Nintendo 3DS: the new Nintendo portable

Nintendo has released a surprise press release today outlining plans for the 3DS - a new portable game machine, on which games can 'be enjoyed with 3D effects without the need for any special glasses'.

Nintendo 3DS - which is a working name, will succeed the Nintendo DS series and will include backwards compatibility for the rest of the Nintendo DS series, including DSi.

Expect full details to come at the E3 game show this June, with 3DS planned for a release before March 2011 - meaning it could be this year? Has Nintendo 'won' E3 already with this announcement?

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If you're wondering how it might look, check out these three YouTube vids:

1) A 3D DSi game that alread 'does' a kind of 3D without glasses.

2) A Hitachi phone that does the same.

3) A classic YouTube vid that shows a guy doing a kind of 3D-ish effect with Wiimotes and IR sensors.

I hate the 267.