Phantasy Star Online 2 coming to North America

Segaannouncedtoday that Phantasy Star Online 2, the sequel to the highly cherished 2001 RPG will be coming to North America and Europe. The announcement comes just a week after the game launched in Japan.

"The number one thing we want to provide players in Phantasy Star Online 2 is an adventure that changes every time they log in. Just as great table-top RPG experiences revolve around imaginative and unexpected encounters, we want players to consistently be surprised as they explore dungeons and undertake quests."

We don't yet know precisely when we'll be seeing PSO2 release outside of Japan, but Sega is currently saying it will be released in "early 2013." Which might sound like a long time away, but is rapidly creeping up on us.

You can check out the game in action in the video below, or skip on over to the main site for a look at a fancy new CG trailer.

Andrew Groen

Andrew is a freelance video game journalist, writing for sites like Wired and GamesRadar. Andrew has also written a book called EMPIRES OF EVE: A History of the Great Wars of EVE Online.