All Mortal Kombat 1 Fatalities and how to perform them

Mortal Kombat 1 fatalities T-1000
T-1000's Judgment Day Fatality (Image credit: Warner Bros.)

The line up of Mortal Kombat 1 Fatalities has been completed for the time being, with the arrival of the shape-shifting T-1000 seen in Terminator 2, along with the feisty Madam Bo Kameo to wrap up the Khaos Reigns expansion. If you've purchased that pack (or any of the characters individually as DLC) then you can use the fresh T-1000 Fatalities to eliminate your opponents with a giant truck or your liquid metal blades, and call in a Madam Bo (Kameo) Fatality to serve their head up on a platter. Of course, there are plenty of other new finishers from the expansion, so if you haven't already tried them then now is the time to check out the Conan the Barbarian Fatalities, Ghostface Fatalities, Cyrax Fatalities, Noob Saibot Fatalities, and Sektor Fatalities.

You can use any of these Fatalities to decimate your rivals locally, or via Mortal Kombat 1 crossplay to expand your pool of opponents. If you picked up the extra pack of Seasonal Fatalities when it was available from the Rotating Premium Items store, I've also got the details on how to use the special Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Winter finishers from your kollection.

Mortal Kombat 1 Fatalities continue the most well-known tradition of the long-running fighting series – obliterating your opponent in entirely brutal fashion once you've defeated them in regular combat. This latest instalment does not hold back, featuring the usual flurry of limbs and viscera with just a hint of cheeky humor thrown in for good measure, so naturally you'll want to know how to carry out these over-the-top executions and cap off your victories. Follow the explanations below, then check out the complete list of Fatalities in Mortal Kombat 1 so you know which moves to enter when the time comes.

Note that Mortal Kombat 1 Brutalities are performed using a different method, which is explained in my separate guide.

How to unlock Mortal Kombat 1 Fatalities

Mortal Kombat 1 fatalities

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

When you get started in Mortal Kombat 1, you'll find that each character has one Fatality shown in their moves list under the Finishers tab. You can level up each character to add a second finishing move to this list with Mortal Kombat 1 unlockables, by playing Ranked, Invasion, or Tower modes with them, but crucially you don't need to unlock a Mortal Kombat 1 Fatality in order to use it (except Seasonal Fatalities) – so follow the sequences I've listed below and you can use both finishers straight away, without having to actually reveal them first.

How to perform Fatalities in Mortal Kombat 1

Mortal Kombat 1 screenshot taken from announcement trailer

(Image credit: Warner Bros. Games)

To perform Fatalities in Mortal Kombat 1, you need to wear down your opponent's health until the Finish Them prompt appears on screen, then stand at the appropriate distance from them (close, middle, or far away) and enter the correct sequence of moves to pull off your character's finisher. The moves correspond to the following buttons on each platform:

  • Front Punch: Square (PlayStation), X (Xbox), Y (Switch)
  • Back Punch: Triangle (PlayStation), Y (Xbox), X (Switch)
  • Front Kick: X (PlayStation), A (Xbox), B (Switch)
  • Back Kick: Circle (PlayStation), B (Xbox), A (Switch)
  • Block: R2 (PlayStation), RT (Xbox), ZR (Switch)
  • Kameo: R1 (PlayStation), RB (Xbox), R (Switch)

Mortal Kombat 1 fatalities Easy Fatality Token

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

Note that in addition to the individual moves I've listed below, every character can also perform an Easy Fatality by pressing Front Kick + Block, along with an Easy Kameo Fatality by holding Block + Front Punch, as long as you've purchased Easy Fatality Tokens from the Premium Items Store. So, if you don't want to memorise the finishers for each character, this still gives you a simple way to end each victorious match in style if you've got the tokens to pay for it.

Seasonal Fatalities

Mortal Kombat 1 Seasonal Fatalities

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)

Originally, the first of the Seasonal Fatalities in Mortal Kombat 1 was released as DLC in October 2023 to coincide with Halloween. Then in December 2023, you could purchase the Seasonal Finishers Kollection from the Rotating Premium Items store for 1,200 Dragon Krystals, but since January 2024 this pack has not been offered for sale. Once bought, any character can perform the three finishers listed below, and while previously you could only assign one Seasonal Fatality to each fighter at a time, you can now access all three at any time alongside your regular finishers:


  • (Any) Halloween Finisher: Block (Hold) + Up, Up
  • (Any) Thanksgiving Finisher: Block (Hold) + Down, Down
  • (Any) Winter Finisher: Block (Hold) + Forward, Forward

Ashrah Fatalities


  • (Mid) Heavenly Light: Down, Forward, Down, Back Punch
  • (Mid) Threads of Ill Will: Down, Down, Back, Back Kick

Baraka Fatalities

Mortal Kombat 1 Baraka

(Image credit: Warner Bros.)


  • (Close) Split Decision: Back, Forward, Down, Front Punch
  • (Close) Fatality 2: Forward, Back, Down, Back Kick

Conan the Barbarian Fatalities


  • (Close) Secret Ingredient: Back, Forward, Down, Front Punch
  • (Close) Fatality 2: Back, Down, Back, Front Kick

Conan the Barbarian is available as part of the Khaos Reigns expansion – if you've purchased that then make sure you've installed all of the files to get access.

Cyrax Fatalities


  • (Mid) Burst Your Bubble: Down, Forward, Down, Back Kick
  • (Mid) Fatality 2: Back, Forward, Back, Back Punch

Cyrax is available as part of the Khaos Reigns expansion – if you've purchased that then make sure you've installed all of the files to get access.

Cyrax (Kameo) Fatality

Kameo Fatality

  • (Mid) Annihilation: Forward, Back, Forward, Kameo

Darrius (Kameo) Fatality

Kameo Fatality

  • (Mid) Armed & Dangerous: Down, Back, Forward, Kameo

Ermac Fatalities


  • (Mid) Vitruvian Maim: Down, Forward, Down, Back Kick
  • (Close) Fatality 2: Forward, Back, Forward, Back, Back Punch

Ermac is available as part of the Kombat Pack – if you've purchased it and he's still showing as locked on the character selection screen then you may need to visit your platform's store to manually download him separately.

Ferra (Kameo) Fatality

Kameo Fatality

  • (Far) Down The Middle: Down, Forward, Down, Kameo

Note that although the in-game move list says this Kameo Fatality should be performed from Mid distance, my personal testing has shown it actually only works at a Far distance.

Ferra is a Kameo character released as part of the Kombat Pack – if you've purchased it and she's still showing as locked on the character selection screen then you may need to visit your platform's store to manually download her separately.

Frost (Kameo) Fatality

Kameo Fatality

  • (Mid) Breaking Point: Back, Down, Back, Kameo

General Shao Fatalities


  • (Mid) Spin Cycle: Back, Forward, Down, Front Punch
  • (Mid) Axe-ident: Down, Forward, Back, Front Punch

Geras Fatalities


  • (Mid) Sand Storm: Forward, Down, Down, Back Kick
  • (Close) Fatality 2: Down, Forward, Back, Front Punch

Ghostface Fatalities


  • (Close) Slashing The Fourth Wall: Down, Forward, Down, Front Kick
  • (Close) Fatality 2: Back, Forward, Back, Back Punch

Ghostface is available as part of the Khaos Reigns expansion – if you've purchased that then make sure you've installed all of the files to get access.

Goro (Kameo) Fatality

Kameo Fatality

  • (Close) Prince Of Pain: Back, Forward, Down, Kameo

Havik Fatalities


  • (Close) Atomic Heart: Down, Forward, Down, Back Kick
  • (Close) Fatality 2: Forward, Back, Down, Back Punch

Note: You need to complete the Kampaign to unlock Havik.

Homelander Fatalities


  • (Mid) Winging It: Down, Forward, Down, Front Kick
  • (Mid) Fatality 2: Back, Forward, Back, Back Punch

Homelander is available as part of the Kombat Pack – if you've purchased it and he's still showing as locked on the character selection screen then you may need to visit your platform's store to manually download him separately.

Janet Cage (Kameo) Fatality

Kameo Fatality

  • (Close) Killing Blow: Forward, Back, Forward, Kameo

Janet Cage is another Kameo character released as part of the Kombat Pack – if you've purchased it and she's still showing as locked on the character selection screen then you may need to visit your platform's store to manually download her separately.

Jax (Kameo) Fatality

Kameo Fatality

  • (Far) Big Boot: Down, Forward, Down, Kameo

Johnny Cage Fatalities


  • (Close) Hollywood Walk Of Pain: Forward, Back, Down, Back Punch
  • (Mid or Far) Fatality 2: Forward, Down, Back, Back Kick

Kano (Kameo) Fatality

Kameo Fatality

  • (Mid) Heart Ripper: Back, Down, Forward, Kameo

Kenshi Fatalities


  • (Close) Blended: Forward, Down, Down, Back Punch
  • (Mid) Fatality 2: Back, Down, Back, Front Punch

Khameleon (Kameo) Fatality

Kameo Fatality

  • (Close) Fantasize: Down, Forward, Down, Kameo

Khameleon is a Kameo character released as part of the Kombat Pack – if you've purchased it and she's still showing as locked on the character selection screen then you may need to visit your platform's store to manually download her separately.

Kitana Fatalities


  • (Mid) Royal Blender: Down, Forward, Down, Back Kick
  • (Close) Last Kiss: Down, Down, Back, Back Kick

Kung Lao Fatalities


  • (Mid) Lao’d And Clear: Back, Forward, Back, Back Kick
  • (Close) Ripper: Back, Down, Down, Front Kick

Kung Lao (Kameo) Fatality

Kameo Fatality

  • (Mid) Klean Kut: Forward, Back, Forward, Kameo

Note: You need to reach account level 15 to unlock Kung Lao as a Kameo.

Li Mei Fatalities


  • (Close) Roman Candle: Forward, Back, Forward, Front Kick
  • (Close) Happy New Year: Back, Forward, Down, Back Kick

Liu Kang Fatalities


  • (Close) Double Dragon: Down, Forward, Back, Back Kick
  • (Close) Spaghettification: Back, Forward, Back, Front Kick

Madam Bo (Kameo) Fatality

Kameo Fatality

  • (Mid) Head Busser: Back, Forward, Down, Kameo

Madam Bo is a Kameo character released as part of the Khaos Reigns expansion – if you've purchased that then make sure you've installed all of the files to get access.

Mavado (Kameo) Fatality

Kameo Fatality

  • (Mid) Katapult: Back, Down, Down, Kameo

Mavado is a Kameo character released as part of the Kombat Pack – if you've purchased it and he's still showing as locked on the character selection screen then you may need to visit your platform's store to manually download him separately.

Mileena Fatalities


  • (Close) Appetizer: Back, Forward, Back, Front Punch
  • (Close) A Little To The Left: Down, Forward, Back, Front Kick

Motaro (Kameo) Fatality

Kameo Fatality

  • (Mid) Brain Blast: Forward, Down, Down + Kameo

Note: You need to reach account level 25 to unlock Motaro as a Kameo.

Nitara Fatalities


  • (Mid) Vaeternus KomBAT: Down, Down, Back, Front Punch
  • (Mid or Far) Fatality 2: Back, Down, Back, Back Kick

Noob Saibot Fatalities


  • (Far) Shadow Play: Forward, Back, Down, Back Punch
  • (Mid) Fatality 2: Down, Down, Forward, Back Punch

Noob Saibot is available as part of the Khaos Reigns expansion – if you've purchased that then make sure you've installed all of the files to get access.

Omni-Man Fatalities


  • (Close) Trained Killer: Down, Down, Back, Back Kick
  • (Mid) Fatality 2: Down, Forward, Back, Front Kick

Omni-Man is available as part of the Kombat Pack – if you've purchased it and he's still showing as locked on the character selection screen then you may need to visit your platform's store to manually download him separately.

Peacemaker Fatalities


  • (Mid) Pest Exterminator: Down, Forward, Down, Back Kick
  • (Mid) Fatality 2: Forward, Back, Forward, Back, Back Punch

Peacemaker is available as part of the Kombat Pack – as with other DLC fighters, if you've purchased it and he's still showing as locked on the character selection screen then you may need to visit your platform's store to manually download him separately.

Quan Chi Fatalities


  • (Mid) Pentamagic Trick: Forward, Back, Forward, Back, Back Punch
  • (Mid) Fatality 2: Back, Down, Forward, Back, Back Kick

Quan Chi is the second main fighter released as part of the Kombat Pack – if you've purchased it and he's still showing as locked on the character selection screen then you may need to visit your platform's store to manually download him separately.

Raiden Fatalities


  • (Close) The Storm’s Arrival: Back, Forward, Back, Back Punch
  • (Mid or Far) Fatality 2: Down, Forward, Back, Front Punch

Rain Fatalities


  • (Close) The Red Sea: Down, Down, Back, Back Kick
  • (Mid) Under Pressure: Down, Forward, Back, Front Kick

Reiko Fatalities


  • (Mid) The Impaler: Down, Down, Back + Back Punch
  • (Close) For The General: Back, Down, Down, Back Kick

Reptile Fatalities


  • (Mid) Indigestion: Forward, Back, Down, Back Kick
  • (Close) Acid Reflux: Forward, Down, Back, Front Kick

Sareena (Kameo) Fatality

Kameo Fatality

  • (Mid) Inner Demon: Back, Down, Down, Kameo

Scorpion Fatalities


  • (Mid) Eye-Palling Victory: Down, Forward, Back, Block
  • (Mid) Killer Klones From Netherrealm: Back, Forward, Back, Back Punch

Scorpion (Kameo) Fatality

Kameo Fatality

  • (Mid) Toasty!!!: Down, Forward, Down, Kameo

Note: You need to reach account level 5 to unlock Scorpion as a Kameo.

Sektor Fatalities


  • (Mid) Cyber Crematorium: Down, Forward, Down, Back Kick
  • (Mid) Fatality 2: Forward, Back, Forward, Back, Back Punch

Sektor is available as part of the Khaos Reigns expansion – if you've purchased that then make sure you've installed all of the files to get access.

Sektor (Kameo) Fatality

Kameo Fatality

  • (Far) Kompactor: Back, Forward, Back, Kameo

Note that although the in-game move list says this Kameo Fatality should be performed from Mid distance, my personal testing has shown it actually only works at a Far distance.

Shang Tsung Fatalities


  • (Close) Side Effects: Back, Down, Down, Back Kick
  • (Mid) Fatality 2: Forward, Down, Back, Back Punch

Shujinko (Kameo) Fatality

Kameo Fatality

  • (Mid) Five Point Strike: Down, Back, Down, Kameo

Note: You need to reach account level 20 to unlock Shujinko as a Kameo

Sindel Fatalities


  • (Mid) Hair Comes Trouble: Down, Back, Down, Front Punch
  • (Mid to Far) Livin' The Scream: Back, Forward, Back, Back Punch

Smoke Fatalities


  • (Anywhere) Hazed And Infused: Back, Forward, Down, Front Punch
  • (Anywhere) Fatality 2: Down, Forward, Back, Back Punch

Sonya Blade (Kameo) Fatality

Kameo Fatality

  • (Mid) Kiss: Back, Forward, Down, Kameo

Stryker (Kameo) Fatality

Kameo Fatality

  • (Mid) Safety Vest: Forward, Down, Forward, Kameo

Sub-Zero Fatalities


  • (Anywhere) Hairline Fracture: Forward, Down, Down, Back Punch
  • (Close) Brain Freeze: Forward, Back, Down, Back Kick

Sub-Zero (Kameo) Fatality

Kameo Fatality

  • (Mid) Spine Rip: Forward, Down, Forward, Kameo

Note: You need to reach account level 10 to unlock Sub-Zero as a Kameo.

T-1000 Fatalities


  • (Close) Judgment Day: Down, Forward, Down, Front Kick
  • (Close) Fatality 2: Back, Forward, Back, Back Punch

T-1000 is available as part of the Khaos Reigns expansion – if you've purchased that then make sure you've installed all of the files to get access.

Takeda Fatalities


  • (Mid) Millipede's Bite: Down, Forward, Down, Front Kick
  • (Mid) Fatality 2: Back, Forward, Back, Back Punch

Takeda is available as part of the Kombat Pack – if you've purchased it and he's still showing as locked on the character selection screen then you may need to visit your platform's store to manually download him separately.

Tanya Fatalities


  • (Close) Helping Hands: Down, Back, Down, Front Kick
  • (Mid) Top Off: Back, Forward, Down, Back Punch

Tremor (Kameo) Fatality

Kameo Fatality

  • (Mid) Disembowling Ball: Down, Forward, Back, Kameo

Tremor was the first Kameo character to be released as part of the Kombat Pack – if you've purchased it and he's still showing as locked on the character selection screen then you may need to visit your platform's store to manually download him separately.

© GamesRadar+. Not to be reproduced without permission.

Iain Wilson
Guides Editor

Iain originally joined Future in 2012 to write guides for CVG, PSM3, and Xbox World, before moving on to join GamesRadar in 2013 as Guides Editor. His words have also appeared in OPM, OXM, PC Gamer, GamesMaster, and SFX. He is better known to many as ‘Mr Trophy’, due to his slightly unhealthy obsession with amassing intangible PlayStation silverware, and he now has over 750 Platinum pots weighing down the shelves of his virtual award cabinet. He does not care for Xbox Achievements.

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