Mortal Kombat 2011 guide
"Vengance shall be mine!"
Hanzo Hasashi was once a member of the Japanese Shirai Ryu ninja clan. Given
the name Scorpion for his blindingly fast and deadly fighting skill, his life
was blessed with glorious kombat in the name of his Grand Master. But when he,
his family and his clan were brutally exterminated by Sub-Zero and the
Lin Kuei, Scorpion's existence became eternal torment. Resurrected by the
malevolent necromancer Quan Chi, he entered the Mortal Kombat tournament to
slay Sub-Zero and avenge the murders of his kin.
Uppercut - Down + [BP]
Down Slice - Back + [BP] (hold)
Blade Overhead - Forward + [BP]
Heel Kick - Back + [FK]
Shin Blast - Forward + [FK]
Sweep - Back + [BK]
Fast Tag
Underworld - [BP], [FP] + [BP], Tag
Soulless - Back + [BP], Tag
Tag Combos
Eternal Vengeance - [FP], [FP], Tag
Punishment - [BP], [FP], Tag
Affliction - Forward + [BP], [FP], Tag
Revenge - [FK], [FK], Tag
Torment - [FP] ([FK]X)
Damnation - [FP], [FP], [BK]
Brimstone - [BP], [FP], [BP]
Grave Digger - [BP], [FP] + [BP]
Doom Blade - Forward + [BP], [FP], [BK]
Dead End - Forward Kick, Forward Kick, [BK]
Grievance - Forward + [BK], [FK]
Special Moves
Spear - Back, Back, [FP]
Demon Fire - Down, Back, [BP]
Teleport - Down, Back, [FK]
Takedown - Down, Back, [BK]
Air Throw - Block
(Can be done in air)
Enhanced Attacks
(Requires one bar of Super)
Flame Spear - Back, Back, [FP] + Block
Hell Fire - Down, Back, [BP] + Block
Flameport - Down, Back, [FK] + Block
Takeout - Down, Back, [BK] + Block
X-Ray Move
(Requires full Super bar)
Scorpion Sting - Flip Stance + Block
Finishing Moves
Split Decision - Forward, Down, Forward, [BP]
(Scorpion slashes the neck and waist of his opponent and then kicks the
torso away. As the opponent's head is midair, he slashes it in two
down the middle.)
Nether-Gate - Back, Forward, Back, [FK] (sw)
Stage fatality - Forward, Up, Up, [FP]
Babality - Down, Back, Forward, Down, [BP]
Klassic Fatality - Down, Up, Up, [BP] Jump
"I will show no mercy!"
The son of the Grand Master, it was never in question that Sektor would join
the Lin Kuei. What pleases the Grand Master is the degree to which his son
relishes the life of an assassin. The secretive clan allows Sektor to express
his darker nature, using any means necessary to complete his tasks. Hired by
Shang Tsung, his current assignment is to attend the Mortal Kombat tournament
and eliminate the Earthrealm competitors before they have a chance to compete.
Though this mission will put his clan in good standing with Shao Kahn, Sektor's
ultimate goal is to supplant his father as Grand Master of the Lin Kuei.
Uppercut - Down + [BP]
Afterburn - Back + [FP]
Gut Crusher - Back + [BP]
Toe Kick - Back + [FK]
Rising Knee - Forward + [BK]
Chargine Embow - Forward + [BP]
Sweep - Back + [BK]
Leg Lift - Up + [FK]
Toe Kick - [BK]
Sneaky Kicks - [FK], [BK]
Fast Tag
Intersect - Down, Forward, [BK], Tag
Partition - Down, Forward, [BK] + Block
(Uses one bar of Super)
System Lock - [FP], [BP], Back + [FP], Tag
Tag Combos
Detached - [FP], [BP], Tag
Spare Parts - [BP], [FP], Tag
Crank Off - Back + [BP], Tag
System Backup - Forward + [BK], Tag
Artificial Intelligence- [FP], [FP], Back + [FP]
System Overload - [FP], [BP], Back + [FP]
Hard Crash - [FP], [BP], [BP]
Malfunction - Forward + [BP], Back + [FP]
Fustion Force - [FP], [BP], [BK]
Access Denied - [FP], [FK]
Demolition - [BP], [FP], [BK]
Drive Power - Back + [BP], [FP]
User Error - Forward + [BK], [FK]
Fatal Error - Forward + [BK], [BK]
Special Moves
Flame Burner - Back, Forward, [BP]
Teleport Uppercut - Down, Forward, [BK]
Straight Missile - Back, Forward, [FP]
Up Missile
Above - Down, Back, [FK]
Behind - Down, Back, Forward, [FK]
In Front - Down, Forward, Back, [FK]
Enhanced Attacks
(Requires one bar of Super)
Flame Thrower - Back, Forward, [BP] + Block
Metal Uppercut - Down, Forward, [BK] + Block
Double Missile - Back, Forward, [FP] + Block
Homing Missile - Down, Back, [FK] + Block
X-Ray Move
(Requires full Super bar)
Massive Missile - Flip Stance + Block
Finishing Moves
Robo-Sek - Forward, Down, Back, Forward, [FK]
The Scarecrow - Down, Down, Forward, Back, [FP]
Stage Fatality - Down, Forward, Down, Block
Babality - Back, Down, Down, Down, [BK]
"Your soul is mine!"
A treacherous sorcerer who consumes the souls of his victims, Shang Tsung
has played host to the last nine Mortal Kombat tournaments in Earthrealm,
stacking the odds in favor of his master. Originally from Earthrealm,
Shang Tsung's magical abilities led him to discover the realm of Outworld.
There he fell in league with its ruler, Shao Kahn, and pledged his life
to him in return for enhanced power. He is now bound to the emperor by
powerful dark magic. For centuries he has submissively done Shao Kahn's
bidding. Should he fail in his mission to secure Earthrealm, he will
suffer the emperor's wrath.
Elbow Poke - Back + [FP]
Forearm Strike - Back + [BP]
Elbow Blast - Forward + [BP]
Shin Attack - Forward + [FK]
Quick Knee - Forward + [BK]
Uppercut - Down + [BP]
Sweep - Back + [BK]
Fast Tag
Side by Side - Back + [FP], [BP], [FP], Tag
Ruthless - [BP], [BP], [FP], Tag
Tag Combos
Soul Stealer - [FP], [BP], Tag
Burning Evil - Back + [FP], [BP], Tag
B-Trade - [BP], [BP], Tag
Two of a Kind - Forward + [BK], [FK], Tag
Bad Omen - [FP], [BP], [FP]
Soul Stain - [BP], [FP], [FP]
Soul Torment - [FP], [FK]
Reserved Pain - Back + [FP], [BP], [FP], [BK]
Death Walker - [BP], [BP], [FP]
Restored Youth - [BP], [BP], Back + [BK]
Play Time - Forward + [FK], [BK]
Deadly Truth - Forward + [BK], [FK], [BK]
Special Moves
Fire Skull - Back, Back, [FP]
Up Skull
Above - Down, Up, [BP]
Behind - Down, Forward, [BP]
In Front - Down, Back, [BP]
Ground Skull
Close - Down, Up, [BK]
Medium - Down, Back, [BK]
Far - Down, Forward, [BK]
Soul Steal - Forward, Down, Back, [FK]
Enhanced Attacks
(Requires one bar of Super)
Triple Skulls - Back, Back, [FP] + Block
Skull Storm:
Above - Down, Up, [BP] + Block
Behind - Down, Forward, [BP] + Block
In Front - Down, Back, [BP] + Block
Ground Eruption:
Close - Down, Up, [BK] + Block
Medium - Down, Back, [BK] + Block
Far - Down, Forward, [BK] + Block
Soul Capture - Forward, Down, Back, [FK] + Block
X-Ray Move
(Requires full Super bar)
Your Soul is Mine - Flip Stance + Block
Finishing Moves
Bang Bang! - Back, Down, Forward, [FK]
Identity Theft - Down, Down, Back, Down, [BP]
Stage Fatality - Up, Up, Back, [BP]
Babality - Down, Back, Down, [FK]
"For the Shokan!"
Sheeva is a member of the four-armed Shokan race. Her markings reveal that
she is of the royal Draco lineage. Like all Shokan, she pledged her life
to Shao Kahn, bringing honor to her race by serving him. During an attack
by Edenian rebels on Shao Kahn's fortress, Sheeva fiercely protected
Queen Sindel and prevented her capture. She was subsequently appointed
Sindel's personal bodyguard until the queen's mysterious death in
Earthrealm. Sheeva is now the master jailer of Shao Kahn's
oppressive dungeon.
Big Swing - Back + [FP]
Step Palms - Forward + [BP]
Low Swipe - Back + [BP]
Knee Kick - Forward + [FK]
Swinging Leg - Forward + [BK]
Uppercut - Down + [BP]
Sweep - Back + [BK]
Fast Tag
Perfect Match - [FP], [BP], Back + [FP], Tag
Better Than - [BP], [FP], [BP], Forward + [FP], Tag
Tag Combos
Helping Hands - [FP], [BP], Tag
Protector - [FP], Back + [BP], Tag
Distrusful - Back + [FP], [BP], Tag
Destruction - [BP], [FP], [BP], Tag
Shokan Fury - [FP], [BP], Back + [FP]
Blood Lust - [FP], Back + [BP], Forward + [FP]
Darkness - Back + [FP], [BP], [BP] + [FP]
Four-Way - [BP], [FP], [BP], Forward + [FP]
Sheeva Rush - [BP], [FP], [BP], Back + [FP]
Quad Toss - Back + [BP], [BP] + [FP]
Demolish - Forward + [BP], Back + [FP]
Turmoil - [FK], [FK]
Rehabilitated - Forward + [FK], [BP]
Special Moves
Fireball - Down, Forward, [BP]
Jump Stomp - Down, Up
Ground Pound - Down, Back, [BK]
Grab N Punch - Back, Forward, [FK]
Anti-Air Grab - Down, Forward, [FP]
Low Grab - Down, Back, [FK]
Enhanced Attacks
(Requires one bar of Super)
Fire Blast - Down, Forward, [BP] + Block
Jump Crush - Down, Up + Block
Ground Smash - Down, Back, [BK] + Block
Untamed Fury - Back, Forward, [FK] + Block
Power Anti-Air - Down, Forward, [FP] + Block
Anti-Duck Throw - Down, Back, [FK] + Block
X-Ray Move
(Requires full Super bar)
Slam Dance - Flip Stance + Block
Finishing Moves
Stripped Down - Forward, Down, Down, Forward, [FP]
Lend a Hand - Forward, Back, Forward, Back, [BK]
Stage Fatality - Down, Down, Down, Down, [FP]
Babality - Down, Down, Down, Back, [BK]
"You are pathetic and weak!"
The mother of Kitana, Queen Sindel was forced into marriage with Shao Kahn
when he conquered her realm of Edenia. In an attempt to thwart the emperor's
designs on Earthrealm, she sacrificed herself. Her suicide created a magical
ward preventing him from setting foot there. But now the barrier has been
dissolved. Sindel has been resurrected, her mind enslaved by Shao Kahn.
Earthrealm's former ally has become a deadly threat.
Hand Sweep - Back + [FP]
Face Chop - Forward + [FP]
Rising Fist - Back + [BP]
[FK] - Forward + [FK]
Hand Plant Heel - Back + [FK]
Split Kick - Up + [BK]
Arise - Up + [FK]
Uppercut - Down + [BP]
Sweep - Back + [BK]
Fast Tag
Royal Flush - [FP], [FP], Back + [BP], Tag
Regal Ruin - Back + [FP], [BP], Tag
Cataclysm - Back + [BP], Tag
Graceful Dead - Back + [FK], Forward + [BP]
Tag Combos
Bow To Me - [FP], [FP], Tag
Worthless - Forward + [FP], [BP], Tag
Majestic Mash - [BP], [FP], Tag
Queen's Sorrow - [FK], [FP], Tag
That Was Fun! - [BK], [BK], Tag
Undead Bride - [FP], [FP], [FP]
Royal Pain - [FP], [FP], Back + [BP], [BK]
Reburth - Back + [FP], [BP]
Confronted - Forward + [FP], [BP], [BK]
Anguish - [BP], [FP], [BP]
Sadness - [BP], [FP], Back + [FK]
Queen's Anger - [FK], [FP], [FP]
Unforgettable - Back + [FK], Forward + [BP]
Child's Play - [BK], [BK], Up + [FK]
Special Moves
Fireball - Down, Forward, [FP]
(Can be done in air)
Low Fireball - Down, Forward, [FK]
(Can be done in air)
Yell - Down, Back, [BP]
Hover - Down, Down, Up
(Press Block to land)
Hair Whip - Down, Forward, [BP]
Step Up - Down, Forward, [BK]
Enhanced Attacks
(Requires one bar of Super)
Power Fireball - Down, Forward, [FP] + Block
Low Fire - Down, Forward, [FK] + Block
Scream - Down, Back, [BP] + Block
Power Hover - Down, Down, Up + Block
Hair Toss - Down, Forward, [BP] + Block
Step Over - Down, Forward, [BK] + Block
X-Ray Move
(Requires full Super bar)
Queen B - Flip Stance + Block
Finishing Moves
Migraine - Back, Forward, Down, Forward, [FP]
Mouthful - Back, Forward, Up, [BP]
Stage Fatality - Down, Down, Down, [FP]
Babality - Down, Down, Down, Up
"Where there is smoke, there is fire!"
Originating from Prague, Tomas Vrbada was recruited by the Lin Kuei for
his impressive ability to escape capture. Able to transform into a wisp
of smoke, his talent has proved useful on countless missions. Smoke has
no memory of his childhood. His only family is the Lin Kuei, more
specifically the younger Sub-Zero, who is like a brother to him. It has
been Smoke's hope that through the Lin Kuei he will discover his past--
and the origin of his power.
Jaw Chop - Back + [FP]
Hook Kick - Back + [FK]
Spin Kicks - Forward + [BK]
Uppercut - Down + [BP]
Sweep - Back + [BK]
Fast Tag
Ashes to Ashes - [FK], Down + [FP], [BP], Tag
Dust to Dust - [FK], [BP], Tag
Tag Combos
Incinerate - [FP], [FP], Tag
Immolation - [BP], [FP], Tag
Ignite - [FK], Down + [FP], Tag
Ablaze - [FP], [FP], [BP]
Smoldering - [FP], [FK]
Red-Hot - Back + [FP], [BK]
Rekindle - [BP], [FP], [BK]
Combustion - [FK], Down + [FP], [BP]
Special Moves
Shake - Back, Forward, [FP]
Smoke Cloud - Down, Back, [BP]
Air Throw - Throw
(While in air)
Teleport - Down, Back, [BK]
(Can be done in air)
Invisibility - Down, Up, [FK]
Smoke Away - Forward, Back, [FK]
Smoke Towards - Back, Forward, [FK]
Enhanced Attacks
(Requires one bar of Super)
Vibration - Back, Forward, [FP] + Block
Smoke Bomb - Down, Back, [BP] + Block
Smokeport - Down, Back, [BK] + Block
(Can be done in air)
Vanish - Down, Up, [FK] + Block
Phase Away - Forward, Back, [FK] + Block
Phase Towards - Back, Forward, [FK] + Block
X-Ray Move
(Requires full Super bar)
Burn Out - Flip Stance + Block
Finishing Moves
Smoked Out - Back, Forward, Back, Forward, [FP]
Tremor - Back, Back, Down, Forward, [BP]
Stage Fatality - Forward, Up, Up, [FP]
Babality - Down, Back, Down, Forward, Down
"I guess I'll have to do this the hard way!"
As a girl, Sonya idolized her father, a U.S. Marine. When he embarked on
a covert operation and never returned , she vowed to honor his memory.
She joined the Marines and pushed herself hard, quickly rising in rank.
Sonya's impulsiveness didn't win her many friends, but her skills and
loyalty gained the respect and admiration of all who fought beside her.
Though she has never given up her quest to uncover the truth behind her
father's disappearance, she realizes that she might never see him again.
Now Sonya finds herself caught up in the mysterious Mortal Kombat
tournament. Like her father, she too could become a casualty of war.
Backfist - Forward + [BP]
Hookshot - Back + [BP]
Spin Kick - Back + [FK]
Sweep - Forward + [BP]
Uppercut - Down + [BP]
Military Stance - Down, Back + [BP]
Double Kick - [BK]
Power Knee - [FK]
Shoulder - [FP]
Knockdown - [BP]
Tackle - [FP] + [FK], [BP] + [FP]
Dash Punches - Forward + [FP]
Lift Off - Back + [BP]
Hit the Deck - Back + [BK]
Fast Tag
Switch Off - Back + [BP], Tag
Fatal Kiss - Down, Back, [FP], Tag
Windmill - Down, Forward, [FK], Tag
Tag Combos
Lick My Boots - [FP], [FP], Tag
Special Forced - [BP], [FP], Tag
Tough Love - Forward + [BP], Back + [BP], Tag
Honorable Discharge - [FK], [FP], Tag
Advance Force - [FP], [FP], [BP]
Fierce Assault - [FP], [FP], [FK]
Drop Zone - [BP], [FP], Back + [FK]
Ground Control - [BP], [FP], Back + [BK]
Power Rush - Forward + [BP], Back + [BP], [BK]
Mess Hall - Back + [BP], [FP], Forward + [BP]
Play Time - [FK], [FP], [BP]
Beat Up - [FK], [FP], [BK]
Pull Out - [BK], [BK]
Special Moves
Enery Ring Blast - Back, Forward, [BP]
Leg Grab - Back, Forward, [BK]
Kiss - Down, Back, [FP]
Arc Kick - Down, Back, [BK]
Kartwheel - Down, Forward, [FK]
Air Drop - Down + [BK]
(While in air)
Air Throw - Throw
Enhanced Attacks
(Requires one bar of Super)
Rings of Justice - Back, Forward, [BP] + Block
Krazy Legs - Back, Forward, [BK] + Block
Deadly Kiss - Down, Back, [FP] + Block
Arc Wave - Down, Back, [BK] + Block
Kartwheel Bash - Down, Forward, [FK] + Block
Air Strikes - Down + [BK] + Block
X-Ray Move
(Requires full Super bar)
SF Beat Up - Flip Stance + Block
Finishing Moves
Scissor Split - Down, Down, Back, Forward, [FP]
Kut-Throat - Down, Back, Forward, Back, [BK]
Stage Fatality - Back, Forward, Down, [BP]
Babality - Down, Down, Forward, [FK]
"Police brutality, comin' up!"
One of New York City's Finest, Stryker is a one-man SWAT team. He was
once decorated for single-handedly thwarting the terrorists in the famous
Greenberg Tower Incident, and again for rescuing passengers of a speeding
crosstown bus rigged to explode. He was unprepared, however, for the
magical portal that spewed forth creatures from another realm--a realm
he didn't even know existed. So far his kombat training has gotten him
through the first wave of creatures. It'll take more than rocket-launching
Tarkatans to stop this die-hard cop.
Cross Hook - Back + [FP]
Baton Twirl - Back + [BP]
Uppercut - Down + [BP]
Sweep - Back + [BK]
Fast Tag
Serve and Protect - Back + [FP], [BP], [BP], Tag
Remain Silent - Back + [BP], Forward + [BP], Tag
Affirmative - Back + [FK], [BP], Tag
Tag Combos
We Aim to Please - [FP], [FP], Tag
Officer Friendly - Back + [FP], [BP], Tag
Don't Move! - [BP], [FK], Tag
Assault and Battery - Back + [FK], [BP], Tag
Cop Out - [FP], [BP]
Dispatched - [FP], [FP], [BK]
Beat Down - Back + [FP], [BP], [BP]
Pain Patrol - [BP], [FK], [BP]
The Heat - Back + [BP], [BP]
Aggravated Assault - Back + [BP], Forward + [BP]
Spread 'Em - Back + [FP], Back + [BK]
Special Moves
Baton Sweep - Down, Back, [BK]
High Grenade Toss - Down, Back, [BP]
Low Grenade Toss - Down, Back, [FP]
Gun Shot - Back, Forward, [FP]
Roll Toss - Back, Forward, [BK]
Enhanced Attacks
(Requires one bar of Super)
Baton Bash - Down, Back, [BK] + Block
Double Grenade Toss
High - Down, Back, [BP] + Block
Low - Down, Back, [FP] + Block
Bang Bang - Back, Forward, [FP] + Block
Roll Out - Back, Forward, [BK] + Block
X-Ray Move
(Requires full Super bar)
Busted - Flip Stance + Block
Finishing Moves
Time Served - Forward, Down, Forward, [FK]
Have a Blast - Down, Forward, Down Forward, Block
Stage Fatality - Forward, Up, Up, [BK]
Babality - Down, Forward, Down, Back, [BP]
"This fight will be your last!"
An assassin of the Lin Kuei clan, Kuai Liang commands the power of ice and
cold. Unlike other members of his clan, he and his older brother, Bi-Han,
were abducted as children by the Lin Kuei and trained in the techniques of
assassination throughout their lives. Though his codename is Tundra, he has
now assumed the mantle of Sub-Zero to honor his brother after Bi-Han's
mysterious death. With the help of his fellow Lin Kuei Smoke, Sub-Zero
tirelessly hunts the one who killed his brother.
Uppercut - Down + [BP]
Force Claws - Back + [BP] (hold)
Big Leg - Forward + [BP]
Sweep - Back + [BK]
Fast Tag
Absolute Zero - [BP], [FP], Tag
Tag Combos
Freezer Burn - [FP], [FK], Tag
Arctic Assault - Back + [FP], [BP], Tag
Ability to Freeze - [BP], [BP], Tag
Frosty - [FP] (3X)
Cold Feet - [FP], [FK], Forward + [BK]
Artic Blast - [FP], [FK], Back + [BK]
Ice Pick - Back + [FP], [BP], [FP]
Ice Cold - Back + [FP], [BP], [BK]
Frost Bitten - [BP], [FP], [BP]
Ices Up - [BP], [FP], [BK]
TUndra Shoo - [FK] + [BK], [FP] + [BP]
Winter Blade - [BP] ([FK]X)
Cold Steel - [BP], [BP], [BK]
Chill Out - [FK], Forward + [BK]
Special Moves
Iceball - Down, Forward, [FK]
Slide - Back, Forward, [BK]
Ice Clone - Down, Back, [FP]
Ice Puddle - Down, Back, [FK]
Enhanced Attacks
(Requires one bar of Super)
Ice Beam - Down, Forward, [FK] + Block
Power Slide - Back, Forward, [BK] + Block
Ice Statue - Down, Back, [FP] + Block
Ground Freeze - Down, Back, [FK] + Block
X-Ray Move
(Requires full Super bar)
Deep Freeze - Flip Stance + Block
Finishing Moves
Have an Ice Day - Back, Forward, Down, Forward, [BK]
(Sub-Zero freezes his opponent up to their waist, then proceeds
to pull their upper half off.)
Spinal Smash - Down, Back, Down, Forward, [BP] (sw)
Stage fatality - Forward, Down, Forward, Forward, [BP]
Babality - Down, Back, Down, [BK]
Klassic Fatality - Forward, Down, Forward, [BP] (cl)
"You are not so fearsome!"
(To unlock Sub-Zero, complete chapter [FP][FK] of Story Mode)
Uppercut - Down + [BP]
Straight Slab - Back + [FP]
Backfist - Forward + [FP]
Chest Swipe - Back + [BP]
Head Chop - Forward + [BP]
Spinning Low Kick - Back + [FK]
Back Spin Kick - Forward + [BK]
Splits Attack - Up + [BK]
Sweep - Back + [BK]
Fast Tags
Dual Core - [FK], [BK], Tag
Meltdown - Back + [FK], [FP], Tah
Tag Combos
Dry Ice - [FP], [FP], Tag
Glacier - [BP], [FP], Tag
Ice Over - Forward + [BP], [BP], Tag
Cyborg Assault - [FP], [FP], [FP]
Automation - [FP], [FP], [BP]
Drive Power - [FP], [FP], Forward + [BK]
Freezing Pain - Forward + [FP], [BK]
Cyro Bash - Forward + [BP], [BP], [FP]
Frost - Back + [FP], [BP]
Wildcard - Back + [BP], [BP]
Upload - Back + [BP], [BK]
Nano Smash - [BP], [FP], [FP] + [BP]
System Error - [FK], [FK], [BP]
Reboot - [FK], [BK]
Blizzard - Back + [FK], [BP], [FP]
Special Moves
Ice Ball - Down, Forward, [FP]
Ice Bomb
Close - Back, Back, [FK]
Medium - Forward, Forward, [FK]
Far - Back, Back, Forward, [FK]
Slide - Back, Forward, [BK]
Teleport - Down, Back, [FP]
Ice Parry - Down, Back, [BP]
Divekick (close) - Down + [FK]
Divekick (Far) - Down + [BK]
Enhanced Attacks
(Requires one bar of Super)
Ice Beam - Down, Forward, [FP] + Block
Cyro Bomb
Close - Back, Back, [FK] + Block
Medium - Forward, Forward, [FK] + Block
Far - Back, Back, Forward, [FK] + Block
Cyber-Slide - Back, Forward, [BK] + Block
Bangport - Down, Back, [FP] + Block
Frozen Parry - Down, Back, [BP] + Block
Powerkick (close) - Down + [FK] + Block
Powerkick (far) - Down + [BK] + Block
X-Ray Move
(Requires full Super bar)
Cool Down - Flip Stance + Block
Finishing Moves
Kold Fusion - Down, Back, Down, Forward, [BP]
Brain Freeze - Down, Down, Back, Down, [FP]
Stage Fatality - Down, Down, Up, Block
Babality - Down, Back, Forward, Block
Alternate Costumes & Colors
Pressing the Start button at the character select screen will give you the
opportunity to switch costumes. Pressing the Start button again will give you
the character alternate color.
Original Music
While in the Arena select screen, pressing the Start button will change the
background music for that stage to its oringal arcade music
Fight Against Jade
To fight Klassic Jade, obtain a double flawless victory and perform a
fatality on Shang Tsung during Ladder mode
Fight Against Smoke
To fight Klassic Smoke, press Down + Select in the Living Forest stage in
Ladder mode when you see Smoke pop out from behind one of the trees
Fight Against Noob
To fight Klassic Noob, when he pops out in The Temple during Ladder mode,
win the next fight without using the Block button
Fight Against Reptile
To fight Klassic Reptile, be playing on the Pit stage at night and when
something is flying by the full moon. Perform a double flawless victory
and a stage fatality.
A For Effort - Complete Tutorial Mode
Arcade Champion - Complete Arcade Ladder with All Fighters
Back In Time... - Complete Story Mode 100%
Best...Alternate...Ever!- Unlock Mileena's 3rd Alternate Costume
Block This! - Perform a 10-hit combo with any fighter
Brotherhood of Shadow - Discover and fight Hidden Kombatant 4 in Arcade Ladder
Cold Fusion - Unlock Hidden Fighter "Cyber Sub-Zero"
Complet-ality - Perform 1 of each type of "-ality"
Cyber Challenger - Complete 100 Online Matches
Dim Mak! - Complete all Test Your Strike mini-game challenges
Don't Jump! - Win A Ranked Online Match without jumping
e-X-cellent! - Successfully land every playable fighter's X-Ray
Fatality! - Perform a Fatality!
Finish Him? - Perform any fighter's hidden finishing move
Finish What You Start! - Perform a Fatality with all playable fighters
Halfway There! - Complete Story Mode 50%
Hide and Seek - Discover and fight Hidden Kombatant 2 in Arcade Ladder
Humiliation - Get a Flawless Victory in an Online Match
I Might Be the Strongest- Complete all Test Your Might mini-game challenges
I'm Not Dead Yet! - Comeback with under 10% health in Online Ranked Match
Ladder Master - Complete Arcade Ladder on max without using a continue
License to Kill - Complete Fatality Trainer
Luck Be A Lady - Get all MK Dragons in Test Your Luck
My Kung Fu Is Strong - Gain Mastery of 1 Fighter
My Kung Fu Is Stronger - Gain Mastery of All Fighters
Outstanding! - Win 10 Ranked Online Matches in a row
Pit Master - Discover and fight Hidden Kombatant 3 in Arcade Ladder
Platinum Trophy - You've unlocked all Trophies! (PS3 only)
Quan-Tease - Unlock Hidden Fighter "Quan Chi"
Robots Rule! - Win Arcade Tag Ladder with robot Sektor and Cyrax
Tag, You're It! - Perform and land a Tag Combo
The Competitor - Complete 200 Versus matches (online OR offline)
The Grappler - Perform every fighter's forward and backwards throws
The Krypt Keeper - Unlock 100% of the Krypt
There Can Be Only One! - Win 10 king of the hill Matches in a row
There Will Be Blood! - Spill 10000 pints of blood
Ultimate Respect! - Earn 2500 Respect Points via king of the hill Matches
Undertaker - Unlock 50% of the Krypt
Wavenet... - Win 100 total Online Matches
What Does This Button Do?- Complete Arcade Ladder without blocking (continue ok)
Where's The Arcade? - Complete Arcade Ladder with Any Fighter
You Found Me! - Discover and fight Hidden Kombatant 1 in Arcade Ladder
You Will Learn Respect! - Earn 1000 Respect Points via king of the hill Matches
You've Got Style! - Unlock all Alternate Costumes
0 - Dragon Symbol
1 - MK
2 - Spear
3 - Shao Kahn
4 - Question Mark
5 - Yin/Yang
6 - Skull
7 - Goro
8 - Pair of Sais
9 - Raiden
Kombat Kode Player 1 Player 2
Armless Kombat 911 911
Blocking Disabled 020 020
Breakers Disabled 090 090
Dark Kombat 022 022
Disbable Foreground Objects 001 001
"Don't defend in a temple..." 717 313
Double Dash 391 193
Dream Kombat 222 555
Enhanced Moves Disabled 051 150
Explosive Kombat 227 227
Health Recovery 012 012
Headless Kombat 808 808
Hyper Fighting 091 091
Invisible Kombat 770 770
Jumping Disabled 831 831
Klassic Music 101 101
Komboes Disabled 931 931
"Motaro Transformation?" 031 130
No Blood 900 900
No Breakers 090 090
Player 1 Half Health 110 000
Player 1 Quarter Health 220 000
Player 2 Half Health 000 110
Player 2 Quarter Health 000 220
Power Bars Disabled 404 404
Psycho Kombat 707 707
Quick Uppercut Recovery 303 303
Rainbow Kombat 234 234
Sans Power 044 440
"She waits for you..." 282 282
Silent Kombat 300 300
Specials Disabled 731 731
Super Recovery 123 123
"Thanks for Karing!" 123 926
"The Krypt walls hold secrets" 448 844
Throwing Encouraged 010 010
Throwing Disabled 100 100
Tournament Mode 111 111
Unlimited Super Meter 466 466
Vampire Kombat 424 424
"What lurks at the bottom..." 122 221
"Who hides in the forest?" 550 055
Xrays Disabled 242 242
Zombie Kombat 666 666
"?SUNOB YTSAOT" 009 900
300 different trials to attempt! As you clear each trial, it unlocks the next
one up the tower. Is a trial too hard? You can skip it for the mere cost of
1.5 times the koin reward. So if the challenge is 100 koins, it costs 150
koins to skip the challenge; a challenge worth 200 koins will cost you 300
koins to skip, 400 costs 600, and so on.
The types of challenges varies: traditional one-on-one matches, tag-team,
one-on-three, "Test Your.." minigames, slow-motion fights, certain abilities
ehnanced or disabled, even koins for each time you hit your opponent.
Completing certain challenges will unlock addtional features for the
"Test Your..." minigames, and completing all 300 challenges will unlock
Mileena's Flesh Pit costume from Story Mode.
Challenge 36 - Test Your Might #2: Teak
Challenge 42 - Test Your Sight Challenge #2
Challenge 48 - Test Your Strike #2: Human Skulls
Challenge 66 - Test Your Might #3: Oak
Challenge 72 - Test Your Sight Challenge #3
Challenge 78 - Test Your Strike #3: Severed Heads
Challenge 96 - Test Your Might #4: Bamboo
Challenge 102 - Test Your Sight Challenge #4
Challenge 108 - Test Your Strike #4: Soul Box
Challenge 126 - Test Your Might #5: Head
Challenge 132 - Test Your Sight Challenge #5
Challenge 138 - Test Your Strike #5: Diamond Bricks
Challenge 156 - Test Your Might #6: Coal
Challenge 162 - Test Your Sight Challenge #6
Challenge 168 - Test Your Strike #6: Gold Bars
Challenge 186 - Test Your Might #7: Bricks
Challenge 192 - Test Your Sight Challenge #7
Challenge 198 - Test Your Might #8: Marble
Challenge 216 - Test Your Might #9: Silver
Challenge 222 - Test Your Sight Challenge #8
Challenge 228 - Test Your Might #10: Gold
Challenge 240 - Test Your Might #11: Iron
Challenge 246 - Test Your Sight Challenge #9
Challenge 252 - Test Your Might #12: Titanium
Challenge 264 - Test Your Might #13: Amber
Challenge 270 - Test Your Sight Challenge #10
Challenge 276 - Test Your Might #14: Pearl
Challenge 288 - Test Your Might #15: Sapphire
Challenge 294 - Test Your Might #16: Diamond
Challenge 300 - Mileena's Flesh Pit Costume
# - Kombatant, Partner - Koin- Challenge Name
- ------------------ ---- --------------
1 - Sonya - 100 - Training: Special Tech
2 - Sonya - 100 - Training: Defense
3 - Sonya - 200 - Training: Offense
4 - Sonya, Jax - 200 - Training: X-Ray Training
5 - Sonya, Jax - 200 - Training: Finishing Techniques
6 - Sonya - 100 - Test Your Might
7 - Jax - 100 - The Hard Way
8 - Jax - 200 - In-Terror-Gation
9 - Jax - 200 - Ambushed!
10 - Jax - 200 - This is the Pits
11 - Jax - 300 - The Invincible Reptile
12 - Jax - 100 - Test Your Sight
13 - Cage - 100 - Hey Jerk
14 - Cage - 100 - Round Two
15 - Cage - 200 - Walking Dead
16 - Cage, Stryker - 200 - SWAT
17 - Cage, Director - 200 - I'm a Celebrity
18 - Cage - 100 - Test Your Strike
19 - Scoprion - 200 - One Hand Tied Behind Your Back
20 - Scoprion - 400 - I Hate Teddies
21 - Scoprion, Sub-zero - 400 - Yin and Yang
22 - Scoprion - 400 - I've Got Friends In Low Places
23 - Scoprion - 400 - Poisoned Rage
24 - Scoprion - 100 - Test Your Luck
25 - Nightwolf - 100 - Foul Ball
26 - Nightwolf - 100 - Reflect and Connect
27 - Nightwolf - 200 - Spirit Walk
28 - Nightwolf - 200 - Big Shoulders
29 - Nightwolf - 400 - Ancestral Light
30 - Liu Kang, Kung Lao - 100 - Shaolin Monk: Act 1
31 - Kano - 100 - No Throw = No Go
32 - Kano - 200 - Demon Hunter
33 - Kano - 200 - Pulling My Strings
34 - Kano - 400 - The Hell with This!
35 - Kano - 400 - Discombobulated
36 - Kano - 100 - Test Your Might
37 - Kabal - Var - Survive Koins
38 - Kabal - 200 - Keep Away From Me!
39 - Kabal - 200 - Bloody Pulp
40 - Kabal - 200 - Healing Light
41 - Kabal - 400 - Assassinatino Proclamation
42 - Kabal - 100 - Test Your Sight
43 - Reptile - 200 - Stealth
44 - Reptile - 200 - The Best Laid Plan
45 - Reptile - 200 - 1st Responder
46 - Reptile - 200 - Spin Cycle
47 - Reptile - 400 - Who Ya Gonna Call?
48 - Reptile - 100 - Test Your Strike
49 - Sektor - 100 - Target Practice
50 - Sektor - 200 - Sheer Madness
51 - Sektor - 400 - Rain of Ice
52 - Sektor - 400 - Psychosis!
53 - Sektor, Cyrax - 800 - Frankenstein
54 - Sektor - 100 - Test Your Luck
55 - Sub-Zero - 200 - Your Time to Shine
56 - Sub-Zero - 200 - Mess You Up
57 - Sub-Zero - 200 - The Burning Man
58 - Sub-Zero - 200 - Out on a Limb
59 - Sub-Zero - 800 - Resurrection!
60 - Liu Kang, Kung Lao - 400 - Shaolin Monk: Act 2
61 - Cyrax - Var - Carnage Carnival
62 - Cyrax - 200 - What Is Your Major Malfunction
63 - Cyrax - 400 - Fire and Forget...Literally
64 - Cyrax - 800 - Glitch in the System
65 - Cyrax - 800 - Power Down
66 - Cyrax - 100 - Test Your Might
67 - Kung Lao - 200 - Friendly Sparring
68 - Kung Lao - 400 - Not-so Friendly Sparring
69 - Kung Lao - 400 - Hats Off!
70 - Kung Lao, Liu Kang - 400 - United Again
71 - Kung Lao - 400 - The Great Kung Lao
72 - Kung Lao - 200 - Test Your Sight
73 - Baraka - 200 - Prove Your Worth
74 - Baraka - 400 - But I'm His Favorite!
75 - Baraka, Mileena - 400 - Assault on the Palace
76 - Baraka - 400 - Protect the Fallen
77 - Baraka - 1200 - Now You Are Just Showing Off...
78 - Baraka - 200 - Test Your Strike
79 - Kitana - 400 - Horse
80 - Kitana - 400 - Projected Anger
81 - Kitana - 400 - When Brigands Attack!
82 - Kitana - 400 - Frost Bitten
83 - Kitana, Jade - 800 - Sibling Rivalry
84 - Kitana - 100 - Test Your Luck
85 - Jade - 200 - Arm-ageddon
86 - Jade - 200 - It's Not Easy
87 - Jade - 400 - Portality
88 - Jade - 400 - Watch the Face
89 - Jade - 400 - Specials Are My Thing
90 - Liu Kang, Kung Lao - 400 - Shaolin Monk: Act 3
91 - Nightwolf - 200 - Fury of the Ancestors
92 - Nightwolf - 200 - Storm Front
93 - Nightwolf - 200 - Clarity
94 - Nightwolf - 400 - Ancestral Weapons
95 - Nightwolf - 400 - Soul Glow
96 - Nightwolf - 200 - Test Your Might
97 - Mileena - 200 - Kats' Klaws
98 - Mileena - 400 - Only a Matter of Time
99 - Mileena - 400 - Fire Walls
100 - Mileena - 800 - Meteor Kombat
101 - Mileena, Baraka - 800 - Back to Back
102 - Mileena - 800 - Test Your Sight
103 - Smoke - 100 - Air Cannon
104 - Smoke - 100 - Barriers
105 - Smoke - 400 - Now You See Me
106 - Smoke - 400 - Tireless Assault
107 - Smoke - 400 - The Lair of the Beast
108 - Smoke - 400 - Test Your Strike
109 - Quan Chi - 100 - Rainbow Kombat
110 - Quan Chi - 400 - It's Alive!
111 - Quan Chi - 400 - Don't Take Too Long
112 - Quan Chi - 400 - Win Quickly
113 - Quan Chi - 800 - Dance Magic Dance
114 - Quan Chi - 200 - Test Your Luck
115 - Stryker - 100 - High Noon
116 - Stryker, Sonya - 200 - Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
117 - Stryker - 200 - Power up
118 - Stryker - 400 - Make Your Move
119 - Stryker - 400 - I've Fallen and I Can't Get Up
120 - Liu Kang, Kung Lao- 400 - Shaolin Monk: Act 4
121 - Raiden - 200 - SlowMo Kombat
122 - Raiden - 200 - Listen to Your Elders
123 - Raiden - 200 - Life Swap
124 - Raiden - 200 - Have to Share
125 - Raiden - 400 - Elder Gods Wrath
126 - Raiden - 400 - Test Your Might
127 - Cage - Var - CUT!
128 - Cage - 200 - Double Trouble
129 - Cage - 400 - Old Friends For Dinner
130 - Cage, Stryker - 400 - They Have Adapted
131 - Cage - 1600 - Eau De Goro
132 - Cage - 400 - Test Your Wight
133 - Jax - 200 - Gotcha!
134 - Jax - 400 - New Jax City
135 - Jax - 400 - Earthquake
136 - Jax, Sonya - 800 - Don't Lose Your Head
137 - Jax - 800 - Cyber Wars
138 - Jax - 800 - Test Your Strike
139 - Sindel - 200 - Specials Anyone
140 - Sindel, Mileena - 200 - The Queen's Guard
141 - Sindel - 400 - Magnetic Floor
142 - Sindel - 400 - Slow and Painful Death
143 - Sindel, Nightwolf - 800 - Turn on the Light
144 - Sindel - 200 - Test Your Luck
145 - Sonya, Jax - 200 - Backup Arrives
146 - Sonya - 200 - Against Super Strength
147 - Sonya - 400 - Scarface
148 - Sonya - 1600 - It's Kombat Time!
149 - Sonya - Var - It'a All Led Up To This
150 - Goro - 400 - Gor-owned
151 - Noob - 200 - Don't Hit a Girl
152 - Noob - 200 - Together Forever
153 - Noob - 400 - I'll Hit a Lady
154 - Noob - 400 - Home Team Advantage
155 - Noob - 800 - Still a Noob
156 - Noob - 400 - Test Your Might
157 - Liu Kang - 100 - Sparring Specials
158 - Liu Kang - 200 - I Will Drink Your Soul
159 - Liu Kang - 400 - Bloodsport!
160 - Liu Kang - 800 - Combo to Win
161 - Liu Kang - 1600 - This Hammer is My Hammer
162 - Liu Kang - 400 - Test Your Sight
163 - Cyrax - 400 - Split Up
164 - Cyrax, Sektor - 400 - Leaking Oil
165 - Cyrax - 400 - Drian Game
166 - Cyrax - 800 - System Crash
167 - Cyrax - 1600 - Upgrade Complete!
168 - Cyrax - 1600 - Test Your Strike
169 - Sub-Zero - 400 - Use It or Lose It
170 - Sub-Zero - 400 - Right to Bear Arms
171 - Sub-Zero - 400 - The Common Cold
172 - Sub-Zero - 400 - Retro Reincarnation
173 - Sub-Zero - 800 - Hyper Kombat
174 - Sub-Zero - 200 - Test Your Luck
175 - Ermac - 200 - Going All Out
176 - Ermac - 400 - Floor of Flame
177 - Ermac - 400 - Super Charger
178 - Ermac - 400 - Wait for It
179 - Ermac - 800 - See Saw
180 - Liu Kang, Kung Lao- 800 - Shaolin Mon: Act 5
181 - Baraka - Var - Dismembering the Good Times!
182 - Baraka - 400 - Enough is Enough!
183 - Baraka - 400 - There Can Be Only One
184 - Baraka, Mileena - 800 - Rogue Element
185 - Baraka - 1600 - Four Arms
186 - Baraka - 400 - Test Your Might
187 - Shang Tsung - 200 - Playing With Fire
188 - Shang Tsung - 400 - Arise From Grave
189 - Shang Tsung - 400 - No Seriously, I'm Popular
190 - Shang Tsung - 800 - To Do List
191 - Shang Tsung/Kitana- 800 - Hyper Kombat 2
192 - Shang Tsung - 800 - Test Your Sight
193 - Smoke - 200 - I'm Not Dead Yet
194 - Smoke - 400 - Life Swap 2
195 - Smoke, Quan Chi - 400 - Bleeding Out
196 - Smoke - 800 - Smoke Him Out
197 - Smoke - 800 - Slow Motion
198 - Smoke - 400 - Test Your Might
199 - Jade - 400 - I Feel Sick
200 - Jade - 400 - Out on a Limb 2
201 - Jade - 800 - You've Already Won Me Over
202 - Jade - 800 - Lean My Way
203 - Jade - 800 - Shao Kahn
204 - Jade - 800 - Test Your Luck
205 - Scorpion - Var - Money For Specials
206 - Scorpion, Sub-zero- 200 - Fire and Ice
207 - Scorpion - 400 - You Killed My Family
208 - Scorpion - 800 - Elemental Balance
209 - Scorpion, Sub-zero- 800 - Orange You Glad I Came
210 - Liu Kang, Kung Lao- 800 - Shaolin Monk: Final Act
211 - Kung Lao, Liu Kang- 200 - Defend the Temple
212 - Kung Lao - 400 - Total Chaos
213 - Kung Lao - 800 - Hats Off to You
214 - Kung Lao - 800 - Wasted
215 - Kung Lao - 800 - Revenge!
216 - Kung Lao - 400 - Test Your Might
217 - Kabal - 200 - Out on a Limb 3
218 - Kabal - 200 - Desire You
219 - Kabal - 400 - Red Light Green Light
220 - Kabal, Kano - 400 - Blood Brothers
221 - Kabal - 800 - Lord of the Netherrealm
222 - Kabal - 800 - Test Your Sight
223 - Reptile - 200 - An Offer You Can't Refuse
224 - Reptile - 200 - Slime to Go
225 - Reptile - 200 - Master of Ice
226 - Reptile - 400 - Unit 5...Alive?
227 - Reptile - 800 - Cyborg-Absorb
228 - Reptile - 800 - Test Your Might
229 - Kano - Var - Balls Out...
230 - Kano - 400 - Catch Me If You Can
231 - Kano - 400 - Bloodbath
232 - Kano - 800 - I'm Baaaccckkkk...
233 - Kano - 1600 - The Force is Special?
234 - Kano - 800 - Test Your Luck
235 - Sindel - 200 - We're All Vampires?
236 - Sindel - 200 - Good To Be Queen
237 - Sindel - 200 - Scream Your Head Off
238 - Sindel - 400 - I'm So Special
239 - Sindel - 800 - Flying Fists of Furty
240 - Sindel - 800 - Test Your Might
241 - Kitana - Var - Big Payday
242 - Kitana - 400 - The Shokan Inquisition
243 - Kitana - 800 - The Bitch Is Back
244 - Kitana, Jade - 800 - A Slow Drip
245 - Kitana - 1600 - Up in the Air
246 - Kitana - 800 - Test Your Sight
247 - Shang Tsung - 400 - Deadly Dalliance
248 - Shang Tsung, Cyrax- 400 - Robot Buddies
249 - Shang Tsung - 800 - Super Drain
250 - Shang Tsung - 800 - It's Not My Baby
251 - Shang Tsung - 1600 - Bring It On
252 - Shang Tsung - 800 - Test Your Might
253 - Raiden - 400 - En-Lightning!
254 - Raiden - 400 - I'm a Vampire
255 - Raiden - 400 - Earth is Screwed
256 - Raiden - 800 - Deadly Alliance!
257 - Raiden - 800 - Hell
258 - Raiden - 800 - Test Your Luck
259 - Noob - 400 - Who's There
260 - Noob - 400 - All Flipped Up
261 - Noob, Ermac - 400 - The Healing Exchange
262 - Noob - 800 - Brother on Brother
263 - Noob - 1600 - Noob Unbound
264 - Noob - 1600 - Test Your Might
265 - Stryker - Var - Grenade Toss
266 - Stryker - 200 - The Duel
267 - Stryker - 400 - Lock N Load
268 - Stryker - 800 - Life Swap 3
269 - Stryker - 3200 - This is Insane!
270 - Stryker - 1600 - Test Your Sight
271 - Ermac - 400 - Madness
272 - Ermac - 400 - Time Critical
273 - Ermac - 800 - Fists of Fury
274 - Ermac - 800 - All the Right Moves
275 - Ermac - 3200 - Army of What?
276 - Ermac - 1600 - Test Your Might
277 - Mileena - 400 - Low High
278 - Mileena - 400 - Seek the Warmth
279 - Mileena - 400 - But I'm a Vampire!
280 - Mileena - 800 - Hyper Kombat 3
281 - Mileena - 1600 - Rock Your world
282 - Mileena - 1600 - Test Your Luck
283 - Quan Chi - 200 - Survive This
284 - Quan Chi - 400 - Hot Potato
285 - Quan Chi - 800 - Armed and Dangerous
286 - Quan Chi - 1600 - Pupper Master
287 - Quan Chi - 1600 - Mirror Realm
288 - Quan Chi - 1600 - Test Your Might
289 - Random - 400 - Who Am I
290 - Random - 400 - Change is a Good Thing
291 - Random - 400 - Hold on a Minute
292 - Cyber Sub-Zero - 800 - Do the Robot
293 - Cyber Sub-Zero - 800 - Knock'em Clock'em Ninja Bot
294 - Cyber Sub-Zero - 1600 - Test Your Might
295 - Sheeva - 400 - Four Arms Are Better Than Two
296 - Sheeva - 800 - Bloodthirst
297 - Sheeva - 800 - Lock On!
298 - Sheeva, Baraka - 800 - Just a Scratch
299 - Sheeva - 3200 - Boy That Guy Is Strong
300 - Choose - 10000- End Game
Loc. - Koin - Description
DL1 - 0 - Headless Mode
DL2 - 680 - Temple Music
DL3 - 1100 - Cage Fatality Sketch
DL4 - 900 - Dead Pool Concept
DL5 - 1140 - Jade's Second Fatality
DL6 - 800 - Stryker Primary Costume Concept
DL7 - 1160 - Reptile Alternate Costume Concept
DL8 - 900 - The Pit (night) Concept
DL9 - 1020 - Wasteland Music
DL10 - 1200 - Blocking Disabled
DL11 - 900 - Cyber Sub-zero Concept
DL12 - 800 - Jumping Disabled
DL13 - 1150 - Evil Monastery Concept
DL14 - 1000 - Kitana Primary Costume Concept
DL15 - 1200 - Johnny cage Alternate Costume Concept
DL16 - 800 - Rooftop (dawn) Concept
DL17 - 1020 - No Blood
DL18 - 960 - Hell Speed Painting 2
DL19 - 1100 - Sonya Fatality Sketch
DL20 - 900 - Scorpion Shadow Render
DL21 - 920 - Ermac's Second Fatality
DL22 - 750 - Tormentor Model
DL23 - 1150 - Sektor Fatality Sketch
DL24 - 880 - Noob Primary Costume Concept
DL25 - 1020 - Dark Kombat
DL26 - 1100 - Armory Music
DL27 - 1040 - Sonya Primary Costume Concept
DL28 - 1200 - Sheeva Alternate Costume Concept
DL29 - 750 - TaiGore Model
DL30 - 1000 - Kano Fatality Sketch
DL31 - 880 - Raiden Render
DL32 - 1060 - Hyper Fighting
DL33 - 980 - Armory Concept
DL34 - 900 - Baraka Alternate Damage Concept
DL35 - 1200 - Scorpion Fatality Sketch
DL36 - 1160 - Mileena Reveal Render
DL37 - 1040 - Kabal's Second Fatality
DL38 - 900 - Courtyard (night) Concept
DL39 - 1000 - Jax Primary Costume Concept
DL40 - 1080 - Baraka Alternate Costume Concept
DL41 - 880 - Sindel Render
DL42 - 1140 - Flesh Pits Concept
DL43 - 1100 - Health Recovery
DL44 - 800 - Scorpion Reveal Render
DL45 - 1060 - Dead Pool Victim Concepts
DL46 - 950 - Ermac Primary Costume Concept
DL47 - 1100 - Sektor altenate Costume Concept
DL48 - 980 - Courtyard (night) Music
DL49 - 1020 - Courtyard Speed Painting 2
DL50 - 1020 - Kombos Disabled
DL51 - 920 - Scorpion Primary Costume Concept
DL52 - 1000 - Kano Primary Costume Concept
DL53 - 1100 - Hell Fatality Sketch
DL54 - 860 - Shao Kahn's Throne Room Concept
DL55 - 1060 - Dead Pool Speed Painting 1
DL56 - 800 - Stryker Alternate Costume Concept
DL57 - 880 - Desert Speed Painting 2
DL58 - 1080 - Rooftop (dusk) Music
DL59 - 1100 - Armory Speed Painting 2
DL60 - 820 - Graveyard Speed Painting 1
DL61 - 900 - Desert Music
DL62 - 1020 - Sindel Primary Costume Concept
DL63 - 1500 - Quan Chi Alternate Costume Concept
DL64 - 1180 - Kabal Fatality Sketch
DL65 - 900 - Shao Kahn Render
DL66 - 820 - Dead Pool Speed Painting 2
DL67 - 940 - The Pit (day) Concept
DL68 - 820 - Koliseum Speed Painting 2
DL69 - 1200 - Kitana Alternate Costume Concept
DL70 - 1000 - Kabal Primary Costume Concept
DL71 - 740 - Graveyard Music
DL72 - 1140 - Desert Speed Painting 1
DL73 - 1160 - Disable Foreground Objects
DL74 - 1200 - Sub-zero Render
DL75 - 800 - Flesh Pits Speed Painting 1
DL76 - 970 - Kabal Fatality Sketch
DL77 - 1100 - Goro's Lair Speed Painting 1
DL78 - 1120 - Jade Render
DL79 - 1300 - Johnny Cage's Second Fatality
DL80 - 1200 - Retro Sub-zero Render
DL81 - 1120 - Flesh Pits Speed Painting 2
DL82 - 1000 - Sonya Alternate Damage Concept
DL83 - 1080 - Power bars Disabled
DL84 - 820 - Shao Kahn Concept
DL85 - 740 - Soul Chamber Music
DL86 - 1140 - Sheeva ptimary Damage Concept
DL87 - 1180 - Mileena Primary Costume Concept
DL88 - 1200 - Kabal Alternate Costume Concept
DL89 - 1060 - Noob Primary Damage Concept
DL90 - 1140 - Courtyard (day) Concept
DL91 - 1060 - Smoke Primary Costume Concept
DL92 - 1040 - Jax's Second Fatality
DL93 - 900 - Ermac Alternate Damage Concept
DL94 - 640 - Shao Kahn's Throne Room Music
DL95 - 920 - Bell Tower Speed Painting 1
DL96 - 740 - Psycho Kombat
DL97 - 1100 - Bell Tower Speed panting 2
DL98 - 980 - Hell Music
DL99 - 1040 - Raiden Alternate Damage Concept
DL100- 1040 - Raiden Primary Costume Concept
DL101- 920 - Shang Tsung Alternate Costume Concept
DL102- 1020 - Rooftop (dusk) Concept
DL103- 1100 - Kano Alternate Damage Concept
DL104- 1000 - Cerberus Model
DL105- 1100 - Unlimted super meter
DL106- 1100 - Sub-zero Reveal Render
DL107- 1020 - Goro's Lair Concept
DL108- 980 - Shang Tsung's Garden (night) Concept
DL109- 840 - Sindel Alternate Damage Concept
DL110- 1060 - Nightwolf Alternate Costume Concept
DL111- 920 - Courtyard Speed Painting 1
DL112- 840 - Graveyard Speed Painting 2
DL113- 1280 - Dream Kombat
DL114- 740 - Evil Monastery Music
DL115- 980 - Mileena Primary Damage Concept
DL116- 1240 - Explosive combat
DL117- 880 - Sheeva Alternate Damage Concept
DL118- 1000 - Retro Scorpion Render
DL119- 1500 - Scorpion Alternate Costume Concept
DL120- 1020 - Cyrax's Second Fatality
DL121- 1000 - Living Forest Speed Painting 1
Secret 5,000 koin chest: Right of DL-52, left of building
Meadow of Despair
Loc. - Koin - Description
MD1 - 820 - Rooftop (dusk) Speed Painting
MD2 - 1260 - Nightwolf's Second Fatality
MD3 - 1060 - Living Forest trees Render
MD4 - 880 - Flesh Pits Music
MD5 - 840 - Nekroplis Concept 6
MD6 - 1200 - Cyrax Alternate Costume Concept
MD7 - 1050 - Cyrax Primary Costume Concept
MD8 - 920 - Nekroplis Concept 3
MD9 - 1260 - Armless Kombat
MD10 - 760 - Rooftop (dawn) Speed Painting 1
MD11 - 1280 - Sektor's Second Fatality
MD12 - 1000 - Jax Alternate Damage Concept
MD13 - 1060 - Meadow of Dispair Concept 2
MD14 - 940 - Raiden Alternate Costume Concept
MD15 - 940 - Street Speed Painting 1
MD16 - 840 - Rooftop (dawn) Speed Painting 2
MD17 - 900 - Breakers disaled
MD18 - 800 - Pit Bottom Concept
MD19 - 960 - Hallow of Infestation Concept 2
MD20 - 1100 - Johnny Cage Primary Costume Concept
MD21 - 1300 - Sheeva's Second Fatality
MD22 - 1080 - Desert Concept
MD23 - 1180 - Kitana Alternate Damage Concept
MD24 - 1120 - Jade Alternate Damage Concept
MD25 - 1200 - Kano Alternate Costume Concept
MD26 - 940 - Rooftop (day) Speed Painting
MD27 - 800 - Retro reptile Render
MD28 - 1010 - Throwing Disabled
MD29 - 840 - Shang Tsung's Throne Room Concept b
MD30 - 1100 - Shang Tsung's Garden Speed Painting 1
MD31 - 960 - Kung Lao's Second Fatality
MD32 - 1040 - Kitana Primary Damage Concept
MD33 - 1000 - Subway Music
MD34 - 920 - Kano Primary Damage Concept
MD35 - 880 - Baraka Primary Damage Concept
MD36 - 1200 - Jax Alternate Costume Concept
MD37 - 1000 - Goro Render
MD38 - 1060 - Early Krypt entrance Concept
MD39 - 1200 - Invisable Kombat
MD40 - 900 - Kax Render
MD41 - 820 - Blood Marsh Concept 2
MD42 - 1280 - Reptile's Second Fatality
MD43 - 840 - Hell Concept
MD44 - 1000 - Shao Kahn's Throne Room Speed Painting 2
MD45 - 1280 - Vampire Kombat
MD46 - 1120 - Scorpion Primary Damage Concept
MD47 - 1200 - Double dash
MD48 - 940 - Kitana Render
MD49 - 1100 - Skeletal statues Render
MD50 - 1040 - Sub-zero Shadow Render
MD51 - 1140 - Sub-zero's Second Fatality
MD52 - 920 - The Pit (night) Music
MD53 - 1100 - Ermac Render
MD54 - 1000 - Sub-zero Alternate Costume Concept
MD55 - 880 - Scorpion Render
Secret 5,000 koin chest: Right of Nekropolis entrance
Hollow of Infestation
Loc. - Koin - Description
HI1 - 980 - Koliseum Concept
HI2 - 1000 - Kung Lao Primary Costume Concept
HI3 - 1080 - Koliseum Speed Painting 1
HI4 - 920 - Barakas's Second Fatality
HI5 - 760 - Living Forest Concept
HI6 - 940 - Street Music
HI7 - 880 - Shao Kahn Damage Concept
HI8 - 980 - LiU Kang Alternate Costume Concept
HI9 - 1100 - Cyrax Alternate Damage Concept
HI10 - 900 - Rooftop (day) Concept
HI11 - 1120 - Graveyard Concept
HI12 - 1080 - Shang Tsung's Second Fatality
HI13 - 820 - Shang Tsung Alternate Damage Damage Concept
HI14 - 780 - Armory Speed Painting 1
HI15 - 1140 - Enhance moves Disabled
HI16 - 780 - Soul Chamber Concept
HI17 - 1000 - Jade Primary Costume Concept
HI18 - 1100 - Kano's Second Fatality
HI19 - 960 - Goro's Lair Speed Painting 2
HI20 - 920 - Sheeva Primary Costume Concept
HI21 - 750 - Subway Speed Painting 2
HI22 - 800 - Sonya Alternate Costume Concept
HI23 - 1060 - Shang Tsung's Throne Room Speed Painting 2
HI24 - 1050 - X-rays Disabled
HI25 - 960 - Executioner Concepts
HI26 - 1020 - Bell Tower Music
HI27 - 820 - Shang Tsung's Garden (day) Concept
HI28 - 1180 - LiU Kang's's Second Fatality
HI29 - 860 - Bell Tower Concept
HI30 - 1020 - Quan Chi Fatality Sketch
HI31 - 1180 - Reptile Alternate Damage Concept
HI32 - 1140 - Sektor Primary Damage Concept
HI33 - 1140 - Mileena Alternate Costume Concept
HI34 - 1120 - Shang Tsung Primary Costume Concept
HI35 - 940 - Courtyard (day) Music
HI36 - 840 - Johnny Cage Primary Damage Concept
HI37 - 1200 - Quick uppercut Recovery
HI38 - 940 - Goro's Lair Music
HI39 - 1340 - Quan Chi's Second Fatality
HI40 - 880 - Sindel Primary Damage Concept
Secret 5,000 koin chest: Located along wall
Loc. - Koin - Description
BM1 - 1080 - Living Forest Speed Painting 2
BM2 - 920 - Mileena's Second Fatality
BM3 - 800 - Shang Tsung's Throne Room Concept a
BM4 - 750 - Evil Monastery Speed Painting 2
BM5 - 1040 - Noob Alternate Costume Concept
BM6 - 980 - Sonya Render
BM7 - 900 - Noob Alternate Damage Concept
BM8 - 1100 - Noob's Second Fatality
BM9 - 880 - Dragon Concept
BM10 - 1120 - Retro Ermac Render
BM11 - 1100 - Rainbow Kombat
BM12 - 940 - Kung Lao Alternate Damage Concept
BM13 - 1040 - Sektor Primary Costume Concept
BM14 - 1220 - raiden's Second Fatality
BM15 - 900 - Shang Tsung Primary Damage Concept
BM16 - 940 - Shang Tsung's Throne Room Music
BM17 - 750 - Temple Speed Painting 2
BM18 - 960 - Jax Primary Damage Concept
BM19 - 1200 - Sindel Alternate Costume Concept
BM20 - 1020 - Dead Pool Music
BM21 - 1200 - Sub-zero Primary Costume Concept
BM22 - 920 - Rooftop (dusk) Speed Painting
BM23 - 980 - Kitana's Second Fatality
BM24 - 1000 - Street Concept
BM25 - 1080 - Shao Kahn's Throne Room Speed Painting 1
BM26 - 900 - Smoke's Second Fatality
BM27 - 960 - Nightwolf Primary Costume Concept
BM28 - 900 - Soul Chamber Speed Painting 1
BM29 - 950 - Ermac Primary Damage Concept
BM30 - 990 - Sans Power
BM31 - 860 - Liu Kang Primary Costume Concept
BM32 - 950 - Sonya Primary Damage Concept
BM33 - 920 - Shang Tsung's Garden Speed Painting 2
BM34 - 900 - Liu Kang Alternate Damage Concept
BM35 - 1300 - Sonya's Second Fatality
BM36 - 960 - Soul Chamber Speed Painting 2
BM37 - 1100 - Mileena Shadow Render
BM38 - 1200 - Kung Lao Alternate Costume Concept
BM39 - 1000 - Street Speed Painting 2
BM40 - 920 - Nekroplis Concept 2
BM41 - 1140 - Silent Kombat
BM42 - 860 - Living Forest Music
BM43 - 940 - Parasite Victims Render
BM44 - 1300 - Sindel's Second Fatality
BM45 - 1000 - Liu Kang Render
BM46 - 940 - Seadlands Concept 2
BM47 - 1200 - Specials Disabled
BM48 - 1140 - Liu Kang Primary Damage Concept
BM49 - 940 - Meadow of dispair Concept 1
BM50 - 1000 - Jade Alternate Costume Concept
BM51 - 1150 - Temple Speed Painting 1
BM52 - 860 - Jade Primary Damage Concept
BM53 - 1150 - Evil Monastery Speed Painting 1
BM54 - 990 - Super Recovery
BM55 - 880 - Nightwolf Alternate Damage Concept
BM56 - 850 - Wasteland Speed Painting 2
BM57 - 900 - Stryker's Second Fatality
BM58 - 920 - Naraka Primary Costume Concept
BM59 - 900 - Nekroplis Concept 1
BM60 - 1190 - Throwing encouraged
BM61 - 1150 - Temple Concept
BM62 - 820 - Shang Tsung's Garden (night) Music
BM63 - 1450 - Cyber Sub-zero's Second Fatality
BM64 - 1010 - Tournament Mode
BM65 - 750 - Subway Speed Painting 1
BM66 - 1150 - Reptile Fatality Sketch
BM67 - 1000 - Goro Damage Concept
BM68 - 1200 - Ermac Alternate Costume Concept
BM69 - 1020 - Wasteland Concept
BM70 - 940 - Meadow of Dispair Concept 3
BM71 - 1120 - Shang Tsung's Throne room Speed Painting 1
BM72 - 920 - Scorpion's Second Fatality
BM73 - 960 - Hallow of infestation Concept 1
BM74 - 1080 - Scorpion Fatality Sketch
BM75 - 960 - Cyrax Render
BM76 - 860 - Reptile Primary Damage Concept
BM77 - 1300 - Zombie Kombat
BM78 - 1150 - Subway Concept
BM79 - 920 - Rooftop (day) Speed Painting
BM80 - 840 - Koliseum Music
BM81 - 980 - Reptile Primary Costume Concept
BM82 - 960 - Smoke Alternate Costume Concept
BM83 - 820 - Mileena Alternate Damage Concept
Secret 5,000 koin chest: Located along wall
***Koming soon***
(c) 2011 Christopher McCullough. This FAQ is free to distribute so long
as no edits/changes are made. For more information on the author visit</p>
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After 32 years, Mortal Kombat 2 has finally been ported to the one hyper-expensive '90s console that could actually do it justice

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