New Alan Wake "The Writer" DLC screens are a bit wordy

Alan Wake’s tale is headed to a close next week on Xbox Live.October 12th brings the last DLC in the form of The Writer pack, and a measly 560 MSpts will reveal to you The Power of the Written Word!

Above: Could this be the typewriter cross promotion Resident Evil has stupidly ignored for so long?

We love us some Alan Wake, but Good God, hopefully this'll makes sense of the multiple endings we’ve endured thus far. Just when you thought things couldn’t get more meta, Alan looks as if he’s literally duking it out with his own literature within exceedingly bizarre environments conjured partly by his own psyche.

Above: BARRY!

Whatever, we’ll probably flip throughRemedy's latestpageturner next week.Click hereto see the whole batch of today’s screens. We’ve also posted Writer’s trailer below, and for true fans of thisunderrated 360 gem, feel free to take in our own little parodyfurther down.

We kid the Alan Wake! The storytelling is every bit as bold, as it is easy to make fun of

Oct 8, 2010
