Play Halo 3 early, get banned?

Sept 19, 2007

Seenthe pics of those lucky shoppers who've managed to get Halo 3 early? Well don't feel too jealous as according to unconfirmed internet reports they're about to get a hefty Xbox Live ban.

According to various reports Microsoft will ban anyone found playing its shooter before the official September 26 release date next week - even if they're offline when they play it. Your Xbox will magically detect whether you've been playing it or not.

Microsoft recently dropped the ban hammer on two unlucky gamers who managed tosneak onto the Epsilon beta test, the cheeky buggers.

In an email toNext Gen, Argos, a UK retailer,blamed an administrative error for the early sales of Halo 3, saying that it now intends to strictly honor the UK street date.

Argos has already apologized for their mishandling of the situation, and you can read its official statementhere.

Courtesy of CVG.