New Manhunt 2 Wii screens

We've got our hands on five new kill-tastic (kill-tacular?) Manhunt 2 screens for the Wii. Fans of suffocating, chopping, stabbing and burning will all be happy to see their favorite forms of virtual homicide represented in this new batch of shots. There's another one where we can't quite make out what's going on, but something tells us that might be for the best.

The example shown below could very well make you think twice about the game's main character. Okay, he's a homicidal maniac - that much is certain. But see what he's using? A plastic bag. That's called recycling. That's called a commitment to Mother Nature.

Above: Sadistic? Yes, but also resourceful

You can see the rest of these new screens by hitting the Images tab above.

May 30, 2007