More Halo 2 goodness revealed

Bungie have just released another new shot of Halo 2 - and it's arguably the most impressive yet. Taken from the single-player version of the game, the screen shows off the Master Chief against a plasma shield-wielding Jackal.

Meanwhile, a few new game details have leaked out. The environment will be destructible, although it's not clear whether this will extend to the majority of the surroundings or just particular areas. And the game's Xbox Live component - in which you'll also be able to play as the Elite covenant characters - has already been tested on a huge scale, with approximately 1000 (lucky) Microsoft employees having played the game online.

Among the multiplayer modes will be a new option called Assault in which each team has to attempt to place a bomb at the enemy team's base. And while an online cooperative mode hasn't been confirmed, it appears as if its inclusion is likely. We're hoping to see much more of Halo 2 at E3 in May.

Halo 2 is due to be released for Xbox in the autumn