New modes and content for Devil May Cry 4 on PC

The PC version of Devil May Cry 4 has been slapped with a summer release and just yesterday, we received somenew screens.

According to Capcom, this version of the latest game in the series features new modes and "some" additional content:

"Turbo mode will turn up the action to insane speeds, while Legendary Dark Knight Mode will harness advanced PC processing power and fill the screen with an unbelievable number of enemies for extra difficulty. Moreover, familiar enemies from the console versions will show-up in new locations in the PC version."

There'll be a demo out prior to the game's release, which features a benchmark mode to check whether your rig cuts the Devil May Cry 4 mustard. Devil May Cry 4 on PC features both DirectX 9 and DirectX 10 modes.

Check outwhat we thoughtof the console version.

Courtesy of CVG.

Apr 24, 2008