Mortal Kombat (2011) cheats


Xbox 360, PS3 | Submitted by GamesRadar

Vs Screen Codes

Vs Screen

Armless Kombat: P1: 9-1-1 P2: 9-1-1

Blocking Disabled: P1: 0-2-0 P2: 0-2-0

Breakers Disabled: P1: 0-9-0 P2: 0-9-0

Dark Kombat: P1: 0-2-2 P2: 0-2-2

Double Dash: P1: 3-9-1 P2: 1-9-3

Dream Kombat: P1: 2-2-2 P2: 5-5-5

Enhance Moves Disabled: P1: 0-5-1 P2: 1-5-0

Explosive Kombat: P1: 2-2-7 P2: 2-2-7

Foreground Objects Disabled: P1: 0-0-1 P2: 0-0-1

Headless Kombat: P1: 8-0-8 P2: 8-0-8

Health Recovery: P1: 0-1-2 P2: 0-1-2

Hyper Fighting: P1: 0-9-1 P2: 0-9-1

Invisible Kombat: P1: 7-7-0 P2: 7-7-0

Jumping Disabled: P1: 8-3-1 P2: 8-3-1

Kombos Disabled: P1: 9-3-1 P2: 9-3-1

No Blood: P1: 9-0-0 P2: 9-0-0

Player 2 Half Health: P1: 0-0-0 P2: 1-1-0

Power Bars Disabled: P1: 4-0-4 P2: 4-0-4

Psycho Kombat: P1: 7-0-7 P2: 7-0-7

Quick Uppercut Recovery: P1: 3-0-3 P2: 3-0-3

Rainbow Kombat: P1: 2-3-4 P2: 2-3-4

Sans Power: P1: 0-4-4 P2: 4-4-0

Silent Kombat: P1: 3-0-0 P2: 3-0-0

Specials Disabled: P1: 7-3-1 P2: 7-3-1

Super Recovery: P1: 1-2-3 P2: 1-2-3

Throwing Disabled: P1: 1-0-0 P2: 1-0-0

Throwing Encouraged: P1: 0-1-0 P2: 0-1-0

Tournament Mode: P1: 1-1-1 P2: 1-1-1

Unlimited Super Meter: P1: 4-6-6 P2: 4-6-6

Vampire Kombat: P1: 4-2-4 P2: 4-2-4

X-Rays Disabled: P1: 2-4-2 P2: 2-4-2

Zombie Kombat: P1: 6-6-6 P2: 6-6-6

PS3 | Submitted by GamesRadar

Mortal Kombat King Of The Hill Codes

Spectator mode commands

#1 Point: Down, Up, Triangle

"$%#&!": Up, Up, Circle

"FATALITY": Up, Up, Right, Right, square

"FIGHT!: Left, Right, square

"Finish Him!": Left, Right, Left, Right, triangle

"HA!": Down, Up, Down, X

"I'm Not Worthy": Down, Down, triangle

Big Clap: Right, Up, triangle

Cheese: Left, Up, Down, circle

Cover Face: Left, Right, circle

Devil Horns: Down, Up, square

Diamond: Up, Up, Down, Left, triangle

Double Devil Horns Towards Screen.: Up, Down, triangle

Gather Ice: Right, Right, Right, Left, triangle

Hop: Up, Up, square

Lighter: Down, Down, Up, Up, square

Point: Right, Right, square

Raiden Pose: Left, Left, Right, Right, square

Shake Head: Left, Right, X

Skunk (Stench): Up, Down, Down, circle

Sleep: Down, Down, Down, circle

Stink Wave: Right, Left, circle

Throw Tomato: Down, Down, Down, Up, X

Xbox 360, PS3 | Submitted by GamesRadar

Secret Battles

Arcade Mode

These secret battles can only be unlocked in Arcade Mode.

Unlockable Secret "Jade" Battle: Get a double flawless victory and perform a fatality on Shang Tsung when battling against him.

Secret "Smoke" Battle: On "The Living Forest" stage wait until Smoke appears behind one of the trees. On that moment press Down + the "Back" button repeatedly.

Secret "Reptile" Battle: On "The Pit 2 (Night)" stage wait until a shadowy figure flies across the moon, then get a double flawless victory and perform a stage fatality.

Secret "Noob Saibot" Battle: When you see Noob in "The Temple" stage's background win that battle without using the RT (Block) button.

Xbox 360, PS3 | Submitted by CheatPlanet

Mortal Kombat Fatalities

Fatality list


Take A Spin: Press Forward, Forward, Down, Down, A/X when in sweeping distance.

Up The Middle: Press Back, Forward, Down, Forward, X/Square when in sweeping distance.


Stage Fatality: Down, Down, Down, Down, A/X.

Cyber Sub-Zero

Brain Freeze: Press Down, Down, Back, Down, X/Square when in jumping distance.

Kold Fusion: Press Down, Back, Down, Forward, Y/Triangle when in jumping distance.

Babality: Down, Back, Forward, RT/R2 at jumping distance.

Stage Fatality:Down, Down, Up, RT/R2.


Babality: Press Down, Forward, Back, Y/Triangle when in jumping distance.

Buzz Kill: Press Forward, Down, Forward, Back, Y/Triangle when touching.

Nothing But Net: Press Back, Down, Back, Forward, X/Square when in jumping distance.

Stage Fatality: Down, Up, RT/R2.


Mind Over Splatter: Press Down, Up, Down, Down, RT/R2 when in jumping distance.

Pest Control: Press Forward, Back, Forward, Down, B/Circle when in jumping distance.

Stage Fatality: Press Down, Up, Down, Down, A/X.



Half Mast: Press Back, Down, Back, Down, B/Circle when in sweeping distance.

Head-A-Rang: Press Up, Up, Down, Forward, X/Square when in fullscreen distance.

Stage Fatality: Press Back, Forward, Down, RT/R2.



Smash And Grab: Press Back, Forward, Forward, Back, Y/Triangle when touching.

Three Points!: Press Forward, Forward, Back, Down, A/X when in sweeping distance.

Stage Fatality: Press Down, Forward, Down, X/Square.


Johnny Cage

And The Winner Is!...: Press Down, Forward, Down, Forward, B/Circle when in sweeping distance.

Heads Up!: Press Forward, Forward, Back, Down, A/X when close.


Stage Fatality: Down, Back, Forward, RT/R2.


Hook Up: Press Back, Forward, Back, Forward, X/Square when in sweeping distance.

It Takes Guts: Press Down, Down, Back, Forward, RT/R2 when in sweeping distance.

Babality: Down, Forward, Down, Y/Triangle at jumping distance.

Stage Fatality: Down, Down, B/Circle.


Eat Your Heart Out: Press Down, Down, Forward, Back, B/Circle when in sweeping distance.

Heartbreak: Press Back, Down, Back, Forward, X/Square when in sweeping distance.


Stage Fatality: Up, Up, Back, A/X.


Fan Opener: Press Down, Down, Back, Forward, Y/Triangle when close.

Splitting Headache: Press Forward, Down, Forward, Back, A/X sweeping distance.

Stage Fatality: Forward, Down, Down, A/X.


Kung Lao

Hat Trick: Press Back, Forward, Forward, Back, Y/Triangle when in sweeping distance.

Razor's Edge: Press Down, Down, Forward, Back, X/Square when in sweeping distance.


Stage Fatality:

Liu Kang

Fist Of Flame: Press Forward, Back, Down(2), A/X when in sweeping distance.

The Beast Within: Press Down(2), Forward, Down, B/Circle when in jumping distance.

Babality: Down, Down, Down, B/Circle at jumping distance

Stage Fatality:Down, Forward, Back, A/X


Be Mine: Press Back, Forward, Back, Forward, Y/Triangle when in jumping distance.

Rip Off: Press Back, Forward, Back, Down, A/X when in jumping distance.

Babality: Down, Down, Forward, Back Y/Triangle at jumping distance.

Stage Fatality: Down, Down, Down, X/Square.


Ascension: Press Down, Down, Forward, Back, X/Square when in sweeping distance.

Little Off The Top: Press Down, Forward, Down, Back, B/Circle when in jumping distance.

Stage Fatality: Down, Down, Down, RT/R2.


As One: Press Down(2), Back, Down, RT/R2 when in sweeping distance.

Make A Wish: Press Back, Forward, Back, Down, B/Circle when in sweeping distance.

Quan Chi

Beat Down: Press Forward(2), Down, Down X/Square when in sweeping distance.

On Your Knees: Press Down, Forward, Down, Forward, B/Circle when in sweeping distance.

Stage Fatality: Back, Forward, Down, Y/Triangle.


Just A Scratch: Press Down, Forward, Down, Forward, X/Square when in sweeping distance.

Transplant: Press Back, Forward, Forward Down, B/Circle when in sweeping distance.

Stage Fatality: Down, Down, Down, Y/Triangle.


Acid Yak: Press Forward, Down, Down, Up, A/X when in sweeping distance.

Weight Loss: Press Down, Down Forward, Back, X/Square when in sweeping distance.

Tasty Meal (Classic): Back, Back, Forward, Down, RT/R2 Note: Requires Reptile's DLC classic costume.

Babality: Back, Forward, Back, Down, A/X at jumping distance.

Stage Fatality: Forward, Down, Down, RT/R2.


Nether Gates: Press Back, Forward, Back, A/X when touching.

Split Descision: Press Forward, Down, Forward, Y/Triangle when touching.

Toasty! (Classic): Press Down, Up, Up, Y/Triangle when in jumping distance. Note: Requires Scorpion's alternate costume.

Babality:Down, Back, Forward, Down, Y/Triangle at jumping distance.

Stage Fatality: Forward, Up, Up, X/Square.


Lend A Hand: Press Forward, Back, Forward, Back, B/Circle when in sweeping distance.

Stripped Down: Press Forward, Down, Down, Forward, X/Square when in sweeping distance.

Stage Fatality: Down, Down, Down, Down X/Square.


Migraine: Press Back, Forward, Down, Forward, X/Square when in sweeping distance.

Mouthful: Press Back, Forward, Up, Y/Triangle when in sweeping distance.

Babality: Down, Down, Down, Up at jumping distance.

Stage Fatality: Down, Down, Down X/Square.


Robo-Sek: Press Forward, Down, Back, Forward, A/X when in fullscreen distance.

The Scarecrow: Press Down, Down, Forward, Back, X/Square when in fullscreen distance.

Stage Fatality: Down, Forward, Down RT/R2.

Shang Tsung

Bang Bang!: Press Down, Back, Down, Forward, A/ when in jumping distance.

Identity Theft: Press Down, Down Back, Down, Y/Triangle when in jumping distance.

Babality: Down, Back, Down A/X at jumping distance.

Stage Fatality:


Smoked Out: Press Back, Forward, Back, Forward, X/Square when in sweeping distance.

Tremor: Press Back, Back, Down, Forward, Y/Triangle when in sweeping distance.

Babality: Down, Back, Down, Forward, Down in jumping distance.

Stage Fatality: Forward, Up, Up, X/Square.

Sonya Blade

Kut-Throat: Press Down, Back, Forward, Back, B/Circle when in sweeping distance.

Scissor Split: Press Down, Down, Back, Forward, X/Square when in jumping distance.

Babality: Down, Down, Forward A/X.

Stage Fatality: Back, Forward, Down Y/Triangle.


Have A Blast: Press Down, Forward, Down, Forward, RT/R2 when in sweeping distance.

Time Served: Press Forward, Down, Forward, A/X when in sweeping distance.

Babality: Down, Forward, Down, Back Y/Triangle at jumping distance.

Stage Fatality: Forward, Up, Up, B/Circle.


Have An Ice Day: Press Back, Forward, Down, Forward, B/Circle when in sweeping distance.

Spinal Smash: Press Down, Back, Down, Forward, Y/Triangle when in sweeping distance.

Babality: Down Back Down B/Circle at jumping distance.

Spine Rip (classic): Forward, Down, Forward Y/Triangle at close range.

Stage Fatality: Forward, Down, Back Y/Triangle.

Xbox 360, PS3 | Submitted by GamesRadar

Kombat Codes

Code List

Armless Kombat:9-1-1-9-1-1

Blocking Disabled: 0-2-0-0-2-0

Enhance Moves Disabled: 0-5-1-1-5-0

Explosive Kombat: 2-2-7-2-2-7

Headless Kombat: 8-0-8-8-0-8

Quick Uppercut Recovery: 3-0-3-3-0-3

Rainbow Kombat: 2-3-4-2-3-4

Sans Power: 0-4-4-4-4-0

Silent Kombat: 3-0-0-3-0-0

Specials Disabled: 7-3-1-7-3-1

Super Recovery: 1-2-3-1-2-3

Throwing Encouraged: 0-1-0-0-1-0

Tournament Mode: 1-1-1-1-1-1

X-Rays Disabled: 2-4-2-2-4-2

Zombie Kombat: 6-6-6-6-6-6


PS Vita, PS Vita | Submitted by GamesRadar

Mortal Kombat Trophy List

Trophy List

Platinum Trophy (Platinum)

You've unlocked all Trophies!

Halfway There! (Bronze)

Complete Story Mode 50%.

Back In Time... (Silver)

Complete Story Mode 100%.

A For Effort (Bronze)

Complete Tutorial Mode.

Fatality! (Bronze)

Perform a Fatality!

Block This! (Bronze)

Perform a 10-hit combo with any fighter.

The Grappler (Bronze)

Perform every fighter's forward and backwards throws.

Where's The Arcade? (Bronze)

Complete Arcade Ladder with Any Fighter.

Arcade Champion (Silver)

Complete Arcade Ladder with All Fighters.

Finish What You Start! (Bronze)

Perform a Fatality with all playable fighters.

Touch and Go (Bronze)

Perform 1 "-ality" using the PlayStation®Vita system touchscree.

Ladder Master (Bronze)

Complete Arcade Ladder on max difficulty without using a continue.

Don't Jump! (Bronze)

Win A Ranked Online Match without jumping.

What Does This Button Do?? (Bronze)

Complete Arcade Ladder without blocking (allowed to continue).

Tough Guy! (Bronze)

Win a Versus Match.

Robots Rule! (Bronze)

Win Arcade Tag Ladder with robot Sektor and Cyrax.

Outstanding! (Silver)

Win 10 Ranked Online Matches in a row.

Cyber Challenger (Bronze)

Complete 100 Versus Matches.

Wavenet... (Silver)

Win 100 total Versus Matches.

Humiliation (Bronze)

Get a Flawless Victory in a Versus Match.

Tower Recruit (Bronze)

Complete 50 bonus tower missions.

Undertaker (Bronze)

Unlock 50% of the Krypt.

The Krypt Keeper (Silver)

Unlock 100% of the Krypt.

There Will Be Blood! (Bronze)

Spill 10000 pints of blood.

License to Kill (Bronze)

Complete Fatality Trainer.

Tower Champion (Silver)

Complete 100 bonus tower missions.

Throws Are For Champs (Bronze)

Perform 8 throws in an Online Ranked Match.

Balancing Act (Bronze)

Complete all Test Your Balance mini-game challenges.

Slice of Life (Bronze)

Swipe your way through a set of all-new mini-game challenges.

Luck Be A Lady (Bronze)

Get all MK Dragons in Test Your Luck.

e-X-cellent! (Bronze)

Successfully land every playable fighter's X-Ray.

Tower God (Gold)

Complete all 150 bonus tower missions.

You've Got Style! (Bronze)

Unlock all Alternate Costumes.

My Kung Fu Is Strong (Silver)

Gain Mastery of 1 Fighter.

My Kung Fu Is Stronger (Gold)

Gain Mastery of All Fighters.

I "Might" Be the Strongest (Bronze)

Complete all Test Your Might mini-game challenges.

Dim Mak! (Bronze)

Complete all Test Your Strike mini-game challenges.

These Aren't My Glasses! (Bronze)

Complete all Test Your Sight mini-game challenges.

Tower Apprentice (Bronze)

Complete 25 Tower missions.

Tower Master (Silver)

Complete all Tower missions.

Tag, You're It! (Bronze)

Perform and land a Tag Combo.

Secret Trophies

Three's Company (Silver)

Unlock Kenshi, Skarlet, and Rain Alternate Costumes.

Best...Alternate...Ever! (Bronze)

Unlock Mileena's 3rd Alternate Costume.

Complet-ality (Bronze)

Perform 1 of each type of "-ality."

Finish Him? (Bronze)

Perform any fighter's hidden finishing move.

Ultimate Humiliation (Silver)

Perform every fighter's hidden finishing move.

The Fall Guy! (Bronze)

Discover all the deathtraps in Test Your Balance.

You Found Me! (Bronze)

Discover and fight Hidden Kombatant 1 in Arcade Ladder.

Hide and Seek (Bronze)

Discover and fight Hidden Kombatant 2 in Arcade Ladder.

Pit Master (Bronze)

Discover and fight Hidden Kombatant 3 in Arcade Ladder.

Brotherhood of Shadow (Bronze)

Discover and fight Hidden Kombatant 4 in Arcade Ladder.

Xbox 360, PS3 | Submitted by CheatPlanet

Mortal Kombat Fatalities

MK9 Fatalities


Take A Spin: Press Forward(2), Down(2), X when in sweeping distance.

Up The Middle: Press Back, Forward, Down, Forward, Square when in sweeping distance.

Cyber Sub-Zero

Brain Freeze: Press Down(2), Back, Down, Square when in jumping distance.

Kold Fusion: Press Down, Back, Down, Forward, Triangle when in jumping distance.


Babality: Press Down, Forward, Back, Triangle when in jumping distance.

Buzz Kill: Press Forward, Down, Forward, Back, Triangle when touching.

Nothing But Net: Press Back, Down, Back, Forward, Square when in jumping distance.


Mind Over Splatter: Press Down, Up, Down(2), R2 when in jumping distance.

Pest Control: Press Forward, Back, Forward, Down, Circle when in jumping distance.

Stage Fatality: Press Down, Up, Down(2), X.


Half Mast: Press Back, Down, Back, Down, Circle when in sweeping distance.

Head-A-Rang: Press Up(2), Down, Forward, Square when in fullscreen distance.

Stage Fatality: Press Back, Forward, Down, R2.


Smash And Grab: Press Back, Forward(2), Back, Triangle when touching.

Three Points!: Press Forward(2), Back, Down, X when in sweeping distance.

Stage Fatality: Press Down, Forward, Down, Square.

Johnny Cage

And The Winner Is!...: Press Down, Forward, Down, Forward, Circle when in sweeping distance.

Heads Up!: Press Forward(2), Back, Down, X when close.


Hook Up: Press Back, Forward, Back, Forward, Square when in sweeping distance.

It Takes Guts: Press Down(2), Back, Forward, R2 when in sweeping distance.


Eat Your Heart Out: Press Down(2), Forward, Back, Circle when in sweeping distance.

Heartbreak: Press Back, Down, Back, Forward, Square when in sweeping distance.


Fan Opener: Press Down(2), Back, Forward, Triangle when close.

Splitting Headache: Press Forward, Down, Forward, Back, X sweeping distance.

Kung Lao

Hat Trick: Press Back, Forward(2), Back, Triangle when in sweeping distance.

Razor's Edge: Press Down(2), Forward, Back, Square when in sweeping distance.

Liu Kang

Fist Of Flame: Press Forward, Back, Down(2), X when in sweeping distance.

The Beast Within: Press Down(2), Forward, Down, Circle when in jumping distance.


Be Mine: Press Back, Forward, Back, Forward, Triangle when in jumping distance.

Rip Off: Press Back, Forward, Back, Down, X when in jumping distance.


Ascension: Press Down(2), Forward, Back, Square when in sweeping distance.

Little Off The Top: Press Down, Forward, Down, Back, Circle when in jumping distance.


As One: Press Down(2), Back, Down, R2 when in sweeping distance.

Make A Wish: Press Back, Forward, Back, Down, Circle when in sweeping distance.

Quan Chi

Beat Down: Press Forward(2), Down(2), Square when in sweeping distance.

On Your Knees: Press Down, Forward, Down, Forward, Circle when in sweeping distance.


Just A Scratch: Press Down, Forward, Down, Forward, Square when in sweeping distance.

Transplant: Press Back, Forward(2), Down, Circle when in sweeping distance.


Acid Yak: Press Forward(2), Down, Up, X when in sweeping distance.

Weight Loss: Press Down(2), Forward, Back, Square when in sweeping distance.


Nether Gates: Press Back, Forward, Back, X when touching.

Split Descision: Press Forward, Down, Forward, Triangle when touching.

Toasty! (Classic): Press Down, Up(2), Triangle when in jumping distance. Note: Requires Scorpion's alternate costume.


Lend A Hand: Press Forward, Back, Forward, Back, Circle when in sweeping distance.

Stripped Down: Press Forward, Down(2), Forward, Square when in sweeping distance.


Migraine: Press Back, Forward, Down, Forward, Square when in sweeping distance.

Mouthful: Press Back, Forward, Up, Triangle when in sweeping distance.


Robo-Sek: Press Forward, Down, Back, Forward, X when in fullscreen distance.

The Scarecrow: Press Down(2), Forward, Back, Square when in fullscreen distance.

Shang Tsung

Bang Bang!: Press Down, Back, Down, Forward, X when in jumping distance.

Identity Theft: Press Down(2), Back, Down, Triangle when in jumping distance.


Smoked Out: Press Back, Forward, Back, Forward, Square when in sweeping distance.

Tremor: Press Back(2), Down, Forward, Triangle when in sweeping distance.

Sonya Blade

Kut-Throat: Press Down, Back, Forward, Back, Circle when in sweeping distance.

Scissor Split: Press Down(2), Back, Forward, Square when in jumping distance.


Have A Blast: Press Down, Forward, Down, Forward, R2 when in sweeping distance.

Time Served: Press Forward, Down, Forward, X when in sweeping distance.


Have An Ice Day: Press Back, Forward, Down, Forward, Circle when in sweeping distance.

Spinal Smash: Press Down, Back, Down, Forward, Triangle when in sweeping distance.

Xbox 360, PS3 | Submitted by CheatPlanet

Hidden Chest Locations

Hidden Chests

Search the indicated areas to find the hidden chests


Approach the tomb of DL45, then go left towards DL52. Look forward and right where little bugs appear near a patch of grass.

Hollow Of Infestation:

Follow the wall from the lake where the area starts. Six skulls bugs will appear under it.


Go right from BM81. It is under the skull on the wall.

Meadow Of Despair:

From the back row, go left from the furthest left Iron Maiden. It is on top of a slight mound around some bugs.

PS3 | Submitted by GamesRadar

Trophy List


Cyber Challenger: Complete 100 Online Matches

Wavenet...: Win 100 total Online Matches

Humiliation: Get a Flawless Victory in an Online Match

Tough Guy!: Win an Online Match

Robots Rule!: Win Arcade Tag Ladder with robot Sektor and Cyrax

Outstanding!: Win 10 Ranked Online Matches in a row

There Will Be Blood!: Spill 10000 pints of blood

License to Kill: Complete Fatality Trainer

Ultimate Respect!:Earn 2500 Respect Points via King of the Hill Matches

You Will Learn Respect!: Earn 1000 Respect Points via King of the Hill Matches

Undertaker: Unlock 50% of the Krypt

The Krypt Keeper: Unlock 100% of the Krypt

What Does This Button Do??: Complete Arcade Ladder without blocking (allowed to continue)

Fatality!: Perform a Fatality!

Block This!: Perform a 10-hit combo with any fighter

The Grappler: Perform every fighter's forward and backwards throws

Halfway There!: Complete Story Mode 50%

Back In Time...: Complete Story Mode 100%

A For Effort: Complete Tutorial Mode

The Competitor: Complete 200 Versus matches (online OR offline)

Ladder Master: Complete Arcade Ladder on max difficulty without using a continue

Don't Jump!: Win A Ranked Online Match without jumping

Where's The Arcade?: Complete Arcade Ladder with Any Fighter

Arcade Champion: Complete Arcade Ladder with All Fighters

Finish What You Start!: Perform a Fatality with all playable fighters

Tag, You're It!: Perform and land a Tag Combo

These Aren't My Glasses!: Complete all Test Your Sight mini-game challenges

Tower Apprentice: Complete 25 Tower missions

Tower Master: Complete all Tower missions

Dim Mak!: Complete all Test Your Strike mini-game challenges

I'm Not Dead Yet!: Comeback with under 10% health in an Online Ranked Match

e-X-cellent!: Successfully land every playable fighter's X-Ray attack

There Can Be Only One!: Win 10 King of the Hill Matches in a row

Throws Are For Champs: Perform 8 throws in an Online Ranked Match

Turtle!: Win both rounds with timer running out in an Online Ranked Match

My Kung Fu Is Strong: Gain Mastery of 1 Fighter

My Kung Fu Is Stronger: Gain Mastery of All Fighters

I "Might" Be the Strongest: Complete all Test Your Might mini-game challenges

Luck Be A Lady: Get all MK Dragons in Test Your Luck

You've Got Style!: Unlock all Alternate Costumes

Secret Achievements

Complet-ality: Perform 1 of each type of "-ality"

Finish Him?: Perform any fighter's hidden finishing move

Hide and Seek: Discover and fight Hidden Kombatant 2 in Arcade Ladder

Pit Master: Discover and fight Hidden Kombatant 3 in Arcade Ladder

Brotherhood of Shadow: Discover and fight Hidden Kombatant 4 in Arcade Ladder

Ultimate Humiliation: Perform every fighter's hidden finishing move

Quan-Tease: Unlock Hidden Fighter "Quan Chi"

You Found Me!: Discover and fight Hidden Kombatant 1 in Arcade Ladder

Cold Fusion: Unlock Hidden Fighter "Cyber Sub-Zero"

Best...Alternate...Ever!: Unlock Mileena's 3rd Alternate Costume

Xbox 360 | Submitted by GamesRadar

Achievement List


Cyber Challenger (20 points): Complete 100 Online Matches

Wavenet... (80 points): Win 100 total Online Matches

Humiliation (10 points): Get a Flawless Victory in an Online Match

Tough Guy! (10 points): Win an Online Match

Robots Rule!:(10 points) Win Arcade Tag Ladder with robot Sektor and Cyrax

Outstanding! (60 points): Win 10 Ranked Online Matches in a row

There Will Be Blood! (40 points): Spill 10000 pints of blood

License to Kill (20 points): Complete Fatality Trainer

Ultimate Respect! (20 points):Earn 2500 Respect Points via King of the Hill Matches

You Will Learn Respect! (10 points): Earn 1000 Respect Points via King of the Hill Matches

Undertaker (20 points): Unlock 50% of the Krypt

The Krypt Keeper (20 points): Unlock 100% of the Krypt

What Does This Button Do?? (10 points): Complete Arcade Ladder without blocking (allowed to continue)

Fatality! (5 points): Perform a Fatality!

Block This! (10 points): Perform a 10-hit combo with any fighter

The Grappler (10 points): Perform every fighter's forward and backwards throws

Halfway There! (5 points): Complete Story Mode 50%

Back In Time... (20 points): Complete Story Mode 100%

A For Effort (10 points): Complete Tutorial Mode

The Competitor (30 points): Complete 200 Versus matches (online OR offline)

Ladder Master (20 points): Complete Arcade Ladder on max difficulty without using a continue

Don't Jump! (10 points): Win A Ranked Online Match without jumping

Where's The Arcade? (10 points): Complete Arcade Ladder with Any Fighter

Arcade Champion (40 points): Complete Arcade Ladder with All Fighters

Finish What You Start! (60 points): Perform a Fatality with all playable fighters

Tag, You're It! (10 points): Perform and land a Tag Combo

These Aren't My Glasses! (20 points): Complete all Test Your Sight mini-game challenges

Tower Apprentice (10 points): Complete 25 Tower missions

Tower Master (20 points): Complete all Tower missions

Dim Mak! (20 points): Complete all Test Your Strike mini-game challenges

I'm Not Dead Yet! (20 points): Comeback with under 10% health in an Online Ranked Match

e-X-cellent! (10 points): Successfully land every playable fighter's X-Ray attack

There Can Be Only One! (20 points): Win 10 King of the Hill Matches in a row

Throws Are For Champs (20 points): Perform 8 throws in an Online Ranked Match

Turtle! (20 points): Win both rounds with timer running out in an Online Ranked Match

My Kung Fu Is Strong (20 points): Gain Mastery of 1 Fighter

My Kung Fu Is Stronger (60 points): Gain Mastery of All Fighters

I "Might" Be the Strongest (20 points): Complete all Test Your Might mini-game challenges

Luck Be A Lady (10 points): Get all MK Dragons in Test Your Luck

You've Got Style! (20 points): Unlock all Alternate Costumes

Secret Achievements

Complet-ality (10 points): Perform 1 of each type of "-ality"

Finish Him? (10 points): Perform any fighter's hidden finishing move

Hide and Seek (10 points): Discover and fight Hidden Kombatant 2 in Arcade Ladder

Pit Master (10 points): Discover and fight Hidden Kombatant 3 in Arcade Ladder

Brotherhood of Shadow (20 points): Discover and fight Hidden Kombatant 4 in Arcade Ladder

Ultimate Humiliation (20 points): Perform every fighter's hidden finishing move

Quan-Tease (20 points): Unlock Hidden Fighter "Quan Chi"

You Found Me! (10 points): Discover and fight Hidden Kombatant 1 in Arcade Ladder

Cold Fusion (20 points): Unlock Hidden Fighter "Cyber Sub-Zero"

Best...Alternate...Ever! (10 points): Unlock Mileena's 3rd Alternate Costume


Xbox 360 | Submitted by cannibalbatmanX

Free Koins

In the challenge ladder

On level 37 when you face Kano with Kabal, every hit you inflict will give you koins after Kano powers up. Once you are close to dying reset the match. It will reset the match while u keep the koins u have earned. Once you complete the task however you cannot restart and collect any more koins.

Xbox 360, PS3 | Submitted by CheatPlanet

Alternate Color Costumes

Select you character with Start, then press X(PS3)/A(360) for the regular color, or press Start again for the Alt Color.


Xbox 360 | Submitted by styles lcvoc416

Unlock Original Music

stage selection screen

Press y/Triangle on the controller to pull up the stage select screen and find a stage you want to play on. Instead of pressing A/X press start and a creepy laugh should sound and when the stage starts the original music for that stage will come on instead of the current music. (Note: only Mortal Kombat 1-3 stages do this )

PS3 | Submitted by mermorph56

Skarlet And Tanya

Story and Colosseum

Have you noticed that there are two women in the backround of the colosseum(if you see Kitana,I'm not talking about her)? Those two women are Skarlet and Tanya(Skarlet: MKII,MK9 Tanya:MK4-MK9). In fact, Skarlet was a cameo in the MK9 story. Tanya was cameo in colosseum.

Iain Wilson
Guides Editor

Iain originally joined Future in 2012 to write guides for CVG, PSM3, and Xbox World, before moving on to join GamesRadar in 2013 as Guides Editor. His words have also appeared in OPM, OXM, PC Gamer, GamesMaster, and SFX. He is better known to many as ‘Mr Trophy’, due to his slightly unhealthy obsession with amassing intangible PlayStation silverware, and he now has over 750 Platinum pots weighing down the shelves of his virtual award cabinet. He does not care for Xbox Achievements.

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