Onimusha: Warlords Cheats

Onimusha: Warlords Hints

  • PS2 | Submitted by Venom


    What is 'Soul'?
    There are 3 types (color) with 2 size of souls in the game:
    Yellow Soul (Big) - restore a lot of strength to Samanosuke
    Yellow Soul (Small) - restore a little of strength to Samanosuke
    Blue Soul (Big) - restore a lot of power to your entire sword
    Blue Soul (Small) - restore a little of power to your entire sword
    Pink Soul (Big) - big quantity of soul, use for enhancement items, swords and orbs
    Pink Soul (Small) -small quantity of soul, use for enhancement items, swords and orbs
    What is 'Talisman'?
    Talisman is using for restore back your strengths automatically when it reaches to zero. (or when it's empty). So, you don't have to load back at the beginning when you forgot to save.
    What is 'Weapon'?
    There are many types of weapon in the game that can be equip to your character, such of them are:
    Sword - the original sword owned by Samanosuke.
    Raizan Sword - the sword with lightning power dwelling inside owned by Samanosuke
    Enryuu Sword - the sword with firepower dwelling inside owned by Samanosuke
    Shipuu Sword - the sword with wind power dwelling inside owned by Samanosuke
    Bishamon Sword - the ultimate sword in the game
    Knife - the original knife owned by Kaede
    Flaming Knife - the second best weapon for Kaede
    Matchlock - the gun that can be use together with Bullet and Burst Bullet
    Bow - the bow that can be used together with Arrow and Fire Arrow
    What is 'Orb'?
    Orb is one of the special items in the game, which let you use special sword for each orb. There are 3 types of orb in the game:
    Lightning Orb - let you use Raizan Sword with lightning power dwelling inside
    Fire Orb - let you use Enryuu Sword with fire power dwelling inside
    Wind Orb - let you use Shipuu with wind power dwelling inside
    What is 'Sword'?
    Sword is one of your weapons in this game. There are 5 types of sword in this game:
    Sword - the original sword owned by Samanosuke.
    Raizan Sword - the sword with lightning power dwelling inside owned by Samanosuke
    Enryuu Sword - the sword with firepower dwelling inside owned by Samanosuke
    Shipuu Sword - the sword with wind power dwelling inside owned by Samanosuke
    Bishamon Sword - the ultimate sword in the game
    What is 'Magic Mirror'?
    Magic Mirror use to Save your game or Enhance your items, swords, and orbs. The Magic Mirror is look like a birdhouse with blinking on it. So, when you get knock out, you can continue your game from here. You can only save your game up to 8 slot in your Memory Card only. You can't enhance the swords or orbs, which is maximum level (i.e. Level 3) or don't have enough soul to enhance them.
    Enhance 'Item'
    To enhance your item such as Herb, Bullet, and Arrow you need a soul. To enhance Herb to Medicine need 1 full bar of soul. To enhance Bullet to Burst Bullet need about half bar of soul and Arrow need about half bar of soul to enhance to Fire Arrow.
    Enhance 'Swords and Orbs'
    To enhance your weapon, you need a lot of soul than enhance the item. All sword and orb only have 3 level (maximum). Each time you level up your weapon your sword and orb will change to the other pattern and the power is more powerful before enhancement. Orb can also open the door, which have a color marble at the middle of the door. Each door has each own color (blue, red, and green). To open them you need certain orb, like level 1 Lightning Orb can only open the door with 1 marble on it. Level 2 orb can only open the door with 1 or 2 marble on it. Level 3 (maximum) orb can open all doors with 1, 2, or 3 marbles on it. Bishamon Sword can open all doors with any color or quantity marbles on it.
    You can't enhance without enough soul or your swords or orbs are in maximum level (i.e. Level 3).
    How to get 'Fluorites' shining?
    It's easy if you have a Vision Staff, which can light the Fluorites, so you can see where it was. The Vision Staff can be found near the Bishamon shrine in the West Area. It is very helpful in locating the Fluorites. As soon as you get it, the Fluorites will start shine everywhere that have Fluorites, this will make them much easier to spot. You must have 10 Fluorites before you get this item or you will not get them back.
    Unlock the 'Easy Mode'
    If you lose or game over for four times the note "Easy mode will now become available" appear before the Menu screen. In Easy Mode there will be no Fluorites and other special things like the normal mode.
    Unlocked the 'Onimusha 2' Intro Movie
    After you beat the game, save and choose the "Special Report" (third option) and the first option is Onimusha 2 Intro Movie (the second option is Oni-Spirits, if you get all 20 Fluorites in the game).
    Unlocked 'Oni-Spirits' Mini game
    Get all 20 Fluorites in the game and beat the game. After the credits finished (or skip), you
    can now save the game. At this save screen the note 'Oni-Spirits mini game will now available will come out. If they ask, "Would you like to overwrite the save file", choose Yes. Now get to the "Special Report" section at the third option from upward and choose Oni-Spirits, the second option (the first one is Onimusha 2 FMV). Now you can play the Oni-Spirits mini game. After you beat this game, you are now the real Onimusha.
    Unlocked Samanosuke 'Panda Costume'
    You must first collect at least 10 Fluorites to unlock this funny costume for Samanosuke. After beating the game, save, start new game and choose Samanosuke Special the right option. Now the funny panda costume is wear by Samanosuke. The gauntlet will change to sunflower at his right hand. To wear the panda mask, press L2.
    Unlocked Kaede 'Ninja Costume'
    Beat the game with 'S' rating and the Ninja costume for Kaede will be unlocked. You don't need to collect any Fluorites to get this costume. Beating the game, save, start new game and choose Kaede Special the right option.
    How to get 'Bishamon Flute'
    To get this flute, you must first get into the Dark Realm. You can go there by a weird man
    hanging at two places in the game. The first one is in the castle. Enter the castle, go to the
    upper left door. The first time you get there, don't do anything, just said No and he will leave. Now absorb enough soul for your power and save your game first. Make sure you have a Medicine at least 4 or 5. Now leave the room and re-enter the room and go to where the man hanging and said Yes, he wills teleport you to Dark Realm. This is not so hard as oni-Spirits mini game. The Bishamon Flute is on the 20th floor in the Dark Realm. Bishamon Flute is use for open up the door at Dark Realm to get Bishamon Sword.
    How to get 'Bishamon Sword'
    To get this ultimate sword, you must first get the Bishamon Flute. After you place the Evil Plate and use the Great Bow and Great Arrow at the stone, you can now enter the Dark Realm. Save before you enter this place. The first boss is the ultimate creation Hertellas. To beat it is easy. Use your Matchlock with at least 20 to 40 bullets. Keep shooting at him until you out of bullet and hit him with your last attack by Enryu sword. He would now dead. Now, absorb all the souls. Then get the Medicine in the treasure chest at the entrance. Now go forward and enter the room. Now you can see the fountain, open the menu and select Bishamon Flute. Samanosuke will blow the flute and the door at the right will now open. Now enter the room. You can now see the Bishamon Sword at the demon's body. Now you get the Bishamon Sword, the ultimate sword in the game. This sword can kill all the enemies in one hit except bosses.
    Use 'Bishamon Sword' at the beginning
    To use Bishamon at the beginning, you must first beat the Oni-Spirits, choose New Game and choose the third option. Open your menu and you have all sword and Bishamon Sword. You can use the infinite power of all sword you got. The power will never decrease.
    How to beat 'Fatindros' (Final Boss)
    Easy. At the beginning, use Soul Absorber when you stand near Fatindros. Use all you sword power from Enryu to Shippu. When the power is low, equip the Bishamon Sword and keep hitting square button. If he use his lightning, get to where he cannot attack you and press L1 to defend cause he will attack you as soon as he finished attack with his power. Now keep hitting square; defend if needed, run if he blow the fire to the left or right angle of the screen. Try to attack him with your Bishamon Sword until he died. Use a Medicine if you need.
    Ultimate mode
    You have to first get all the flouries in the game and then beat the oni mini game. Once you have done that you will have the ultimate mode with lots of goodies.
    Fluorite Locations, Box Answers, and the Missing Magic Jewel
    1.In the Under Temple, in an open cabinet near the seiryu.
    2.In the South Area after the 1st boss.Break the vases and search that area.
    3.In the keep,inside the room w/ the herb.Check shelf above box w/ herb.
    4.On 2nd floor of the keep,under the stairs.Break the wooden crates near the box w/ the arrows.
    5.In the keep after the demons steal Yumemaru and Tokishiro appears.It's across from the bench w/ the seiryu in a box.
    6.In the keep underground w/ the trick box and blue key.Explore the area around the box.
    7.In the keep underground,walk down the hall w/ the long-armed demons.It's at the end of a smaller hall to the right.
    8.In the West Area as Kaede,after inserting the gear and getting the silver plate.It's on a table w/ a statue on it.
    9.In the West Area as Kaede,after entering the hall of flames, go to the door at the top of the screen.Check barrels towards the left.
    10.In the West Area as Samanosuke,after exiting the Buddha room,turn left to locate the sparkling object.
    11.In the West Area as Samanosuke,underneath the trailer that is attached by a rope.Cut it and find the sparkling object.
    12.In the West Area as Samanosuke,head right from the Buddha room after getting the matchlock.
    13.In the East Area as Samanosuke,it's on the walkway surrounding the bell(left to gap in railing).
    14.In the East Area as Samanosuke,it's on the dock to the left of the boat(at the bottom of the boathouse).
    15.In the East Area as Kaede,look to the right of the door in the room w/ Apocalypse #2.
    16.In the East Area as Kaede,break the wooden crates in the atticlike room w/ the Genbu.
    17.In the East Area as Kaede,it's resting on the vase across from a ladder leading up to where the Sacred Knife is.
    18.In the box in the Dark Realm on the 6th level.
    19.In the box in the Dark Realm on the 11th level.
    20.In the box in the Dark Realm on the 17th
    Trick Box Answers
    5.low L.[],upper R.[],low R.[],low L.[],low R.[]
    Decoder Answers
    1.1st from left,3rd from left,6th from left
    2.6th from left,1st from left,4th from left
    3.5th from left,7th from left,2nd from left
    4.3rd from left,6th from left
    Missing Magic Jewel Location
    When you first open the door on the second floor in the keep that reveals where you entered, there will be two men fighting two demon soliders.Use your bow and arrows to kill the demons and the men will drop something.One drops an herb,the other drops the missing magic jewel.Now,when all the jewels have been collected,your health and magic bars will be the same!

  • PS2 | Submitted by Pat124895678

    How to get Fluorites shining!

    To get the fluorides shining you must first get the item at the big statue (looks like a Buddha statue) and find a red treasure box there. Now you can find all fluorites cause the fluorites is now shining at field screen.
    Easy Mode
    To get easy mode just die 5 times
    Go to dark realm
    To go to the dark realm, first beat the second boss. in the keep, go to where a guy is hanging from the ceiling by a magic mirror. talk to him and he will take you to the dark realm.(note,you have to beat 20 levels of demons.each getting harder. on some floors there are treasure chests)
    Enhance your gauntlet
    To enhance your gauntlet, every 20,000 red souls you absorb will enhance your gauntlet when you go to a magic mirror and pick enhance.
    Get New Kaede Outfit
    Finish the game and receive an "S" ranking.

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    How to get to the deamon relm

    First you will have to search through the house (mainly in the middle) to get a great bow and a great arrow the go where the lady turned into a flying bee and use both the great arrow and the great bow and shoot the device that is creating the forcefield.
    Ultimate mode
    You have to first get all the flouries in the game and then beat the oni mini game. Once you have done that you will have the ultimate mode with lots of goodies.
    Get Speed trail Mini Game
    Get all 20 Fluorites in the game & save

  • PS2 | Submitted by Kerry

    How to beat the 'Dark Realm' battle-game

    After you beat the monsters, the light pillar will appear and keep going down until you reach the last level. Bishamon Flute is awaiting you. You must not attack without defend or use some of your power if the demons are too strong for you to defeat it. Defend is the most important in this game and Medicine. Don't use any Herb or Medicine from the beginning of the game. If you needed use Medicine cause Herb can be upgrade to become Medicine. You must have at least 3 or 2 Medicine before get here or you will die soon.
    Stage 1 - Nothing. Hold R1 and keep hitting Square button.
    Stage 2 - Nothing. Hold R1 and keep hitting Square button.
    Stage 3 - Nothing. Hold R1 and keep hitting Square button. Defend and power.
    Stage 4 - Nothing. Hold R1 and keep hitting Square button. Defend and power.
    Stage 5 - Nothing. Hold R1 and keep hitting Square button. Defend and power.
    Stage 6 - Fluorites. Hold R1 and keep hitting Square button. Defend and power.
    Stage 7 - Nothing. Hold R1 and keep hitting Square button. Defend and power.
    Stage 8 - Nothing. Hold R1 and keep hitting Square button. Defend and power.
    Stage 9 - Nothing. Hold R1 and keep hitting Square button. Defend and power.
    Stage 10 - Soul Absorber. Hold R1 and keep hitting Square button. Defend and power
    Stage 11 - Fluorites. Hold R1 and keep hitting Square button. Defend and power.
    Stage 12 - Talisman. Hold R1 and keep hitting Square button. Defend and power.
    Stage 13 - Herb/Medicine. Hold R1 and keep hitting Square button. Defend and power.
    Stage 14 - Nothing. Hold R1 and keep hitting Square button. Defend and power.
    Stage 15 - Nothing. Hold R1 and keep hitting Square button. Defend and power.
    Stage 16 - Herb/Medicine. Hold R1 and keep hitting Square button. Defend and power.
    Stage 17 - Fluorites. Hold R1 and keep hitting Square button. Defend and power.
    Stage 18 - Herb/Medicine. Hold R1 and keep hitting Square button. Defend and power.
    Stage 19 - Nothing. Hold R1 and keep hitting Square button. Defend and power.
    Stage 20 - Bishamon Flute. Hold R1 and keep hitting Square button. Defend and power.
    List Item in 'Dark Realm'
    Talisman - For reviving your character (Samanosuke or Kaede)
    Medicine - Restore strength to it maximum
    Herb - Restore a little of strength
    Fluorites - Use to unlocked the Oni-spirits mini-game
    Soul Absorber - Automatically absorb the enemy's soul
    Bishamon Flute - Use to open the door to get the Bishamon Sword

Onimusha: Warlords Cheats

  • PS2 | Submitted by GamesRadar

    Get Onimusha 2 Video

    After you finish the game, save and start a new game and look for the "Special report" option
    Get New Outfits
    After finishing the game, save and start a new game. Choose the "Shinnosuke Normal/Special" option

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