Mortal Kombat Challenge Tower guide

Challenge 151 - Don't Hit A Girl


Player - Noob

Opponent - Sonya Blade

Description - Hit Sonya in different parts of her body to win.

Skip Cost - 300

Challenge 152 - Together Forever


Player - Noob

Opponent - Smoke

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

              Smoke is faster and hits harder when he turns red.

              Beat him to break the brainwashing.

Skip Cost - 300

Challenge 153 - I'll Hit A Lady


Player - Noob

Opponent - Jade

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

              Your opponent is continually charging up.

              Trap her in a Black Hole to reset the buff.

Skip Cost - 600

Challenge 154 - Home Team Advantage


Player - Noob

Opponent - Quan Chi

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

              Quan Chi has the advantage in the Netherrealm.

              Watch out for the exploding floor.

Skip Cost - 600

Challenge 155 - Still A Noob


Player - Noob

Opponent - Johnny Cage

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

              Not connecting with all your Special Attacks will

              forfeit the match!

              Super Meters are disabled.

Skip Cost - 1200

Challenge 156 - Test Your Might (Coal)


Player - Noob

Difficulty - Medium

Description - Press any button to increase your Might.

              Press LT or RT when might meter is above the marker.

Skip Cost - 600

Challenge 157 - Sparring Specials


Player - Liu Kang

Opponent - Raiden

Description - Practice landing each of your special moves.

Skip Cost - 150

Challenge 158 - I Will Drink Your Soul


Player - Liu Kang

Opponent - Shang Tsung

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

              Shang Tsung's soul drain has been super-charged.

Skip Cost - 300

Challenge 159 - Bloodsport!


Player - Liu Kang

Opponent - Reptile

Description - Spill 20 pints of blood on the battlefield before

              time runs out.

              Attacks do no damage to either fighter.

              Only Liu Kang's bicycle kick can penetrate your

              opponent's armor and spill blood.

Skip Cost - 600

Just keep spamming the bicycle kick.

Back, Back, Forward, B

Challenge 160 - Kombo To Win


Player - Liu Kang

Opponent - Sheeva

Description - Land an 8 hit kombo to win.

Skip Cost - 1200

Just perform an enhanced bicycle kick.

Back, Back, Forward, B+Right Trigger

Challenge 161 - This Hammer Is My Hammer


Player - Liu Kang

Opponent - Shao Kahn

Description - Defeat Shao Kahn!

              In 30 seconds, Shao Kahn will enrage.

Skip Cost - 2400

Challenge 162 - Test Your Sight


Player - Liu Kang

Difficulty - Kinda Hard

Description - Pick the correct head or face the consequences.

Skip Cost - 600

There are a total of 7 heads this time. They move fast and two at a


Challenge 163 - Split Up


Player - Cyrax

Opponent - Kitana

Description - Only Cyrax's Buzz Saw can hurt the opponent.

Skip Cost - 600

Just keep spamming Cyrax's Buzz Saw

Back, Forward, Y

Challenge 164 - Leaking Oil


Players - Cyrax, Sektor

Opponents - Noob, Smoke

Description - Defeat Your Opponents!

              You will slowly lose health if you do not swap out


Skip Cost - 600

Challenge 165 - The Drain Game


Player - Cyrax

Opponent - Sektor

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

              Do not let your opponent's Super Meter reach 100%

              Use your Net to drain off Super

Skip Cost - 600

Challenge 166 - System Crash


Player - Cyrax

Opponent - Sektor

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

              System malfunction causes Cyrax to randomly freeze.

Skip Cost - 1200

Challenge 167 - Upgrade Complete!


Player - Cyrax

Opponents - Kano, Noob, Cyber Sub-Zero

Description - Defeat Your Opponents!

              Cyber Sub-Zero takes increased damage from Bombs, Net

              and Buzzsaw attacks but only 25% damage from all others!

              Other opponents take normal damage.

Skip Cost - 2400

Challenge 168 - Test Your Strike (Gold Bars)


Player - Cyrax

Difficulty - Hard

Description - Press any button to increase Might

              Keep might in range until meter is charged.

              Press RT or LT when meter is charged.

Skip Cost - 2400

Challenge 169 - Use It or Lose It!


Player - Ninja Sub-Zero

Opponent - Noob

Description - Defeat your opponent and perform a Fatality on him!

Skip Cost - 600

Challenge 170 - Right to Bear Arms


Player - Ninja Sub-Zero

Opponent - Scorpion

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

Skip Cost - 600

Challenge 171 - The Common Cold


Player - Ninja Sub-Zero

Opponent - Sindel

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

              Not connecting with all your Special Attacks will

              forfeit the match!

              Super Meters are disabled.

Skip Cost - 600

Challenge 172 - Retro Reincarnation


Player - Ninja Sub-Zero

Opponent - Scorpion

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

              Finish you opponent with a fatality to take care of them

              once and for all.

Skip Cost - 600

Challenge 173 - Hyper Kombat


Player - Ninja Sub-Zero

Opponent - Mileena

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

              Everything is in fast motion!

Skip Cost - 1200

Challenge 174 - Test Your Luck


Player - Ninja Sub-Zero

Difficulty - 5 Reels

Description - Spin the slot machine reels!

              Defeat your Opponent.

Skip Cost - 300

Challenge 175 - Going All Out


Player - Ermac

Opponent - Smoke

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

              Neither foe can block.

              Stay on the offensive to win.

Skip Cost - 300

Challenge 176 - Floor of Flame


Player - Ermac

Opponent - Kabal

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

              Floor will randomly erupt in flames.

              Flames will leave players burning for 5 seconds.

Skip Cost - 600

Challenge 177 - Super Charger


Player - Ermac

Opponent - Sindel

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

              The Super Charger switches back and forth between players

Skip Cost - 600

Challenge 178 - Wait For It


Player - Ermac

Opponent - Mileena

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

              Your abilites are disabled but will come back over time.

Skip Cost - 600

Challenge 179 - See Saw


Player - Ermac

Opponents - Noob, Ninja Sub-Zero

Description - Both fighters can tip the arena by moving to edges of

              the arena.

              The uphill fighter will have increased speed and damage.

              Try and stay on top.

              X Rays are disabled

Skip Cost - 1200

Challenge 180 - Shaolin Monk: Act 5


Players - Liu Kang, Kung Lao

Opponents - Shang Tsung, Goro

Description - Defeat Shang Tsung and Goro.

              Finish Shang Tsung.

              Shang Tsung's health will continuousely recover.

              Your partner's health will slowly recover while he is

              tagged out.

Skip Cost - 1200

If you are able to beat Shang Tsung and put a fatality on him, you 

don't have to beat Goro.  You only have to fight Goro if Shang Tsung

tags him in.  Try to stay on Shang as much as possible because he

is always recovering health.

Liu Kang's Fatality - Forward, Back, Down, Down, A (Sweep)

Kung Lao's Fatality - Back, Forward, Forward, Back, Y

Challenge 181 - Dismembering The Good Times


Player - Baraka

Opponent - Tarkatans

Description - Defeat your opponents to gain currency.

Skip Cost - 0

Challenge 182 - Enough Is Enough!


Player - Baraka

Opponent - Tarkatans

Description - Spill 50 pints of blood on the battlefield before time

              runs out.

Skip Cost - 600

Just keep spamming Baraka's Chop Chop attack.

Back, Back, X

Should complete this after about 10 or so of them.

Challenge 183 - There Can Be Only One


Player - Baraka

Opponent - Tarkatan General

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

Skip Cost - 600

This is a basic battle against a the Tarkatan

General.  He has the same moves as Baraka so in

reality you are just fighting Baraka.  The only

difference is you cannot grab him.

Challenge 184 - Rogue Element


Players - Baraka, Mileena

Opponent - Reptile

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

              The leader of the revolt is so powerful that his attacks

              cannot be blocked.

Skip Cost - 1200

Challenge 185 - Four Arms


Player - Baraka

Opponents - Goro, Kintaro, Sheeva

Description - Defeat Sheeva, Goro, and Kintaro with one life bar.

Skip Cost - 2400

Challenge 186 - Test Your Might (Bricks)


Player - Baraka

Difficulty - Medium

Description - Press any button to increase your Might.

              Press LT or RT when might meter is above the marker.

Skip Cost - 600

Challenge 187 - Playing With Fire


Player - Shang Tsung

Opponent - Liu Kang

Description - Defeat Liu Kang with skull attacks.

              You may only use skull attacks.

Skip Cost - 300

Challenge 188 - Arise From your Grave


Player - Shang Tsung

Opponent - Liu Kang

Description - Use Shang Tsung to resurrect a zombie to fight for him!

Skip Cost - 600

Challenge 189 - No Seriously, I'm Popular


Player - Shang Tsung

Opponent - Jade

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

              Beware the Lin Kuei!

Skip Cost - 600

Challenge 190 - To Do List


Player - Shang Tsung

Opponent - Kintaro

Description - Shang Tsung must complete a series of tasks to succeed.

Skip Cost - 1200

Challenge 191 - Hyper Kombat 2


Players - Shang Tsung, Kitana

Opponents - Noob, Smoke

Description - Defeat Your Opponents!

              Everything is in fast motion!

Skip Cost - 1200

Challenge 192 - Test Your Sight


Player - Shang Tsung

Difficulty - Medium

Description - Pick the correct head or face the consequences.

Skip Cost - 1200

There are only 3 cups but they move really fast.

Challenge 193 - I'm Not Dead Yet


Player - Smoke

Opponent - Noob

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

              Finish your opponent with a fatality to take care of

              them once and for all.

Skip Cost - 300

Challenge 194 - Life Swap 2


Player - Smoke

Opponent - Kabal

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

              Every 10 seconds health will be swapped between players.

Skip Cost - 600

Challenge 195 - Bleeding Out


Players - Smoke, Quan Chi

Opponents - Kano, Shang Tsung

Description - Defeat Your Opponents!

              You will slowly lose health if you do not swap out


Skip Cost - 600

Challenge 196 - Smoke Him Out


Player - Smoke

Opponent - Sindel

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

              Not connecting with all your Special Attacks will

              forfeit the match!

              Super Meters are disabled.

Skip Cost - 1200

Challenge 197 - Slow Motion


Player - Smoke

Opponent - Ninja Sub-Zero

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

              Sub-Zero's ice moves will slow you down for 75


Skip Cost - 1200

Challenge 198 - Test Your Might (Marble)


Player - Smoke

Difficulty - Hard

Description - Press any button to increase your Might.

              Press LT or RT when might meter is above the marker.

Skip Cost - 600

Challenge 199 - I Feel Sick...


Player - Jade

Opponent - Johnny Cage

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

              Your life will gradually decrease while your opponent's

              will increase.

Skip Cost - 600

Challenge 200 - Out on a Limb 2


Player - Jade

Opponent - Goro

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

              You are only able to attack by throwing your limbs at

              your opponent.

              You super meter is regenerating.

              Your attack damage is doubled.

Skip Cost - 600

Challenge 201 - You've Already Won Me Over


Player - Jade

Opponents - Sindel, Sheeva

Description - Defeat Your Opponents!

              You cannot use special attacks.

              You have the Lin Kuei on your side!

Skip Cost - 1200

Challenge 202 - Learn My Way


Player - Jade

Opponent - Sindel

Description - Tilt the world to defeat your opponent!

              Every hit tilts the world to the left or right while no

              hits recenter it.

              Everything is in fast motion!

              X-Rays are disabled - Sindel can't block.

Skip Cost - 1200

Challenge 203 - Shao Kahn


Player - Jade

Opponent - Kintaro

Description - Defeat Kintaro!

              Shao Kahn will heal or increase Kintaro's attack every

              five seconds.

Skip Cost - 1200

Challenge 204 - Test Your Luck


Player - Jade

Difficulty - 6 Reels

Description - Spin the slot machine reels!

              Defeat your Opponent.

Skip Cost - 1200

Challenge 205 - Money For Specials


Player - Scorpion

Opponent - Jade

Description - You have 60 seconds to heat up your opponent.

              Specials award you big money!

Skip Cost - 0

Challenge 206 - Fire And Ice


Player - Scorpion, Ninja Sub-Zero

Opponent - Cyber Sub-Zero

Description - Defeat Cyber Sub-Zero with Scorpion and Sub-Zero.

              Alternate Summon Flames and Iceball attacks.

Skip Cost - 300

Challenge 207 - You Killed My Family


Player - Scorpion

Opponent - Ninja Sub-Zero

Description - Defeat Sub-Zero!

              Watch out, he has help from above!

Skip Cost - 600

Challenge 208 - Elemental Balance


Player - Scorpion

Opponent - Ninja Sub-Zero

Description - Tilt the world to defeat your opponent!

              Every hit tilts the world to the left or right while

              no hits recenter it.

              X-Rays are disabled.

Skip Cost - 1200

Challenge 209 - Orange You Glad I Came


Players - Scorpion, Ninja Sub-Zero

Opponent - Shao Kahn

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

              When Shao Kahn is blue only Sub-Zero's attack will do


              When Shao Kahn is orange only Scorpion's attack will do


Skip Cost - 1200

Challenge 210 - Shaolin Monk: Final Act


Players - Liu Kang, Kung Lao

Opponents - Kintaro, Shao Kahn

Description - Defeat Shao Kahn and Kintaro.

              Finish Shao Kahn.

Skip Cost - 1200

Challenge 211 - Defend The Temple


Players - Liu Kang, Kung Lao

Opponent - Zombies

Description - Use Liu Kang's Fireball or Kung Lao's Hattoss to kill 30


              Tag to reload after 3 shots.

              Normal Zombies are immune to Liu Kang's Fireball.

              Headless Zombies are immune to Kung Lao's Hattoss.

Skip Cost - 300

Challenge 212 - Total Chaos


Player - Kung Lao

Opponent - Liu Kang

Description - Fireballs will randomly fall from the sky.

              Floor will randomly magnetize.

              Iceballs will randomly fall from the sky.

              Health and Super recovery items will randomly drop.

              Floor will randomly erupt in flames.

Skip Cost - 600

Challenge 213 - Hats Off To You


Player - Kung Lao

Opponent - Liu Kang

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

              You can only use special moves.

Skip Cost - 1200

Challenge 214 - Wasted


Player - Kung Lao

Opponents - Mileena, Jade

Description - Defeat Your Opponents!

              You will only build Super Meter at half the normal rate.

              Kombos above 3 hits landed on Kung Lao will remove his

              hat for 10 seconds, disabling Hat based attacks!

Skip Cost - 1200

Challenge 215 - Revenge!


Player - Kung Lao

Opponent - Goro

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

              Landing any attack that has already been used in the

              fight will be performed at 75% of its normal damage.

Skip Cost - 1200

Challenge 216 - Test Your Might (Silver)


Player - Kung Lao

Difficulty - Hard

Description - Press any button to increase your Might.

              Press LT or RT when might meter is above the marker.

Skip Cost - 600

Challenge 217 - Out on a Limb 3


Player - Kabal

Opponent - Ninja Sub-Zero

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

              Both you and your opponent are only able to attack by

              throwing your limbs at each other.

Skip Cost - 300

Challenge 218 - Desire You


Player - Kabal

Opponent - Sonya Blade

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

              Getting hit by a kiss attack will reduce your damage for

              a time.

Skip Cost - 300

Challenge 219 - Red Light Green Light


Player - Kabal

Opponent - Cyrax

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

              When your opponent is red, damage will be reflected

              back to you.

Skip Cost - 600

Challenge 220 - Blood Brothers


Players - Kabal, Kano

Opponents - Quan Chi, Shang Tsung

Description - Defeat Your Opponents!

              All swapped out partners slowly heal!

Skip Cost - 600

Challenge 221 - Lord of The Netherrealm


Player - Kabal

Opponents - Zombies

Description - Defeat Your Opponents!

              Red glowing enemies explode and cause major damage.

Skip Cost - 1200

Challenge 222 - Test Your Sight


Player - Kabal

Difficulty - Hard

Description - Pick the correct head or face the consequences.

Skip Cost - 1200

There are 5 heads but they move fast and two at a time.

Challenge 223 - An Offer You Can't Refuse


Player - Reptile

Opponent - Kitana

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

              Watch out for ground fireballs!

Skip Cost - 300

Challenge 224 - Slime To Go


Player - Reptile

Opponent - Reptile

Description - Use Reptile's invisibility move to absorb 5 of your

              opponents slimballs.

Skip Cost - 300

Challenge 225 - Master of Ice


Player - Reptile

Opponent - Ninja Sub-Zero

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

              Opponent must be killed with a stage fatality.

              Beware the Lin Kuei!

Skip Cost - 300

Challenge 226 - Unit 5...Alive?


Player - Reptile

Opponent - Cyborg

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

              Only acid based attacks do damage.

Skip Cost - 600

Challenge 227 - Cyborg-Absorb


Player - Reptile

Opponents - Cyrax, Sektor

Description - Defeat Your Opponents!

Skip Cost - 1200

Challenge 228 - Test Your Might (Gold)


Player - Reptile

Difficulty - Hard

Description - Press any button to increase your Might.

              Press LT or RT when might meter is above the marker.

Skip Cost - 1200

Challenge 229 - Balls Out...


Player - Kano

Opponents - Sonya Blade, Johnny Cage, Kung Lao

Description - Defeat Your Opponents!

              You only have 120 seconds!

              Earn bonus Koins the faster you win.

              Earn bonus Koins for performing a fatality.

Skip Cost - 0

Challenge 230 - Catch Me If You Can


Player - Kano

Opponent - Jax

Description - Avoid or block all of Jax's attacks for 25 seconds.

Skip Cost - 600

Challenge 231 - Bloodbath


Player - Kano

Opponent - Ermac

Description - Spill 10 pints of blood on the battlefield before time

              runs out.

              Attacks do no damage to either fighter.

              Only Kano's knife can penetrate your opponent's armor

              and spill blood.

Skip Cost - 600

Challenge 232 - I'm Baaaccckkkk..


Player - Kano

Opponent - Scorpion

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

              Scorpion's rage has increased the power of some of his


Skip Cost - 1200

Challenge 233 - This Force is Special?


Player - Kano

Opponents - Cyrax, Sonya Blade, Stryker

Description - Defeat the main leaders of Special Forces.

Skip Cost - 2400

Challenge 234 - Test Your Luck


Player - Kano

Difficulty - 6 Reels

Description - Spin the slot machine reels!

              Defeat your Opponent.

Skip Cost - 1200

Challenge 235 - We're All Vampires


Player - Sindel

Opponent - Mileena

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

              Everyone gains health by landing attacks on enemies.

Skip Cost - 300

Challenge 236 - Good To Be Queen


Player - Sindel

Opponents - Raiden, Jade, Kitana

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

              Every opponent defeated increases your power.

Skip Cost - 300

Challenge 237 - Scream Your Head Off


Player - Sindel

Opponent - Mileena

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

              Sindel can only use her scream attack.

              Screaming does extra damage and cannot be blocked.

Skip Cost - 600

Challenge 238 - I'm So Special


Player - Sindel

Opponent - Ermac

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

              Special moves are superpowered

Skip Cost - 600

Challenge 239 - Flying Fists Of Fury


Player - Sindel

Opponent - Kitana

Description - Hit your opponent 30 times in 45 seconds.

Skip Cost - 1200

Challenge 240 - Test Your Might (Iron)


Player - Sindel

Difficulty - Hard

Description - Press any button to increase your Might.

              Press LT or RT when might meter is above the marker.

Skip Cost - 1200

Challenge 241 - Big Payday


Player - Kitana

Opponent - Jade

Description - You have 30 seconds to beat up your opponent.

              Damage done is added to your reward!

Skip Cost - 0

Challenge 242 - The Shokan Inquisition


Player - Kitana

Opponent - Sheeva

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

              Watch for falling rocks!

Skip Cost - 600

Challenge 243 - The Bitch is Back


Player - Kitana

Opponent - Sheeva

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

              Your opponent is enraged!

              Cannot block opponent's attacks.

              Opponent has infinite Super Meter.

              Must defeat opponent with Fatality.

Skip Cost - 1200

Challenge 244 - A Slow Drip


Players - Kitana, Jade

Opponents - Quan Chi, Sindel

Description - Defeat Your Opponents!

              You will slowly lose health if you do not swap out


Skip Cost - 1200

Challenge 245 - Up In The Air


Player - Kitana

Opponent - Kitana

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

              When your foe is on the ground, she is invulnerable.

              Use popup hits to get your enemy in the air.

Skip Cost - 2400

Challenge 246 - Test Your Sight


Player - Kitana

Difficulty - Hard

Description - Pick the correct head or face the consequences.

Skip Cost - 1200

You have 7 cups and they move really fast and 2 at a time.

Challenge 247 - Deadly Dalliance


Player - Shang Tsung

Opponent - Quan Chi

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

              The too sorcerers may only do damage with magic.

Skip Cost - 600

Challenge 248 - Robot Buddies


Players - Shang Tsung, Cyrax

Opponents - Raiden, Sektor

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

              Each fightrer has a robot buddy that will periodically

              help them.

Skip Cost - 600

Challenge 249 - Super Drain


Player - Shang Tsung

Opponent - Kabal

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

              The Super Drain switches back and forth between players.

Skip Cost - 1200

Challenge 250 - It's Not My Baby


Player - Shang Tsung

Opponent - Shao Kahn

Description - Defeat Shao Kahn!

Skip Cost - 1200

Challenge 251 - Bring It On!


Player - Shang Tsung

Opponents - Baraka, Sindel, Shao Kahn

Description - Defeat the top of the Ladder!

Skip Cost - 2400

Challenge 252 - Test Your Might (Titanium)


Player - Shang Tsung

Difficulty - Really Hard

Description - Press any button to increase your Might.

              Press LT or RT when might meter is above the marker.

Skip Cost - 1200

Challenge 253 - En-Lightning!


Player - Raiden

Opponent - Nightwolf

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

              You may only use your lightning bolt.

Skip Cost - 600

Challenge 254 - I'm A Vampire


Player - Raiden

Opponent - Sindel

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

              Your enemy gains health by landing attacks.

Skip Cost - 600

Challenge 255 - Earth is Screwed


Player - Raiden

Opponents - Kung Lao, Liu Kang, Stryker

Description - Defeat Your Opponents!

              Every opponent defeated increases your power.

Skip Cost - 600

Challenge 256 - Deadly Alliance!


Player - Raiden

Opponents - Shang Tsung, Quan Chi

Description - Defeat Shang Tsung and Quan Chi.

Skip Cost - 1200

Challenge 257 - Hell


Player - Raiden

Opponent - Noob

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

              You opponent receives many power ups to start the match.

Skip Cost - 1200

This one is really annoying. You are fighting Noob which is really

cheap as a computer controlled character and to make it worse he

has a bunch of power ups to make him stronger.  I just spammed 

Raiden's Air Charge attack and grabbed him over and over.  With a bit

of luck, you will get this.

Challenge 258 - Test Your Luck


Player - Raiden

Difficulty - 7 Reels

Description - Spin the slot machine reels!

              Defeat your Opponent.

Skip Cost - 1200

Challenge 259 - Who's There?


Player - Noob

Opponent - Smoke

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

              Your opponent is invisible.

Skip Cost - 600

Challenge 260 - All Flipped Up


Player - Noob

Opponent - Kabal

Description - The world has been turned upside down!

              Defeat Your Opponent!

Skip Cost - 600

Challenge 261 - The Healing Exchange


Players - Noob, Ermac

Opponents - Sonya Blade, Kitana

Description - Defeat Your Opponents!

              All swapped out partners slowly heal!

Skip Cost - 600

Challenge 262 - Brother On Brother


Player - Noob

Opponent - Ninja Sub-Zero

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

              Watch out for falling ice.

Skip Cost - 1200

Challenge 263 - Noob Unbound


Player - Noob

Opponents - Reptile, Scorpion, Baraka

Description - Defeat Your Opponents!

Skip Cost - 2400

Challenge 264 - Test Your Might (Amber)


Player - Noob

Difficulty - Really Hard

Description - Press any button to increase your Might.

              Press LT or RT when might meter is above the marker.

Skip Cost - 2400

Challenge 265 - Grenade Toss


Player - Stryker

Opponent - None

Description - Throw as many grenades into the bucket as you can in 30


              You are awarded koins for every bomb that lands in the


Skip Cost - 0

Challenge 266 - The Duel


Player - Stryker

Opponent - Stryker

Description - Shoot your opponent before he shoots you!

Skip Cost - 300

Challenge 267 - Lock N Load


Player - Stryker

Opponent - Ermac

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

              Only your special moves are available.

Skip Cost - 600

Challenge 268 - Life Swap 3


Player - Stryker

Opponent - Sindel

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

              Every 5 seconds health will be swapped between players.

Skip Cost - 1200

Challenge 269 - This Is Insane!


Player - Stryker

Opponent - Shao Kahn (3x)

Description - Defeat an army of Shao Kahns.

Skip Cost - 4800

This one is based a bit on luck.  What you want to do

is get as much space as you can between you and Shao Kahn

and spam your gun attack.  If Shao Kahn goes to throw a

fireball, you will stun him with the two shots from your


Gun Shot - Back, Forward, X

Challenge 270 - Test Your Sight


Player - Stryker

Difficulty - Really Hard

Description - Pick the correct head or face the consequences.

Skip Cost - 2400

There are 7 cups total and they move really fast and two at a time.

Challenge 271 - Madness


Player - Ermac

Opponent - Liu Kang

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

              Nobody can block.

              Your attacks do less damage.

              Every successful attack awards an attack bonus.

Skip Cost - 600

Challenge 272 - Time Critical


Player - Ermac

Opponent - Sektor

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

              Your abilities are removed over time.

Skip Cost - 600

Challenge 273 - Fists Of Fury


Player - Ermac

Opponent - Shang Tsung

Description - Hit your opponent 30 times in 60 seconds.

Skip Cost - 1200

Challenge 274 - All The Right Moves


Player - Ermac

Opponent - Liu Kang

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

              Not connecting with all your Special Attacks will

              forfeit the match!

              Super Meters are disabled.

Skip Cost - 1200

Challenge 275 - Army Of What?


Player - Ermac

Opponents - Goro (3x)

Description - Defeat an army of Goros.

Skip Cost - 4800

You must fight 3 Goros with one life bar.  This isn't

too hard but can be if you aren't that good with Ermac.

What I did was land jump kicks whenever possible but make

sure you jump over Goro's head before attempting this or

you will probably hit a shielded move.  Use Ermac's combo

Y, Y, Down, Back, X.  This does a bit of damage and will

make Goro have to come to you because you will push him 

away with the force push.  You can also spam force moves.

These work well.

Challenge 276 - Test Your Might (Pearl)


Player - Ermac

Difficulty - Really Hard

Description - Press any button to increase your Might.

              Press LT or RT when might meter is above the marker.

Skip Cost - 2400

Challenge 277 - Low High


Player - Mileena

Opponent - Kabal

Description - Mileena must complete a series of tasks to succeed.

Skip Cost - 600

Challenge 278 - Seek The Warmth


Player - Mileena

Opponent - Kung Lao

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

              You and your opponent can be healed inside the cone of


              You will take damage when on in the cone of light.

Skip Cost - 600

Challenge 279 - But I'm A Vampire!


Player - Mileena

Opponent - Smoke

Description - Spill 20 pints of blood on the battlefield

              before time runs out.

              Attacks do no damage to either fighter.

              Only Mileena's pounce can penetrate your

              opponents armor and spill blood

Skip Cost - 600

You can't damage Smoke or even stun him with any kind of

attack.  Just keep spamming Mileena's pounce attack.

Back, Forward, Y

You have to get about 10 on Smoke to win.

Challenge 280 - Hyper Kombat 3


Player - Mileena

Opponent - Sindel

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

              Everything is in fast motion!

              Both players have infinite super meters.

Skip Cost - 1200

Just keep spamming your X-Ray attacks.

Challenge 281 - Rock Your World


Player - Mileena

Opponent - Kitana

Description - Tilt the world to defeat your oppoent!

              Every hit tilts the world to the left

              or right while no hits recenters it.

              X Rays are disabled.

Skip Cost - 2400

The world will tilt depending on who gets hit.  You

will be in control if you characters eyes are glowing.

You get in control by beating on your opponent.  Your

health will recharge if the world is tilting in your

favor but drain if you are the one getting beat.  You

have to stay on the offensive to keep the world tilted

so you can win.

Challenge 282 - Test Your Luck


Player - Mileena

Difficulty - Hardest

Description - Spin the slot machine reels!

              Defeat your Opponent.

Skip Cost - 2400

You have 7 reels this time.  Just test your

luck to see what the stipulations are.

Challenge 283 - Survive This


Player - Quan Chi

Opponent - Smoke

Description - Survive for 60 seconds

              Smoke will become more difficult

              as time continues

Skip Cost - 300

You just have to survive for 60 seconds.  You 

can attack so just stay on the offensive. 

Grabbing seems to waste the most time so you

can avoid being attacked while grabbing the


Challenge 284 - Hot Potato


Player - Quan Chi

Opponent - Reptile

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

Skip Cost - 600

For this, you must defeat Reptile but Shang Tsung 

hurt the last person that is hit.  So try to avoid

getting hit as much as possible and let Reptile

have his health drained.

Challenge 285 - Armed and Dangerous


Player - Quan Chi

Opponent - Stryker

Description - Defeat your Opponent!

              You have no arms but your opponent does.

              Your arm based attacks are disabled.

              Your X Rays are disabled.

Skip Cost - 1200

You must defeat Stryker with just your leg attacks.

Spamming Jump Kicks works pretty well.

Challenge 286 - Puppet Master


Player - Quan Chi

Opponent - Goro

Description - Fight your enemy to bring them into

              a weakened state.

              Use your mind control ablility to send

              your enemy to their death.

Skip Cost - 2400

You must hit Goro 10 times and then you can use your

Mind Control move.  Back, Forward, A

Challenge 287 - Mirror Realm


Player - Quan Chi

Opponent - Quan Chi

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

              Your controls have been mirrored

Skip Cost - 2400

This one is really hard because all your moves are

reversed.  Up is Down, Left is Right etc.  You have

to get the hang of it and fast because your opponent

is not giving you a chance.  Quan Chi is really on

the offensive on this.  This one will more than likely

take quite a few tries.

Challenge 288 - Test Your Might (Sapphire)


Player - Quan Chi

Difficulty - Hard

Description - Press any button to Increase Might

              Press RT or LT when might meter is

Skip Cost - 2400

The meter is near the top, so tap those

buttons as fast as you can.

Challenge 289 - Who Am I


Player - Liu Kang-Raiden-Noob-Kitana

Opponent - Kitana

Description - You will change characters every 20 seconds.

Skip Cost - 600

You start as Liu Kang but you change characters every

20 seconds.  You cycle through Raiden, Noob and 

Kitana.  Just defeat Sindel and this mission is complete.

Challenge 290 - Change Is A Good Thing


Player - Noob-Sheeva-Sindel-Ninja Sub-Zero

Opponent - Sindel

Description - You will change characters every 10 seconds.

Skip Cost - 600

You start as Noob but you change characters every

10 seconds.  You cycle through Sheeva, Sindel and 

Ninja Sub-Zero.  Just defeat Sindel and this mission is 


Challenge 291 - Hold On A Minute


Player - Sonya Blade-Jax-Reptile-Cyrax

Opponent - Cyrax

Description - You will change characters every 5 seconds.

Skip Cost - 600

You start as Sonya Blade but you change characters

every 5 seconds.  You cycle through Reptile, Jax and 

Cyrax.  Just defeat Cyrax and this mission is complete.

Challenge 292 - Do The Robot


Player - Cyber Sub-Zero

Opponent - Sektor

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

              Not connecting with all your Special

              Attacks will forfeit the match!

              Super Moves are disabled.

Skip Cost - 1200

You must hit Sektor with all the Special attacks

listed before taking all of Sektor's health or you

will fail the mission.

Ice Ball - Down, Forward, X

Dive Kick - Down + A (Air)

Ice Parry - Down, Back, Y

Slide - Back, Forward, B

Ice Bomb - Back, Back, A or Forward, Forward, A

Challenge 293 - Knock'em Clock'em Ninja Bot


Player - Cyber Sub-Zero

Opponent - Sektor

Description - Defeat Your Opponent with 30 hits

              to the head.

Skip Cost - 1200

This one is really annoying.  Once reason is because

Sektor is a pain and blocks everything.  Jump kicks

work and so does spamming (X,X,X). That is what I 

found to work the best. 

Challenge 294 - Test Your Might (Diamond)


Player - Cyber Sub-Zero

Difficulty - Hardest

Description - Press any button to increase your Might.

              Press LT or RT when might meter is above the marker.

Skip Cost - 2400

The meter is all the way at the top, so tap those

buttons as fast as you can.  This is the final

Test your Might Challenge.

Challenge 295 - Four Arms Are Better Than Two


Player - Sheeva

Opponent - Raiden

Description - Use only Sheeva's special attacks to

              defeat Raiden

Skip Cost - 600

Honestly I just spammed Sheeva's (Down, Up) teleport

stomp attack.  Just be on guard for Raiden's air

charge attack.

Challenge 296 - Bloodthirst


Player - Sheeva

Opponent - Sindel

Description - Spill 50 pints of blood on the battlefield

              before time runs out.

              Attacks do no damage to either fighter.

              Sheeva's thirst for blood causes her to take

              damage over time

              Spill your opponent's blood to gain health back.

Skip Cost - 1200

For this you must just keep attacking Sindel until you have

50 pints of blood spilled.  Not too hard but Sindel is on

the aggressive bad.  Everything you do spills blood.  Just

keep attacking so you don't run out of health.  Your X-Ray

attack will spill a lot of blood if you can pull it off.

Challenge 297 - Lock On!


Player - Sheeva

Opponent - Sektor

Description - Defeat Your Opponent!

              Watch for random missiles!

Skip Cost - 1200

You will see Sektor fire a bunch of missiles in the air.

You will see a target appear on your body before they

come down to hit you. Best to learn a quick combo for

Sheeva and beware of Sektor spamming his teleport punches.

Challenge 298 - Just A Scratch


Players - Sheeva, Baraka

Opponents - Quan Chi, Shang Tsung

Description - Defeat Your Opponents!

              You will slowly lose health if you do

              not swap out characters!

Skip Cost - 1200

This one is kinda tough, mainly cause I don't like

playing as Sheeva or Baraka and worse is you start to

lose health if you don't tag out your players.  I mostly

spammed Sheeva's (Down, Up) teleport move and grabbed as

much as I could.  May take a few tries.

Challenge 299 - Boy That Guy Is Strong


Player - Sheeva

Opponent - Goro

Description - Defeat Your Opponent

              Your Opponent is strong enough to defeat

              you with a single hit.

Skip Cost - 4800

The best help I can give you for this one is to spam

Sheeva's (Down, Up) teleport move and try to dodge all

of Goro's moves.

Challenge 300 - End Game


Player - You Choose

Opponents - Goro, Kintaro, Mileena, Shao Kahn

Description - Defeat Your Opponents

Skip Cost - 50,000

This is the final challenge. This one is pretty hard because

Shao Kahn will give his henchmen power-ups like health

regeneration, increased strength and he will take away your

block and make you do half damage to your enemies.  To make

this a bit easier for you. Continue losing and when the 

Mission Failed screen comes up, click Retry.  After about 

10-15 times, the enemies will get easier and you will regain

health after each opponent.  Since you get to choose your

character, pick someone that you can pick up on Goro and 

Kintaro's slowness.  For Mileena, she will spam the hell out

of her teleport kicks.  So be on your guard.  Shao Kahn, you

will need to keep distance.  Getting close to him will just

make him spam his shower charges and uppercuts which you can't

just attack into. I personally used Scorpion for this. When

Shao Kahn throws his hammer or spear, I would teleport punch

him and throw a spear in the middle of the combo.  Getting

a nice piece of his energy off of him.  When you do Scorpion's

combo X, X, X.  Just hit X twice.  You don't want him to do the

flame punch that finishes the combo.  Before doing the flame

punch, hit (Back, Back, X) to do his spear.  That is how you

get a spear in the middle of the combo.  This works with the

teleport punch as well.

I do not take credit for the video but it is a great

one and give this guy your likes for his strategy on beating

this hard challenge. Thanks XCVii007r1

III.   Closing Statements


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Thanks for using my Guide.  Hope This Helps</p>

Iain Wilson
Guides Editor

Iain originally joined Future in 2012 to write guides for CVG, PSM3, and Xbox World, before moving on to join GamesRadar in 2013 as Guides Editor. His words have also appeared in OPM, OXM, PC Gamer, GamesMaster, and SFX. He is better known to many as ‘Mr Trophy’, due to his slightly unhealthy obsession with amassing intangible PlayStation silverware, and he now has over 700 Platinum pots weighing down the shelves of his virtual award cabinet. He does not care for Xbox Achievements.