Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe Fatalities and Heroic Brutalities
All of the Fatalities and Heroic Brutalities for Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe
We've got all of the Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe Fatalities and Heroic Brutalities listed here, so you can dish out that final punishing blow with classic Kombat characters and comic book heroes.
Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe Fatalities And Heroic Brutalities
Special moves:
Sharp Spark: Press Down, Back, X (hold X for delay)
Scrape Kick: Press Forward(2), Y
Chop Chop Blades: Press Back(2), A
Blade Cyclone: Press Down, Forward, B
Pro moves:
Chop Chop Blades, Scrape Kick: Press Back(2), A, Forward(2), Y (perform Scrape Kick at the end of the Chop Chop Blades animation).
Stab Slam (close): Press Back, Forward, Down, Forward, X
Chest Stab (close): Press Forward(2), Down(2), A
Special moves
Gun Runner: Press Back(2), X
Power Fist: Press Down, Back, Y (press X or A after the punch for an extra hit)
Blinding Light: Press Down, Back, X
Rocket Blast: Press Down, Back, A
Double Rocket Blast: Press Down, Back, A, Down, Back, B
Gotcha Grab: Press Forward(2), Y (tap Y for extra hits)
Ground Pound: Press Down(2), B
Pro moves
Double Rocket Blast: Press Down, Back, A, Down, Back, B
Power Fist, Gotcha Grab: Press Down, Back, Y, X, Forward(2), Y (as soon as X hits your opponent on the ground)
Ground Pound, Gun Runner: Press Down(2), Back(3), X (immediately after the ground pound connects)
Gotcha Grab: Press Forward(2), Y (tap Y for extra hits)
Head Smash (close): Press Back, Forward(2), Back, Y
Machine Gun (close): Press Forward(2), Back(2), A
Special moves
Kano Ball: Press Back, Forward, B
Kano Up Ball: Press Down, Forward, Y
Brutal Throw: Press Down, Forward, X
Knife Toss: Press Down, Back, X
Parry: Press Down, Back, Y
Eye Laser: Press Back(2), X
Pro moves
Kano Ball: Press Back, Forward, B, RT (release RT when you hear the Pro Move sound effect; unlockable)
Kano Up Ball: Press Hold Down/Forward at the peak of your jump and press B
Brutal Throw: Press Down, Forward, X, Down, Back, Y (press Down/Back as soon as your opponent hits the ground)
Knife Throw (close): Press Back, Down, Back, Forward, X
Flip Stomp (one step away): Press Down(2), Forward, Back, B
Special moves
Bladed Fans: Press Forward(2), X (also can be done in air)
Square Wave Punch: Press Down, Back, Y
Rolling Fury: Press Down, Forward, B
Mystical Teleportation: Press Down, Back, X (also can be done in air)
Fan Lift: Press Back(2), X
Razor's Tip: Press Down, Forward, Y
Pro moves
Square Wave Punch, Bladed Fan: Press Down, Back, Y, Forward, Forward, X (while still in air)
Fan Throw to The Head (sweep): Press Back(2), Forward, X
Kiss of Death (sweep): Press Forward, Down(2), Back, A
Liu Kang
Special moves
High Dragon Fire: Press Forward(2), X (also can be done in air)
Low Dragon Fire: Press Forward(2), A
Flying Dragon Kick: Press Forward(2), Y
Bicycle Kick: Press Back(2), Forward, B
Dragon's Tail (Cartwheel): Press Down, Back, B and also one of the following:
Spinning Backfist: Press (after Dragon's Tail) X
Uppercut: Press (after Dragon's Tail) Y (sets up juggle)
Zen Trip: Press (after Dragon's Tail) A
Shaolin Spirit: Press (after Dragon's Tail) B
Pro moves
Bicycle Kick, Flying Dragon Kick: Press Back(2), Forward, B, Forward(2), Y (perform Flying Kick while Bicycle Kick is halfway finished)
Bicycle Kick, High Dragon Fire: Press Back(2), Forward, B, Forward(2), X (perform High Fire near the end of Bicycle Kick)
MK1 Arcade Drop (sweep): Press Forward, Back, Down(2), A
Head Stomp (one step away): Press Down(2), Forward, Down, B
Special moves
Vicinity Blast: Press Down, Back, Y (hold Y for larger blast)
Lightning Bolt: Press Down, Back, X (Hold X for larger blast)
Projectile Cancel: Press Down, Forward (cancels Vicinity Blast and Lighting Bolt)
Energy Teleport: Press Down, Back, A
Lightning Shock: Press Forward(2), Y
The Superman: Press Forward(2), B (also can be done in air)
Pro moves
Double Teleport: Press Down, Back, A, Down, Back, A (perform second teleport immediately after the first)
Lightning Shock, Teleport: Press Forward(2), Y, Down, Back, A (perform Teleport just before Raiden's hand hits the opponent during Lightning Shock)
Vicinity Blast: Press Down, Back, Y, Down, Back, B (press Down/Back, B at very end of the Vicinity Blast)
Ground Slam (close): Press Down, Forward, Down, Up, Y
Electrocution (close): Press Back, Forward(2), Down, B
Special moves
Spear: Press Back(2), X
Fiery Teleport: Press Down, Back, A (also can be done in air)
Inner Flames: Press Down(2), Y (hold Y for longer flame)
Hell Fire: Press Down, Back, Y
Hellish Slide: Press Down, Back, B
Pro moves
Double Fiery Teleport: Press Down, Back, A, Down, Back, A (immediately do second Fiery Teleport after the first)
Air Teleport, Fiery Teleport: Press Down, Back, A (while in air), Down, Back, A (immediately do second Fiery Teleport after the first)
Toasty! (sweep): Press Down(3), B
Lava Pool (close): Press Forward(2), Back, Down, A
Shang Tsung
Special moves
Skull Fire: Press Back(2), Y
Sky Fire: Press Down, Back, Y
Slide Launch: Press Down, Forward, B
Soul Steal: Press Down, Back, A
Hot Escape: Press Down, Back, B
Body Switch: Press Down, Back, Forward, X
Pro moves
Multi-Fire: Press Down, Back, Y, X, Forward, Y (up to three fireballs)
Slide Launch: Press Down, Forward, B, Up, B (press Up, B as soon as first hit of Slide Launch connects)
Back Breaker (close): Press Back, Down, Forward, A
Morph (close): Press Down(2), Forward(2), Y
Shao Kahn
Special moves
Shoulder Charge: Press Forward(2), B
Rising Emperor: Press Back, Forward, B
Energy Shield: Press Down, Back, A
Pulse Blast: Press Back(2), X
Choke Punch: Press Forward(2), X
Hammer Smash: Press Back, Forward, Y
Pro moves
Shoulder Charge into Upwards Shoulder Charge: Unknown
Choke Punch Extra Hit: Unknown
Special moves
Ring of Doom: Press Down, Forward, X (can be done twice)
Deadly Kiss: Press Down, Back, X
Leg Grab: Press Back, Forward, B
Bicycle Kick: Press Down, Back, B (can also be done in air)
Kartwheel Flip: Press Down, Forward, A
Square Wave Punch: Press Down, Back, Y
Pro moves
Bicycle Kick, Air Bicycle Kick: Press Down, Back, B, Down, Back, B (perform the Pro Move just before last hit of the Bicycle Kick connects)
Double Ring of Doom: Press Down, Forward, X, Down, Forward, X
Leg Grab Pop Up: Unknown
Kiss of Death (sweep): Press Down(2), Back, Forward, X
Neck Breaker (one step away): Press Down, Back, Forward(2), B
Special moves
Icy Counter: Press Down, Back, X
Ice Nugget: Press Down, Back, Y (unblockable)
Icy Freeze: Press Down, Forward, A
Tombstone Teleport: Press Down, Back, A
Cold Slide: Press Back + A + B
Pro moves
Icy Slide, Tombstone Teleport: Press Back + A + B, Down, Back, A
Tombstone Teleport, Icy Counter: Press Down, Back, A, Down, Back, X
Freeze Kick (close): Press Back(2), Down, Back, B
Freeze Slam (close): Press Back, Forward, Down, Forward, Y
Special moves
Smoke Capsule: Press Down, Back, Y
Batarang: Press Down, Forward, X (can also be done in air)
Leaping Shadow Kick: Press Down, Forward, B
Leg Take Down: Press Down, Back, B
Sneaky Batarang: Press Down, Back, X
Dark Absorption: Press Back(2), Y (projectile absorption block)
Smoke Escape: Press Down, Back, A
Pro moves
Double Batarang: Press Down, Forward, X, Down, Back, Y
Heroic Brutalities
Bat Swarm (close): Press Down, Back, Forward(2), B
Grappling Hook (sweep): Press Down(3), Up, A
Captain Marvel
Special moves
Solomon Escape: Press Down, Back, B
Strength of Hercules: Press Back, Forward, Y
Atlas Clap: Press Down, Back, Y
Power of Zeus: Press Down, Back, X
Achilles Bolt: Press Down, Back, A
Mercury Bear Hug: Press Back, Forward, B
Pro moves
Power of Zeus Extended: Press Down, Back, X, Forward, Y
Mercury Bear Hug Throw: Press Back, Forward, B, Y
Heroic Brutalities
Slam & Stomp: Press Down, Forward, Back, Forward, X
Ground Slam: Press Down, Back, Down, Forward, Y
Special moves
Whip Sting: Press Down, Back, X (can also be done in air)
Lasso Grip: Press Back, Forward, Y
Kitty Surprise: Press Back, Forward, A
Raging Cat: Press Back, Forward, B
Somersaulting Fever: Press Down, Forward, A
Nine Lives: Press Down, Back, B (certain projectile/move dodge)
Pro moves
Whip Sting, Lasso Grip: Press Down, Back, X, then as soon as Whip Sting connects Back, Forward, Y
Whip Sting, Kitty Surprise: Press Down, Back, X, then as soon as Whip Sting connects Back, Forward, A
Pounce Grab into Whip Crack: Press Back, Forward, B, Back, Forward, X
Heroic Brutalities
Neck Breaker: Press Down, Back, Down, Forward, Y
Claw Attack: Press Forward, Back, Forward, Back, B
Special moves
Omega Beam: Press Back(2), X
Anti-Air Omega Beam: Press Back(2), Y
Omega Tremor: Press Down(2), B
Omega Knee: Press Back, Forward, B
Omega Force: Press Down, Back, A
Pro moves
Omega Force into Headbutt: Unknown
Upward Eye Laser into Straight Eye Laser: Press Back(2), X, Back(2), Y
Heroic Brutalities
Special moves
Close Flash Bomb: Press Down(2), A
Far Flash Bomb: Press Down(2), B
Pistol Shot: Press Back, Forward, X
Lunging Stab: Press Back, Forward, Y
Stomach Stab: Press Down, Forward, X
Pro moves
Double Pistol Shot: Press Back, Forward, X, Back, Forward, X (start after first Pistol Shot connects)
Heroic Brutalities
Gunshot (close): Press Forward(2), Down, Forward, Y
Neck Breaker (close): Press Forward, Down, Back, Forward, A
The Flash
Special moves
Fast Escape: Press Down, Back, A
Super Uppercut: Press Down, Back, Y
Teleport Uppercut: Press Down, Back, B
Around The World: Press Back, Forward, B
Flurry Punch: Press Back, Forward, Y
Teleport Flurry: Press Down, Back, X
Pro moves
Teleport Uppercut, Super Uppercut: Press Down, Back, B, Down, Back, Y (just before the animation for the Teleport Uppercut fist appears)
Like the Wind, Teleport Uppercut: Press Y(2), X, Down, Back, B (as soon as the last hit of the combo sequence hits)
Like the Wind, Super Uppercut: Press Y(2), X, Down, Back, Y (as soon as the last hit of the combo sequence hits)
Teleport Flurry Into Throw: Press Down, Back, X, LB (throw on last hit of Flurry)
Heroic Brutalities
Flashy Beatdown: Press Back(2), Forward(2), B
Whirlwind Slam: Press Down, Forward, Down, Back, Down, Forward, A
Green Lantern
Special moves
Summoned Hand Grip: Press Down, Back, X
Justice Grip: Press Down, Forward, A
Strength of Will: Press Down, Back, Y
Judgment Hammer: Press Back(2), A
Wall Barrier: Press Back, Forward, B
Pro moves
Triple Overhead Hammer: Press Down, Back, Y, Down, Back, Y, Down, Back, Y (as soon as previous ones connects)
Heroic Brutalities
Orb Squeeze: Press Forward, Back, Down, Back, A
Hammer Smash: Press Back, Forward, Down(2), B
The Joker
Special moves
Joker's Wild: Press Down, Back, Y
Bombs Away: Press Forward(2), B
Bombs Away Close: Press Forward(2), Y
Bombs Away Medium: Press Forward(2), A
Put It There Pal: Press Down, Back, X
Sinister Heels: Press Back, Forward, B
Funnyman: Press Back, Down, Forward, A
Magic Trick: Press Down, Back, B and also one of the following:
Surprise Pistol Whip: Press (after Magic Trick) X
Surprise Bomb: Press (after Magic Trick) Y
Surprise Stomp: Press (after Magic Trick) A
Surprise Slide: Press (after Magic Trick) B
Pro moves
Extra Sinister Heels: Unknown
Surprise Pistol Whip, Joker's Wild: Press Down, Back, B, X, Down, Back, Y (as soon as the Surprise Pistol Whip connects, perform the Joker's Wild)
Surprise Pistol Whip, Funnyman: Press Down, Back, B, X, Back, Down, Forward, A (as soon as Surprise Pistol Whip connects, perform the Funnyman)
Heroic Brutalities
Gunshot (close): Press Forward, Back, Forward, X
Playing Cards (close): Press Back, Down, Back, Forward, Y
Lex Luthor
Special moves
Target Practice: Press Down, Back, X
Powered Palms: Press Down, Forward, Y
LexCorp Rocket: Press Down, Back, A (can also be done in air)
Hot Flames: Press Back, Forward, A
Evasive Maneuver: Press Down, Back, B
Rocket Boots: Press Back, Forward, B
Pro moves
Powered Palms, Rocket Boots: Press Down, Forward, Y, Back, Forward, B (perform Rocket Boots immediately after second hit of Powered Palms)
LexCorp Rocket, Evasive Maneuver: Press Down, Back, A, Down, Back, B (perform Evasive Maneuver immediately before LexCorp Rocket hits)
Heroic Brutalities
Body Twist (close): Press Down, Forward, Down, Back, Y
Missile Attack (one step away): Press Up(3), X
Special moves
Heat Vision: Press Back(2), X (can also be done in air; also can be repeated)
Inhale Capture: Press Down, Back, Y
Soaring Knockout: Press Down, Forward, Y
Ice Breath: Press Down, Forward, A
Ground Tremor: Press Down, Down, B
Shoulder Charge: Press Forward, Forward, B
Up, Up and Away (Hover): Press Down, Back, A and also one of the following:
Hover Heat Vision Close: Press (after Up, Up and Back) X
Hover Heat Vision Far: Press (after Up, Up and Back) Y
Ground Tremor: Press (after Up, Up and Back) A or B
Pro moves
Inhale Capture, Soaring Knockout: Press Down, Back, Y, Down, Forward, Y
Ground Tremor: Press Down(2), B, (Down + X + Y)
Soaring Knockout: Press Down, Forward, Y, Down, Back, A
Inhale Capture, Up Up and Away: Press Down, Back, Y, Down, Back, A
Heroic Brutalities
Ground Pound (close): Press Down(2), Forward(2), X
Freeze Slam (close): Press Forward(2), Down, Back, B
Wonder Woman
Special moves
Wondrous Spin: Press Down, Back, B (can also be done in air)
Divine Princess: Press Down, Forward, Y
Splits Grab: Press Down, Forward, A
Gotcha Girl: Press Forward, Forward, B
Handstand Burst: Press Down, Back, A
Lasso Grab: Press Back, Forward, X
Pro moves
Handstand Burst: Press Down, Back, A, Down, Back, Y (press Down, Back, Y as soon as Wonder Woman reaches for opponent's leg)
Handstand Burst, Spoilt Grab: Press Down, Back, A, Down, Forward, A
Heroic Brutalities
Lasso Slam: Press Up, Back, Down, Forward, X
Lasso Spin: Press Forward, Back(2), Forward, B
Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe unlockables
Alternate Outfits
When choosing a character press start for alternate outfits.
Unlockable Characters
In the character select screen hold down RB to select these unlockable characters.
Darkseid - Beat the DC side of story mode.
Shao Kahn - Beat the MK side of story mode.
Note: Shao Kahn and Darkseid don't have any Fatalities or Heroic Brutalities.
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Iain originally joined Future in 2012 to write guides for CVG, PSM3, and Xbox World, before moving on to join GamesRadar in 2013 as Guides Editor. His words have also appeared in OPM, OXM, PC Gamer, GamesMaster, and SFX. He is better known to many as ‘Mr Trophy’, due to his slightly unhealthy obsession with amassing intangible PlayStation silverware, and he now has over 600 Platinum pots weighing down the shelves of his virtual award cabinet. He does not care for Xbox Achievements.
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