the other window washer thing and go to the top and face the wall. jump up and walk along the fence and you will be on the roof.

PS3 | Submitted by King Teostra VI

The W1000


In the first area of the museum if you push the red 'death' button all of the men wil attack you, although one of the marines is holding the W1000, the pump action shotgun from the first game, he will not normally hold it, only after you press the button will the marine have it appear in his hands, it is much better than the Spas-12

Xbox 360 | Submitted by kangaroocory

Neutralizing Dog

If you use a strong firing gun at a dog patrol officer for a one-hit K.O (head or neck shot) and neither the dog or the man sees you ahead of time, the dog stops and just looks at the officer then at you and so on. And if you really feel evil, you can get an easy headshot on the dog!

PS3 | Submitted by Knife Pwner

Care Package Knifing Trick

Anytime after 4 kill streak

To do this trick you need to have the perks: Marathon, Lightweight, and Commando (having pro unlocked for all will help even more). Once you get a 4 kill streak and have the care package kill streak ready to go, pull out the care package marker but DO NOT THROW IT. You will find that you will be able to run extremely fast and knife people quite easily because of the speed. It is a good way to get behind enemy lines and pick up huge killstreaks. Try not to use this in hardcore matches because it is a lot easier for people to kill you so you won't have enough time to knife them.

PS3 | Submitted by predz22

Infinity Ward Throwing Knife

When you throw a throwing knife on the ground,go and lay down looking at the front of it.It will have Infinity Ward written on it.

Xbox 360 | Submitted by Michael

How To Beat MW2 On Veteran Difficulty

Having trouble finishing MW2 on veteran? Check out GamesRadar's guide for some helpful hints.


PC, Xbox 360, PS3 | Submitted by walo

One Man Army Easter Egg

When someone on you team has a one man army pack look towards the bottom and it will say "No Scope"

PS3 | Submitted by ThePlayer_15

Floating Knife

any map with glass windows

If you are in a building with the big glass windows like in highrise u will be able to do this. With a throwing knife, bounce it off the floor and so it bounces in the glass. it should be stuck in the glass and if you shoot the glass the knife will be floating in mid-air.

Xbox 360, PS3 | Submitted by callofguy

Juggernaut Easter Egg

if you kill a juggernaut and you look at his balls you will find a fanny pack saying 'Get Sum!' and on his butt there is another one saying 'Kick Me!'

Xbox 360, PS3 | Submitted by baldwarfury

Taped Famas

In missions like "The gulag" and "Contingency" has an enemy with a Famas with tape camo.In The Gulag the Famas is at the very begining.In Contingency The large patrol on the frozen river has the Famas.

Iain Wilson
Guides Editor

Iain originally joined Future in 2012 to write guides for CVG, PSM3, and Xbox World, before moving on to join GamesRadar in 2013 as Guides Editor. His words have also appeared in OPM, OXM, PC Gamer, GamesMaster, and SFX. He is better known to many as ‘Mr Trophy’, due to his slightly unhealthy obsession with amassing intangible PlayStation silverware, and he now has over 700 Platinum pots weighing down the shelves of his virtual award cabinet. He does not care for Xbox Achievements.