Mortal Kombat Challenge Tower guide
Challenge Tower
GAME: Mortal Kombat
By: Kenneth Stubbs (OmegaMustard)
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The Mortal Kombat Challenge Tower Guide is Copyright (C)
April 29, 2011 Kenneth Stubbs
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*Best way to find the challenge you want is Press Ctrl F and type in
the challenge number or challenge name you are looking for.*
*Does Contain Spoilers, so SPOILER ALERT!*
I. Introduction
II. Challenge Tower
III. Closing Statements
I. Introduction
Mortal Kombat is the 9th installment in the series. This time around,
instead of a lengthy Konquest. You get a series of hard challenges,
know as The Challenge Tower. This guide will help you try and complete
all 300 challenges inside the tower. I will provide videos if possible.
I wrote this guide for the Xbox 360 version so when I list controls,
they will be with the Xbox 360 buttons. The moves should work the
same for the PS3 version of the game just different mapping of the
buttons. Also all moves are done with your character on the left side
of the screen.
Xbox 360 to PS3
Y = Triangle
B = Circle
X = Square
A = X
Some challenges are not completely based on skill, just luck so some
may take a few tries and you need to get lucky.
II. The Challenge Tower
Challenge 1 - Training: Special Tech
Player - Sonya Blade
Opponent - Jax
Description - Land each special attack within 25 seconds.
Skip Cost - 150
You must land all your special attacks on Jax.
Energry Ring Blast - Back, Forward Y
Leg Grab - Back, Forward B
Kiss - Down, Back X
Arc Kick - Down, Back B
Kartwheel - Down, Forward A
Jax does move around but does not attack.
Challenge 2 - Training: Defense
Player - Sonya Blade
Opponent - Jax
Description - Avoid or Block all incoming attacks for 15 seconds.
Your attacks and special moves have been disabled.
Skip Cost - 150
You must block or dodge all of Jax's attacks for 15 seconds. You
cannot attack, just move around. Shouldn't be too hard. One hit
and you die though and have to restart.
Challenge 3 - Training: Offense
Player - Sonya Blade
Opponent - Jax
Description - Land at least 15 hits in 45 seconds.
The arena size has been reduced.
Skip Cost - 300
The area that you can move in is very small. Jax will fight back
but isn't too tough. Grabbing Jax is two hits but you can also use
X, X, Y combo over and over. You can pretty much trap him in the corner
and spam X, X over and over.
Challenge 4 - Training: X-Ray Training
Player - Sonya Blade
Opponent - Baraka
Description - Build up your meter to level 3 and land an X-Ray attack
on your opponent!
Skip Cost - 300
When you start the match, getting a first strike will jump your meter
up to level 2. After that, getting beat up actually increases your
super meter. Once you have level 3, the meter will say X-Ray. Now
press both Left and Right Trigger at the same time and you will use
your X-ray attack.
Challenge 5 - Training: Finishing Techniques
Player - Sonya Blade
Opponent - Baraka
Description - Perform the displayed Fatality Input Correctly.
Skip Cost - 300
First you will have to fight Baraka. Take down all his health and
you will be prompted to do a Fatality. You will have a box on the
ground telling you where to stand. Now enter the Fatality.
Down, Down, Back, Forward, X
If you happen to mess up or run out of time. It will give you another
Challenge 6 - Test Your Might (Pine Boards)
Player - Sonya Blade
Difficulty - Easy
Description - Press any button to increase your Might.
Press LT or RT when might meter is above the marker.
Skip Cost - 150
This is the first level of Test your Might. You just tap the four
face buttons on the controller until the meter builds above the line
displayed. Once it is above that line, hit one of the triggers to
break the item.
Challenge 7 - The Hard Way
Player - Jax
Opponent - Cyborg
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
Skip Cost - 150
All you have to do is defeat the Cyborg. He tends to block a lot
so you can spam Jax's grab moves. Just take down all his health and
you complete this one.
Challenge 8 - In-terror-gation
Player - Jax
Opponent - Baraka
Description - Beat your opponent to a pulp by targeting different
locations of his body.
Skip Cost - 300
For this you must use different moves to hit the different parts of
Baraka's body.
Head - 8 times
Chest - 5 times
Stomach - 5 times
Legs - 3 times
You can hit the Head, Chest and stomach with jump kicks. For the legs,
just spam (Back+B) which is a leg sweep.
Challenge 9 - Ambushed!
Player - Jax
Opponents - Tarkatans
Description - Kill 20 Tarkatans
Every 5 kills awards a Ground Pound.
Only one Ground Pound is available at a time.
Skip Cost - 300
This is a new type of challenge. You have to survive kinda beat em
up style against Tarkatans. Keep pressing X to send your Projectile
at the Tarkatans to kill them. You will get a ground pound every 5
kills that will take out any close by. The big Tarkatans take more
hits so take care of them fast. Once all 20 are dead, you win.
Challenge 10 - This Is The Pits!
Player - Jax
Opponent - Scorpion
Description - Defeat Scorpion with your Pit Fatality.
Skip Cost - 300
You must first defeat Scorpion and then you will be prompted to
knock him into the Pit.
Down, Forward, Down, X
Challenge 11 - The Invincible Reptile
Player - Jax
Opponent - Reptile
Description - Defeat Reptile!
He Takes no damage while invisible.
Use Jax's Ground Pound to reveal Reptile.
Skip Cost - 300
Just like the description says, use Jax's ground pound to be
able to hurt Reptile.
Close - Down, Back, A
Medium - Down, Forward, A
Far - Down, Back, Forward, A
Challenge 12 - Test Your Sight
Player - Jax
Opponent - Easy
Description - Pick the correct head or face the consequences.
Skip Cost - 150
There are only three heads and they barely move. Easy enough.
Challenge 13 - Hey Jerk
Player - Johnny Cage
Opponent - Stunt Man
Description - Defeat your Opponent!
Johnny Cage does 200% damage
Skip Cost - 150
You do double damage, so just beat the Stunt Man.
Challenge 14 - Round Two
Player - Johnny Cage
Opponent - Stunt Man
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
Cage's attacks do 50% less damage.
Skip Cost - 150
This time around, you do half damage. But this is still really
easy, just beat the Stunt Man and you pass.
Challenge 15 - Walking Dead
Player - Johnny Cage
Opponent - Stunt Zombie
Description - Destroy the Zombie before is corners you.
Skip Cost - 300
The Zombie will just walk you to the corner of the screen.
You must defeat it before it reaches the end of the screen.
Holding Forward and tapping B will take it out pretty fast.
It is Johnny Cages spinning round house kick.
Challenge 16 - SWAT
Players - Johnny Cage, Stryker
Opponents - Zombies
Description - Use Cage's Low Fireball or Stryker's Pistol to
kill 25 zombies.
Tag to reload after 5 shots.
Skip Cost - 300
Another beat em up survival game. You get 5 shots before having to
tag in the other character.
Cage's fireball - Down, Forward, Y
Stryker's Pistol - Back, Forward, X
Tag - Left Bumper
Challenge 17 - I'm a Celebrity
Player - Johnny Cage, Director
Opponents - Sonya Blade, Jax
Description - Sonya and Jax have teamed up.
They are in a hurry to get you off the movie set!
Skip Cost - 300
You just have to defeat both Sonya and Jax. You have the Director on
you side but he really has no moves at all so try to keep Johnny
Challenge 18 - Test Your Strike (Bricks)
Player - Johnny Cage
Difficulty - Easy
Description - Press any button to increase Might
Keep might in range until meter is charged.
Press RT or LT when meter is charged.
Skip Cost - 300
Similar to Test Your Might except you have to keep the meter in
a box on the meter until it turns green. This one is pretty easy and
you will get the idea of what to do.
Challenge 19 - One Hand Tied Behind Your Back
Player - Scorpion
Opponent - Jax
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
You can only use your special moves.
Skip Cost - 300
You must defeat Jax but you can only use special moves.
Spear - Back, Back, X
Flame - Down, Back, Y
Teleport Punch - Down, Back, A
Challenge 20 - I Hate Teddies
Player - Scorpion
Opponent - Mileena
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
Skip Cost - 600
Really nothing special about this. Just beat Mileena.
Challenge 21 - Yin And Yang
Players - Scorpion, Sub-Zero
Opponents - Raiden, Lui Kang
Description - Defeat Your Opponents!
All swapped out partners slowly heal!
Skip Cost - 600
Might want to be fast and beat Raiden and Lui Kang fast because
when they swap out, the person on hold is regaining health. This
one isn't too hard.
Challenge 22 - I've Got Friends In Low Places
Player - Scorpion
Opponent - Raiden
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
Use Scorpion's Enhanced Hell Fire to burn the Lin Kuei.
Skip Cost - 600
You will be fighting on the Pit level. The Lin Kuei is on the
back bridge shooting ice at you. Everytime you use an enhanced Hell
Fire move, you will burn away one of the Lin Kuei so they can no
longer freeze you. Just defeat Raiden and you will pass this.
Enhanced Hell Fire - Down, Back, Y+RT (Uses up super meter.)
Challenge 23 - Poisoned Rage
Player - Scorpion
Opponent - Ninja Sub-Zero
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
Both players are poisoned.
EAch blow you land will replenish some of your health.
Skip Cost - 600
You must stay on the offensive here because if you don't, you will
bleed out and die. So keep attacking your opponent and dodge as
many attacks as possible.
Challenge 24 - Test Your Luck
Player - Scorpion
Difficulty - 2 Reels
Description - Spin the slot machine reels!
Defeat your Opponent.
Skip Cost - 150
You only have 2 reels. One chooses your opponent, the other
chooses the stipulation.
Challenge 25 - Foul Ball
Player - Nightwolf
Opponent - Sonya Blade
Description - Finish your opponent with his stage Fatality.
Skip Cost - 150
You must first defeat Sonya before you can finish her.
Fatality - Down, Down, Down, RT
Challenge 26 - Reflect And Connect
Player - Nightwolf
Opponent - Sektor
Description - Use the Reflect to send back 5 projectiles in under
30 seconds.
Skip Cost - 150
All you do is use Nightwolf's Reflect attack to block Sektor's
Reflect - Down, Back, Y
Challenge 27 - Spirit Walk
Player - Nightwolf
Opponent - Nightwolf
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
You slowly lose health over time.
Skip Cost - 300
Stay on the offensive because you are constantly losing health. So
you have to be on your guard as well so you don't lose more health
than you have.
Challenge 28 - Big Shoulders
Player - Nightwolf
Opponent - Ermac
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
You may only use your shoulder charge.
Skip Cost - 300
You have to defeat Ermac but the only move you can use is your
Shoulder Charge.
Forward, Forward, B
Challenge 29 - Ancestral Light
Player - Nightwolf
Opponent - Scorpion
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
Opponent only takes damage within the Core of Light
Skip Cost - 600
There is a beam of light that shines down. You will only do damage
to Scorpion if you attack him in the light.
Challenge 30 - Shaolin Monk: Act 1
Players - Lui Kang, Kung Lao
Opponents - Tarkatan Soldiers
Description - Defeat and finish the sworn enemies of the Shaolin Monks.
Your partner's health will slowly recover while he is
tagged out
Skip Cost - 300
Take out the Tarkatan Soldiers. The man that is tagged out will regen
health slowly. This counts for the enemies as well, so try to take
them out as fast as you can.
Challenge 31 - No Throw = No Go
Player - Kano
Opponent - Jax
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
Opponent can only be defeated with a throw
Skip Cost - 150
First you must take down all of Jax's health. There is a marker on
his health bar and it will tell you to grab Jax to finish him. When
you have his health at the marker, press Right Bumper.
Challenge 32 - Demon Hunter
Player - Kano
Opponents - Zombies
Description - Use your knife to kill 8 demons before they reach you.
You will die if a demon reaches you.
Skip Cost - 300
This is another beat em up style survival game. You must throw knives
at the zombies to take them out. You only have to take out 8 but it
takes 3 knives to kill a zombie.
Knife - Down, Back, Y
Challenge 33 - Pulling My Strings
Player - Kano
Opponent - Quan Chi
Description - Perform 5 ofthe displayed commands to break the spell
Skip Cost - 300
This is easy, just press the buttons that appear on screen.
Challenge 34 - The Hell With This!
Player - Kano
Opponent - Scorpion
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
Avoid the hands of hell.
Contact with them will immobilize you for a short time.
Skip Cost - 600
Just defeat Scorpion but don't stand in one spot for too long or
you will be stunned for a moment. You will see a flame pit light
up under your feet and that is what stuns you.
Challenge 35 - Discombobulated
Player - Kano
Opponent - Quan Chi
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
You will be stunned if you take too much damage.
Skip Cost - 600
Defeat Quan Chi but don't get hit too much or you will be stunned for
a moment. So remember to block as much as possible and watch for
Quan Chi's teleport move.
Challenge 36 - Test Your Might (Teak)
Player - Kano
Difficulty - Easy
Description - Press any button to increase your Might.
Press LT or RT when might meter is above the marker.
Skip Cost - 150
Challenge 37 - Survive Koins
Player - Kabal
Opponent - Kano
Description - You can't lose, but the more hits you get in, the more
koins you get.
Skip Cost - 0
Just keep attacking and you will keep earning coins. Once you beat
the level, you can replay it but you won't earn coins anymore. If
you want to keep getting coins, right before the match ends, hit start
and click retry. You can keep getting unlimited coins this way. This
works with all the Koin Match Types.
Challenge 38 - Keep Away From Me!
Player - Kabal
Opponent - Sonya Blade
Description - Defeat your opponent before time runs out.
Skip Cost - 300
Sonya will run away from you so you need to stay on her. Use
Kabal's rush move to stun her and then combo her.
Challenge 39 - Bloody Pulp
Player - Kabal
Opponent - Ninja Sub-Zero
Description - Hit Sub-Zero in different parts of his body to win.
Skip Cost - 300
You must hit Sub-Zero so many times at certain points before you beat
him. Jump Kicks will hit everything but legs. For legs, just spam
leg sweeps.
Head - 6
Chest - 14
Stomach - 3
Legs - 4
Challenge 40 - Healing Light
Player - Kabal
Opponent - Stryker
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
You can be healed inside the core of light.
Skip Cost - 300
Defeat Stryker but keep him out of the beam of light so he doesn't
get healed. You can also be healed by the beam of light.
Challenge 41 - Assassination Proclamation
Player - Kabal
Opponent - Nightwolf
Description - Defeat Nightwolf!
Watch out for his supercharged lightning attack!
Do damage to him to stop his lightning summon.
Skip Cost - 600
Defeat Nightwolf but if you see him charging his lightning move, you
better jump on him quick. Nightwolf's lightning moves are lethal.
Challenge 42 - Test Your Sight
Player - Kabal
Difficulty - Easy
Description - Pick the correct skull or face the consequences.
Skip Cost - 150
There are 5 skulls and they don't move fast.
Challenge 43 - Stealth
Player - Reptile
Opponent - Lui Kang
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
Reptile cannot use any special attacks.
Skip Cost - 300
Defeat Lui Kang but you will have to do it with combos alone. All
special attacks are disabled.
Challenge 44 - The Best Laid Plan
Player - Reptile
Opponent - Johnny Cage
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
Skip Cost - 300
Defeat Johnny Cage but when you take half his health, he will power
up and take more damage with his attacks.
Challenge 45 - 1st Responder
Player - Reptile
Opponent - Stryker
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
Opponent must be killed with a fatality
Skip Cost - 300
First have you have to dodge Stryker's projectiles before you can
fight him. Take down his health and then do a fatality on him. If
you fail to do a fatality you will be given another chance.
Fatality - Forward, Forward, Down, Up, A
Challenge 46 - Spin Cycle
Player - Reptile
Opponent - Kabal
Description - Counter Kabal's Dash attack with a well timed
Invisibility and kill him!
Reptile cannot use any attacks until Kabal's dash has
been countered.
Skip Cost - 300
At the start of the match, you will get a timer and when it hits
zero, you must go invisible to dodge Kabal's Dash attack. After this
you just defeat Kabal.
Challenge 47 - Who Ya Gonna Call?
Player - Reptile
Opponents - Jax, Sonya Blade
Description - Defeat Your Opponents!
60 Second Time Limit!
Skip Cost - 600
This one is kinda hard because you have to be fast. You have to
take out both Jax and Sonya in 60 seconds. Time to learn a little
bit of moves with Reptile. I spammed his slide and Leg Sweep and
got this one after a few tries.
Challenge 48 - Test Your Strike (Human Skulls)
Player - Reptile
Difficulty - Easy
Description - Press any button to increase Might
Keep might in range until meter is charged.
Press RT or LT when meter is charged.
Skip Cost - 150
Challenge 49 - Target Practice
Player - Reptile
Opponent - Cyrax
Description - Sektor must land 5 upward missiles before time runs out.
Sektor cannot move and can only attack with upward
Skip Cost - 150
Just stand there and press X, Y, or B to fire missiles.
Challenge 50 - Sheer Madness
Player - Sektor
Opponent - Mileena
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
Nobody can block.
Your attacks do less damage.
Every successful attack awards an attack bonus.
Skip Cost - 300
You can't block but neither can Mileena so stay on the offensive.
Mileena loves to spam her Sai blasts and Teleport Kicks. So watch
out. Every hit you or Mileena gets awards that person with an
attack bonus.
Challenge 51 - Rain Of Ice
Player - Sektor
Opponent - Reptile
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
Iceballs will randomly fall from the sky.
Skip Cost - 600
Just defeat Reptile. If you jump a lot you will probably get hit
by the random iceballs in the sky.
Challenge 52 - Psychosis!
Player - Sektor
Opponent - Cyrax
Description - The world has been turned upside down!
Defeat Your Opponent!
Skip Cost - 600
This is kind of annoying but you will get use to it after a minute.
Just defeat Cyrax, shouldn't be too hard.
Challenge 53 - Frankenstein
Player - Sektor
Opponents - Kabal, Smoke
Description - Survive long enough to get all five of
Cyrax's body parts back!
Skip Cost - 1200
Challenge 54 - Test Your Luck
Player - Sektor
Difficulty - 3 Reels
Description - Spin the slot machine reels!
Defeat your Opponent.
Skip Cost - 150
Challenge 55 - Your Time To Shine
Player - Ninja Sub-Zero
Opponents - Zombies
Description - Defeat All opponents in under 30 seconds.
Special Attacks are especially effective.
Skip Cost - 150
This is really easy, just keep doing the Slide move.
Back, Forward, B
Challenge 56 - Mess You Up
Player - Ninja Sub-Zero
Opponent - Scorpion
Description - Hit Scorpion in different parts of his
body to win
Skip Cost - 300
Jump kicks take care of Head, Chest, Stomach. Leg Sweeps
take care of legs.
Head - 12
Chest - 12
Stomach - 12
Legs - 2
Sub-Zero's Y, Y, Y combo works well for head and chest as
Challenge 57 - The Burning Man
Player - Ninja Sub-Zero
Opponent - Baraka
Description - Use attacks to push your opponent to the edge
of the arena before he explodes!
Contact with opponent causes 5% damage.
Skip Cost - 300
Challenge 58 - Out On a Limb
Player - Ninja Sub-Zero
Opponent - Kitana
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
You are only able to attack by throwing limbs
at your opponent.
Skip Cost - 300
Challenge 59 - Resurrection!
Player - Ninja Sub-Zero
Opponent - Sheeva
Description - Finish your opponent with a fatality to take
care of them once and for all.
Skip Cost - 1200
Challenge 60 - Shaolin Monk: Act 2
Player - Lui Kang, Kung Lao
Opponents - Kitana, Jade
Description - Defeat Kitana and Jade.
Perform a Fatality on Jade.
You partner's health will slowly recover while
he is tagged out.
Skip Cost - 600
Challenge 61 - Carnage Carnival
Player - Cyrax
Opponent - None
Description - Throw as many bombs into the bucket as you can
in 30 seconds.
You are awarded koins for every bomb that lands
in the bucket.
Skip Cost - 0
Launch your bombs when the bucket is near the middle of its pre set
Challenge 62 - What Is Your Major Malfunction?
Player - Cyrax
Opponent - Kung Lao
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
Bomb launch malfunction. No bomb Launch attacks
are available.
You will explode in 40 seconds!
Skip Cost - 300
Shouldn't be too hard, just spam Cyrax's Grinder and you should
beat Kung Lao no problem.
Back, Forward, Y
Challenge 63 - Fire And Forget...Literally
Player - Cyrax
Opponent - Sonya Blade
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
Each of Cyrax's Special Moves can only be used
Skip Cost - 600
Challenge 64 - Glitch In The System
Player - Cyrax
Opponent - Liu Kang
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
Every attack performed reduces overall damage
done by 2%.
Skip Cost - 1200
Challenge 65 - Power Down
Player - Cyrax
Opponent - Raiden
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
Every second your speed is decreased by 1%
Skip Cost - 1200
You have to try and beat Raiden as fast as possible for this one.
If you get too slow, you will literally not be able to hit him.
Spam your grinder move.
Back, Forward, Y
Grabbing Raiden just wastes time.
Challenge 66 - Test Your Might (Oak)
Player - Cyrax
Difficulty - Easy
Description - Press any button to increase your Might.
Press LT or RT when might meter is above the marker.
Skip Cost - 300
Challenge 67 - Friendly Sparring
Player - Kung Lao
Opponent - Liu Kang
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
Using any special attacks or hat attacks will forfeit
the match!
Skip Cost - 300
Just don't use any special attacks and try your best to avoid using
the Y button.
Challenge 68 - Not-So-Friendly Sparring
Player - Kung Lao
Opponent - Liu Kang
Description - Land 5 special attacks or hat attacks before your
opponent does!
Skip Cost - 600
Back, Forward, Y is the Hat Toss. You can keep spamming that if you
Challenge 69 - Hats Off!
Player - Kung Lao
Opponent - Raiden
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
You and your opponent are headless.
Head based attacks have been disabled.
X Rays are disabled.
Skip Cost - 600
You just have to defeat Raiden without the use of projectiles. You
can use Kung Lao's teleport but Raiden always seemed to dodge that
when I used it. Just learn a basic combo and spam that over and over.
Doing Kung Lao's grab works well.
Challenge 70 - United Again
Player - Kung Lao, Liu Kang
Opponents - Zombies
Description - Use Liu Kang's Fireball or Kung Lao's Hat toss to kill
20 zombies.
Tag to reload after 3 shots.
Skip Cost - 600
Challenge 71 - The Great Kung Lao
Player - Kung Lao
Opponent - Nightwolf
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
All Special Attacks do extra damage.
Skip Cost - 600
Challenge 72 - Test Your Sight
Player - Kung Lao
Difficulty - Easy
Description - Pick the correct head or face the consequences.
Skip Cost - 300
There are a total of 7 heads but they don't move that fast.
Challenge 73 - Prove Your Worth
Player - Baraka
Opponents - Tarkatans
Description - Defeat Your Opponents!
Skip Cost - 300
Challenge 74 - But I'm His Favorite
Player - Baraka
Opponent - Mileena
Description - Defeat Your Opponents!
Mileena's Pounce will increase her overall damage by
25% each time it lands.
Skip Cost - 600
Challenge 75 - Assault On The Palace
Players - Baraka, Mileena
Opponents - Tarkatans
Description - Defeat Your Opponents!
Only weapon based attacks damage your opponents.
Weapon based attacks will cause opponent to bleed and
take additional damage for 4 seconds.
Skip Cost - 600
Challenge 76 - Protect The Fallen
Players - Baraka, Mileena
Opponents - Tarkatans
Description - Defeat 10 Tarkatans.
Each Tarkatan is more powerful than the last.
Mileena will join you when she regains her health.
Skip Cost - 600
Challenge 77 - Now You Are Just Showing Off..
Player - Baraka
Opponents - Reptile, Ermac, Goro
Description - Defeat Your Opponents!
Any kombo over 5 hits gains the respect of Shao Kahn who
will grant you bonuses to your combat skills.
Skip Cost - 2400
Challenge 78 - Test Your Strike (Severed Heads)
Player - Baraka
Difficulty - Medium
Description - Press any button to increase Might
Keep might in range until meter is charged.
Press RT or LT when meter is charged.
Skip Cost - 300
Challenge 79 - Horse
Player - Kitana
Opponent - Jade
Description - Defeat Jade by exceeding how much damage she does.
Skip Cost - 600
Challenge 80 - Projected Anger
Player - Kitana
Opponent - Mileena
Description - Be the first to land 10 projectiles on your opponent.
Skip Cost - 600
Challenge 81 - When Brigands Attack!
Player - Kitana
Opponent - Tarkatans
Description - Defeat Your Opponents!
Skip Cost - 600
Challenge 82 - Frost Bitten
Player - Kitana
Opponent - Ninja Sub-Zero
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
Try to avoid Sub-Zero's pulsing ice shield.
Skip Cost - 600
Challenge 83 - Sibling Rivalry
Players - Kitana, Jade
Opponent - Mileena
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
You are poisoned and losing 2% of your health every
Use your Tag button to call in help! Single use only.
Skip Cost - 1200
Challenge 84 - Test Your Luck
Player - Kitana
Difficulty - 3 Reels
Description - Spin the slot machine reels!
Defeat your Opponent.
Skip Cost - 150
Challenge 85 - Arm-ageddon
Player - Jade
Opponent - Sindel
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
You and your opponent are armless.
Arm based attacks are disabled.
X Rays are disabled.
Skip Cost - 30
Challenge 86 - It's Not Easy
Player - Jade
Opponent - Reptile
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
You may only use your special attacks.
Skip Cost - 300
Challenge 87 - Portality
Player - Jade
Opponent - Tarkatans
Description - Defeat 10 Tarkatans!
Skip Cost - 600
Challenge 88 - Watch The Face
Player - Jade
Opponent - Johnny Cage
Description - Hit Cage 20 times in the face.
Skip Cost - 600
Challenge 89 - Specials Are My Thing
Player - Jade
Opponents - Scorpion, Stryker
Description - Defeat Your Opponents!
Only special moves can hurt your opponent.
Skip Cost - 600
Challenge 90 - Shaolin Monk: Act 3
Player - Liu Kang, Kung Lao
Opponent - Baraka, Reptile
Description - Defeat Baraka and Reptile.
Your partner's health will slowly recover while he is
tagged out.
Skip Cost - 600
Challenge 91 - Fury Of The Ancestors
Player - Nightwolf
Opponent - Sektor
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
Charge your Lightning Strike by absorbing projectiles
with your Enhanced Reflect.
Only a charged Lightning Strike will destroy your
Skip Cost - 300
Challenge 92 - Storm Front
Player - Nightwolf
Opponent - Kabal
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
Attempt to avoid the random lightning strikes.
Skip Cost - 300
Challenge 93 - Clarity
Player - Nightwolf
Opponent - Ruutuu
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
Skip Cost - 600
There is nothing special about this battle. You are
just fighting a shadow character. He really has no
moves but does like to block a lot. Just defeat him.
Challenge 94 - Ancestral Weapons
Player - Nightwolf
Opponent - Baraka
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
Only attacks that utilize your spirit weapons will
cause damage.
Skip Cost - 600
Challenge 95 - Soul Glow
Player - Nightwolf
Opponents - Kano, Kabal, Ermac
Description - Defeat Your Opponents!
Every opponent defeated increases your power.
Skip Cost - 600
Challenge 96 - Test Your Might (Bamboo)
Player - Nightwolf
Difficulty - Medium
Description - Press any button to increase your Might.
Press LT or RT when might meter is above the marker.
Skip Cost - 300
Challenge 97 - Kats' Klaws
Player - Mileena
Opponent - Kitana
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
Sai Blast only.
Skip Cost - 300
Challenge 98 - Only A Matter Of Time
Player - Mileena
Opponent - Jade
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
Your abilites are disabled but will come back over time.
Skip Cost - 600
Challenge 99 - Fire Walls
Player - Mileena
Opponent - Nightwolf
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
Stay away from the edges or you will get burned.
Skip Cost - 600
Challenge 100 - Meteor Kombat
Player - Mileena
Opponent - Sindel
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
Fireballs will randomly fall from the sky.
Fireballs will leave players burning for 5 seconds.
Skip Cost - 1200
Challenge 101 - Back To Back
Player - Baraka, Mileena
Opponent - Tarkatans
Description - Defeat Your Opponents!
Fight off the Tarkatan horde with ranged attacks
without letting a single enemy though.
Skip Cost - 1200
Challenge 102 - Test Your Sight
Player - Mileena
Difficulty - Medium
Description - Pick the correct head or face the consequences.
Skip Cost - 1200
There are 3 cups but they move fast.
Challenge 103 - Air Cannon
Player - Smoke
Opponent - Liu Kang
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
Liu Kang is immune on the ground.
Catch him an air throw to win.
Skip Cost - 150
Just jump kick him and as soon as you do hit the Block button. simple.
Challenge 104 - Barriers
Player - Smoke
Opponent - Reptile
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
The playfield distance is short.
Skip Cost - 150
Challenge 105 - Now You See Me
Player - Smoke
Opponent - Kung Lao
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
Smoke will randomly go invisible
Skip Cost - 600
Challenge 106 - Tireless Assault
Player - Smoke
Opponent - Raiden
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
The last person hit will burn with Shang Tsung's
Stay on the attack!
Skip Cost - 600
Challenge 107 - The Lair Of The Beast
Player - Smoke
Opponent - Sheeva
Description - Defeat Sheeva and finish her with a fatality.
Skip Cost - 600
Challenge 108 - Test Your Strike
Player - Smoke
Difficulty - Medium
Description - Press any button to increase Might
Keep might in range until meter is charged.
Press RT or LT when meter is charged.
Skip Cost - 600
Challenge 109 - Rainbow Kombat
Player - Quan Chi
Opponent - Kitana
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
You and your opponent are headless and armless.
Head-based and arm-based attacks are disabled.
X-Rays are disabled.
Skip Cost - 150
Challenge 110 - It's Alive
Player - Quan Chi
Opponent - Scorpion
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
Quan Chi can only use his trance attacks.
The trance attacks do extra damage.
Skip Cost - 600
Challenge 111 - Don't Take Too Long
Player - Quan Chi
Opponent - Sonya Blade
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
Sonya will become more difficult as time continues.
Skip Cost - 600
Challenge 112 - Win Quickly
Player - Quan Chi
Opponent - Mileena
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
Your abilities are removed over time
Skip Cost - 600
Challenge 113 - Dance Magic Dance
Player - Quan Chi
Opponent - Shang Tsung
Description - Tilt the world to defeat your opponent!
Every hit tilts the world to the left or right while
no hits recenter it.
X-Rays are disabled.
Skip Cost - 1200
Challenge 114 - Test Your Luck
Player - Quan Chi
Difficulty - 4 Reels
Description - Spin the slot machine reels!
Defeat your Opponent.
Skip Cost - 300
Challenge 115 - High Noon
Player - Stryker
Opponent - Sonya Blade
Description - Stryker can shoot, but not move.
Sonya will try to block or evade.
Skip Cost - 150
Challenge 116 - Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
Players - Stryker, Sonya Blade
Opponents - Cyborgs
Description - Use Stryker's Gun or Sonya's Ring Shot to kill 30 Cyborgs.
Tag to reload after 5 shots.
Skip Cost - 300
Challenge 117 - Power Up!
Player - Stryker
Opponent - Jax
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
Health and Super recovery items will randomly drop from
the sky.
Recovery itmes restore 25 Health or Super.
Skip Cost - 300
Challenge 118 - Make Your Move
Player - Stryker
Opponent - Reptile
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
Your abilities are disabled but will come back over time.
Skip Cost - 600
Challenge 119 - I've Fallen and Can't Get Up
Player - Stryker
Opponent - Kano
Description - Defeat Kano in time or else Sonya will die!
Stryker is able to move faster.
You must finish him!
Skip Cost - 600
Challenge 120 - Shaolin Monk: Act 4
Players - Liu Kang, Kung Lao
Opponents - Scorpion, Ninja Sub-Zero
Description - Defeat Scorpion and Sub-Zero.
Your partner's health will slowly recover while he is
tagged out.
Skip Cost - 600
Challenge 121 - SlowMo Kombat
Player - Raiden
Opponent - Nightwolf
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
Everything is in slow motion!
Skip Cost - 300
Challenge 122 - Listen To Your Elders
Player - Raiden
Opponent - Ninja Sub-Zero
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
Only your special moves are available.
You have infinite Enhanced moves.
Skip Cost - 300
Challenge 123 - Life Swap
Player - Raiden
Opponent - Johnny Cage
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
Every 15 seconds health will be swapped between players.
Skip Cost - 300
Challenge 124 - Have To Share
Player - Raiden
Opponent - Kung Lao
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
A significant buff will switch between players
throughout the match.
Skip Cost - 300
A basic match, the only special thing happening here is there is
a health recharge that switches between you and the opponent in the
Challenge 125 - Elder God's Wrath
Player - Raiden
Opponents - Quan Chi, Shang Tsung, Ermac
Description - Defeat Your Opponents!
Your special moves do extra damage.
You have unlimited enhanced specials.
Skip Cost - 600
You have unlimited enhanced moves. Raiden's Lightning bolt works
well enhanced. You can also spam his Air Charge attack. Both work
well. Just stay on the offensive and try not to get hit too much.
Challenge 126 - Test Your Might (Head)
Player - Raiden
Difficulty - Medium
Description - Press any button to increase your Might.
Press LT or RT when might meter is above the marker.
Skip Cost - 600
Challenge 127 - CUT!
Player - Johnny Cage
Opponent - Director
Description - You have 30 seconds to beat up your opponent.
Damage done is added to your reward!
Skip Cost - 0
Challenge 128 - Double Trouble
Player - Johnny Cage
Opponent - Johnny Cage
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
Cage must win the fight with 25% or less health remaning.
Skip Cost - 300
Challenge 129 - Old Friends For Dinner
Player - Johnny Cage
Opponents - Jax, Sonya Blade
Description - Defeat Your Opponents!
If an enemy hits you it will heal itself and gain an
increase in damage.
Skip Cost - 600
Challenge 130 - They Have Adapted
Players - Johnny Cage, Stryker
Opponent - Zombies
Description - Use Cage's Low Fireball or Stryker's Pistol to kill 25
zombies before being overtaken.
Tag to reload after 5 shots.
Skip Cost - 600
Challenge 131 - Eau De Goro
Player - Johnny Cage
Opponent - Goro
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
The stench of death weakens you slowly as the fight
Skip Cost - 2400
Challenge 132 - Test Your Sight
Player - Johnny Cage
Difficulty - Medium
Description - Pick the correct head or face the consequences.
Skip Cost - 600
There are 5 heads this time and they move kinda fast and two at a time.
Challenge 133 - GOTCHA!
Player - Jax
Opponent - Kano
Description - Defeat Kano!
Skip Cost - 300
Challenge 134 - New Jax City
Player - Jax
Opponent - Kabal
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
Jax must successfully perform at least one each of Jax's
grapple attacks.
Skip Cost - 600
Challenge 135 - Earthquake
Player - Jax
Opponent - Sheeva
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
Sheeva charges up over time.
Hit her with a ground pound to cancel her buff.
Skip Cost - 600
Challenge 136 - Don't Lose Your Head
Player - Jax
Opponent - Sektor
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
6 head shots will knock it off.
Skip Cost - 1200
Challenge 137 - Cyber Wars
Player - Jax
Opponents - Cyrax, Sektor, Cyber Sub-Zero
Description - Defeat the Tekunin
Skip Cost - 1200
Everytime you defeat an enemy your health goes back to full. Just
stay on the offensive. Just watch for Sektor spamming his teleport
Challenge 138 - Test Your Strike (Diamond Bricks)
Player - Jax
Difficulty - Hard
Description - Press any button to increase Might
Keep might in range until meter is charged.
Press RT or LT when meter is charged.
Skip Cost - 1200
Challenge 139 - Specials Anyone
Player - Sindel
Opponent - Ermac
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
Only your special moves can hurt the opponent.
Skip Cost - 300
Challenge 140 - The Queen's Guard
Players - Sindel, Mileena
Opponents - Zombies
Description - Use Sindel's Fireball or Mileena's Sais to kill 30
Tag to reload after 6 shots.
Skip Cost - 300
Challenge 141 - Magnetic Floor
Player - Sindel
Opponent - Baraka
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
Floor will randomly magnetize.
Players not in the air will be stuck for 5 seconds.
Skip Cost - 600
Challenge 142 - Slow And Painful Death
Player - Sindel
Opponent - Cyrax
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
Your abilities are removed over time.
Skip Cost - 600
Challenge 143 - Turn On The Light
Players - Nightwolf, Sindel
Opponent - Sektor
Description - Defeat Sektor with Sindel.
Use Nighwolf's lightning to dispel darkness.
Skip Cost - 1200
Challenge 144 - Test Your Luck
Player - Sindel
Difficulty - 4 Reels
Description - Spin the slot machine reels!
Defeat your Opponent.
Skip Cost - 300
Challenge 145 - Backup Arrives!
Players - Sonya Blade, Jax
Opponents - Kano, Kabal
Description - Defeat Your Opponents!
Skip Cost - 300
Challenge 146 - Against Super Strength
Player - Sonya Blade
Opponent - Nightwolf
Description - Defeat a powered up Nightwolf.
Every hit from Nightwolf will send you flying back!
Unles you finish him, he will continue coming after you!
Skip Cost - 300
Challenge 147 - Scarface
Player - Sonya Blade
Opponent - Kabal
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
Getting caught in a spin attack will disorient you,
causing your attack buttons to swap.
Skip Cost - 600
Challenge 148 - It's Kombat Time!
Player - Sonya Blade
Opponents - Mileena, Sindel, Kitana
Description - Defeat All Opponents!
Skip Cost - 2400
Challenge 149 - It's All Led Up To This
Player - Sonya Blade
Opponent - Kano
Description - Defeat Your Opponent!
The more brutal your assault, the more you will be
Skip Cost - 0
Challenge 150 - Gor-owned
Player - Goro
Opponents - Johnny Cage, Kung Lao, Sonya Blade
Description - Defeat All Opponents!
Skip Cost - 600
Looking for more details? Check out the full Mortal Kombat fatality and babality list here.
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Iain originally joined Future in 2012 to write guides for CVG, PSM3, and Xbox World, before moving on to join GamesRadar in 2013 as Guides Editor. His words have also appeared in OPM, OXM, PC Gamer, GamesMaster, and SFX. He is better known to many as ‘Mr Trophy’, due to his slightly unhealthy obsession with amassing intangible PlayStation silverware, and he now has over 750 Platinum pots weighing down the shelves of his virtual award cabinet. He does not care for Xbox Achievements.

After 32 years, Mortal Kombat 2 has finally been ported to the one hyper-expensive '90s console that could actually do it justice

Mortal Kombat 1 makes good on a 30-year tradition of trolling fans by introducing a confusing, labyrinthine quest to fight pink Floyd, a new ninja