Gaming's wildest animal attacks

Mother Nature is a cruel mistress
The Assassin's Creed series is taking things back to the Bronze Age in Assassin's Creed: Origins, and Ubisoft's Ancient Egypt is crawling with plenty of large, nasty beasties that new protagonist Bayek will have to contend with. It's given me a few flashbacks to all of the clawed critters i've had to contend with over my gaming years, so it's time to endure the teeth marks and tetanus jabs to bring you some of the deadliest animal fighters that the medium has to offer...

Far Cry 4
If Babar taught you anything (other than elephants look surprisingly svelte in lime green suits), it's that you should never trust a rhino. Aside from irritable snow leopards and peckish birds of prey, Far Cry 4's gorgeous Kyrat is also home to the grumpiest rhinos since Lord Rataxes.

Ah, the little safari sim that almost could. Though it never got a UK release, enthused importers were treated to all sorts of marvellous critter-on-critter carnage. Leopard vs gazelle? Leopard wins! Cheetah vs gazelle? Cheetah wins! African dung beetle vs gazelle? Bug wins! Apparently you should never bet money on a gazelle in a fight...

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
Wheres Mick Dundee when you need him? Men that shoot hornets from their gobs are pretty scary, but I'd rather scrap against The Pain than be dragged to the depths by Snake Eater's water-dwelling reptiles. Maybe putting on this croc hat will help Big Boss blend in... nope, hes been eaten again.

Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag
Uh, Edward, mate? You're going to need a bigger life boat. Edward may be a top Assassin, but go fishing with too few harpoons and the pirate will quickly end up as dessert for Mr White. "Resquieta in Pace", as fellow Assassin Ezio might say.

3.) Red Dead Redemption
You know how the West wasn't won? By idling around on John Marston's steed and getting nibbled on by a mountain lion. With wolves, coyotes, boars and bears, there are few safe spots on Red Dead Redemption's epic map, and there's no doubt in my mind that the upcoming sequel is going to be littered with even more period-authentic beasties.

Resident Evil Outbreak File 2
Why, oh why, would anyone think Raccoon City Zoo was a safe place to see out the zombie apocalypse? All 17 people who bought a PS2 network adaptor to play Resident Evil Outbreak File 2 could enjoy being chased around Undead Central's animal pens by Oscar the rotting elephant. After that ordeal, you'll never be able to watch Dumbo again.

Tomb Raider Underworld
Chasing a gauntlet in Thailand during Tomb Raider: Underworld, Croft happens upon some tigers and, unlike Greedo, you're damn sure she starts shooting first. So what if they're endangered? It's not worth the bite scars.

Tokyo Jungle
Sika deer READY! Pomeranian READY! THREE! TWO! ON-actually, forget it. A lioness has eaten both of them. In the wilds of the Tokyo Jungle, humankind has been wiped out, leaving the Earth's modern Mesopotamia at the mercy of Mother Nature in this circle of death sim. In short, it's an animal bloodbath.

Far Cry Primal
As if Far Cry 4's elephants weren't enough, Ubisoft decided to cover them in a woolly jumper, sharpen their tusks, and make them about twice the size in Stone Age-set sequel Far Cry Primal. Mammoths aren't the only threats you have to worry about in Oros Valley, though, as sabre tooth tigers, dire wolves and cave bears are also on the prowl. At least you can tame them this time around, if you're brave enough to try.
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