Nintendogs Cheats
Nintendogs FAQs
Trick FAQ
Submitted by Noob Saibot in the South -
Nintendogs FAQ
Submitted by Sandy87
Nintendogs Unlockables
DS | Submitted by Lily AnnStuff only certain dogs get
Gold bars are very rare and only TOY POODLES get them. Also, you need a Russel to get a really really really rare Handkerchief, which unlocks Weimereiners dog breed. Shiba Inus get most of the almost-rare stuff but the rarer the dog breed, the rarer the stuff you get
DS | Submitted by Noob Saibot in the SouthUnlock More Breeds (I list all I know)
Unlock Dalmatian
On walks, find a "Fireman's Hat" and when u return home, expect spotted friends knocking at the kennel door
Unlock Jack Russel Terrier
On walks, find a "Jack Russel Book". When you return home, They will knock on the kennel door too. How neat is that?
Unlock Any Breed "Works once ONLY ,choose wisely"
Go to bark mode with any friend with a breed that you don't have. When you go home, expect whatever breed he/she had knocking on the kennel door as well.
DS | Submitted by jessGet More Dogs
Don't spend all that time trying to earn trainer points! Instead, if you have a friend that has the dog you want on his/her game and you do bark mode with each other and the friend brings that dog, when you exit out of bark mode you will have that breed in the kennel! This works for any dog.
DS | Submitted by KimOne Dog Only
When you go to Bark Mode with a friend that brings a dog breed you don't have in you're kennal, you will unlock it when you get home. But if you try this again with the same friend, it will not work. (Hint: If your friend starts his/her game over, you have a 97% chance of making it work.)
DS | Submitted by Brianna JacksonUnlockables
Chihuahua & Friends
Breed Unlocked. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trainer Points
Mini Pinscher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000
Siberian Husky. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,000
Desktop (Interior Decorator). . . . . . . 6,000
Toy Poodle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,000
Golden Retriever. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000
Seaside (Interior Decorator). . . . . . . 12,000
Mini Schnauzer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,000
Beagle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16,000
Outer Space (Interior Decorator). . . . . 18,000
Pembroke Welsh Corgi. . . . . . . . . . . 20,000
Shih Tzu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22,000
Urban Living (Interior Decorator) . . . . 25,000
Shiba Inu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30,000
Pug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35,000
Ranch House (Interior Decorator). . . . . 40,000
Labrador Retriever. . . . . . . . . . . . 45,000
Dachshund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50,000
Dachshund & Friends
Breed Unlocked . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trainer Points
Yorkshire Terrier. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000
Shiba Inu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,000
Desktop (Interior Decorator) . . . . . . . 6,000
Cavalier K.C. Spaniel. . . . . . . . . . . 8,000
Pembroke Welsh Corgi . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000
Seaside (Interior Decorator) . . . . . . . 12,000
Shetland Sheepdog. . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,000
Mini Schnauzer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16,000
Outer Space (Interior Decorator) . . . . . 18,000
Boxer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,000
Toy Poodle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22,000
Northern European (Interior Decorator) . . 25,000
German Shepherd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30,000
Miniature Pinscher . . . . . . . . . . . . 35,000
Urban Living . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40,000
Chihuahua. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45,000
Labrador Retriever . . . . . . . . . . . . 50,000
Lab & Friends
Breed Unlocked . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trainer Points
Pug. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000
German Shepherd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,000
Desktop (Interior Decorator) . . . . . . . 6,000
Shih Tzu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,000
Boxer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000
Seaside (Interior Decorator) . . . . . . . 12,000
Beagle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14,000
Shetland Sheepdog. . . . . . . . . . . . . 16,000
Outer Space (Interior Decorator) . . . . . 18,000
Golden Retriever . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,000
Cavalier K.C. Spaniel. . . . . . . . . . . 22,000
Ranch House (Interior Decorator) . . . . . 25,000
Siberian Husky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30,000
Yorkshire Terrier. . . . . . . . . . . . . 35,000
Northern European (Interior Decorator) . . 40,000
Dachshund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45,000
Chihuahua. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50,000
DS | Submitted by Unlock Milk and Canned FoodUnlock Milk and Canned Food
To unlock milk (to drink) and canned dog food (to eat), you have to get at least 2nd place in level 1 of the obedience contest. You also get $50 (or more if 1st place) for doing this.
DS | Submitted by allen suttonUnlock Dalmation
Find the red fireman's hat while on walk (all versions.)
DS | Submitted by allen suttonUnlock Jack Russel Terrier
To ulock Jack Russel Terrier find the Jack Russel book on a walk.
Nintendogs Hints
DS | Submitted by Thor is Da BombThe REAL Way To Wipe Data
During Load
You must press Start, Select, R, L, A, B, X, Y and the center of the D-Pad to wipe the data and restart.
If you don't press all the buttons, it doesn't work. Even I have to try two or 3 times to get it right usually. :)
DS | Submitted by Conmann83Get A Dimond Ring
If you get a lucky collar and a clover clock, set the clock up, put the collar on, then walk the dog you put the collar on. Sooner or later you will find a diamond ring called the Promise ring. But be patient, they are worth $1000.
DS | Submitted by Peter D.Kick
When your dog turns around, touch it's hind leg and it will kick.
DS | Submitted by Kat101Surprised Dogs
At Home
On a walk you might get a record called "Surprise" record. Well as soon as you are finished with your walk listen to it. About in the middle it should make a loud noise and startle your dog.
DS | Submitted by Kat101Get your Old Home Back
Interior Decarator
When you go to buy a new house, it may take a day or two. But whenever you get tired of your new home and want to get your old one back go to the interior declarator and your first house should be free.
DS | Submitted by Dog luverRunning Record
If you have the "Colonel Bogey" record, your dogs will run in circles. The faster you play it, the faster your dog will run.
DS | Submitted by MikeAll Items
How many items are there?
Care: 11
Balls & cubes:7
Other Toys:11
Music Boxes:5
DS | Submitted by SuperMeatGrowl Record
Sometimes while you take your dog for a walk, you can pick up a Growl Record. When you play it, all you dogs get really upset at it and start attacking each other!
DS | Submitted by rockchick123Run on Walks
When you are out on a walk with your dog and he/she drags behind just grab the lead and pull it to the top-right corner and your dog should start running!
DS | Submitted by anosCalming down your dog
When you are out on a walk with your dog and you meet another dog, what you should do is stroke your dog and it will stop barking and it will be calm and it will lie down.
DS | Submitted by Puppy LoverSneeze
Tap once on your dog's nose quickly. Teach it to your dog. It will learn it very fast!
DS | Submitted by popcornturkey567Delete All Information
Nintendo Title Screen
If you want to delete your dog and start over, here is what you do: Click on the ds game startup button that says nintendogs when you turn your ds on. When the Nintendo screen comes up after you click on nintendogs, hold down the X, Y, A, B, L, and R button at the same time until a pop-up comes up confirming that you want to delete your dog. Click OK and start over with the dog of your choice. (For all nintendogs games)
DS | Submitted by Noob Saibot in the SouthRecord to Avoid
Avoid using a record called "surprise record". It scares your dogs and brings down your trainer points, and causes your dog to get in a bad mood.
DS | Submitted by Noob Saibot in the SouthEasy Calling Dogs
Instead of frustrating yourself by calling your dog by the name and it doesn't hear you, either whistle into the mic, or simply tap the screen.
DS | Submitted by Puppy LoveWaving Dogs
When your dog is laying down, grab it's ear. If it's got wolf ears(pointy) pull it down; but if their ears are droopy, pull it up and hold it. In a few seconds, your dog will be waving up and down (warning:when I did this with my dogs too much, they got angry; stop when you hear them growl or you'll lose their trust until you feed them).
DS | Submitted by EustenGet Presents Without Walking
If you leave your dogs/dog alone without doing anything for half an hour, eventually your dog will go outside bring you back a present.
DS | Submitted by lainToys to Avoid
1.Balloons: They pop and scare your dog(s).
2.Dog Photos: They hate them.
3.Bubble Blower: They kinda spook your dog when it touches them and pop.
4.Racing Carts: If you keep bumping into your dog, they'll learn to hate it. If you just let your dog chase the racing kart, they'll enjoy it and will only hate it if you keep bumping your dog with the kart.
DS | Submitted by wow$2,000
On walks
When you go on walks, very rarely a parrot will appear. Give him something worth $200 or more and he will give you a gold bar which is worth $2,000!
DS | Submitted by NintendogsLuvvaDancing Hop
You tell your Nintendog to dance then you say jump and your Nintendog will start to jump while dancing. It's a really cool trick.
DS | Submitted by dogSong and Dance
If you play flower waltz your dog(s) will start to dance (You find flower waltz on a walk).
DS | Submitted by dolanjusthelpedmesavemoneyonshampooandbrSaving Money on Shampoo and Brushes
Here is a list of what kind of hair each dog has. This way you don't have to waste your money on both shampoos.
Long hair
Golden Retriver
Toy Poodle
Shih tzu
Short Hair
Jack Russels
German Shepards
Shiba Inus
DS | Submitted by Rae911Items
Sports:White Rubber Bone, Bicolor Rubber Bone,
Tennis Ball, Bark Ball, Rubber Mushroom,
Soccer Ball, Dice Cushion, "?" Block,
Terry Cloth Cube, Yellow Sponsor Disc,
Red Flying Disc, Yellow Flying Disc, Blue Flying Disc, and Pink Sponsor Disc.
Toys: Balloon, Bubble Blower, Peach Cart,
Mario Cart, Pull Rope and Jump Rope.
Accessories: Red Leather Collar,
Black leather Collar, Purple Leather Collar,
Green Leather Collar, Pumpkin Leather Collar,
Blue Leather Collar, Camo Collar, Denim Collar,
Striped Ribbon, Checked Ribbon, Tricolor Ribbon,
Purple Pearl Ribbon, Hibiscus Flower,
Pair of Party Glasses, Pair of Buisness Glasses,
Pair of Huge Sunglasses, Beret,
Newsboy Hat, Viking Hat, and New Year Tiara.
Care: Dog Biscut, Water Bottle, Milk Carton,
Dry Food, Dog Food Can, Short Hair Shampoo,
Long hair Shampoo and the Dog Care Books.
Music: "Growler" Record and White Record.
Clock: Modern Clock, Wall Clock and Clover Clock.
Etc.: Stick, Stuffed Dog, Stuffed Bear,
Disposable Camera, Juice Bottle, Tissue Box,
Stick, High Hell, White Boot and Black Boot.
DS | Submitted by Nintendogs LoverRC Helicopter Hint
If you find an RC Helicopter on a walk, you can press the R button to change views. Press the A button to fly, and use the control pad to steer. RC Helicopters are cool, but don't hit your dog with it to much, or they will hate it.
DS | Submitted by Gamer KidA Don't With Baths
When you are giving your dog a bath DON'T press the sponge twice or else you will use up another bottle of shampoo
DS | Submitted by cool girlSleepy Dog
When you get the Naptime record go to Music and put it on. In a few minutes your dogs will be sleeping like babies.
DS | Submitted by game masterExtra Treats
When your dog gets happy and a bone appears above its head, drag the bone to its mouth and it will eat.
DS | Submitted by lizard#1Get More Money!
When you get two of a toy, sell it to the second-hand shop, they'll pay you for it. What you get for it may not seem like much, but belive me, the cash adds up.
DS | Submitted by me winslowGiving Your Dog a Treat
When you click the light bulb in the top right hand corner you can talk to your dog. Then if your dog understands it there will be a yellow light bulb on top of his head. Then you can take it with your stylis and feed it to your dog, because it listened to you.
DS | Submitted by bibiGet Cool Stuff
Go on lots of walks until you get a lucky collar and a clover clock. Put on the lucky collar and set the clock to clover clock. Go on a walk, and expect really cool things.
DS | Submitted by lizard#1Double the Tricks!
Tricks sometimes have both left and right versions, so if you teach your dog both versions, you'll have double the tricks!
DS | Submitted by Dolphin FerakFaster Walks
If you want faster walks all you have to do is when your dog walks at the back of your screen tug on the leash and your dog will start running!
But you have to keep the leash at the edge of your screen or your dog will stop running. And it's a lot faster to pass the presents sitting on the ground, so you have to make sure that you look at the bottom of your screen or you might miss a present!
DS | Submitted by i nick u idiot go away nowBlue Boxes
When you go for a walk, blue boxes with question marks on them are either other dogs or presents.
DS | Submitted by lizard#1Coffee-grind
Tell your dog to roll over. Then, tell it to spin right away. Your dog should complete a full 360 degree turn. This trick scores high in contests.
DS | Submitted by Latina NinaShort Baths
All you have to do for this cheat, is this: go to supplies and find your dog shampoo. Then, when you're at the screen where you wash your dog, sponge your dog with the sponge. After you've finished shampooing your dog so that it's covered in bubbles (but don't wash your dog until the showerhead is blinking), use the showerhead to wash most (but not all) of the bubbles off your dog. Then, go back to the sponge and sponge your dog. It shouldn't take you that long to wash you dog off like you just sponged your dog until the showerhead is blinking. This saves you some time. After you've washed your dog, be sure to brush your dogs coat!
DS | Submitted by Billy HooperReset Game
As soon as you push POWER
Hold a, b, x, y, l and r and it will reset and it will delete all your memory so you can start the game again.
DS | Submitted by AustinHidden Presents
When you're on a walk
When you're on a walk you can get ''hidden'' presents. All you have to do is look at the dog icon on the top screen. If the dog icon stops while your dog is still moving, give a tug on the leash there will either be garbage or a present.
DS | Submitted by Dragon1028Deleting Data
To delete data, you have to hold a, b, y, x, l,and r in the very beginning while the game loads. It will ask if you want to delete data, and yes that means losing everything. So just touch yes and you can start everything over.
DS | Submitted by Joe's momPoop and Garbage
To pick up poop, just tap it simple as that. DON'T JUST LEAVE IT THERE! Also, DON"T LET YOUR DOG SNIFF GARBAGE! He/she will eventually eat it and get sick. Just tug his/her leash and he/she will walk by it.
DS | Submitted by lainGet a Mario Kart
There's an item you can find on your walks that is a toy version of a racing kart from Mario Kart 64, it'll be in your Toys section and you can actually drive it. Three things about the racing karts:
1. You can't bump into your dog, otherwise, afterawhile, it'll hate it,
2. it has the same controls as the real Mario kart, "A" to go forward "B" to go back, and the D-Pad (in this case) to move it around
3. you can use the R and L buttons to sitch from the view of the room to right behind the cart. If you want to give your pup a workout, drive the kart around the border of the room, and you'll have your dog running in circles.
Note: As far as I know there's the Peach Kart, Bowser Kart, and Mario Kart in toy form in this game.
DS | Submitted by pac5Teach the Tricks
Some people want to teach tricks to their dogs, but keep messing up. In order to teach a trick to your dog, you have to:
1. Speak clearly and loud enough
2. Make sure your dog isn't confused
3. Speak the same word in the same tone 5 times in a row without messing up.
DS | Submitted by Neil StoneFree Food
When you are teaching your dog a trick and the little lightbulb pops up, if you drag the lightbulb to the dog's mouth it gives him free food.
DS | Submitted by CrackersTricks
Sit: Pet the dogs head and then quickly slide the stylus down it's nose.
Lay Down: While the dog is sitting pet its head and then quickly slide the stylus down its nose.
Shake: Grab one of the dog's front paws and move it up and down.
Roll Over: While sitting or laying down push the stylus to the left or right and then push it to the left or right again while it's on it's side and then its belly should face up.
Jump: If your gog shakes its butt that means it wants to play so tap the air above them and they'll jump into the air.
Beg: When your dog is standing touch its belly and slide the stylus up its neck to get them into the begging motion.
Spin: When your dog's butt if facing you grab its tail and move it to a side and then your dog should then chase after it.
Stand: While your dog is sitting or laying drag the stylus from the bottom to the top.
Backflip: Make sure the your dog is sitting then tap the air above it for a backflip.
Sneeze: Tap your dog's nose.
Breakdancing: Make sure your dog is on his back and then grab his tail.
Howl: If a police car or an ambulance goes by your dog might howl at it you have to catch the teach button fast though.
Hi-5: After you teach your dog "paw" (aka shake hands) ask it for his/her paw then grab his paw and pull it upwards. The lightbulb will pop up and say "hi-5."
Relax/play dead: From the lie down position, move the stylus from one side of the dogs head to the other.
DS | Submitted by Ds-PlanetMore Dogs
For more types of dogs, find another person with Nintendogs (other version) then both go to bark mode, you can get new types of dogs from the other person!
DS | Submitted by lainFrizbee Tips
If you've trained your dog with one frizbee, for a long time, make sure you have toys that aren't the same color as the frizbee. The reason is that if you've trained it with a red frizbee and throw a red rubber bone in your house or in the park, just to relieve it's stress, it'll pick it up and give it to you. The other thing is that you have to keep training it with one frizbee, otherwise it'll just forget its training with the last frizbee. If you've trained it well it'll always bring the frizbee back.
DS | Submitted by JoelAdvanced Tricks
These are tough tricks. Make sure youre dog is in a good mood and knows all the basic tricks.
Flip into air from back - Tell your dog to lay down then jump as fast as possible don't pet the dog tell after the trick.
Backflip - Tell your dog to sit then jump right away.
Hand Stand - Tell your dog to lay down then beg.
Turring in a Circle While Begging - Tell your dog to beg then to chase it's tail (or spin.)
Dancing (Fidgiting on hind paws) - Tell your dog to beg then grap it's front paw help it so it's only on it's hind paws then let go.
Bunny Hop - Have your dog dance as I said above then tell it to jump.
Breack Dance - Tell Your dog to roll over then tell it to spin (or chase it's tail)
Remember when you are doing these tricks not to pet your dog during the series of tricks. Just don't do anything at all but the tricks. When the icon to teach a trick comes up tap it as fast as possible because it goes away fast.
DS | Submitted by RileyDouble Flip
Have your dog upsidown and with your stylus stroke up and down five times in a row then the click the lightbulb and your dog knows one of the best tricks in the game! It gets a highscore in the obedieance trial.
Nintendogs Easter Eggs
DS | Submitted by AnimeCheatMasterBalloon Blow
Anytime you have purchased balloons and take it home or the park, hold on to it with your DS pen and blow into the mic and the balloon will get bigger, the release! (If you blow too much the balloon will blow up).
DS | Submitted by thekid217Garbage
If you took your dog on a walk and he/she ate garbage, and you haven't fed your dog(s) yet, go to your homepage on Nintendogs and press the ? on the dog that ate the garbage. It will bring up a list at the very bottom of that list it says Things Eaten, where you can find out what your dog ate in the garbage.
DS | Submitted by mario33Voice Recording
When you're in the music section of your items, use the white record to record your voice and then listen to one of Archie's records or the dictionary box and you will hear your voice in the music.
DS | Submitted by Dani.....xD.J. Doggy
In your house or park.
First of all you need a record that plays music; when you have turned the record on with your finger scratch the disc for some cool sounds.
DS | Submitted by pearsBark to the Beat
If on a walk you find the Nintendogs theme, play it at home, and your dogs may just bark with the music.
Nintendogs Glitches
DS | Submitted by kiraFeed me!
If you don't want to waste your money buying food for your nintendog drop him off at the dog hotel. Then wait for the DS to load. Once it has loaded shut your DS off and when you go back on your dogs will be fully fed! But only after you pick them up.
Nintendogs Cheats
DS | Submitted by CrystalAn Easy Way To Get Trainer Points
The only items you need to get extra trainer points are a brush and your dog. First wash your dog. If your dog is already washed or clean then don't. Secondly, get the wire brush or rubber brush and brush your dog. But don't move the brush around like your brushing it. Just place it onto the dog middle. Plug your charger in because otherwise u will use all of your power in a couple of hours. Just wait for 1-24 hours and every minutes you will get 3 trainer points. So in 8 hours (While you sleep) you will have around 700 trainer points.
DS | Submitted by GamerdudeContest Restart
To restart in a contest when you think that you are about to lose and it is your third turn of the day it is as easy as this: just turn off your DS and do the contest again.
DS | Submitted by Barb farokolokousTime Cheat
Time goes very slow in Nintendogs. So, if you want to speed it up save the game then turn off your DS and remove the game. Then go to the options menu and click on the clock. Then, change the time to 23:59 and wait one minute. Once you've changed the internal system clock, shut off power again, then start up and load the game. Then you can do the contests again without waiting a day!
Note: problems have been reported with this code, it may not work for everybody.
DS | Submitted by Papa GReal Way to Fast-Forward Time
First go to the options menu in the starting screen of your Nintendo DS. Go to the 2nd square, this is the time settings, after that go to the very top option which is the calender, set the date back one day (2 days is recommended), then go back to the options again and this time pick the clock and set the time to 23:59 (make sure it isn't the alarm!) then exit the settings and wait for the "Settings have been saved" message, now turn off the DS quickly and turn it back on and load Nintendogs, now wait 1 minute and now you can do more contests and learn more tricks without waiting a day.
DS | Submitted by Camon DraconisUnlimited Walks
Here's how to be able to walk you dog without having to wait a half hour and also get hordes of items. For this trick you need: At least 2 accessory items -Draw your walk path to any park and back passing as many "?" areas as you can. -Start your walk, hitting the "?" areas and getting items. -Once you make it to the park, change the accessory that your dog is wearing. The game will auto save. -Now after the save is complete, shutdown your DS. Turn it back on and you will have all items that you collected and you will also be able to take your dog for another walk.
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