New on comiXology Unlimited (June 2020): All the comics arriving this month
Everything come to the flat-rate comics streaming service this month

June's a big month for comiXology Unlimited - as they're adding more new comics than any previous month in recent memory. By their count, over 1,000 new comic books, collections, and graphic novels will be added to the flat-rate digital reading service on June 2.
On the Big Two front, there are notable additions including over a dozen issues from Jason Aaron's Avengers run, Neil Gaiman and Chris Bachalo's complete Death: The High Cost of Living, and much of Marvel's 2019 Age of X-Men event.
Outside DC and Marvel, there are copious amounts to choose from including Witzend, Planet of the Apes, and even the collected edition of Grant Morrison's Sebastian O and Mystery Play.
If you're a comiXology Unlimited subscriber (or you want to be), here's what you have to look forward to:
- 100 Girls: The First Girl: The Complete 100 Girls
- 100 Girls Vol. 1: First Girl
- 100 Girls Vol. 2
- 100 Girls #1-7
- 10th Muse Vol. 1
- 10th Muse Vol. 2
- 10th Muse Vol. 3
- 10th Muse Vol. 4
- 10th Muse Vol. 5
- 10th Muse Vol. 6
- 10th Muse Vol. 7
- 10th Muse Vol. 8: Godwar
- 10th Muse Vol. 9: Clash of the Muses
- 10th Muse Vol. 10: Crossovers 2
- 10th Muse Volume 10: Crossovers 2 #1-3
- 10th Muse Volume 5: Goddess of War
- 10th Muse Volume 5: Goddess of War #1-4
- 10th Muse Volume 6: The Return
- 10th Muse Volume 6: The Return #1-3
- 3 (three) #1-3
- 3D Sweeties
- 47 Decembers
- 51 Delta #1-3
- Abiding Perdition #1-6
- A Cat Named Haiku #1-2
- Adventure Time: Banana Guard Academy #1-6
- Adventure Time: Candy Capers #1-6
- Affliction #1-4
- Affliction Vol. 1
- Age Of X-Man: NextGen (2019) #1-5
- Age Of X-Man: Prisoner X (2019) #1-5
- Age Of X-Man: X-Tremists (2019) #1-5
- Age Of X-Man Alpha (2019) #1
- Age Of X-Man Omega (2019) #1
- All Fall Down #1-6
- Amazing Mary Jane (2019-) #1
- American Jesus: The New Messiah #1
- American Wasteland #1-3
- Amnesia #1-4
- Amour Vol. 1
- Amour Vol. 2
- An Arcana Cryptozoological Handbook
- Ancient Oak
- A Ninja Named Stan #1-4
- Anubis
- Anywhere #1-6
- Arcana Studio Presents 2004 FCBD Ed
- Arcana Studio Presents 2005 FCBD Ed
- Arcana Studio Presents 2006 FCBD Ed
- Arcana Studio Presents 2007 FCBD Ed
- Arcana Studio Presents 2008 FCBD Ed
- Arcana Studio Presents 2009 FCBD Ed
- Arcana Studio Presents 2010 FCBD Ed
- Arcana Studio Presents 2011 FCBD Ed: Pixies
- Arcana Studio Presents 2011 FCBD Ed: Pixies
- Arcana Studio Presents 2016 FCBD Ed: Howard Lovecraft and the Frozen Kingdom
- Arcana Studio Presents 2018 FCBD Ed: Howard Lovecraft Big Book of Summer Fun
- Arcana Studio Presents 2019 FCBD Ed: Go Fish
- Arcana Team Up #1-4
- Avengers (2018-) #2-8
- Avengers (2018-) #10-#17
- Avengers by Jason Aaron Vol. 1: The Final Host
- Avengers by Jason Aaron Vol. 2: World Tour
- Avengers by Jason Aaron Vol. 3: War Of The Vampires
- Awakenings
- Back to Mysterious Island
- Baneberry Creek: Academy For Wayward Fairies Vol. 1
- Baneberry Creek #1-4
- Battlestar Galactica: Zarek #1-3
- Becoming #1-3
- Berrybrook Middle School Shorts #1
- Best of witzend
- Bill Paxton Presents: 7 Holes For Air
- Bitter Root Red Summer Special #1
- Blackbeard Legacy Vol. 1
- Blackbeard Legacy Vol. 2
- Black Jesus #1-4
- Black Panther (2018-) #8-15
- Black Panther Book 6: Intergalactic Empire Of Wakanda Part One
- Black Panther Book 7: The Intergalactic Empire Of Wakanda Part Two
- Blade of Kumori #1-5
- Blam #1-2
- Blood, Shells & Roses
- Breakdown #1-6
- Breather #1-3
- Butcher Street
- Camilla D'Errico's Burn
- Candice Crow #1-5
- Captain America by Ta-Nehisi Coates Vol. 1 Collection
- Captain Pixel
- Chambers #1-4
- Champion
- Champions of the Wild Weird West #1-5
- Chaotic Soldiers
- Cindy the Demon Hunter
- Clay County
- Coin Operated Boy
- Conan The Barbarian (2019-) #1-6
- Conan The Barbarian Vol. 1: The Life And Death Of Conan Book One
- Continuum #1-4
- Corrective Measures
- Corrective Measures Vol. 1 #1-6
- Corrective Measures Vol. 2 #1-6
- Creepsville #1-4
- Criss Cross: One Shot
- Crozonia #1 (of 4)
- Daddy's Little Girl
- Dandelion
- Darkham Vale Vol. 1
- Dark Horrors Anthology
- Dark Horrors Anthology Vol. 1
- Dark Horrors Anthology Vol. 2
- DC's Year of the Villain Special (2019-) #1
- Dead Cell
- Deadly Harvest #1-4
- Dead Men: Decimation #1-3
- Dead Men Tell No Tales #1-4
- Dead Reckoning Vol. 1: Contagion #1-3
- Death: The Deluxe Edition
- Death: The High Cost of Living #1
- Death: The High Cost of Living #2
- Death: The High Cost of Living #3
- Deathsport Games #4
- Defex #1-6
- Defex Vol. 1
- Dementia 21 Vol. 1
- Demonslayer
- Devil's Island
- Disney Masters Vol. 3: Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse: The Case of the Vanishing Bandit
- Disney Masters Vol. 4: Walt Disney's Donald Duck: The Great Survival Test
- Disney Masters Vol. 5: Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse: The Phantom Blot's Double Mystery
- Disney Masters Vol. 6: Uncle Scrooge: King of the Golden River
- Disney Masters Vol. 7: Mickey Mouse: The Pirates of Tabasco Bay
- Disney Masters Vol. 8: Donald Duck: Duck Avenger Strikes Again!
- Disney Masters Vol. 9: Mickey Mouse: The Ice Sword Saga
- Dive
- Divine Intervention
- Dominatrix
- Dragons vs. Dinosaurs
- Dragons vs. Dinosaurs #1-4
- Drawing Sexy Women
- Dungeon Quest Book Three #1-14
- El Arsenal: Unknown Enemy
- El Arsenal #1-3
- Every Waking Moment
- Every Waking Moment #1-4
- Ezra: Egyptian Exchange #1-4
- Ezra: Evoked Emotions #1-3
- Fafnir the Dragon #1-4
- Fafnir the Dragon Vol. 2 #1-4
- FCBD The Steam Engines of Oz
- Flee #1-4
- Frozen Wasteland #1-4
- Fuzz and Pluck: Splitsville
- Gahan Wilson: 50 Years of Playboy Cartoons
- Garbage Day
- Gauze #1-4
- Gearhead #1-4
- Gene Simmons House of Horrors #1-4
- Gene Simmons Zipper
- Goblins Vol. 1: Space Cadets
- Goblins Vol. 2: Pirates!
- Goblins Vol. 3: Fast Food
- Go Fish
- Gordon the Giraffe
- Great Divide #1-6
- Green Hornet #1-5
- Green Hornet Vol. 1: Generations
- Greyman
- Grunts
- Grunts: War Stories
- Grunts #1
- Grunts #2
- Grunts #3
- Hardcore: Reloaded #1
- Harry Walton Henchman for Hire
- HeadSmash
- Herbert West
- Hero House #1-4
- Hexen Hammers
- Hobo Mom
- Howard Lovecraft & Undersea Kingdom #1-3
- Howard Lovecraft and the Frozen Kingdom #1-3
- Howard Lovecraft and the Kingdom of Madness #1-3
- How to Nancy: The Elements of Comics in Three Easy Panels
- Human Resources
- Hyper-Actives
- Interagents
- Interesting Drug
- It Came From Beneath the Sea ... Again #1
- Jack and the Zombie Box
- Jimbo in Purgatory
- John Henry #1-4
- Judo Girl: Origins
- Judo Girl Vol. 1 #1-8
- Judo Girl Vol. 2: Silencer
- Judo Girl Vol. 2 #1-4
- Judo Girl Vol. 3 #1-5
- Kade: Original Sun
- Kade: Original Sun (Polish)
- Kade: Original Sun #1-4
- Kade: Prodigal Sun
- Kade: Prodigal Sun (Polish)
- Kade: Prodigal Sun #1-3
- Kade: Red Sun
- Kade: Red Sun (Polish)
- Kade: Red Sun #1-4
- Kade: Rising Sun
- Kade: Rising Sun (Polish)
- Kade: Rising Sun (Polish)
- Kade: Rising Sun #1-4
- Kade: Shiva's Sun
- Kade: Shiva's Sun (Polish)
- Kade: Shiva's Sun #0-2
- Kade: Sun Of Perdition
- Kade: Sun of Perdition (Polish)
- Kade: Sun Of Perdition #1-4
- Kade: Tribal Sun
- Kade Mourning Sun
- Kade Mourning Sun #1-4
- Kagagi
- Kagagi: The Raven
- Kagagi #1-3
- Khan: The Perfect Warrior
- Killing Machine #1-4
- Koni Konfidential #1-2
- Koni Waves
- Koni Waves: Perfect Wave
- Koni Waves #1-9: The Perfect Wave
- Kord & Harley
- Kore #1-5
- Kozmik #1-4
- Langley High
- Last Girl Standing
- Last Ninja
- League of Super Evil
- Legacy
- Legend of Isis
- Legend of Isis Vol. 1: Set's Revenge
- Legend of Isis Vol. 2: Return of the Scarab Queen
- Legend of Isis Vol. 3: Dogs of War
- Legend of Isis Vol. 4: Twilight of the Gods
- Legend of Isis Vol. 5: Darkness Falls
- Legend of Isis Vol. 6: Tony and Cleo
- Legend of Isis Vol. 7: Nephthys' Revenge
- Legend of Isis Vol. 8: First Flight of Horus
- Leprechaun
- Lethal Instinct
- Lil Hellions
- Loosely Based
- Los Valiants Vol. 1
- Markus Fang
- Marlow #1-4
- Mastema
- Matriarch
- Midnight To Daylight
- Minions of Ka
- Miracle
- Misery Loves Comedy
- Monologues for Calculating the Density of Black Holes
- Mort Cinder
- Mwumba
- My Best Friend's A Booger
- Mythical Creatures
- Nancy Drew: The Palace of Wisdom
- Nancy Drew #1-5
- Neelakshi: The Quest for Amrit
- Neelakshi: The Quest for Amrit Preview
- Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere #1-9
- New Adventures of Jesus
- Nieves #1-4
- Of Bitter Souls
- Old School
- Olive Peril
- On The Stump #1
- Opera Manga
- Over the Garden Wall: Circus Friends
- Over The Garden Wall: Distillatoria
- Over the Garden Wall: Soulful Symphonies #1-3
- Over The Garden Wall (2016-) Vol. 4
- Over The Garden Wall (2016-) Vol. 5
- Paparazzi
- Paradox #1-3
- Penance
- Penguins
- Philosopher Rex #1-6
- Pistolfist
- Pixies #1-4
- Pizza Tree #1
- Plan 9 From Outer Space Strikes Again!
- Planet of the Apes: Before the Fall Omnibus
- Planet of the Apes: The Simian Age
- Planet of the Apes: The Time of Man
- Planet of the Apes: Visionaries
- Planet of the Apes: When Worlds Collide
- Planet of the Apes Artist Tribute
- Planet of the Apes Omnibus
- Poe & Phillips
- Pogo: The Complete Daily & Sunday Comic Strips Vol. 1: Through the Wild Blue Wonder
- Power of the Valkyrie
- Protector #1
- Punch Drunk #1-3
- Rain
- Raise Kane
- Ralph Filmore #1-4
- Raygun
- Ray Harryhausen's Flying Saucers vs. Earth Vol. 1
- Ray Harryhausen Presents 20 Million Miles More
- Redball 6 Vol. 1
- Redfoot
- Red Light
- Redneck Kings
- Ripped
- Roger Corman Presents: The Deathsport Games
- Romero's Requiem
- Rovers
- Sanctus Vol. 1: Kings or Pawns of Men
- Scrooge and Santa #1-4
- Sebastian O/Mystery Play by Grant Morrison
- Sebastian O (1993) #1-3
- Serial Victim
- Shadowlaw #1-4
- Shaft: A Complicated Man
- Shaft: Digital Exclusive Edition #4-6
- Sideshows #1-4
- Simmons Comics Anthology Vol. 2
- Simmons Comics Anthology Vol. 3
- Smooth Criminals #1-7
- Smooth Criminals Vol. 1
- Snow Angel
- Space, MN
- Spider-Man: Life Story (2019) #1-6
- Spirit Window
- Spotlight
- Spy School
- Starfish
- Starkweather
- Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge (2019) #1-5
- SteamPunk Originals Vol. 1
- SteamPunk Originals Vol. 2
- Sterling
- Stranger Danger
- Styx & Stone
- Sublife Vol. 1
- Sublife Vol. 2
- Summer and Her Monkey: Charity
- Summer and Her Monkey: Faith
- Summer and Her Monkey: Fortitude
- Summer and Her Monkey: Hope
- Summer and Her Monkey: Justice
- Summer and Her Monkey: Prudence
- Summer and Her Monkey: Temperance
- Summer and Monkey
- Sunshine State
- Supersonic
- Swerve #1-6
- Tartarus #1
- The After Realm #1
- The Alternate #3-5
- The Art of ReBoot
- The Assassin #1-2
- The Bad Guy
- The Black List #1-3
- The Blighted Eye: Original Comic Art from the Glenn Bray Collection
- The Book #1-4
- The Clock #1
- The Devil is Due in Dreary #1-4
- The Domain
- The Elixir
- The Evil Tree #1-4
- The Family
- The Fix
- The Fro: Origin
- The Gloom
- The Great Divide: Separation Is Survival Is Separation
- The Green Hornet: Aftermath #1-4
- The Gwaii #1-4
- The Hope Virus #1-4
- The Intrinsic #1
- The Intrinsic Vol. 2: Singularity Zero
- The Inventor #1-6
- The Killers
- The Last Contract #1-4
- The Lone Ranger: Vindicated #1-4
- The Lost Girl #1-4
- The Netherworld
- The Network
- The Numbered
- The Old Guard: Force Multiplied #1
- The Praetorian
- The Sanctuary
- The Search for Smilin' Ed
- The Shadow/Batman #1-6
- The Steam Engines of Oz Vol. 1
- The Steam Engines of Oz Vol. 2: The Geared Leviathan
- The Surface
- The Truman Virus
- The Unemployment Adventures of Aqualung #1-4
- The Unicorn and the Fox #1-3
- The Wingman #1-3
- Tony And Cleo #1-4
- Trout
- Trump's ABC
- Turning Tiger
- Twin Blades
- Ultima Thula
- Ultraduck #1-4
- Unimaginable
- Untouchable
- Vampirella (2017) #1-5
- Vampirella (2017) Vol. 1: Forbidden Fruit
- Velvet Rope
- Victoria's Secret Service: Nemesis Rising
- War's Chosen
- Warlock
- Warstone
- Why Do They Kill Me?
- Wizard Beach #1-5
- Wonderdog, Inc.
- Woody and the Noble
- Yin Yang
- Zipper vs. Dominatrix Vol. 1
- Zippy the Pinhead: Ding Dong Daddy From Dingburg
- Zippy the Pinhead: Type Z Personality
- Zippy the Pinhead: Walk a Mile in My Muu-Muu
- Zombie Warriors
- ZooDotCom
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Chris Arrant covered comic book news for Newsarama from 2003 to 2022 (and as editor/senior editor from 2015 to 2022) and has also written for USA Today, Life, Entertainment Weekly, Publisher's Weekly, Marvel Entertainment, TOKYOPOP, AdHouse Books, Cartoon Brew, Bleeding Cool, Comic Shop News, and CBR. He is the author of the book Modern: Masters Cliff Chiang, co-authored Art of Spider-Man Classic, and contributed to Dark Horse/Bedside Press' anthology Pros and (Comic) Cons. He has acted as a judge for the Will Eisner Comic Industry Awards, the Harvey Awards, and the Stan Lee Awards. Chris is a member of the American Library Association's Graphic Novel & Comics Round Table. (He/him)